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Raid requirements

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> @"Amineo.8951" said:

> This is just asinine to recommend Raid Trainings again for people who already cleared the content once. What about those who gets unlucky and get less KPs than usual all the time? They gotta re-run the Wings 15 times to get in a "Normal" group? Just stop it people...


Anet made sure you can "buy" KP and LI meaning players with zero (or worse than zero) experience with the content can apply for groups that require experience. Is it good to ask for high amounts of LI/KP? Of course not, in fact it's dumb, but without asking for high values it's impossible to separate those with actual experience from those that bought "proof". The whole idea of using an external item as "proof" of experience is dumb but the game doesn't have anything else that can be used, if there was, I'm sure those LFG listings wouldn't be there


> I played FFXIV, you do the Raid Floor once and it's done, you don't need to link Killproofs at all to join any groups again.


I'm curious, can you die at the entrance and wait for the team to finish the encounter like you can do in Guild Wars 2? Is such an activity heavily promoted there like it is in GW2?

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Amineo.8951" said:

> > This is just asinine to recommend Raid Trainings again for people who already cleared the content once. What about those who gets unlucky and get less KPs than usual all the time? They gotta re-run the Wings 15 times to get in a "Normal" group? Just stop it people...


> Anet made sure you can "buy" KP and LI meaning players with zero (or worse than zero) experience with the content can apply for groups that require experience. Is it good to ask for high amounts of LI/KP? Of course not, in fact it's dumb, but without asking for high values it's impossible to separate those with actual experience from those that bought "proof". The whole idea of using an external item as "proof" of experience is dumb but the game doesn't have anything else that can be used, if there was, I'm sure those LFG listings wouldn't be there


> > I played FFXIV, you do the Raid Floor once and it's done, you don't need to link Killproofs at all to join any groups again.


> **I'm curious, can you die at the entrance and wait for the team to finish the encounter like you can do in Guild Wars 2? Is such an activity heavily promoted there like it is in GW2?


You can't as there are mechanics that needs all players to be alive in some encounters and you will need DPS unless your teammates are Gold Parse and master everything perfectly, and even then it's super strict, the DPS loss is really a huge issue in that game even if people can get revived (with penalties and there's no downstate, if your hp reaches 0 you die and Healers gotta waste 1/5 of their MP to revive you) during the fights. There are runs you can buy but you actually can't just hop in and afk, so the guy who wanna gets carried cannot put his brain offline, he actually has to know the mechanics or it'll cause a party wipe.

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> @"Amineo.8951" said:

> You can't as there are mechanics that needs all players to be alive in some encounters and you will need DPS unless your teammates are Gold Parse and master everything perfectly, and even then it's super strict, the DPS loss is really a huge issue in that game even if people can get revived (with penalties and there's no downstate, if your hp reaches 0 you die and Healers gotta waste 1/5 of their MP to revive you) during the fights. There are runs you can buy but you actually can't just hop in and afk, so the guy who wanna gets carried cannot put his brain offline, he actually has to know the mechanics or it'll cause a party wipe.


Thanks for that. So that's one of the reasons there are requirements for KP in GW2 and not in FFXIV. Unfortunately the "buying culture" exists in GW2 making the experience of players with 1 boss kill questionable. Not to mention you can get 200 LI by farming Escort, which causes LI requirements to skyrocket. It's an unfortunate result of how the game/content is designed I'm afraid

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Amineo.8951" said:

> > You can't as there are mechanics that needs all players to be alive in some encounters and you will need DPS unless your teammates are Gold Parse and master everything perfectly, and even then it's super strict, the DPS loss is really a huge issue in that game even if people can get revived (with penalties and there's no downstate, if your hp reaches 0 you die and Healers gotta waste 1/5 of their MP to revive you) during the fights. There are runs you can buy but you actually can't just hop in and afk, so the guy who wanna gets carried cannot put his brain offline, he actually has to know the mechanics or it'll cause a party wipe.


> Thanks for that. So that's one of the reasons there are requirements for KP in GW2 and not in FFXIV. Unfortunately the "buying culture" exists in GW2 making the experience of players with 1 boss kill questionable. Not to mention you can get 200 LI by farming Escort, which causes LI requirements to skyrocket. It's an unfortunate result of how the game/content is designed I'm afraid


And to make matters worse, one player messing up can also wipe the squad at most bosses in GW2. Here's some examples.

