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Server Maintenance Reward is super unfair

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i lost a whole bunch of achievements, gold and about hundred crafting levels. hours of getting stuff done went poof, and for me getting a nice skin is a good way to make up for everything i lost. i mean sure, i definitely would be bummed if i was one of the people who are not getting the license, but i think its odd to be angry because anet is giving a gift for people who had a bunch of gameplay wiped permanently.

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> @"Matze.8395" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > The mount is for those who lost progress that cannot be restored. Those who stayed away didn't lose their time, didn't lose their progress. I'm not seeing the issue here.

> >

> > I stayed away - why on Earth should I get rewarded with a free mount licence for doing something else instead of losing progress or wasting my time?

> Just think a step further.

> All those who chose to not log in, since they heard of huge problems, lost potentiell progress. All those who could no longer log in, after the server got shut down, lost their chance to make progress. And it's not like "just do it another time" - SAB was cancelled as planned.

> Me and my raid group couldn't log in. We would have cleared our usual wings, as we always do. Because we couldn't, we lost our raid progress for that day.

> All those who went online and did actual progress should have thought for a second before doing so. From the very beginning it was either: Get the weekend back OR keep the monday! There's no sane mingling of two save games.

> There were even warnings, to not got out and try difficult achievments/raids and so on. Some did, and are getting their stuff back, despite that they knew.

> But sure, give those back their monday progress, loot, and on top an actual okayish reward.



Yet there are people who actually did all lose progress and their time. Losing potential progress and losing actual progress are not the same thing or are comparable imo.

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> @"Mutisija.5017" said:

> i lost a whole bunch of achievements, gold and about hundred crafting levels. hours of getting stuff done went poof, and for me getting a nice skin is a good way to make up for everything i lost. i mean sure, i definitely would be bummed if i was one of the people who are not getting the license, but i think its odd to be angry because anet is giving a gift for people who had a bunch of gameplay wiped permanently.


Now imagine you woke up on Monday and heard that all that effort for TWO days went missing... Especially if you knew that this was an issue on Monday, why the heck would you go in and do all this stuff, especially with the recommendation being to NOT log in. I'm not angry for them giving a gift to people who didn't wait it out. I'm angry that the people who lost a day and a half of SAB as well as other stuff (in our case for example a day of raids) are getting slapped in the face just because we decided to listen to instructions or just even didn't have the ability to log on. Give EVERYONE the SAME compensation. Don't play favoritism here, because that just sucks for everyone.

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> @"Aechidna.3084" said:

> Now imagine you woke up on Monday and heard that all that effort for TWO days went missing... Especially if you knew that this was an issue on Monday, why the heck would you go in and do all this stuff, especially with the recommendation being to NOT log in.


i had not been playing in the weekend, so i did not notice anything out of ordinary. and when i eventually did find out about the situation through map chat, i did not realize at all that they would end up rolling back to the time where stuff broke, because i am not familiar with situations like this at all. when i did understand what would happen when anet gets around fixing it, i logged out instantly, but it was too late. if i had understood the situation and what it exactly means, i definitely would not have played at all.

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If you logged in even for a second in the allotted time and back out, you're entitled to a mount, regardless if you lost anything or not.

People who did not log in because they knew something was wrong (Heard from friends/ read forum/ twitter) don't get the mount. They still missed out on over a day of play time, still were worried and thinking "Man I might have to redo all those achievements I did over the weekend if they can't fix it."


This is the unfairness, if I had logged in to "see what was missing" rather than thinking "It'll be fine, they will fix it I'll log in after and see if I am still missing things"

If it was only going to people who lost stuff then sure, but I know a few people who logged in and straight out during that time will still get a mount even though they have lost nothing.

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Just my 2 cents...

Also happened to me. My boyfriend logged in on Monday and told me about the roll back. I decided it was best to NOT log in that day and waited patiently untill it was fixed. I didnt want to cause any more harm to my account.

After reading this topic I went to see if I also got the reward. Nope. Did my BF get the reward? Yes. Al he did that day was doing the 10 AP daily and he logged off after. Its not like he missed a lot of progress...

Feels a bit a slap in the face while doing something good... We were both like ´f--- what will happen now?´ that day. We played SAB all weekend together. And now he also even feels bad about, because I didnt get a compensation but he did. xD I also read that some people got Bonfire only which I didnt even get as well. They should just compensate for everyone that logged in the past weekend imo.

