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Is heart of thorns meant to feel this hard as a new player?

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> I never get used to it. But, that's ok. There are plenty of other maps.


yea but this is where the story leads you. and it is the only place you can learn gliding. if they had hidden it away in some dungeon, then it wouldnt had hurt the game so much. OFC they would have to make something else instead.

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> @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > change your build

> > But this advice only goes so far as long as "changing your build" doesn't require the player to change their underlying playstyle.


> That depends on whether your underlying play style is adequate to meet the challenge.


> Underlying playstyle can be a euphemism for actually not being good enough; at pressing the right buttons, at the right time, in the right order, at the right speed; moving and positioning your character; understanding and selecting an appropriate build and gear.


> These are, for certain parts of the game (for example, PvP , WvW, Raids.... HoT), neither trivial nor optional requirements in order to be effective and successful.


> They require research, learning, practice, and the obtaining resources you need to acquire the gear you prefer... basically, effort.


> Commensurate with that success, and the effort required to achieve it, is an associated sense of achievement and empowerment.


> I think it was in this thread, much earlier, that I wrote about my own experience of HoT. In a nutshell, it completely changed the game for me, my engagement with it, and my understanding of it; painfully at first, but ultimately for the better.


> There is a lot of measured, useful and thoughtful discussion and advice in this thread.


> But I see it peppered with snide comments from some people to whom I can only say, unambiguously, you need to get good at the game, you need to stop being lazy, and you need to stop blaming other people for your own inability to meet the challenge.


> I did. And I'm not a particularly good player.

> But I'm a better one now.

> And I enjoy the game more for it.

> And I have HoT to thank for that. Along with the help and advice of others, and my own efforts.


> Smug?

> Sure, whatever, if it's important to you to believe that.


> But take a long, hard look at that 'underlying playstyle' and ask yourself some honest questions.


> Good luck.


"play as you want" their own words, it was SOLD as a casual game

hot is the exact OPPOSITE of casual. and it has the performance to prove it too.

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > we know, that the core game sold roughly 6 mio, and hot around 1.5 mio, dont have any numbers on pof

> >

> > Source? I don't recall ever seeing hot sale numbers. Hot had to work with any players left playing the game when it was released. if out of those 6 millions that bought the core game, only 1.5 million left playing, because of the core game, then hot did a very good job indeed. Can't really expect an expansion to compare with an overhyped new game release.

> >

> > > they only did that after the forums lit up, and practically FORCED them

> >

> > Or they had it pre-planned months ago. At least until after the Icebrood Saga announcement.

> >

> > > it was in a post long time ago from one of the devs, AFAIR it was about raiding.

> >

> > Raiding and core game story are very different things. Also, "long time ago" and May 2020 might have very different results


> loooool....sure buddy. believe what u want. not gonna bother anymore. i actually think the next episode is going to be even closer to the core game.

> try explaining the sudden drop in difficulty, so far into the game


So you have no actual sources or facts to back up any of your claims. Just "we know" and "they said sometime in the past". Good to know. We'll see how the next episode is gonna be

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

> > > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > > change your build

> > > But this advice only goes so far as long as "changing your build" doesn't require the player to change their underlying playstyle.

> >

> > That depends on whether your underlying play style is adequate to meet the challenge.

> >

> > Underlying playstyle can be a euphemism for actually not being good enough; at pressing the right buttons, at the right time, in the right order, at the right speed; moving and positioning your character; understanding and selecting an appropriate build and gear.

> >

> > These are, for certain parts of the game (for example, PvP , WvW, Raids.... HoT), neither trivial nor optional requirements in order to be effective and successful.

> >

> > They require research, learning, practice, and the obtaining resources you need to acquire the gear you prefer... basically, effort.

> >

> > Commensurate with that success, and the effort required to achieve it, is an associated sense of achievement and empowerment.

> >

> > I think it was in this thread, much earlier, that I wrote about my own experience of HoT. In a nutshell, it completely changed the game for me, my engagement with it, and my understanding of it; painfully at first, but ultimately for the better.

> >

> > There is a lot of measured, useful and thoughtful discussion and advice in this thread.

> >

> > But I see it peppered with snide comments from some people to whom I can only say, unambiguously, you need to get good at the game, you need to stop being lazy, and you need to stop blaming other people for your own inability to meet the challenge.

> >

> > I did. And I'm not a particularly good player.

> > But I'm a better one now.

> > And I enjoy the game more for it.

> > And I have HoT to thank for that. Along with the help and advice of others, and my own efforts.

> >

> > Smug?

> > Sure, whatever, if it's important to you to believe that.

> >

> > But take a long, hard look at that 'underlying playstyle' and ask yourself some honest questions.

> >

> > Good luck.


> "play as you want" their own words, it was SOLD as a casual game

> hot is the exact OPPOSITE of casual. and it has the performance to prove it too.


I dunno man.

I consider myself pretty casual.


And what I *wanted* was to *play* HoT, the way it was designed.

It just took me a while to realise that.


Of course, in the process, everything else that had come before became utterly trivial.


I guess that's what you prefer and are advocating for; a world of triviality; a world where 'playing how you want' means you can, literally, just press 1 and win the game; where your choice of weapons, gear, traits and skills is all completely unnecessary, just smoke and mirrors, an entirely frivolous, almost cosmetic choice when none of it is required to meet the challenge of that world.


Luckily, that world exists. It's called core Tyria. Have fun.


I prefer a little more challenge and excitement in my life, a little more depth to my gaming. Not a lot, but some.



Also, was HoT sold as a casual game?

The core game was.

And guess what?

We got exactly what we paid for, and it was great.

But I reckon this game would have died ages ago without the adrenaline shot of that first expansion. For me, at least.

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