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Account & Character Rollback Issue (5/11/2020) - ANet Response

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I’d rather wait and see what they surprise us with. Seems somewhat inappropriate to be suggesting compensation


Inappropriate and completely futile.


1) No matter what people post, it won't be enough for some, so whatever ANET eventually delivers = ANET never listens to the players


2) If ANET does manage to find a consensus and delivers on it = ANET does what ever players on the forums demand, so players all post their demands on everything they want...and when ANET doesn't then deliver on those demands, see #1 above.

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> @"Luthan.5236" said:

> The only thing that needs compensation is the lost progress for player that played between the time that got rolled back now and the time the server got taken down. (A few hours or so.) Something small might be nice.


That's a good point, they should absolutely restore stuff which was lost during that time, at least important stuff like ascended equipment or gem store purchases. But I think that will need to be done by Support so they can restore the specific stuff that was lost, rather than trying to come up with blanket compensation for everyone.

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But if they restore all the players loss no compensation is needed right? Everyone should be happy with their swift response and what we all want now is to put this behind and hope their focus go again to the Living story and the new expansion instead of wasting time on compensations?

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I wasn t demanding, I was saying that if no warning or server lockdown were made then the rollback shouldn't t happen.

The moment the server lock started I stopped complaining and already apologize. Now if someone like me who looses some hours don t ask for compensation I don t really see why people who get everything back should right? The important thing is to focus on the expansion and living story and put this minor setback behind us! GW2 still stands as a great game for 8 years clearly topping GW1 and a minor setback of 3 days is nothing compared to 8 years of greatness!

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> @"doombreaker.3710" said:

> I just want one more day of SAB to get the missed out daily.


Same here, I was planing to do the missing Trib runs for the archivements on the last 2 days, but looks like I cant make it anymore bevor the end of the Festival.

1-2 days more would be nice.


But beside that I dont need any compensation.

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> @"Headhunter.4796" said:

> > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > > @"Eziair.2509" said:

> > > It's the one thing I do miss from my WoW days.

> > > Devs (well GMs) would be on the forums or in game chat.

> > > It's the one thing I really hate about GW2 - were the hell are the Devs?

> >

> > You probably meant support team. It's not the job of the dev team to handle client support. As a dev myself who's often asked to do it. It sucks, it's a huge waste of time/distraction and it doesn't necessarily bring anything positive.


> In my company the devs are in direct contact with our clients. Might be the reason why we’ve been growing 200-300% year on year for the last 5 years.


Way to jump to conclusions.

We've also been growing strong btw. But if devs have to constantly be harassed by clients someone above you isn't doing their job.

And it's even worse with video games, where the clients are hundreds of thousands of consumers, all having their own opinions that they are eager to share, some of them with malicious intent.

And before someone brings it up: This does not mean any disrespect to clients. It's just that there are different jobs. You can ask a tech guy to be presenting a product in a technical capacity, but you wouldn't ask a sales person or community manager to do so. We all know what happens when they try :)

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Honestly I don't think they need to do anything.

> Things happen and servers go down..


> It was a short inconvinience at most.. and they worked hard getting servers back up asap.

> That's already enough for me :)




I'm just happy my progress and items are back. That's all I wanted and hoped for. I don't need any other compensation. I had put a lot of time into the game over the weekend so had lost quite a bit. Had lost lots of progress, characters, character levels, items bought with gems, gold, items, etc. And even though I would have lost a lot in terms of progression in the game if they had not been able to fix it, I know others would have lost much more than even me.


I just logged in to check to see if everything seemed to be back to where it should be, and all looks good so far. Thanks for fixing this unintended rollback so we didn't lose days worth of progression! I was worried it wouldn't be possible.

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Whilst you are all at liberty to discuss a topic like this, please be mindful of the User Agreement you _all_ agreed to. Specifically, the following:




* You acknowledge that ArenaNet may in its reasonable discretion provide subsequent versions, enhancements, modifications, upgrades or patches related to any part of the Service.

* You acknowledge that Service may be interrupted for reasons within or beyond the control of ArenaNet, that ArenaNet cannot and does not guarantee You will be able to use the Game or any Account whenever You wish to do so, that ArenaNet will interrupt the Service on a regular basis for purposes of maintenance or updates and may do so without providing You with notice before such interruption, and that ArenaNet may provide subsequent versions, enhancements, modifications, upgrades or patches related to the Game that You must accept and/or install before You will be able to use the Game.




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> @"snarfrificus.4230" said:

> > @"Soulus.4308" said:

> > > @"snarfrificus.4230" said:

> > > No matter what happens, i want a repair canister for this.

> >

> > A repair canister AND a revive orb. I know, it's a lot to ask for but I can dream.


> You are right sir, we need those things. i do not care about my gold lost, as long as we get those things.


This might be too much to ask... but i want a princess llama

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Lets not be so mercenary please. We got the game back, we got the progress back. They said they are looking at compensation, so lets not start demanding, polling or setting further expectations.


A minor inconvenience in a video game is all that happened here

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"Go through what we went through." God, are you serious? It wasn't even down for 24 hours and this the first time in 8 years. They already lost what people would've spent yesterday; and giving out free stuff (of choice!) is probably another day. Yes, you are a customer, so am I, but requesting this after one day of downtime is exactly the entitled attitude that makes working in customer care the hassle it is. Companies are allowed to make mistakes without them having to beg for forgiveness on their knees, afterwards, even more so if it's been resolved without losses for the customers.

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I'd be happy if the word Compensation got tossed into the forum censorship pile and was replaced by Kittens. People seem to want "compensation" for everything, whether a problem or a new feature- I disconnected near the end of a dungeon? - Compensation! Legendary skins in the wardrobe? - Compensation! Server problems? - Compensation! New legendary armory functionality? - Compensation! Balance changes alter your build? - Compensation! No WvW Alliances yet - Compensation! errr...well, that last one....

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