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About the people who won't get free Curious Creatures Mount Select License after the rollback

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> @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > Likely was supposed to redirect to: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047546674-European-Server-Rollback-Issue-12-05-2020

> > >

> > > Ah, _that_ article. Okay, thank you for providing the correct link. :+1:

> > >

> > > Well, it's still not explicitly addressing the TP gold issue, and from the previous support answers I received I keep wondering whether ANet is aware of this particular issue and actually going to do something about it.

> > >

> > > Which brings me back to my original plea: **Can we get an official response on the missing Gold issue?**

> >

> > Here is your official response...

> >

> > "If you find that you are still missing items or account progress, submit a ticket and Customer Support will help you as soon as possible."

> >

> > That means wait for your "113 Gold". Anet CS was already backed up so wait. There are tons of accounts that CS has to go through and resolve issues for and you're not the only player, so wait.


> What are you not understanding about the fact OP ALREADY DID THIS and was denied a refund of their gold. And then their ticked was closed. Are they meant to create another new ticket (and likely get the same response) over and over?


Anet said to take thing up with CS, so take things up with CS. Ask for specific items back if Anet said no to gold, but ask CS and provide details to CS so CS can look thing up and make a decision.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > > Likely was supposed to redirect to: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047546674-European-Server-Rollback-Issue-12-05-2020

> > > >

> > > > Ah, _that_ article. Okay, thank you for providing the correct link. :+1:

> > > >

> > > > Well, it's still not explicitly addressing the TP gold issue, and from the previous support answers I received I keep wondering whether ANet is aware of this particular issue and actually going to do something about it.

> > > >

> > > > Which brings me back to my original plea: **Can we get an official response on the missing Gold issue?**

> > >

> > > Here is your official response...

> > >

> > > "If you find that you are still missing items or account progress, submit a ticket and Customer Support will help you as soon as possible."

> > >

> > > That means wait for your "113 Gold". Anet CS was already backed up so wait. There are tons of accounts that CS has to go through and resolve issues for and you're not the only player, so wait.

> >

> > What are you not understanding about the fact OP ALREADY DID THIS and was denied a refund of their gold. And then their ticked was closed. Are they meant to create another new ticket (and likely get the same response) over and over?



> TBH if anet has told people they arent refunding gold in those tickets, thats an official response too. Ive seen others in the past who have also tried to get gold re added to their account and it was always denied.


Support clearly hasnt taken time to understand the issue and doesnt have the authority to make policy decisions when it comes to unique situations like this. Thats why its crucial anet responds clarifying if the canned response they give is currently still applicable.


Personally I dont think its acceptable for anet to just say tough luck in this situation. If you dont like the response support gives you, you are MEANT to come and post on forums so devs/managers can see it. Its literally what they tell you to do.

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Actually, I was thinking. Instead of requesting gold for the item(s) that sold, simply request the item replaced. Then sell it again. I realize this is adding yet another layer of complexity, but if support CANNOT return gold, then at least the item is back. The glitched weapons, or precursors, or legendaries, or whatnot.


They can at that time also look at whether the item was duped, since I've heard several reports of that. Yes, it does essentially add another of whatever item it was, but I can't think of ANYTHING that would be hurt by adding a few. Presumably support would look a little more closely at before/after on accounts with the high ticket things, infusions and the like, but still. For those who genuinely lost on that gold, it would be something.

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> Actually, I was thinking. Instead of requesting gold for the item(s) that sold, simply request the item replaced. Then sell it again.

They won't do that, because the item got already sold. Even if the person that bought it was also from EU and thus got it rollbacked, _they_ can ask for a replacement, since the item itself is covered by Anet's current policy. Support is not going to restore the item to seller, because that would be duplicating it.


(besides, there would also be the case of lost TP tax in such a case, which for precursors, legendaries and infusions is not a small issue)


That in itself is understandable. The problem is that in this case Anet's policy seem to protect only one side in the TP transaction, but not the other.



