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Buff revenant

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Honestly revenant needs some serious buffs to compensate for the continuous nerfs it keeps getting. It basically does no damage now, has worse mobility than a thief and less defences than warrior, less CC than mesmer and it's condition build just doesn't measure up to the other guy, necro.


At this point it might as well not exist as a class.

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> @"pninak.1069" said:

> last few times rev got pretty much buffs only. dunno why you consider a rework a nerf.


You see more condi Revs because latest patches trashed the staff, so once you wield a mace or even a short bow, there's not much reasons to run zerk instead of condi. Can't remember buffs in the latest patches, can you quote a source?


Edi: by the way, I'm against buffs to Revs at the moment (outside changes in the hammer, which is useless in every game mode).

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"Changes to the Devastation trait line are aimed at two major areas. The first is addressing niche-use traits such as Malicious Reprisal and Jade Echo. These traits are being removed and replaced with new traits that have broader uses. The second issue is the opposite: some traits are so general that they are too similar in functionality. Ferocious Strikes and Vicious Lacerations both add damage in ways such that there is no real choice between them. The siphoning traits are a part of this change, and we're unifying the siphoning effect into a single effect for the combat log and making it a bigger part of the overall line. The new siphon effect, named after Shiro's iconic Battle Scars skill, is a stacking effect that is expended when attacking. It's more restricted in its applications, but it's stronger than previous siphoning traits.


The Devastation trait line has been reworked. The new traits are as follows:


Expose Defenses: No changes.

Destructive Impulses: With this new trait, outgoing damage is increased by 5% for each currently equipped weapon.

Targeted Destruction: This trait has moved to the Grandmaster minor slot.


Aggressive Agility: With this new trait, movement skills remove immobilize.

Unsuspecting Strikes: This new trait increases outgoing damage when attacking a foe above 80% health. The damage increase is 25% in PvE and 10% in competitive modes.

Battle Scarred: With this new trait, gain 5 stacks of Battle Scars after using your heal.


Assassin's Presence: Moved to the top slot of the Master tier.

Notoriety: This trait no longer grants bonus might when using Legendary Assassin skills.

Thrill of Combat: This new trait grants 1 stack of Battle Scars every second while in combat.


Brutality: This trait switched positions with Swift Termination.

Swift Termination: This trait switched positions with Brutality.

Dance of Death: Each stack of vulnerability applied to a foe grants a stack of Battle Scars. The Battle Scars healing amount is doubled when revenants are below 50% health.


Similar to the Devastation rework, we are also recentering the Corruption trait line around a new mechanic. Invoke Torment occurs when switching legends, and it inflicts nearby foes with torment. This skill can be upgraded with Grandmaster traits based on your preferred playstyle. The boon-removal traits have also been removed as we felt that they had trigger conditions that offered little gameplay. In exchange, we've added a few new powerful traits with drawbacks as we feel this is in line with the spirit of Mallyx and skills like Pain Absorption.


Corruption: The Corruption line has been reworked. The new traits are as follows:


Invoking Torment: With this new trait, switching legends inflicts nearby foes with torment. This attack is called Invoke Torment and can be modified by other traits.

Seething Malice: With this new trait, gain 120 additional condition damage.

Yearning Empowerment: This trait has been reworked. It now increases the duration of all damaging conditions by 10%.


Acolyte of Torment: With this new trait, torment deals 10% more damage.

Demonic Defiance: No changes.

Replenishing Despair: This trait has been reworked. While upkeeping a skill, revenants gain 1 energy regeneration. Additionally, they self-inflict 1 stack of torment for 5 seconds every second.


Abyssal Chill: This trait has moved to a new location in the same tier.

Demonic Resistance: This trait has moved to a new location in the same tier. This trait no longer grants vitality based on condition damage. Increased damage resistance from 20% to 33% in PvE. PvP and WvW remain at a 20% reduction.

Pact of Pain: With this new trait, conditions the revenant applies to foes last 15% longer. Conditions inflicted on the revenant last 10% longer.


