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Communication from Anet

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There is one thing that Anet still has a huge issue with still years later, that is open communication with its player base in all modes of GW2.


In PvP for example we were all expecting a mini season of sorts yesterday, however we are utterly clueless of when this will happen or if it will happen now. Balance changes are also another issue were there is literally no communication at all at the moment, extremelly dissapointing.


Yes we are all aware of the global pandemic and how it has impacted every company globally but to drop a few lines down in social media for all its playerbase and have some clear and consistent avenue of communication would be greatly appreciated by the vast majority of the playerbase in my opinion.


At least they are still consistent in there silence.


"Observes tumbleweed goes by"

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> @"Poledra Val.1490" said:

> There is one thing that Anet still has a huge issue with still years later, that is open communication with its player base in all modes of GW2.


> In PvP for example we were all expecting a mini season of sorts yesterday, however we are utterly clueless of when this will happen or if it will happen now. Balance changes are also another issue were there is literally no communication at all at the moment, extremelly dissapointing.


> Yes we are all aware of the global pandemic and how it has impacted every company globally but to drop a few lines down in social media for all its playerbase and have some clear and consistent avenue of communication would be greatly appreciated by the vast majority of the playerbase in my opinion.


> At least they are still consistent in there silence.


> "Observes tumbleweed goes by"


It's all clown show all the time with ANet. Content droughts, no communication, promising one thing and doing the exact opposite without even attempting to deliver on the promise? That's ANet's pattern, not just recently but always. Love the game, but this is one of the most poorly-managed operations I've ever experienced. It's a shame. The product could be so much more if it had somebody running the show with any sort of competence.


I don't even care about balance that much! I was fine with the previous meta and I'm fine with this one. But no communication. Promising to deliver frequent balance patches and then utterly failing to do so right out the gate? Yeah, I expected exactly this from ANet. Change my mind? Please? Really, if you guys would invest in your people and your product and stop doing this kind of crap, GW2 could be so much more.

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Agreed. As far as I understood it with the last mini season, they were supposed to go into the normal rotation from now on. Yet season has ended and there's no mini season to be seen and no word on why it didnt go up in schedule. It's disappointing really. New content is rather little but when even old, repeated content isn't being launched? Welp.

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Makes me bummed. I've been a long time player and just came back from a almost 2 year break excited about the new pvp season rotation I heard about. PvP I think can be so great in the game but when this happens I just feel discouraged my fav mode has no idea whats happening. And I agree, I get times are weird rn but is it too hard to at least just say when / what the next season is. It's fine if it a 1-2 week break as long as it not blind.


Also please keep the idea of a mini / main season with 2v2s anet! Please :)

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