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Raid Decoration Tokens: That's enough now, it's time for a change!

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Update the Decoration bundle to allow for "Consume All" deposits, auto-deposits upon pick-up, or better yet: let us opt-out of receiving them all together. The decorations are meaningless with enough play time, and only serve as 'killproof' within the community, instead of their intended use, fun items for the Guild Hall. Evenstill, a guild that raids together can amass more than enough decorations for their hall to decorate their guild. There comes a point in time where enough is enough, and we don't need this trash any longer.


P.S. The Decoration Trader in the Guild Halls only accepting 1 token at a time is utter bologna and should be considered a bug. Repetitive Strain Injuries are real, and unnecessary reptitive clicking will only worsen the damage.

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> @"Distillia.9834" said:

> Update the Decoration bundle to allow for "Consume All" deposits, auto-deposits upon pick-up, or better yet: let us opt-out of receiving them all together. The decorations are meaningless with enough play time, and only serve as 'killproof' within the community, instead of their intended use, fun items for the Guild Hall. Evenstill, a guild that raids together can amass more than enough decorations for their hall to decorate their guild. There comes a point in time where enough is enough, and we don't need this trash any longer.


> P.S. The Decoration Trader in the Guild Halls only accepting 1 token at a time is utter bologna and should be considered a bug. Repetitive Strain Injuries are real, and unnecessary reptitive clicking will only worsen the damage.


I'm just posting this here, but if people don't want their tokens I'll gladly take them for my personal guild! I've been wanting to amass a bunch of the mursaat platforms.


Personally, I don't know why they make them account/soulbound or whatever. They didn't with the djinn tokens. They need to just go back and make the other ones trade able. If for no other reason than creating more incentive to get people to raid more. It is sad that people are requiring them as kill proof. I really hate the idea, but if it's really that necessary maybe Arenanet can add some other system to allow people to show their kill counts of certain bosses.


I haven't really bothered with raids though aside from a few bosses in Bastion and Stronghold. Would love to get the legendary armor someday but I think the servers might shut down before I ever work myself up to it. lol

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