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Thing is, there was a number of hours lost between the time it now was reset to and the time the rollback happened, which you don't seem to understand. Not the server downtime. Not the time after the rollback happened. "I stayed away after I heard about the rollback". Yeah we all did, but that's not the time lost we're talking about here. We're not talking about anyone logging in and playing *after* the rollback happened, but before it happened. There's a number of hours there where people played, when no-one knew of any problems even though they were there, and that time and whatever they did in the game, is now gone.


I'm sorry for you guys who didn't play and lose anything (except your potential playtime, which we all lost) feeling you need to be "rewarded" in the same way those who did actually spend time playing and did things *during the time that was wiped* (which they won't ever get back). And once again, no, that's not the time after the rollback. A skin is a meagre compensation, but it's something at least. Everyone will get "rewarded" with a bonfire for the potential playtime being lost.

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> @"darksome.1697" said:

> I'm sorry for you guys who didn't play and lose anything (except your potential playtime, which we all lost) feeling you need to be "rewarded" in the same way those who did actually spend time playing and did things *during the time that was wiped*


Actually, I'm just advocating for fairness here.


The people who actually lost things should get something I agree, but people who logged in and lost nothing are also getting the mount. Where do you draw the line? People who logged in and lost 1copper? People who logged in and lost nothing?


There is no way to tell what people lost, so they are giving to everyone who logged in during a certain time - But that still means there are people who lost nothing that are getting a mount - this is not fair (If I had logged in for a second in the right time slot I'd be getting the same thing as everyone else who threw caution to the wind and logged in). Either everyone who had a really shitty day of not being able to play / worrying if their stuff would be restored should get it or they should set a value on the amount you needed to have lost to get compensation and dish them out manually.


Blanket time stamp is easier to distribute, but far from fair. All I can see happening from this is that if there ever is an issue again everyone will be logging in "Just in case" they miss out on another decent freebie.



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> @"Kaida.1478" said:

> > @"darksome.1697" said:

> > I'm sorry for you guys who didn't play and lose anything (except your potential playtime, which we all lost) feeling you need to be "rewarded" in the same way those who did actually spend time playing and did things *during the time that was wiped*


> Actually, I'm just advocating for fairness here.


> The people who actually lost things should get something I agree, but people who logged in and lost nothing are also getting the mount. Where do you draw the line? People who logged in and lost 1copper? People who logged in and lost nothing?


> There is no way to tell what people lost, so they are giving to everyone who logged in during a certain time - But that still means there are people who lost nothing that are getting a mount - this is not fair. Either everyone who had a really kitten day of not being able to play / worrying if their stuff would be restored should get it or they should set a value on the amount you needed to have lost to get compensation and dish them out manually.



You're right, you could potentially just have logged on, and decided to stand still in Lion's Arch or wherever for a few hours or even a minute doing nothing in-game during the time before the rollback and the time the servers were reset to, and not lost anything. I have no idea how Anet is finding those entitled to receive the skin, so I'm not going to make guesses. I was merely trying to explain what time we're talking about here, since it seems the OP and the others feeling cheated on a "reward" thinks Anet is rewarding people for logging in and playing after the rollback happened. And that is not the case.


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Well, I logged in during that time so I suppose I'll get the Mount Select Licence. Not that it'll do me any good because I already bought all those Licenses the moment I saw they were available.


I suppose they chose these Licenses because they're new and there's a limited chance that people already have them but I think it's odd that for compensation they choose an item that's _only_ of use to players who own PoF.

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> > > @"darksome.1697" said:

it seems the OP and the others feeling cheated on a "reward" thinks Anet is rewarding people for logging in and playing after the rollback happened. And that is not the case.


I feel a bit cheated because people who logged in and lost nothing also get compensation, but I do not because I didn't log in during the very specific time frame they decided you have needed to. Someone who lost nothing, someone who lost 1g and someone who lost a legendary precursor all get the same compensation provided they logged in between x and y time (Granted the precursor will probably be returned after a wait of about a week or two for support to get to your ticket).