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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > > Likely was supposed to redirect to: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047546674-European-Server-Rollback-Issue-12-05-2020

> > > >

> > > > Ah, _that_ article. Okay, thank you for providing the correct link. :+1:

> > > >

> > > > Well, it's still not explicitly addressing the TP gold issue, and from the previous support answers I received I keep wondering whether ANet is aware of this particular issue and actually going to do something about it.

> > > >

> > > > Which brings me back to my original plea: **Can we get an official response on the missing Gold issue?**

> > >

> > > Here is your official response...

> > >

> > > "If you find that you are still missing items or account progress, submit a ticket and Customer Support will help you as soon as possible."

> > >

> > > That means wait for your "113 Gold". Anet CS was already backed up so wait. There are tons of accounts that CS has to go through and resolve issues for and you're not the only player, so wait.

> >

> > What are you not understanding about the fact OP ALREADY DID THIS and was denied a refund of their gold. And then their ticked was closed. Are they meant to create another new ticket (and likely get the same response) over and over?



> TBH if anet has told people they arent refunding gold in those tickets, thats an official response too. Ive seen others in the past who have also tried to get gold re added to their account and it was always denied.


And do you feel happy with that response? Do you think it's fair?

That's the whole point of this tread: argumenting that.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

>There is a crash/error on the servers that creates log in issues. Then we run on the forums and alert anet. Then anet posts we are aware. Then they diagnose it. Then perform maintenance to fix it. The whole time they tell us every step of the way.



The thing is...

there were no login issues on monday morning before ANet took the servers down for maintenance. so unless a player noticed something missing from his inventory (or read his ingame chat for once to see all the players going crazy :smiley: ) there was no way of knowing that there was a rollback or any current issues with the servers.

they could play mindlessly for 6 hours without any login issues or any ingame warning from ANet.

by that time there were already several posts on this forum, twitter, reddit etc., but not a single one ingame. as far as i'm informed, there wasnt even a warning when ANet shut down the servers. people just got kicked - THAT's when they knew there were issues.

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Honestly, I wouldn't mind people receiving the mount if it was given to those who **actually lost significant progress OR gold from tp**, which could not be restored. Like 200+g, difficult achievements, etc. This would have been a real compensation.


However, **these deserving people come from 2 groups which have been compensated differently**: those who logged on Monday, and those who did not.


On the other hand, you have **non-deserving players**, who didn't lose any progress, or very minor one.


Once again, those people **come from the same 2 groups**, and **have been compensated differently**.


Now, **if Anet cannot make the difference between those who lost something, and those who didn't, they cannot offer a different compensation**. So they had to either give everyone both rewards, or everyone nothing. In the latter case, they have to restore lost things to players.


Now for the actual solution, since some people not deserving it received the mount anyway, and you obviously cannot take it away from them now, just go for the 1st option, and give both items to all players affected by rollback, so those who logged in between Friday and Monday.

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> @"Pomdepin.7068" said:

> Honestly, I wouldn't mind people receiving the mount if it was given to those who **actually lost significant progress OR gold from tp**, which could not be restored. Like 200+g, difficult achievements, etc. This would have been a real compensation.


> However, **these deserving people come from 2 groups which have been compensated differently**: those who logged on Monday, and those who did not.


> On the other hand, you have **non-deserving players**, who didn't lose any progress, or very minor one.


> Once again, those people **come from the same 2 groups**, and **have been compensated differently**.


> Now, **if Anet cannot make the difference between those who lost something, and those who didn't, they cannot offer a different compensation**. So they had to either give everyone both rewards, or everyone nothing. In the latter case, they have to restore lost things to players.


> Now for the actual solution, since some people not deserving it received the mount anyway, and you obviously cannot take it away from them now, just go for the 1st option, and give both items to all players affected by rollback, so those who logged in between Friday and Monday.


This is the perfect comment. Do exactly this Anet, it is the right, correct, and only action you can do now.