Careless seeker pull during VG's last phase CC? Potentially dead squad. Consistently missing green bombs and blowing timed bombs on kiter at Sab? Potential wipe. One poison at middle or in front of squad at Slothasor/Matt = wipe. Step in oil at Deimos = potential wipe. Miss a green at Dhuum = insta-wipe.

From those alone it should be clear why people want to make sure that people know their stuff. HOWEVER, even lots of people with 400ish LI actually rarely seem to know their stuff which is why Kitty's taken a "don't fail too hard or Kitty's forced to make a decision"-attitude instead of asking for KP. May sound toxic and gatekeeping but it's often a necessity to get kills without spending half a day in 2 wings.

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> @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> This is raid system:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/AmL34et.jpg "")


> This picture tell more about system.



So, the original post you made is by now 5 days old. Ask yourself: **what have you done these last few days, some of which fall into a weekend, to get into a raid?**


Have you actually in any way tried to find a raid group?

Have you in any way tried to find a guild which raids?

Have you looked for training discord servers to join or ask questions?

Have you even at least practiced on the training golem some rotations for some classes you would like to play?


What have you actually contributed to getting yourself raid ready or into a raid group? Besides looking at the LFG and being annoyed?


Maybe the answers to those questions will tell you why you are right now where you are in respect to raids, and not somewhere else. Or maybe not, what do I know, I finished my full clear earlier today for the week.

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> Have you actually in any way tried to find a raid group?

yeah but in most common kick from squad without given chance

> Have you in any way tried to find a guild which raids?

I am in guild but they do not take me to training raid still, additional I know w1,w2, and some bosses from another wings

> Have you looked for training discord servers to join or ask questions?

my english bad so there are problem in community

> Have you even at least practiced on the training golem some rotations for some classes you would like to play?

my dps 31k in 1mil golem, 27k on 4 mil golem

> What have you actually contributed to getting yourself raid ready or into a raid group? Besides looking at the LFG and being annoyed?

which said earlie most common kick from squad

> Maybe the answers to those questions will tell you why you are right now where you are in respect to raids, and not somewhere else. Or maybe not, what do I know, I finished my full clear earlier today for the week.

we know all players with 250li begins from 0li, but when you see in lfg withthis requirements, this is sorry stupid requriements, in a week my chances to find squad very little , aprrox 2 or 3 bosses this is mean 3 li, now I am in the game still cannt join, because requirements



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> @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> we know all players with 250li begins from 0li, but when you see in lfg withthis requirements, this is sorry stupid requriements, in a week my chances to find squad very little , aprrox 2 or 3 bosses this is mean 3 li


Yes, and those 250 LI players did not start in 250 LI groups. They started at 0 and joined 0 LI groups (aka trainings). You are still assuming that HAVING 250 LI is the same as being experienced on bosses enough to remain in squad. Trust me, if you have no experience at a boss, after 2-3 fails latest, you will get kicked, even if you did have the LI to join.


Yes, because you keep using the LFG instead of going where there is regular training runs:

- raid training discords and guilds (or similar trainings)


If you are in a guild which raids and does trainings, they should take you along. If not: find a different guild.


Language can be a barrier yes, but most of the time rudimentary (basic) English is more than enough. If it does pose a bigger hurdle, try to look for similar language players/guilds in LA or other city hubs.


What also works is:

If you find a commander who does a training run, be it via LFG, discord or where ever, ask him if it's okay to add him to your friends, and if he does trainings more often. Most will happily help out.

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> Trust me, if you have no experience at a boss, after 2-3 fails latest, you will get kicked, even if you did have the LI to join.

I think you didnot understand me, I am not about that 250li lfg take me to raid, I am about that I cannt find squad, kick in most common without chance.

> Yes, because you keep using the LFG instead of going where there is regular training runs:

I answered they didnot take me

> If you are in a guild which raids and does trainings, they should take you along. If not: find a different guild.

this is looks like sent cv to companies and waiting answer, sorry man this is game not job

> Language can be a barrier yes, but most of the time rudimentary (basic) English is more than enough. If it does pose a bigger hurdle, try to look for similar language players/guilds in LA or other city hubs.

I think language very important, I cannt speak in english, I am fro mdifferent country, this is big problem

> If you find a commander who does a training run, be it via LFG, discord or where ever, ask him if it's okay to add him to your friends, and if he does trainings more often. Most will happily help out.

random is not way, so about 2 days ago one player deleted game, I think gw2 will lose more players, because more players have this problem, I cannt spent my whole life in game, game need to be fun not job.In game there are 3 language but in fact game sold from different countries, turkish,russian,arabia and etc, I think anet not think about it.



