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Core Halloween Festival Lunatic Racer Achievement can only be done with Path Of Fire Mounts


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I came to the forums looking for exactly this post. I don't have PoF yet, although I do plan to buy it when I have the money. Now I'm doing Halloween and I find out that I can't get the pants box without buying the expansion? NOT FAIR. Yeah, sure, we can craft them, but it's an unfair advantage to PoF owners for something that is core to the look of the Lunatic outfit. I mean, if it was shoulders or something, meh, big deal. But it's PANTS.

I like the idea of renting a mount for the race. Thumbs up to you!

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> @udoh.5307 said:

> I'm pretty sure the title says it all, but I don't remember seeing any core game achievements being tied to gliding from Heat of Thorns


There are several side story achievements taking place in core Tyria that require HoT/LS3. As well, gliding is allowed in WvW now and is a much bigger issue in terms of impacting the game experience for players who don't have it.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> Game needs to move forward, not staying in 2012 anymore. This is good decision to add expansion related activities to core Tyria to encourage more people into buying expansion. This is B2P game.


It's a bit of a double edged sword, though. In this example, new players are frustrated during Halloween, which might cause them to quit instead of buying the expansion.. If you get my point

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> @Danith.3264 said:

> Yeah, this is a bummer. I just came back to GW2 and I'm having a blast leveling a Necro (lvl 30). I fully intend on purchasing HOT and POF and playing through all that content. The event dropped today which I wasn't even aware of, so it was a really cool surprise. It was even cooler when I found out I could get some of the cosmetic rewards from it.


> However, it's a real buzz kill that I can only get 5/6 pieces. I'm more than happy to spend hours climbing that kitten tower, but being completely denied an item is just meh.


All pieces are also craftable, so the skin isn't actually locked.

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> @Danith.3264 said:

> However, it's a real buzz kill that I can only get 5/6 pieces. I'm more than happy to spend hours climbing that kitten tower, but being completely denied an item is just meh.


You're not denied anything apart from the achievement and the free piece. You can craft all 3 armour sets, check the vendor west of the mystic forge.


> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> It's MUCH better than the one that requires that you beat the Mad King's Clocktower.


Same, you can do it, but you don't have to.

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From patch notes:

>@Mark Katzbach.9084 said:

>Halloween achievements have been split into 3 categories: Halloween Rituals for repeatable achievements, Shadow of the Mad King for one-time achievements related to Magister Tassi's investigation of the Mad King's past, and Lunatic Wardrobe for one-time achievements related to the Lunatic Court's fashion. These achievements are intended to **return in future years**, so don't worry if you find any of them daunting—you'll be able to continue them during a later Halloween celebration with this year's progress intact.


You can get it next year, after buying PoF in some discount over the next year (I'm sure there'll be one), or you can craft it if you want it this year. I really don't see the problem with the race at this point. Having mounts in the lab is a different topic though.


Edit: Emphasis added

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Actually, I have a thief with the build for having a speed boost when dodging (and 3 dodges for daredevil), and I also have my shortbow skill 5 which teleports me a short distance, and with those together, I can complete the race on foot.

... It actually completely skipped my mind that the race was for mounts, so the first time, I went on foot... even though I saw the NPCs and other players on mounts. Let's just pretend that I wanted to try it on foot.

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> @Danith.3264 said:

> Yeah, this is a bummer. I just came back to GW2 and I'm having a blast leveling a Necro (lvl 30). I fully intend on purchasing HOT and POF and playing through all that content. The event dropped today which I wasn't even aware of, so it was a really cool surprise. It was even cooler when I found out I could get some of the cosmetic rewards from it.


> However, it's a real buzz kill that I can only get 5/6 pieces. I'm more than happy to spend hours climbing that kitten tower, but being completely denied an item is just meh.


I'm not sure if you already know this but there is a recipe vendor so that you can craft the 6th item instead of being locked out of it. I understand that buying has a different feeling than earning the piece, but you don't have to do without just because you don't have a mount.

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> @udoh.5307 said:

> They purposefully avoided putting in HoT Masteries, gliding or updrafts into PoF so if you didn't own HoT, you could still experience the content, so I am not sure they put one PoF mastery into the Core game.


PoF doesn't require HoT's masteries because PoF is paid content and HoT is sold optionally. PoF could have had optional usage of HoT's masteries, but they would have been ultimately useless since they wouldn't want to enable you to skip PoF's masteries. ArenaNet has been very casual when it comes to requiring paid content. There's no reason however why they couldn't require each and every expansion, nor should it be unexpected considering that's how it usually works. With so many optional extensions to the world now, expect them to begin using free content more often as an incentive to buy it. If they ever do a 3rd set of legendaries for example, they could require any of the content-specific materials since they're no longer tied to expansions.

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It's annoying that everytime they are going to put new things that requires masteries/mounts/whateverinsomeexpansionpack there are players which complain about.


The race is something meant for PoF players and without mounts it not possible to be completed "UNDER 2 MINS" for the achievement.

So what?

Armor can be obtained through different ways.


They did not ruin what you can do or not during the seasonal event, but still there are complaints ( from players which do not support the game ).



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This may sound harsh but people become more and more entitled. No if you dont buy expansions you shouldnt have access to the features that are the prime selling point. If you care that much about the game buy the expansion. It is half the price of your average WoW expansion and worth it. All you miss out with the race are 30ap and a free armor skin you can craft. Everyday people post about how it is unfair they dont have free mounts while others pay to have them. If you dont own PoF you dont need mounts,for the core game they are just an extra convenience for those who support the game

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I don't see an issue. They wisely added an option to buy and craft every skin you get from Lunatic Wardrobe. So yeah, you lose access to a "free" skin and a few AP, but that's about it. If the skin is your concern you aren't locked out of that particular aspect.