Last post from me, I still did not get the mount license, as I wrote, others who logged in at the exact same time as I did, who were not ingame during the timeframe stated by Anet, did not lose any progress at all still got the license.

I honestly don't know whether I lost stuff from the Black Lion Trading Post or not, because I have several hundret different materials going through it all the time, but according to Anet, apparently I didn't lose anything.

So Last words from me, Anet messed up big time and did not handle it well, just for this there should be another, honest apology.

I do now know that I am not of value for Anet and will therefore not be a future customer anymore.

I wish everyone good luck and a great time ingame.

Maybe I will check into the game when the future Addon is on discont some time.


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> @"Hyrai.8720" said:

> > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> >There is a crash/error on the servers that creates log in issues. Then we run on the forums and alert anet. Then anet posts we are aware. Then they diagnose it. Then perform maintenance to fix it. The whole time they tell us every step of the way.



> The thing is...

> there were no login issues on monday morning before ANet took the servers down for maintenance. so unless a player noticed something missing from his inventory (or read his ingame chat for once to see all the players going crazy :smiley: ) there was no way of knowing that there was a rollback or any current issues with the servers.

> they could play mindlessly for 6 hours without any login issues or any ingame warning from ANet.

> by that time there were already several posts on this forum, twitter, reddit etc., but not a single one ingame. as far as i'm informed, there wasnt even a warning when ANet shut down the servers. people just got kicked - THAT's when they knew there were issues.


Hence the mount license for those players. The timing of the crash didn't help as no employees were there. A rollback issue is diff as it wouldn't boot players. So yeah those that never read forums or map chat or interact with any guild/players in general wouldn't know so the get compensated for this 1st time ever random roll back in 8 years. I can't imagine they would create an in game warning don't play due to roll back issues over just pulling down the servers as soon as they could which must of been after those 7h.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"reddie.5861" said:

> > tbh, i didnt get anything i logged in everyday, except that monday cus it was up the sunday and down when i get back from work.

> >

> > i dont understand when i was suppose to login to recieve this thing?

> >


> The servers were up for a time on Monday. When Anet tried to correct all the data loss from the weekend, they couldn't restore all the way up to when the servers went down later in the afternoon, so there was a window on Monday (about 7 hours I think) where anyone who logged in, lost everything they did in that time - essentially they got a partial account wipe which is never what Anet wants to achieve. Those who played during that window are the recipients of the extra compensation.

> Everyone else will - or has already - receive a communal bonfire for the inconvenience


that might be tru but if this is little bit unfair to other people if you ask me, i mean i tried to login also.

but i couldnt, if the time window would have been by accident during let say 20:00 alot of people would have logged in.

not like these people who couldnt login didnt try.


anyway i got the point now :p

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“Our goal is that players never lose progress in GW2 [...]”


I think that is a blatant lie, since when does Anet care about lost progress?


They sure do not care about the bug that randomly disconnects people that are in an instance.

This happened countless times to me when I was trying to get story achievements.


The worst was when I was doing the “Migraine” achievement solo (which is basically a Mordremoth challenge mote designed for 5 people) and I got kicked during the last phase (yes, I’m 100% sure it was not my connection).

This was one of the most frustrating moments I ever experienced in this game, and I received no compensation at all.


Now players get a mount select license for just being logged in during a certain time frame.


People that really lost something (like their gold on the trading post) get nothing.


People that lost their SAB daily because they could not log in get nothing.


People that logged in and lost nothing or even duped items get the best compensation Anet has ever given to players.

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Since the two threads were merged, I guess it is okay to address _either_ topic on here:


I don't care about the free mount license. I want people who lost profits from sales they initiated during the weekend, before the rollback, to be compensated with the Gold they've never received from those sales. Some players lost _thousands_ of Gold this way, and none of it was their fault.


So, why can't we get a response on this? Just wondering...

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Why was my thread "Can we get an official response on the missing Gold issue?" merged with _this_ one, when it has _zero_ to do with the free mount license? :s


I'd say because Anet thinks this will go away when they ignore it and they do everything to reduce the visibility of the problem.


