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Celes and the new bunker meta for upcoming season 9.


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Hello everyone.


Now that the immediate first POF adjustments have landed ( including spellbreaker damage shave, a scourge tonedown and a goodbye to the oneshot Gazelle) the meta will finally be resettling once again, and this time i'm gonna call it ahead of time : **Season 9 is going to be dominated by yet another bunker meta**.


How ? _multiple factors_


1) Reappearance of a lowered stats, but still excellent celestial amulet.

2) Since the excesses of (season hate) scourges will have been toned down, boons will tend to remain longer ( even spellbreakers can't strip that many boons, barring winds)

3) General metaskills improvements since the last removal of the celes pvp amu means the oldschool bunkers are still strong, if not stronger ( via powercreep )


I expect to see a lot of greasy things this upcoming season especially Celes elly ( any spec) and Celes bunker druid (with condi).

So goodbye Season HATE.

Hello season NIEN : the return of the bunker meta.



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> @Elxdark.9702 said:

> Meta has not changed at all.

> Can you all just wait for the actual balance patch before making your own assumptions.


But the meta already HAS changed. The scum rerolls are gone. Celes amu used by a lot of people already. Go play it.

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But how is this amulet more effective than just going magi or whatever gives you 1k + healing power? Cele is only good if you also want to do damage, which isn't very effective outside of a few builds.


Also need a lot of might stacking for it to be a threat. I'm looking at perma 25 stacks engi tho

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> @Razor.6392 said:

> But how is this amulet more effective than just going magi or whatever gives you 1k + healing power? Cele is only good if you also want to do damage, which isn't very effective outside of a few builds.


> Also need a lot of might stacking for it to be a threat. I'm looking at perma 25 stacks engi tho


It might have potential with Sword Weaver, I suppose?

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> @Razor.6392 said:

> But how is this amulet more effective than just going magi or whatever gives you 1k + healing power? Cele is only good if you also want to do damage, which isn't very effective outside of a few builds.


> Also need a lot of might stacking for it to be a threat. I'm looking at perma 25 stacks engi tho


It gives you the ability to actually win 1v1 whereas magi you just stay alive and wait till a +1 comes

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The main reason why people were (rightfully) upset about celestial back in the days was that while some stats were irrelevant, the sum total value was extremely high.

**Old cele amulet**: 560 x 7 = **3920**

**New cele amulet**: 460 x 7 = **3220**


So how does it measure up against the value of other amulets?

**Marauder/Mender/Sage/Viper/... amulet**: 1050+1050+560+560 = **3220**

**Rabid/Rampager/Berserker/... amulet**: 1200+900+900 = **3000**


**The total sum of stats gained from cele is now equal to most viable amulets**. One could argue that a distribution over 7 stats is stronger than distributions over 3/4 stats but the numerical value is no longer higher on celestial. However, the numerical value was the main concern in the old days and does no longer apply.


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> @Kaga.7629 said:

> > @Elxdark.9702 said:

> > Meta has not changed at all.

> > Can you all just wait for the actual balance patch before making your own assumptions.


> But the meta already HAS changed. The scum rerolls are gone. Celes amu used by a lot of people already. Go play it.

Lmao overreact much? The amulet has been just added, of course all the plebs are trying it out for their gimmicky builds. It is not going to be meta in spvp.


The old cele was OP because it actually added a lot more stats than the regular ones. People are so bad sometimes.

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> @Mikeskies.1536 said:

> > @Razor.6392 said:

> > But how is this amulet more effective than just going magi or whatever gives you 1k + healing power? Cele is only good if you also want to do damage, which isn't very effective outside of a few builds.

> >

> > Also need a lot of might stacking for it to be a threat. I'm looking at perma 25 stacks engi tho


> It might have potential with Sword Weaver, I suppose?


It has better survivability than Sages but the damage is nowhere as near. Imagine going through your rotations to stack might then 1 click of a button from a Scourge or SB will remove it. So nope, nothing changes that much for weaver. You're better off on Sages if you wanna decent deal DPS.

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Try run a celestial ele and you'll find out the amount of cc makes old meta a joke.

Celestial may creep up here and there but nowadays traits do more than amulets.


One of the reasons why PvP team should have more power over PvP balance instead of just amulet changes.