So we're dealing with basically 4 groups -


Lost nothing but logged in = gets mount

Lost nothing of real value (nothing worth putting in a ticket about) = gets mount

Lost a lot, probably will get it back from support but will have to wait = gets mount

Didn't log in because knew about issues and thought it was the best thing to do to just wait and ticket after if anything was missing = gets only the bonfire


I feel this sets a dangerous precedent for if anything like this happens again in the future. (I.e. People will log in just to make sure they are seen as "entitled" by the computer, which will result in even more players getting free things even though they actually weren't that affected.)



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> @"darksome.1697" said:

> Thing is, there was a number of hours lost between the time it now was reset to and the time the rollback happened, which you don't seem to understand. Not the server downtime. Not the time after the rollback happened. "I stayed away after I heard about the rollback". Yeah we all did, but that's not the time lost we're talking about here. We're not talking about anyone logging in and playing *after* the rollback happened, but before it happened. There's a number of hours there where people played, when no-one knew of any problems even though they were there, and that time and whatever they did in the game, is now gone.


> I'm sorry for you guys who didn't play and lose anything (except your potential playtime, which we all lost) feeling you need to be "rewarded" in the same way those who did actually spend time playing and did things *during the time that was wiped* (which they won't ever get back). And once again, no, that's not the time after the rollback. A skin is a meagre compensation, but it's something at least. Everyone will get "rewarded" with a bonfire for the potential playtime being lost.


From what I understand from the staff announcement about the compensation is that everyone who logged in AFTER the rollback gets the Mount License. I quote from Fire Attunnement:

> All EU server players who logged in to Guild Wars 2 during the affected period (between 9:40 a.m. UTC and 4:10 p.m. UTC) will receive a free Curious Creatures Mount Select License.

I dont know what UTC means, so hey Google, and from what I understand it is the same as GMT+1. But correct me if I am wrong.. I am super puzzled.


I agree I dont deserve it if the compensation was for the lost progress BEFORE the roll back. I was sleeping anyway at the moment that all happened. But if the compensation is for the people who logged in AFTER the roll back, then it is unfair for the people who decided it was best to not log in in my opinion.


EDIT: I also quote this from Stephanie:

> We apologize for the frustration and inconvenience this incident caused and are exploring ways to make up the downtime to our player community.

English may not be my native language, but from what I understand is they will compensate for the downtime. Now, that is what a lot of people have been ´suffering´ (couldnt find a better word for it atm). Nothing in their posts is telling me it is a compensation for the people who lost progress BEFORE the roll back... but please, correct me if I am wrong.

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I logged in *after* the rollback to see what was going on when the issue popped up in guild discord - found missing SAB glitched skins and various other things. Not recieved anything so far from Anet - and I log in every day, twice on the 11th. So I guess even this process is bugged.

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> @"stormseeker.5361" said:

> I logged in *after* the rollback to see what was going on when the issue popped up in guild discord - found missing SAB glitched skins and various other things. Not recieved anything so far from Anet - and I log in every day, twice on the 11th. So I guess even this process is bugged.


To be fair, I dont think even the bonfires have been handed out, so I assume the process hasn't -started-

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> > @"darksome.1697" said:

> > Thing is, there was a number of hours lost between the time it now was reset to and the time the rollback happened, which you don't seem to understand. Not the server downtime. Not the time after the rollback happened. "I stayed away after I heard about the rollback". Yeah we all did, but that's not the time lost we're talking about here. We're not talking about anyone logging in and playing *after* the rollback happened, but before it happened. There's a number of hours there where people played, when no-one knew of any problems even though they were there, and that time and whatever they did in the game, is now gone.

> >


All EU server players who logged in to Guild Wars 2 during the affected period (between 9:40 a.m. UTC and 4:10 p.m. UTC) will receive a free Curious Creatures Mount Select License.

9:40 am UTC = 10:40 am BST

4:10 pm UTC = 5:10 PM BST


"We shut down the EU game servers at approximately 4:10 p.m UTC = 5:10 PM BST

Gameplay progress between 9:40 am UTC and 4:10 pm UTC was lost - This sucks BUT -


My friend messaged me about the issue at 11:50 BST (So that's 10:50 UTC) that people were talking about the issue all over Lions Arch and the forum. There was only about an hour where it could be said that no one was really aware there was an issue.


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> @"stormseeker.5361" said:

> I logged in *after* the rollback to see what was going on when the issue popped up in guild discord - found missing SAB glitched skins and various other things. Not recieved anything so far from Anet - and I log in every day, twice on the 11th. So I guess even this process is bugged.