*I'm affected by this as well, lost "only" a few hundred gold and I can't imagine how people that lost thousands of gold feel, especially the ones that are not rich but sold a lucky drop.


Support did absolutely nothing, then closed my ticket.

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Funny.. i just read someone in another forum claiming ANet doesnt read most of the official forum anyway, so there's no point of posting.

I'd say them moving around posts and threads is perfect proof that they _do_ read it. And yet - no response to the giant elephant in the room :smiley:

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I was following those threads @"Ashantara.8731" because I am affected as well. And i surely wondered what was going on when both threads weren't available anymore but instead deleted/merged with this completely different appeal.


My support-ticket is now nearly nine days old and I haven't received any answer so far. I start to get a feeling that's it'll be a hopeless venture but I will still be patient and remain polite and as sympathetic as possible.

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> @"Lyrixx.9571" said:

> My support-ticket is now nearly nine days old and I haven't received any answer so far. I start to get a feeling that's it'll be a hopeless venture but I will still be patient and remain polite and as sympathetic as possible.


It would be lovely to see such politeness returned by an official statement on the issue, even if it was "We are very sorry, but we can't fix the problem."

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You need to be patient. From what I have heard the support has lots of work to do atm - making the time until tickets get solved/answered even go to 2+ weeks. There might be a lot of other people that can't even play ... having to wait lots of tme until their problems are solved.


Maybe they will adress the thing with the lost gold ... once all other support tickets are solved. It is sad that it happens like this.

But my guess is that hiring temporary support workers to cover the big load ... would cost them more money than they will lose by people leaving cause of being angry because of the longer support ticket times.


For bigger companies that have more to lose - where it is also about public realations and people that might leave if they see that others get bad treatment ... it might be different. But I think we all know about ArenaNet's communication policy. They just don't thatk such things into account.


Merging the thread about the gold issue with this one (people might now not even know to talk about the other issue - since the thread title here does not hint at it) ... might also be a hint that they think of the license as comensation for lost gold. (And that they are okay with some people losing gold and not even getting the license.)

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> that might be tru but if this is little bit unfair to other people if you ask me, i mean i tried to login also.

> but i couldnt, if the time window would have been by accident during let say 20:00 alot of people would have logged in.

> not like these people who couldnt login didnt try.


> anyway i got the point now :p


Same situation in my case. I allotted that time to GW2 as every evening to get my dose of fantasy world, but couldn't log in.


I'm especially disappointed in how they're handling the situations where people lost gold. I wasn't among them, but it still really sad to see Anet's poor reaction. I'd expect this from some small, no-name game developer, but Anet? Just WOW. (no pun intended)

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> @"Hyrai.8720" said:

> Funny.. i just read someone in another forum claiming ANet doesnt read most of the official forum anyway, so there's no point of posting.

> I'd say them moving around posts and threads is perfect proof that they _do_ read it. And yet - no response to the giant elephant in the room :smiley:


Doesn't matter if the forum moderators read it or move the threads around.

If the ppl in charge are clueless, have no motivation to get in touch with the community, can't make the right decisions... well, ripperoni.

Experienced firsthand how dangerous it can be to have a clueless boss, who's supposed to know the most about the things he's in charge of - but doesn't.


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> @"Najten.2418" said:

> All I learned from yet another disappointing reward/compensation action taken by ANet is next time servers are wobbly, log in anyway. Seems they stopped caring about being fair, and they're rewarding ignorance/stupidity.. Brilliant.


So all the people who logged in, maybe didn’t know what was going on, are stupid and ignorant? Wow

I can’t believe people are still crying about this, it’s time to move on.



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I still have not received my bonfire.

My ticket seems to be deep down the ignore pile and I really don't know how much further I can make it in the game without my bonfire. It is getting quite cold tbh.

Not only am I apparently not elligible for the Mount License, I don't even get to have a bonfire to keep rotting in my bank :(

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