Diabolic Inferno: This trait has been reworked. Invoke Torment inflicts burning and poison.

Fiendish Tenacity: This new trait causes Invoke Torment to grant resistance. Resistance heals the revenant every second it is active.

Permeating Pestilence: This trait has been renamed. Invoke Torment transfers conditions to struck foes."


feburary 25 balance patch.


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condi Rev is best bunker in the game. you can literally stay on point forever cc'ing people, blocking, i-framing, healing to full over and over again, and putting out condi pressure. it's a really nice "linchpin" kind of build, but can also 1v1 some side noders. like FB or ele but with more pressure.

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> @"pninak.1069" said:

> "Changes to the Devastation trait line are aimed at two major areas. The first is addressing niche-use traits such as Malicious Reprisal and Jade Echo. These traits are being removed and replaced with new traits that have broader uses. The second issue is the opposite: some traits are so general that they are too similar in functionality. Ferocious Strikes and Vicious Lacerations both add damage in ways such that there is no real choice between them. The siphoning traits are a part of this change, and we're unifying the siphoning effect into a single effect for the combat log and making it a bigger part of the overall line. The new siphon effect, named after Shiro's iconic Battle Scars skill, is a stacking effect that is expended when attacking. It's more restricted in its applications, but it's stronger than previous siphoning traits.


> The Devastation trait line has been reworked. The new traits are as follows:

> Minor:

> Expose Defenses: No changes.

> Destructive Impulses: With this new trait, outgoing damage is increased by 5% for each currently equipped weapon.

> Targeted Destruction: This trait has moved to the Grandmaster minor slot.

> Adept:

> Aggressive Agility: With this new trait, movement skills remove immobilize.

> Unsuspecting Strikes: This new trait increases outgoing damage when attacking a foe above 80% health. The damage increase is 25% in PvE and 10% in competitive modes.

> Battle Scarred: With this new trait, gain 5 stacks of Battle Scars after using your heal.

> Master:

> Assassin's Presence: Moved to the top slot of the Master tier.

> Notoriety: This trait no longer grants bonus might when using Legendary Assassin skills.

> Thrill of Combat: This new trait grants 1 stack of Battle Scars every second while in combat.

> Grandmaster:

> Brutality: This trait switched positions with Swift Termination.

> Swift Termination: This trait switched positions with Brutality.

> Dance of Death: Each stack of vulnerability applied to a foe grants a stack of Battle Scars. The Battle Scars healing amount is doubled when revenants are below 50% health.


> Similar to the Devastation rework, we are also recentering the Corruption trait line around a new mechanic. Invoke Torment occurs when switching legends, and it inflicts nearby foes with torment. This skill can be upgraded with Grandmaster traits based on your preferred playstyle. The boon-removal traits have also been removed as we felt that they had trigger conditions that offered little gameplay. In exchange, we've added a few new powerful traits with drawbacks as we feel this is in line with the spirit of Mallyx and skills like Pain Absorption.


> Corruption: The Corruption line has been reworked. The new traits are as follows:

> Minor:

> Invoking Torment: With this new trait, switching legends inflicts nearby foes with torment. This attack is called Invoke Torment and can be modified by other traits.

> Seething Malice: With this new trait, gain 120 additional condition damage.

> Yearning Empowerment: This trait has been reworked. It now increases the duration of all damaging conditions by 10%.

> Adept:

> Acolyte of Torment: With this new trait, torment deals 10% more damage.

> Demonic Defiance: No changes.

> Replenishing Despair: This trait has been reworked. While upkeeping a skill, revenants gain 1 energy regeneration. Additionally, they self-inflict 1 stack of torment for 5 seconds every second.

> Master:

> Abyssal Chill: This trait has moved to a new location in the same tier.

> Demonic Resistance: This trait has moved to a new location in the same tier. This trait no longer grants vitality based on condition damage. Increased damage resistance from 20% to 33% in PvE. PvP and WvW remain at a 20% reduction.