I don't see a problem with them providing content and rewards to players who support the game by purchasing expansions. Quite the opposite in fact, its a nice thing as long as its a small thing here and there .

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And in GW1 those without the Factions expansion were locked out of the best areas for Dragon Festival and Canthan New Year, and there was no Rollerbeetle racing for them at all (one of the best mini games ever :) ).There were some token mini games in Lion's Arch, but you sure as heck weren't going to be farming the annual minis by anything other than blind luck if you didn't have Factions. So, this is not a new thing for ArenaNet.. This notion that a gaming business owes you anything you didn't specifically buy is kind of nuts. Mounts are in the game now, Gliding is in the game now, elite specializations are in the game now. What happens in the expansions affects all regions of the game in some manner. You either support the developers by buying the expansions or you cope without the features the expansions provide.


Could they have implemented mount rental? Sure. But that's as much of a valid argument as you can make, as it isn't something they were obligated to do, or even necessarily should have done as it would have been development time devoted to a customer base made up of non paying customers. If seeing groups of mounted players leaping over your head while you battle a candy corn elemental doesn't make you think, "dang, I need one of those", vs. "this is unfair that I don't have something I didn't pay for!", the problem is with you, not ArenaNet.

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> @udoh.5307 said:

> I'm pretty sure the title says it all, but I don't remember seeing any core game achievements being tied to gliding from Heat of Thorns, so I am not sure why there is an achievement and an armor box being tied to Path of Fire only players.


> The race has to be finished within 2 minutes, maybe they could either up the time, (so it could be run), or maybe "lend" players a mount for the duration of the race.


Is this the new rollerbeetle racing!!????? Hyyýpe

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I think the OP's point is that there's a core festival with a skin tied to an achievement that's gated behind purchase. There are four ways to address that complaint:

> * ANet offers "borrowed" mounts available in the Lab (without masteries, probably still challenging to finish in under 2 minutes).

> * ANet changes the requirement so that _Lunatic Racer_ can be completed without a mount.

> * ANet renames the category, "Lunatic Wardrobe" to "Path of Fire Lunatic Wardrobe", thus clarifying their (presumed) intent.

> * The OP renames the category in their head, pretending that ANet was less ambiguous to start with.


> The fourth can be done today and doesn't require convincing anyone else, although of course it's unsatisfying as it's a work-around.


> (There's also 5 AP and 3 ToT bags in _Halloween Rituals_, but that seems less important. It's not as if all achievements have been 100% accessible generally.)


> ****

> The OP didn't mention that the Mad King's Clock Tower is also a requirement for the wardrobe and that's probably going to gate a whole lot of people (I know that I've never managed to complete it, so I'm a lot less worried about any of the other requirements).


That requirement is gated by skill.


The other is gated by a paywall.


Not equal.

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> @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

> This may sound harsh but people become more and more entitled. No if you dont buy expansions you shouldnt have access to the features that are the prime selling point. If you care that much about the game buy the expansion. It is half the price of your average WoW expansion and worth it. All you miss out with the race are 30ap and a free armor skin you can craft. Everyday people post about how it is unfair they dont have free mounts while others pay to have them. If you dont own PoF you dont need mounts,for the core game they are just an extra convenience for those who support the game


Since you're going to call people entitled, I'm going to call you out for being privileged. You have the advantage/convenience in this game with all expansions and a max level. There are many reasons that people might not be in the same position you are.


Is it a big issue, no. It's not. I do, however, think that a core festival activity that is accessible to every level, including level 1, should be given a fair playing field. If a level 5 warrior who has bought the expansions and hasn't boosted (like is recommended by so many people for their first toon) is able to get in the lab, then I think he should be able to do all of the activities in the lab. If there were a level 80 only lab, then I'd be cool with the mount races. Since it's not, then I'm not cool with it being there. That's how I feel about it. I don't feel it's game breaking or anything, but I'd rather get this feedback to Anet before they do something I strongly disagree with..

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> @Serophous.9085 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > I think the OP's point is that there's a core festival with a skin tied to an achievement that's gated behind purchase. There are four ways to address that complaint:

> > * ANet offers "borrowed" mounts available in the Lab (without masteries, probably still challenging to finish in under 2 minutes).

> > * ANet changes the requirement so that _Lunatic Racer_ can be completed without a mount.

> > * ANet renames the category, "Lunatic Wardrobe" to "Path of Fire Lunatic Wardrobe", thus clarifying their (presumed) intent.

> > * The OP renames the category in their head, pretending that ANet was less ambiguous to start with.

> >

> > The fourth can be done today and doesn't require convincing anyone else, although of course it's unsatisfying as it's a work-around.

> >

> > (There's also 5 AP and 3 ToT bags in _Halloween Rituals_, but that seems less important. It's not as if all achievements have been 100% accessible generally.)

> >

> > ****

> > The OP didn't mention that the Mad King's Clock Tower is also a requirement for the wardrobe and that's probably going to gate a whole lot of people (I know that I've never managed to complete it, so I'm a lot less worried about any of the other requirements).


> That requirement is gated by skill.


> The other is gated by a paywall.


> Not equal.


Yes. Not equal.


One restricts, to a degree, content to customers who paid for access.


The other restricts (some) paying customers from access.


That said, I dont have a problem with a skill gate, even if it means that I wont have access to the JP rewards.

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