Give it some time, usually these things take a day or two to get through and as someone pointed out to me in another threat there is currently maintenance going on that is slowing the game down a bit.

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i logged in after the issue happend, played for like 2 o 3h and even joined a DS meta event, then they announced the server was going down and kicked all of us. Even with that, i saw like an hour ago ppl getting the licenses, so far nothing has come to me.

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I just got an ingame mail with both of the items even though I didn't know I was eligibel for the mount license as I only logged in shortly on Monday to check some stuff and re-pickup login rewards and sell some stuff because I thought the rollback couldn't be fixed anymore.

However in my honest opinion I think that EVERYONE should get noth items. Not just those who logged in during a specific time on Monday. I think everyone who was affected by the rollback deserves a license. It's just a little unfair what Anet decided here.

I have to admit, I feel a little guilty and bad for myself and the others who didn't get anything.

I hope the decision will be reconsidered. <3

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> @"Aechidna.3084" said:

> Umm, so I take huge issue with the mount select vs bonfire reward for the issues on Monday. A number of my guild for example had to work during the day, so by the time we learned that the rollback had occurred we knew all of what had happened thanks to our Discord and being active on reddit and the forums. So a large number of us didn't even bother to log in because we were patient and either we knew that anything we did would either get reset, or then it was too late because the servers had been shut down (our raid that evening for example got canceled). So to have such a huge discrepancy in reward for the people who either chose not to log in or didn't even get the chance is above and beyond unfair in my opinion. To favor the players who either put "useless" effort into doing things in the game on Monday or to punish the people who work during the day by rewarding a discrepancy of 900 gems (which, the bonfires are pretty useless tbh). And now we're still being faced with horribly laggy and problematic servers. Absolutely not ok ANet. Everyone that was affected by the rollback over the weekend, aka logged in from the period that was affected by the rollback and got a heart attack on Monday, should be receiving the same compensation. It hurts you 0 to do so.


> Tl;dr: Compensation is absolutely not fair and needs to be adjusted. Everyone that logged in on the weekend and had stuff messed up on their account should get the same compensation.


I agree it is unfair. I tried logging into the game on Sunday and Monday prior to the server errors being discovered, and I was unable to connect to the game at all. I saw screenshots from other players on Reddit and Twitter stating there were connection issues, so I figured it was a normal thing, like maybe the servers were just being disrupted. Come to find out the rollback issue happened, and I tried logging in just to see if I could still make it to the character screen to see if any of them were deleted, or corrupted in any way. Nothing happened at all, thank goodness, however like others have said I lost nearly 3 days of gameplay time, and I had some achievements for SAB lined up to finish as well, but now it seems I'll have to wait for next year. I understand Anet doesn't have to compensate us at all, however I don't agree with giving a lesser 'reward' to those who intentionally ignored the login warnings and ended up being inside the "window" of the effected time frame - thus earning them the free skin. One thing I tended to notice in my time playing GW2, is that Anet doesn't really like giving out anything worth more than a few dollars at a time. It's usually Transmutation Charges, Black Lion Statuettes, Mini Eggs, or any kind of booster that is generally easy to get. Anet should just give everyone the skin contract that logged on in within 7 days of the effected period. If they didn't want to part with so many skin contracts, then select 1 of the skins to gift everyone affected. The most they lose out on is about 400 gem value per user vs the 1200 gem value of the contract that allows you to select the skin of your choice. Thank you for getting the servers as fixed as possible, but there are still bad connectivity issues that should be looked into. Bjora Marches, for example, is plagued with bad lag that has gotten me killed in small fights because it timed out for 3-5 seconds when trying to move and use skills.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> I just got an ingame mail with both of the items even though I didn't know I was eligibel for the mount license as I only logged in shortly on Monday to check some stuff and re-pickup login rewards and sell some stuff because I thought the rollback couldn't be fixed anymore.

> However in my honest opinion I think that EVERYONE should get noth items. Not just those who logged in during a specific time on Monday. I think everyone who was affected by the rollback deserves a license. It's just a little unfair what Anet decided here.

> I have to admit, I feel a little guilty and bad for myself and the others who didn't get anything.

> I hope the decision will be reconsidered. <3


Haven't received anything yet, despite trying to log in when servers were down. No bonfire either.

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