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Some ideas/suggestions

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Hy there, I have 2 ideas.


1: A follower system, which You can manage from Your home instance and maybe from bigger outposts like Sun’s Refugee or Eye of the North. You can collect and upgrade Heroes in level and gear through Hero Missions which will have 2 types, the first is similar than in WoW Garrison/Order Hall/etc. where You just select a mission with a random length and success chance for Your Hero to do that. In the second type You need to go alongside with Your selected Hero in an instanced quest.

With these missions You can collect gear for Your Heroes (armors, weapons and skills), and of course materials and skins for Yourself.

Of course this system could be updated in the future, doesn’t need to make new systems with each expansion like WoW do.


2: A VIP Pass which could be bought only from real money and not from Gems so it would be perfect to support developers, but it would need a good balance to not going pay to win. This payable pass should have a lot of benefits without players still can enjoy the game, this should be just a little bit extra.

Benefits that would be good (these are just ideas, so it can expand or select some from the list):

- A daily bonus similar to daily login, but this VIP Pass’s reward would be fix. You get it via in-game mail so You get all of the daily bonuses when you have a subscription even if You haven’t log in every day to the game.

- A permanent boost while You have a subscription. So instead of getting a booster, this would be always on You while You have VIP. This boost can add experience/gathering boost/speed boost/magic find/whatever in a balanced amount to avoid pay to win.

- VIP only missions with their unique rewards. Time to time (for example every 4 month) new short missions would be released like living story episodes, but these would be shorter and not connected to the main story (this idea came from the Elder Scrolls Online). These missions would happen on existing maps, for example on the base game maps to give life to Tyria and show the players what happens with the noble persons (merchants/adventurers/etc.) of Tyria, while we’re fighting dragons on the other side of the continent.

These missions would have some public part in the open-world and of course have some private part in an instanced mission/dungeon with their unique rewards (with a chance to drop) what will be mostly skins (armor/weapon/glider/mount) or sometimes a Hero (if you add my first suggestion to the game) or a Toy/Chair. Each episodes instanced dungeon would be replayable as many times as You want while You have the VIP Pass, but You can keep the unlocked rewards forever even if You don’t have subscription.

- A Title to show players that You support the devs (and yourself with boost) with the VIP Pass. There would be many Titles for example You get the ‘base’ for the first subscription and get a new when You paid Your 3rd month and 6th month and so on. Or if not a title because players loves their existing titles, an icon next to Your name (like World Map Completion icon), and this icon would change if You reach a new milestone in subscription.

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Originally Gw2 was going to have a hero system if memory serves but much like second professions it was cut early in development.


There's no need for it the way the game is now, if you really want ai companions you can just play a Ranger or Necromancer.

Heroes would make this game mindnumbingly easy.. not to mention probably drag the performance down even more if everyone was running around with them.

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But how could be this game p2w even with a bonus subscription system? Players who pay it beat you in PvP because they have better looking armor? :D Or have an extra 2-3% exp bonus during leveling? I have 6-700 or even more Tomes of Knowledge in my bank so if I would like I can level up more characters in some seconds than I need.

As I wrote in the suggestion, it would give players a little extra, of course the price could be low too, but with this system developers could get a more fix monthly income than this gem system (which can be bought by golds too).


About the Industry Contract. I know that this is exist but I have some problems with it. You can only use it once per day and not as many times than how many hero You have, and it has fix time to collect the rewards. For this method it is too expensive, You should play for years to bring back the price, and there are boards in the store for every season's materials so it is much more expensive if You want to collect every kind of stuff. I have bought many stuffs from the Gem Store and I always bought it by real money even if I could buy it from gold, but when I see an overpriced item i won't buy it, even if I would like to support devs, it won't worth it for me.

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