So a single balance team doesn't have to manages all 3 gamemodes.

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While I agree that bunker builds CAN greatly profit from cele amulet (with vit+toughness+healing) id call it presumptuous to assume that there will be a next bunker meta.

Especially if you consider that there will be some new hybrid amulets added to the mix as well. If you run cele on a build that cant capitalize on ALL the stats that celestial offers you will most likely be better off running one of those hybrid options.

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You know what's funny about the old bunker meta ? Everyone kept saying Celes was trash, and yet everyone was using it to be nigh invincible.

Now that it's back, i see the same old patterns repeating themselves.

Which is why i called it from the get-go.

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> @Kaga.7629 said:

> You know what's funny about the old bunker meta ? Everyone kept saying Celes was trash, and yet everyone was using it to be nigh invincible.

> Now that it's back, i see the same old patterns repeating themselves.

> Which is why i called it from the get-go.


Only..they didn't remove cele from WvW...did you see any ultra OP ele roaming?...**any ele at all roaming during the past 3 years**? any mad skillz video montage? any zerg made up of 10-15 eles?.....The answer is no to all of them unless you can prove use otherwise.

Old bunker meta was before HoT, before : druid-daredevil-chronomancer-condi buff-reaper-zerker warrior-scrapper; it was before PoF and all other specs he brought.


But now you're telling us that an arcane celestial d/d ele would hold a candle against any of the specs above...**problem is all professions save ele now sport a self-sustain far superior to old d/d ele who would win fights by outsustaining others**


well gl to you I guess

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> @Arheundel.6451 said:

> > @Kaga.7629 said:

> > You know what's funny about the old bunker meta ? Everyone kept saying Celes was trash, and yet everyone was using it to be nigh invincible.

> > Now that it's back, i see the same old patterns repeating themselves.

> > Which is why i called it from the get-go.


> Only..they didn't remove cele from WvW...did you see any ultra OP ele roaming?...**any ele at all roaming during the past 3 years**? any mad skillz video montage? any zerg made up of 10-15 eles?.....The answer is no to all of them unless you can prove use otherwise.

> Old bunker meta was before HoT, before : druid-daredevil-chronomancer-condi buff-reaper-zerker warrior-scrapper; it was before PoF and all other specs he brought.


> But now you're telling us that an arcane celestial d/d ele would hold a candle against any of the specs above...**problem is all professions save ele now sport a self-sustain far superior to old d/d ele who would win fights by outsustaining others**


> well gl to you I guess



Celestial Amulet is significantly stronger in WvW. Sigil of Battle is stronger too. But it's not even listed as meta for Ele. The old Ele was good because of Might stacks and Sigil of Energy/perma vigor, all of which were heavily nerfed. I can bet Ele with old Celestial is not even a strong in the current meta.

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There was much more effort involved in might stacking on Ele by lining up your 3 blast finishers in fire fields + Battle Sigil (read: not when Spell Slinger was merged into Burning Fire and it became easy, because classes today like Rev or Ranger can do it even easier). But today there is also much easier access to boon removal so all of that effort you put in is rendered useless (unless the might stacks are instantaneous).

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> @Kaga.7629 said:

> Hello everyone.


> Now that the immediate first POF adjustments have landed ( including spellbreaker damage shave, a scourge tonedown and a goodbye to the oneshot Gazelle) the meta will finally be resettling once again, and this time i'm gonna call it ahead of time : **Season 9 is going to be dominated by yet another bunker meta**.


> How ? _multiple factors_


> 1) Reappearance of a lowered stats, but still excellent celestial amulet.

> 2) Since the excesses of (season hate) scourges will have been toned down, boons will tend to remain longer ( even spellbreakers can't strip that many boons, barring winds)

> 3) General metaskills improvements since the last removal of the celes pvp amu means the oldschool bunkers are still strong, if not stronger ( via powercreep )


> I expect to see a lot of greasy things this upcoming season especially Celes elly ( any spec) and Celes bunker druid (with condi).

> So goodbye Season HATE.

> Hello season NIEN : the return of the bunker meta.


> Discuss!


I tried the old condi-bunker (sw/t) druid with might stacking (geo and hyromancy sigils are gone) last night. It was rather unimpressive. For that kind of build Sage is better, but still not good enough.

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