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Area indicator for tracking ranges on watchtowers

K THEN.5162

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Anet, if you insist on having ridiculously oversized tracking ranges on Watch Towers, the very least you could do (besides toning it the $%^& down) is put a border indicating when you're entering this unnecessarily large tracking area as well as a border for sentry ranges

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> If you get too close it puts an icon on your effects monitor.

> Also, experience goes a long way.


Wow thanks! I didn't know that getting too close to the watchtower gave me the [marked](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/3/38/Fire_%28Trebuchet%29.png) icon! Because of your comment explaining this pretty much global knowledge for wvw players, I would have never known that the watchtower gives me an indicator of when I'm in range! If only this game could communicate to me on where I have to go to not get marked rather than memorizing this very large aoe that has uneven distribution around its own tower.

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> @"K THEN.5162" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > If you get too close it puts an icon on your effects monitor.

> > Also, experience goes a long way.


> Wow thanks! I didn't know that getting too close to the watchtower gave me the [marked](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/3/38/Fire_%28Trebuchet%29.png) icon! Because of your comment explaining this pretty much global knowledge for wvw players, I would have never known that the watchtower gives me an indicator of when I'm in range! If only this game could communicate to me on where I have to go to not get marked rather than memorizing this very large aoe that has uneven distribution around its own tower.


I am sure @"Justine.6351" is very thankful for your thoughtful response.


Because, sure, it is really hard for someone to learn those limits..


In fact, let’s also place lines on all the maps for siege ranges so we can ensure we don’t place them tooo far away!


Oh, let’s also put down markers for opponents range of their equipped weapons!


Hopefully they will take your suggestion and build on it!

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> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > Don't those already show on the map though. O.o;; what you mean?


> By default they should be on, but you can disable them... Idk why you would.


> D:


Aye. Op should just keep them on and you will always see them :3

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Lmao, every thread I see created by this dude points to it being about his stealth burst being denied.


I know all you do is lurk around looking for people you can one shot and I just want to let you know there are other ways to play the game besides being a troll. Idc if it sounds like I'm salty, I honestly don't get as triggered by stealth one shots as a lot of people seem to. But the ones like you who literally can't do anything else and flat out disengage if they fail, are pretty irritating.


Try another build? Try actually fighting people instead of whack-a-mole?

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> Lmao, every thread I see created by this dude points to it being about his stealth burst being denied.


> I know all you do is lurk around looking for people you can one shot and I just want to let you know there are other ways to play the game besides being a troll. Idc if it sounds like I'm salty, I honestly don't get as triggered by stealth one shots as a lot of people seem to. But the ones like you who literally can't do anything else and flat out disengage if they fail, are pretty irritating.


> Try another build? Try actually fighting people instead of whack-a-mole?


I mean I did make a post asking to nerf sigil of hydromancy after my own weapon swap did 4k to another person. Despite that, yes a lot of my posts are influenced from my own gameplay and there is some obvious bias present when I make them. This post is no exception as I do rely on the very overpowered mechanic of stealth that's rendered useless by the equally oppressive mark mechanic in WvW. The issue I have with tracking towers is that it's often very difficult to determine what the range of the tracking area is due to it not being evenly distributed around the tower it's hovering over, unlike sentries.


In regards to the completely off topic discussion on the 1-shot build I run, yes I think 25k damage instantly from stealth is disgustingly bad for the game and because Anet is absolutely clueless in how to make insightful balance decisions, I have been exploiting this since they added the Superiority Complex trait 3 years ago. Despite this, I very much enjoy playing whack-a-mole with other players and I do not intend to play anything else due to the effort I put into learning the burst. Also can you blame me for disengaging on occasion when my burst fails? Why would I stick around and fight without the very tool my build revolves around? Coward's tactic but usually the smartest play in that situation.

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Yes being marked must be so oppressive. I'm sure the players you attack feel equally oppressed by the 1 combo ded or 1 combo survive and you run leaving them with shit I better wp only option or you will try 5 times in a row. Lets just let you roam free everywhere with that build

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> @"Jilora.9524" said:

> Yes being marked must be so oppressive. I'm sure the players you attack feel equally oppressed by the 1 combo ded or 1 combo survive and you run leaving them with kitten I better wp only option or you will try 5 times in a row. Lets just let you roam free everywhere with that build


I'm not asking for the removal of the marked-reveal mechanic and don't worry, it does a pretty bangar job of making sure I don't fight in that area. I'm asking for better communication from the game to indicate the extent of the tracking area because, as said before, it is distributed unevenly across its tower and in numerous locations the tracking area extends even past its own grid on the WvW map. By adding a border around the watchtower, the game can communicate to

A. Me: of how cautious I have to be around the area and

B. Squads: on where to place their siege so they can assault the tower in a fashion that doesn't give their group's position away

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> @"K THEN.5162" said:

> > @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > Yes being marked must be so oppressive. I'm sure the players you attack feel equally oppressed by the 1 combo ded or 1 combo survive and you run leaving them with kitten I better wp only option or you will try 5 times in a row. Lets just let you roam free everywhere with that build


> I'm not asking for the removal of the marked-reveal mechanic and don't worry, it does a pretty bangar job of making sure I don't fight in that area. I'm asking for better communication from the game to indicate the extent of the tracking area because, as said before, it is distributed unevenly across its tower and in numerous locations the tracking area extends even past its own grid on the WvW map. By adding a border around the watchtower, the game can communicate to

> A. Me: of how cautious I have to be around the area and

> B. Squads: on where to place their siege so they can assault the tower in a fashion that doesn't give their group's position away


Yeah but honestly if we both ran to every tower right now 1 out of 10 would have the balloon max and it's not the 30s mark from a sentry it's only when you cross and you get the buff, take 2 steps back and it's gone so test it and find it's limits. I mean players arent instantly going to appear and I'm sure you can just run off like the 100 teefs I've fought if they do. It is not oppressive. Now if every obj had that automatically I would agree.

