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Communal Boost Bonfire bug.

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It got my attention that many players are unaware of current bug with Bonfire, neither it was reported here.

For this, i did sacrifice my own Bonfire and received those messages.

![](https://i.imgur.com/O8cfoiA.png "")

When i used my own Communal Boost Bonfire i had Magic Find Boost from another Bonfire.

Because of currently active Magic Find Boost i wasn't able to activate Magic Find Bonfire for my Allies during Eye of Zhaitan event. Not to fully waste Bonfire, i've activated Karma instead.


This bug bring few problems.

If you have all three Boosts active, 100% Communal Boost Bonfire will be wasted on use.

Communal Boost Bonfire do not allow you to activate-charge any Boost that currently active on you, providing inability to use your own Bonfire to refresh Boost effect.


Only when time of Bonfire Boost effect is run out, it is safe to use and charge your own Bonfire.



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Given the message it is probably not a bug by the definition of this being an intended result but it certainly doesn't have to be that way.


In the scenario where you interact with a bonfire while you already have the buff, there are a few options that could be implemented

1. Add 1 hour(usual duration of bonfire buff) to the buff. This would allow adding up to whatever the max buff duration of the buff is by repeatedly interacting with the bonfire so this option is out. That repeated interaction could be prevented by tracking if that character has interacted with the particular bonfire or not. The tracking can be done by the bonfire or the character. Each have their pros and cons.

2. Overwrite. By itself this could be bad so it should be limited to overwrite only if exisiting buff has a shorter duration. With the bonfire lasting 15 minutes this would also allow getting an extra 15 minutes out of a bonfire's buff.

3. What we have right now. Also the simplest.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> Given the message it is probably not a bug by the definition of this being an intended result but it certainly doesn't have to be that way.


> In the scenario where you interact with a bonfire while you already have the buff, there are a few options that could be implemented

> 1. Add 1 hour(usual duration of bonfire buff) to the buff. This would allow adding up to whatever the max buff duration of the buff is by repeatedly interacting with the bonfire so this option is out. That repeated interaction could be prevented by tracking if that character has interacted with the particular bonfire or not. The tracking can be done by the bonfire or the character. Each have their pros and cons.

> 2. Overwrite. By itself this could be bad so it should be limited to overwrite only if exisiting buff has a shorter duration. With the bonfire lasting 15 minutes this would also allow getting an extra 15 minutes out of a bonfire's buff.

> 3. What we have right now. Also the simplest.


Making bonfire similar to hero banner will be much better for two reasons:

1- Bonfire is Gemstore\Statuette item, thus limited in presence around Mega Server, also has limited duration during which boost acquire is present.

2- This will remove Bonfire charging bug ( in my opinion, it doesn't matter if you have Bonfire boost active on you or not, since you placed Bonfire you should be able to choose any Boost and activate it regardless )

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