> Pact of Pain: With this new trait, conditions the revenant applies to foes last 15% longer. Conditions inflicted on the revenant last 10% longer.

> Grandmaster:

> Diabolic Inferno: This trait has been reworked. Invoke Torment inflicts burning and poison.

> Fiendish Tenacity: This new trait causes Invoke Torment to grant resistance. Resistance heals the revenant every second it is active.

> Permeating Pestilence: This trait has been renamed. Invoke Torment transfers conditions to struck foes."


> feburary 25 balance patch.



Neither of those reworks made either of the trait lines stronger overall, if anything they were modest net nerfs. If they were reverted to their previous state in the next patch you would complain again about the Rev buffs because you haven't got a clue what you are talking about.

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> @"pninak.1069" said:

> no. rev got more control over spikes than earlier. earlier it had constant higher dmg. with battlescars you can crit and I heard from raid players that prev gets around 45k dps and condi are more aggressive than earlier.


This is the pvp side of the forums so PvE matters 0% here. PvE doesn’t even use the same numbers as pvp so have zero idea why you’re bringing up raid benchmarks to discuss class balance in pvp.


2nd, battle scars cannot crit since it’s lifesteal. That’s just straight up misinformation. Also pvp battle scars is worse than pre-rework Assassin’s Annihilation. It’s a nerf for pvp regardless of how you spin it. And no, rev didn’t “get more control over their spikes.” I don’t even understand how you came to that conclusion considering it had energy costs and cooldown nerfs across the board just like every other class


Lastly “condi is more aggressive than earlier” because all the damage in the game got toned down (including cRev’s), so this left it in a better spot than it was at previously. In the previous meta cRev was a niche build at best, so it makes sense it wasn’t nuked from orbit as hard as overperforming specs were in the February patch.

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you are agreeing with me that crev is a very good spot. dunno about power rev, but since rev seems more in line than dps of ther classes I think prev must be pretty good too. and no condi isn't better than earlier. it is pretty much at the same position as earlier, but ramp up time is doubled.


I propably thought since battlescars counts as dmg and has no indicator that it doesn't crit it should be able to. Afterall there aren't really distinctions between dmg types as compared to guild wars where lifesteal was no dmg at all and you had armor ignoring and typeless dmg.

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^ You forget to said that duration in some conditions like burn were halved in the Feb patch. In fact ANet went forward and back in some of the changes because probably didn't test enough what worked better, if longer duration with lower stacks or viceversa. Again: I don't see a buff in what were able to do. What changed is that due the physical damage was more nerfed in February than the conditions across all classes, pressure bunkers as condi Revs, burn Guardians and core Necros became more impactfull, because they can't be bursted that fast so they can ram up AoE condi pressure and became relevant in teamfights.

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Condi rev has better than average single target damage, and extrodinary crowd damage. It burst damage maybe not that high but on the contrary it has decent continually damage.


The nerf point for condi rev is the resistant uptime and crowd damage. Its burst damage could be buffed but its continually damage must be cut down in return.

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> @"Remilia Scarlet.3205" said:

> Condi rev has better than average single target damage, and extrodinary crowd damage. It burst damage maybe not that high but on the contrary it has decent continually damage.


> The nerf point for condi rev is the resistant uptime and crowd damage. Its burst damage could be buffed but its continually damage must be cut down in return.


People would complain that its burst is too high for a condition build. Saying something along the lines of "A condi build shouldn't burst as hard as a power build".


Its res uptime was nerfed with the energy cost nerfs. Pain absorbtion got nerfed. All other mallyx skills got nerfed energy costs, which limits the amount of resistance it can gain from Demonic Defiance. Finally, we've seen a shift from rune of resistance to rune of the sunless, which reduces their resistance uptime further.


Crev''s resistance uptime is also balanced by it's lack of cleanse. It has nothing outside of sigils and hardening persistance (if they run it) so, condi builds that can corrupt or remove its resistance can shut it down.



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