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> @"K THEN.5162" said:

> > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > Lmao, every thread I see created by this dude points to it being about his stealth burst being denied.

> >

> > I know all you do is lurk around looking for people you can one shot and I just want to let you know there are other ways to play the game besides being a troll. Idc if it sounds like I'm salty, I honestly don't get as triggered by stealth one shots as a lot of people seem to. But the ones like you who literally can't do anything else and flat out disengage if they fail, are pretty irritating.

> >

> > Try another build? Try actually fighting people instead of whack-a-mole?


> I mean I did make a post asking to nerf sigil of hydromancy after my own weapon swap did 4k to another person. Despite that, yes a lot of my posts are influenced from my own gameplay and there is some obvious bias present when I make them. This post is no exception as I do rely on the very overpowered mechanic of stealth that's rendered useless by the equally oppressive mark mechanic in WvW. The issue I have with tracking towers is that it's often very difficult to determine what the range of the tracking area is due to it not being evenly distributed around the tower it's hovering over, unlike sentries.


> In regards to the completely off topic discussion on the 1-shot build I run, yes I think 25k damage instantly from stealth is disgustingly bad for the game and because Anet is absolutely clueless in how to make insightful balance decisions, I have been exploiting this since they added the Superiority Complex trait 3 years ago. Despite this, I very much enjoy playing whack-a-mole with other players and I do not intend to play anything else due to the effort I put into learning the burst. Also can you blame me for disengaging on occasion when my burst fails? Why would I stick around and fight without the very tool my build revolves around? Coward's tactic but usually the smartest play in that situation.


I apologize for my attitude, I shouldn't have assumed.


Having fought you in game a number of times I eventually labeled you as a troll and tried to let people know when you were near so they could be ready for the burst.


I don't personally have much of an issue with Stealth nukes, but I absolutely agree it's a stupid mechanic. I just grow to dislike certain players that abuse those tactics to the absolute extreme. I misjudged and I appreciate the honesty about your build/play style.


I don't think most people like Watch Tower. I know how much I hate it as a Necro main that often tries to snipe camps, solo open towers/kill siege, etc. It's a pain in the neck trying to avoid being tagged, especially in certain areas where it is literally impossible not to be ( eg. when going in to Danelon, it's either QL gets you or the Sentry on the other side. It can't be avoided, period ).


I like this idea:


> @"Threather.9354" said:

> Watchtowers shouldn't even activate until the tower is contested.


In some ways it doesn't help, but it would also be a lot better than it is now. At least it would promote more active scouting instead of the way it is now with people just AFK watching the map. I'm probably one of the worst ones for red dot chasing because I'll be across the map in a heart beat when I see one.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> I apologize for my attitude, I shouldn't have assumed.


> Having fought you in game a number of times I eventually labeled you as a troll and tried to let people know when you were near so they could be ready for the burst.


> I don't personally have much of an issue with Stealth nukes, but I absolutely agree it's a stupid mechanic. I just grow to dislike certain players that abuse those tactics to the absolute extreme. I misjudged and I appreciate the honesty about your build/play style.


> I don't think most people like Watch Tower. I know how much I hate it as a Necro main that often tries to snipe camps, solo open towers/kill siege, etc. It's a pain in the neck trying to avoid being tagged, especially in certain areas where it is literally impossible not to be ( eg. when going in to Danelon, it's either QL gets you or the Sentry on the other side. It can't be avoided, period ).


> I like this idea:


> > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > Watchtowers shouldn't even activate until the tower is contested.


> In some ways it doesn't help, but it would also be a lot better than it is now. At least it would promote more active scouting instead of the way it is now with people just AFK watching the map. I'm probably one of the worst ones for red dot chasing because I'll be across the map in a heart beat when I see one.


No worries at all! The absurdity of what Anet has done to this game mode in the last 2 years brings out the worst in a lot of people (definitely has for me) and the broken promises like alliances and snails pace development for WvW has only lets player toxicity fester. Let's not forget that although I'm the one pulling the trigger with all the ridiculous damage modifiers mesmer has, Anet is the one that built the gun.


I'm not so much trying to troll players when I burst, but merely grasping at the last few things I have control over in this game. I play the one-shot spec because combat has exceeded my own understanding with random boons proccing from health thresholds/being cced or rangers/warriors being immune to cc despite having no stability or how I can never keep track of how many dodges a thief has with all their different traits and abilities that restore endurance. So in short, I just say $%^& the combat and let me rely only on my own mechanical skill rather than taking a gamble on a 1v1. I know it's a lazy way of thinking but everyone has their limits!


As for the watchtower idea, I do like the contested idea! It would allow for the squad to actually get set up and damage the walls before the tower announces to the whole map where these attackers are. I just want to be able to know exactly when I'm about to be tracked rather than finding out I'm in range by being marked

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