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Skirmish Claim Ticket


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> @"Deniara Devious.3948" said:

> You are going to hate me, but I have all the WvWvW legendary tier 3 armor sets (heavy, medium and light), the Warbringer and Conflux. And I still have tons of gold left and ~8k unused tickets. This is all from WvWvW.


> It is possible do this with full time work, wife, lots of small (and very demanding) kids and less than 10 h free time per week. Let me explain how I did it:

> 1. Always do the WvWvW dailies, unless you can only play like 5-10 minutes that day (then need to optimize to get 3 dailies done. My fastest 3 dailies in 3-4 mins).

> 2. Always keep your participation at max, even when you need to go AFK (I need to do that all the time, like change diapers, feed the kids, check them etc).

> 3. Get yourself a commander tag. Tag up. You get way more pips if you have a public squad with 10+ players and your server benefits.

> 4. Flip lots of camps , sentries, heal team mates and kill enemy players. Capturing just one camp or killing just one enemy player will keep your participation at max.

> 5. Always carry full supplies and full selection of siege blueprints (they are cheap at trading post, buy them with gold). You will need these to take down enemy siege and to solo build siege.

> 6. If you need extra pips, play on an outnumbered map. If you server doesn't offer outnumbered maps on your play time, maybe you are playing on wrong (too full) server. I don't do this, because I get enough pips for full diamond almost always anyways.

> 7. Learn to flip ANY objective alone. Yes, even keeps can be soloed and you can do that using sub optimal core build. I almost fully play only my own core builds. I even use core food, since I am cheap and I like core. Stone Mist Castle is theoretically possible to solo, but in reality enemy defenders will come for you before you get to solo down the legendary castle lord. So basically you need some allies for the big shiny castle and I would recommend that for keeps as well.

> 8. Learn to tag enemies, enemy towers, keeps. You will get participation even if you don't alone do the job.

> 9. Use experience boosters e.g. a birthday booster. Don't forget to use consumables (I'm fine with cheap core foods).

> 10. Play a build you like to play, even if all others tell you it is not good and you should play meta. This must be fun or just quit the game.

> 13. Learn to do things others generally don't do, e.g. roam without ANY stealth, teleports, block, evade or no other easy "get free" card and go behind enemy lines, fight outnumbered, dive into enemy zergs alone without stability, blocks nor evades. This will keep the game fun and challenging, instead of boring.


> Basically you can get last diamond chest in about 10 h of play per week if you are efficient. That is only about 1.5 h gaming/day. Not bad for an ONLY hobby (I can afford).


> Ayna / Deniara


Mostly true and good advice, but you have to be plat or above and near perma-outnumered to get to 10 hours. Winning and outnumbered really helps.

I play multiple accts on TC each week, and most weeks finish diamond on anywhere from 2-4 of those accts. This is how those accts tend to break down.


Gold rank, 14 hours is doable if you get a good amount of outnumbered, otherwise, 16 hours is average. (I have 2 at this rank) 14 hours is also my personal best, in a T1 match, outnumbered on and off all reset night, I played all 14 straight. This would not be normal, and isn't recommended. We never lead.

Silver rank, 16 hours with plenty of outnumbered, otherwise it's closer to 18 hours.

Bronze, it takes about 20 hours if you get outnumbered from time to time, which on TC is easy to do, but it is still slow going. (I have 2 at this rank too)


The problem with tickets is that they should be evenly spread out over each chest. Instead, you can do just bronze every week and only get 42. Whereas diamond alone is 90. I feel like it would be less of a hassle if each chest had the same number of tickets all the way up. That way every hour of play feels worth it. Under the status quo, you are mostly getting nothing until you get to mithril chests.

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The thing that annoys me as a recently-returned player is that there are so _many_ different WvW currencies, but the ones that I actually *want* are only accessible in a very inflexible clock-punching manner. (Or, I suppose, by paying like 1g for 6 Memories of Battle on the TP.)

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > > Not a big fan of this system either. Its just painful to have currency linked to a timegated tick rate just so you can artificially inflate playtime on a mode the vast majority finds boring. Thats not how to solve the problem. It makes you play it less rather, except of course when you need the tickets or the reward track.

