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Keep seeing remove downed state....

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It really is weird seeing all of these people who keep dying to downstate. Like, do you just stand there and let them kill you? No cc? No running out of range or breaking LOS? No CC to prevent ress? Doing just about anything they have keys assigned for will help you not die. Find one that works for you. No, really. Press and hold the "W" key. Enjoy no longer dying to downstate.

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> @"Luclinraider.2317" said:

> I see new posts on this every week.


> I see the most wanted ranked mode for next season is 2v2 and 3v3 arenas.....without downed state.


> I've never seen a community so vocal about wanting the downed state removed (from WvW and PvP), just to have the company behind the game be so prideful about their failed system that they would rather kill off their own PvP scene (which they did years ago, primarily due to downed state), than have their well made combat system run with the big boys.


> I play like...every MMO out there. Runescape, FF14, WoW, WoW Classic, GW2, EQ2, EQ1 Private Servers, CoH, DAoC Private Servers, BDO....and I honestly feel like GW2 and BDO have the best combat out there...(Very different combat). GW2 has a big awesome world to explore, story lines, voice acting, decent visual, no gear tradmill, achievements to get if you want (Legends)....it's just such a great MMO, and has the potential to have a PvP scene up there with WoW Arena...if they would just do it right.


> I have at least nine friends who I play other MMO's with who have flat out said, they enjoyed GW2, but quit because of the downed system as it ruins PvP. And even when I try to get them to give it another try they flat out say "As long as downed state is in PvP I will never play GW2 again".


> Now sure...this is just nine people I know...but I'm sure there are hundreds, thousands....maybe even hundreds of thousands of people who feel similar.


> Combine that with the obvious cry for its removal from the current player base...and I just can't see why Anet still insists on keeping it.


> They run WvW weekends without it, and they run arena without it...so the attempt at "It's built into the game and won't work without it", doesn't fly.


> I'm also very aware there are some people who love the downed state in PvP....it just seem's like its a very small portion compared to those who hate it.


> I mean...show me one other successful and well known PvP MMORPG that has been able to implement a downed state in a competitive PvP format? It can't be done because in an MMORPG setting it forgives all your mistakes...thus making a competitive aspect pointless.


Yeah, no... "kill off their own PvP scene (which they did years ago, primarily due to downed state)"... Making things up bc you don't like DS doesn't mean it's true. And after X years of the same mechanics you shouldn't have an issue... that learning curve should be gone. And there are a ton of other real reasons why pvp didn't do well, and it has noting to do with DS.



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I really hope they don't remove downstate because then that's going to make it a lot less team oriented and more focused on straight focusing someone rather than rotating and capping points.


Perhaps they could add another ranked mode or something where resses and downs aren't a thing but, I really don't like the idea of simply kill focused modes around the board or that type gameplay because then it'll be no better than what it was back then.


Before, there was no need to stomp because you could EASILY cleave through downed people. Which means, you didn't really have to think about much else but winning team fights and roaming/killing people because once a person went down, that was basically it. Now, even in teamfights, IF someone goes down then it's not the end of a fight IF they can be ressed and helped. Even in team fights, you should be focusing, but focusing the right target.


That MIGHT work in WvW where it's simply bigger squads win 8/10 of the time. But, sPvP is SUPPOSED to be fined tune to skill based and competitive play. It shouldn't simply be "If you have this many people then you win" it should be "If you have people with this amount of skill doing x."


In a way it, it makes people think. Are you sure that's not a support we're about drop? If you mindlessly dump your big cooldowns and damage into one person just to have them ressed again, then who's fault is it really? The person ressing/supporting is doing their job, so shouldn't you be punished? It's the same thing with Mercy from overwatch having a res. Instead of just dumping your CDs and movement into trying to catch another DD just to have them ressed and you be out of position, it's best to communicate and get the support first. It (sometimes) made people think like. "Maybe I should bait x to get y. Maybe i should feign x to have them to z"


Idk that's just my thoughts, but I hope it doesn't get taken away cause I def won't play.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> dood lol downed state did not primarily kill pvp



Actually if you go back on Youtube and watch alot of the "Pro" at the time teams, many of them said on their own stream that they were quitting because they felt downed state didn't promote competitive PvP.


Now if we try that on another game and lets say WoW Arena suddenly was cancelled and dead, and several pro's said "I quit WoW because Rogue perma stealth is a dumb mechanic that ruins PvP". I think we can both agree after the 15th pro saying the same thing, that rogue perma stealth ruined their competitive pvp scene.



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> @"Luclinraider.2317" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > dood lol downed state did not primarily kill pvp

> >


> Actually if you go back on Youtube and watch alot of the "Pro" at the time teams, many of them said on their own stream that they were quitting because they felt downed state didn't promote competitive PvP.


> Now if we try that on another game and lets say WoW Arena suddenly was cancelled and dead, and several pro's said "I quit WoW because Rogue perma stealth is a dumb mechanic that ruins PvP". I think we can both agree after the 15th pro saying the same thing, that rogue perma stealth ruined their competitive pvp scene.




Actually GW2 ESL died bc of bunker builds, not bc of downstate

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> @"Tharan.9085" said:

> > @"Luclinraider.2317" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > dood lol downed state did not primarily kill pvp

> > >

> >

> > Actually if you go back on Youtube and watch alot of the "Pro" at the time teams, many of them said on their own stream that they were quitting because they felt downed state didn't promote competitive PvP.

> >

> > Now if we try that on another game and lets say WoW Arena suddenly was cancelled and dead, and several pro's said "I quit WoW because Rogue perma stealth is a dumb mechanic that ruins PvP". I think we can both agree after the 15th pro saying the same thing, that rogue perma stealth ruined their competitive pvp scene.

> >

> >


> Actually GW2 ESL died bc of bunker builds, not bc of downstate


Agreed...but what build does downed state benefit more than any others?


Bunker Builds!


Downed state just took hard to kill builds and made them literally unkillable on point.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > Most complaints after the no-downstate events were about dying to oneshot builds.

> >

> > Since this is fixed since feb25 it's time to finally remove downstate and start to reward skill instead of outnumbering.


> I always like the reward skill argument. Somehow many of us down and finish no problem. Of course if you a ranger and target that necro in a group from 1500 rng away it is total skill on your part and him getting rezzed when you only downed him not killed is unfair.

I realized that this is the PvP forum. Downstate discussions are usually WvW oriented....


I have a completely different opinion in this case. PvP is structured and in this game mode downstate is absolutely no issue.


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> @"Rouien.5234" said:

> I really hope they don't remove downstate because then that's going to make it a lot less team oriented and more focused on straight focusing someone rather than rotating and capping points.


It literally reads as "hey i dont like pvp, i just want to run around on map and cap points"


"Pvp'ers" in 2020 are truly different kind of breed. God forbit ppl actually wanting to fight other players instead of camping a lame circle until it switch a color ?


Besides players focusing someone is actually a team oriented effort itself



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Do you really playing this game? Or even close to gold rank? I dont think so.. What u gonna do against cancerous rev, fb and core necro tank-condi spams? Or you think everybody should play with those classes and builds? Spam all and disengage wait them die somewhere...

Downstate is not even the latest thing on list about "fixing pvp". There are too many broken mechanics, classes, builds, skills.

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