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> @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> > Trust me, if you have no experience at a boss, after 2-3 fails latest, you will get kicked, even if you did have the LI to join.

> I think you didnot understand me, I am not about that 250li lfg take me to raid, I am about that I cannt find squad, kick in most common without chance.

> > Yes, because you keep using the LFG instead of going where there is regular training runs:

> I answered they didnot take me

> > If you are in a guild which raids and does trainings, they should take you along. If not: find a different guild.

> this is looks like sent cv to companies and waiting answer, sorry man this is game not job


Well what can I tell you, others have managed. We have new raiders currently in our practice roster. There is occasionally topics from people who have been raiding successfully for half a year sharing their story (or w/e time frame). Chances are very low this will change.


> @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> > Language can be a barrier yes, but most of the time rudimentary (basic) English is more than enough. If it does pose a bigger hurdle, try to look for similar language players/guilds in LA or other city hubs.

> I think language very important, I cannt speak in english, I am fro mdifferent country, this is big problem


Sure, language barrier can be very challenging. Hence why I offered advice on how to find players who speak a more accessible language. Now if you are from a country with very few GW2 players, that could be indeed very difficult. In which case, you are best off trying to find some international guilds.


> @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> > If you find a commander who does a training run, be it via LFG, discord or where ever, ask him if it's okay to add him to your friends, and if he does trainings more often. Most will happily help out.

> random is not way, so about 2 days ago one player deleted game, I think gw2 will lose more players, because more players have this problem, I cannt spent my whole life in game, game need to be fun not job.In game there are 3 language but in fact game sold from different countries, turkish,russian,arabia and etc, I think anet not think about it.


You don't have to spend your whole life in the game. All it takes is 1 group of players who are willing to do regular trainings. You can even create your own. The advice to join established groups is only because that is far easier than starting from scratch and being in charge.


Also yes, players leave and join all the time. Raids will hardly be the deciding factor for this at this point in time, given how they are pretty much on ice at the moment.

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> @"Amineo.8951" said:

> I played FFXIV, you do the Raid Floor once and it's done, you don't need to link Killproofs at all to join any groups again. There are people who ask for parsers just to see your DPS in the Raid encounter but it's a minority and a very very small portion of the playerbase compared to what I see every day in GW2 LFG asking for LIs and an obscene amount of KPs for W5/W6/W7 (aka PoF Raids).


> This is just asinine to recommend Raid Trainings again for people who already cleared the content once.

Do you know how long it took the first group i tried raiding with to "graduate" from killing VG once, to be able to do it consistently?

A **month**.

And that was in a group that was on average mostly on the same level. A player that is getting carried to the first kill by more experienced friends, for example, might be even less ready for another kill, but this time in a group of similar-level pugs.


> What about those who gets unlucky and get less KPs than usual all the time? They gotta re-run the Wings 15 times to get in a "Normal" group?

Well, yes. if you get your LI doing full clears from the start (which probably _won't_ happen for new raiders) then 2-3 kills of each boss would be nowhere close to the experience that PUGs might want.

Seriously, depending on situation, how fast you;re learning and whom you've made your kils with, 2-3 kills on boss is nowhere close to having any truly dependable experience for that boss.



> Granted it's definitely the game designers fault for such unbalanced combat and community behaviour as a whole who suffers from it in both sides. You can criticize other MMOs all you want but they do a far better job at educating players with builds, encounters etc... By just playing through the game.

It's not a matter of educating players. It's a matter of some major core design differences. Ones that are definitely _not_ easy to change now.



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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> So, the original post you made is by now 5 days old. Ask yourself: **what have you done these last few days, some of which fall into a weekend, to get into a raid?**


> Have you actually in any way tried to find a raid group?

> Have you in any way tried to find a guild which raids?

> Have you looked for training discord servers to join or ask questions?

> Have you even at least practiced on the training golem some rotations for some classes you would like to play?


> What have you actually contributed to getting yourself raid ready or into a raid group? Besides looking at the LFG and being annoyed?


I think this is a reasonable point. Full disclosure: I have **not** done any raids yet, apart from a brief practice run for Key to Adashim. I have however practiced some rotations on the training golem, optimised my build and crafted myself some raid food. I have also gotten my gear up to Ascended quality and watched some raid videos.