> >

> > Inflating playtime is one part of it, yes, this is an MMO afterall, but compared to Raiding and PvP where you actually have to 'win' to progress, in WvW you get pips just for standing in a map and moving every few minutes so you don't get booted for AFK. All you need to do is maintain participation so you keep getting pips, and then you get your reward.

> >

> > And considering maintaining is as easy as attacking the walls of an enemy tower/keep with a Treb, or just tagging a downed enemy player that was fought by your team, it is possible to earn a full set of legendary armor by literally doing nothing of importance. That is why (I believe anyways) it takes the longest to complete in WvW as compared to the other two game modes.


> I didnt say it isnt easy, and difficulty is not the issue anyway.

> Then again in between all the activities the game has to offer it is mind boggling to me why the skirmish tracks reset after a week already. Obviously the best chest is the last one with approx 90 tickets in total, thats around as much as the first three grant together. If i play wvw every evening i can get all of them, even as a lvl 1 with a worst case minimum of three pips per tick, but most other activities will have to wait. (My evening schedule right now consists of 3 pvp matches, some minor achievements and fractal cms+dailies+recs.)

> Now i dont have to reach the last chest of course, i can just get as many as my time allows me to, but why has it to be so much more demanding to reach the last wvw chest compared to the pvps final chest for example? It would be better to let the track last longer with much more chests to open than what we have right now. That would make it less stressful and as a long term goal much more balanced.

> And if your guess is correct then it is even more questionable that i can do - as you say - literally nothing of importance to earn pips and so the drawback is that i have to play wvw much more concentrated or longer than anything else. Seems like really bad design to me.

> Its also a non-argument, saying that mmos generally have to artificially inflate playtime and therefor anything that consumes time is well designed. I have envoy and gwamm, both were fun to achieve. Even fractal god, which i am working on right now, is more exciting than keeping up participation by destroying walls, roaming back and forth inbetween locations in maps that almost always look the same anywhere you go or following the blob to mindlessly tag enemies that get overwhelmed by a bigger force. Its just not fun, and tbh i find it astounding (and admirable) that there are people who actually enjoy this game mode.


Then just don't play it. You don't need to unlock everything in this game. It was added as a bonus for WvW players as well as a long-term goal for new players if they really wanted it. The best way to "farm" it is to just play the game. Sounds like you really hate WvW so just don't farm it.

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> @"JUN YANG.4328" said:

> > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > I stopped WvW because of this. Was trying to get legendary armor but realized a few months in that it sucked. Now I play occasionally and have given up on anything achievement based because it isn't long term goals, it's grind. Grind is not gaming. Time gated currency is grind and not a useful mechanic.


> i gave up the wvw legendary armor really early. there is no way i can get rank 2000 . i am not a hard core wvw player. but i am a veteran, for 5 years played time. i still havent get to rank 600.


Rank 2000 is only for the glowy version. Base WvW leggy armor doesn't have that issue.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> The problem with tickets is that they should be evenly spread out over each chest. Instead, you can do just bronze every week and only get 42. Whereas diamond alone is 90. I feel like it would be less of a hassle if each chest had the same number of tickets all the way up. That way every hour of play feels worth it. Under the status quo, you are mostly getting nothing until you get to mithril chests.


Just add this to the long list of "huh" things about this game, that have been complained about since forever, make no sense and should be fixed, yet remain something that devs don't even mention on a live stream.



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Legendaries can be pretty cool, but ascended gear has an advantage in fashion wars, if you are into changing the way your character looks. Different pieces of gear can have different appearances. Legendary items are always the same piece of gear, but they have adjustable stats. This means that if you switch builds you will always look the same if you use only one set of legendary armor. Having several sets of ascended gear on the other hand allows for you to look like a holosmithy holosmith or a scrappy scrapper.


I'd only go for legendaries if you are into build crafting on a favorite class of yours or you really like the appearance.

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I'm having these troubles as well. I want to make my first set of legendary armor and I've only got 2 pieces completed. It took me about half a year per piece when I finally made the decision to start working on it. Working on my third piece now, 800 more tickets to go.

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  • 6 months later...

skirmishing ticket is so hard to get it's not even funny

need 20+ hours of grind to get weekly cap, specially hard in populated server ( can basically never get outnumbered in normal play time) and weekly cap isnt even high to begin with.


i'd rather do tasks like pve trinket that's worth of 20h per week instead of grind camps for hours and hours


it's not even like badge which you can get more if you get more kills

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> @"Calisanna.8732" said:

> It’s like they want you to play the mode to earn rewards!

> This thread always makes me laugh ;)


OP does have a point though. Not everyone can spend the entire week playing WvW. And you also need to do PvE if you want the armor.

So people with limited time can't get rewards, even if they try. For a supposedly "casual fun" MMO, this system is out of place severely.


They should do something like they have for wood, if you complete idk, platinum or gold you get another +1, then another +1 for diamond, then buff up rewards from repeatable diamond to reward dedicated WvW players. But keep the skirmish tickets time gate as it is, 356 per week. That's ok. What's not is how long you have to play to get those.


I mean, i finished 2 pieces of my legendary armor, and that's because skirmish tickets were a byproduct really, since i play WvW anyway i might as well.

But i have tons of free time right now, and even with playing a lot, it takes very long to max diamond.

Some people are not so fortunate. But i don't see why they shouldn't get their legendary because they have real life commitments.


It would still require you 6+ months to get the legendary, but you wouldn't have to grind the entire week to max the tickets. ANd people who only play WvW would be rewarded better so no one would be left behind. They need to balance skirmish tickets gain with the rest of the legendaries. Right now, WvW and PvP armors are the hardest to get for no reason. Even PvP is i think easier and more casual, no need to play as much per week.


I know that people will disagree, legendary needs to be hard etc., but the time requirements on a person compared to literally every other legendary piece are too high. Especially weapons which you can do at your own convenience (as well as Raid armor). No need to spend time you don't have to get those, and it's still easier to do them than WvW armor (time commintment wise). That's just a fact. And i sympathize with someone who can't play as much as *needed*. Whether or not Anet will do something about it i doubt it. THey're not as fast to consider anything WvW related.

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> @"Calisanna.8732" said:

> It’s like they want you to play the mode to earn rewards!

> This thread always makes me laugh ;)


not reallying playing but grinding, in pvp i get more shards for being better player, while wvw you just need to do minimum and also if your world only getting 3 pip and no outnumber, good luck

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You don’t need the WvW ascended/legendary armor if you aren’t willing to put in the time towards it. Each mode has their own way. I love WvW and personally refuse to do raids hence why this is the mode I choose to get my armor.



Just imagine how it felt to be a WvW player before leg armor and trinkets were even brought to our game mode. We had absolutely no way unless we wanted to grind it out in other modes that are also not so friendly to casual players.

Anet even made it so you get pips at the end of each tick vs pips at the end of wood, bronze and so on (the change was not immediate either) to help those with time restraints out even more.


If anet made it to easy, less ppl would play daily,weekly, monthly in WvW. Our game mode thrives with population- hence why you have to invest time for the armor. It’s a goal you work towards, and can even as a casual.


I hate fractals and pvp, for a very long time I had no way of getting a legendary back because I was unwilling to put in the time/effort. If investing 6 months work if 20+ hrs a week WvW isn’t your cup of tea then I suggest checking out the other sources of ascended/leg armor.



As for low pips and non outnumbered maps... not sure what to tell you there. I spent the first 600 levels on a loosing sever. Even now my server is not always getting good pips and we sure aren’t outnumbered often at all! Wanna increase your pips for faster skirmish tickets? Same answer- play the mode. When you level to higher ranks you get more pips. Get a tag and tag up. I’m pretty sure you still get extra pips for tagging. Finish wood each week for the extra pip.


Most of all, don’t WvW if you don’t like it or the farm will feel like forever. The tickets come naturally from actively playing in WvW.

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Not sure if that helps, but trying to get legendary armor through pvp while playing 2h per day might be even longer as a casual player. You are in a group of 5 and all 5 must perform. Pvp ends up costing more time and, like in my case, it costs soo much nerves with all the beautiful (and for some reason still invisible to Anet) afk/bots. At least in WvW you can do stuff solo if needed. Imagine having to have a group of at least 4 more (random!) people and fight other groups of 5 but if you loose a fight you don't get any rewards. That is pvp.

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