Starting this week, I'm going to try point 1: Trying to find a raid group. I think joining a specific raid guild is a step that I'm not willing to make just yet, but I don't mind joining a Discord server to coordinate with the rest of the team. I'll have a look around to see if there are raid groups without 250 LI requirements. I'll report my findings at the end of the week.



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> @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > So, the original post you made is by now 5 days old. Ask yourself: **what have you done these last few days, some of which fall into a weekend, to get into a raid?**

> >

> > Have you actually in any way tried to find a raid group?

> > Have you in any way tried to find a guild which raids?

> > Have you looked for training discord servers to join or ask questions?

> > Have you even at least practiced on the training golem some rotations for some classes you would like to play?

> >

> > What have you actually contributed to getting yourself raid ready or into a raid group? Besides looking at the LFG and being annoyed?


> I think this is a reasonable point. Full disclosure: I have **not** done any raids yet, apart from a brief practice run for Key to Adashim. I have however practiced some rotations on the training golem, optimised my build and crafted myself some raid food. I have also gotten my gear up to Ascended quality and watched some raid videos.


> Starting this week, I'm going to try point 1: Trying to find a raid group. I think joining a specific raid guild is a step that I'm not willing to make just yet, but I don't mind joining a Discord server to coordinate with the rest of the team. I'll have a look around to see if there are raid groups without 250 LI requirements. I'll report my findings at the end of the week.






This is a mindset that gets you in raids. Infact if you play in EU server we do have a big raid training community/guild. We are using a sign up system for raids/raid trainings so we only expected you to show up in raids where you have signed up. Its up to you how active you are in guild or how much you interact with other guild mates, our discord is also a great place to ask some raid related questions.


We do have other stuff going on in guild aswell like daily fractals, fractal CM trainings, pvp squads etc but again its up to you if you wanna be part of those activities :)


If this is something that might suit your needs, just give me a shout.


-Happy raiding

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> @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> the problem is that I dont know which roles I need for bosses, so I googled it but cannot find information about it and I decided to create static squad with new players and begin from 0.



Chrono Druid BS DPS DPS

Chrono Heal DPS DPS DPS


this works on every boss. Replace the second player with another DPS if you dont need it. You can also take an Alacrigade instead of a DPS in this comp. This allows the Chronos to go more offensive. I wouldnt recommend it for unexperienced Chronos though.


Chrono Druid BS DPS DPS

QFB Alacrigade DPS DPS DPS


this usually works better, but its a pain to play on SH and Largos. After either the Firebrand or the Renegade be a second healer if you need one.


Boonthief Druid or SLB BS DPS DPS

Alacrigade Heal DPS DPS DPS


Alacrigade can take the role of the only or second healer. With this you dont necessarily need a druid. The Boonthief is able to provide might to all players. If you dont decide to take a druid, make sure to have a Slb to get atleast one Spirit. This works on Matthias, Mursaat and Adina.

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> @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> > Post your own lfg

> the problem is that I dont know which roles I need for bosses, so I googled it but cannot find information about it and I decided to create static squad with new players and begin from 0.



Pick any of these, pref the ones with 2 heals and ur good to go.

basic squad compositions:


chrono=5 men quickness and 5 men alacrity

firebrand (heal or condi)= 5 men quickness

alacrity renegade (heal or power) 10 men alacrity

Boon thief=all boons for 10 men 100% uptime EXCEPT alacrity (only works for few bosses)




SOLO heal

2 chronos

1 druid

1 bs

6 dps


2 chronos

1 druid

1 off heal

1 bs

5 dps


SOLO heal

2 quickness condition firebrands

1 alacrity power renegade

1 druid

1 bs

5 dps


1 quickness condition firebrand

1 heal quickness firebrand

1 alacrity power renegade

1 druid

1 bs

5 dps


SOLO heal

1 quickness condition firebrand

1 chrono

1 alacrity power renegade

1 druid

1 bs

5 dps


1 chrono

1 heal quickness firebrand

1 alacrity power renegade

1 druid

1 bs

5 dps


1 chrono

1 condition quickness firebrand

1 alacrity heal renegade

1 druid

1 bs

5 dps


2 quickness condition firebrands

1 alacrity heal renegade

1 druid

1 bs

5 dps


1 boon thief

1 Alacrity renegade (heal or power)

1 druid or soulbeast

1 bs

6 dps


There is an option to cover either quickness or alacrity by stacking certain dps classes as well.


Builds you can find from here: https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/

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