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Anet 5v5/3v3/2v2 needs to change rules in leaderboard. POLL

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Current leaderboard is useless and the only thing we see is who knows best to dodge que / wintrade / farm gold player..

We need to change it completely rules for what raiting is obtained .. In a normal ranked game, there will be no raiting .. And ranked will serve only for training gaining shards on the reward track or to make a division .. without the players seeing exactly what raiting they have.

Raiting in the leaderboard will only be earned for playing Automatic Tournaments where it is not possible to dodge or wintrade top players/team.


I don't know if the players who train and play professional pvp are happy with the system where they are in the top 20 and the only games they have is farming gold random players.. Yesterday i had 4 losses (soloQ) in two hours with a random party against the same premade 55drgn .. and at night European time other players farmed ranked against low raiting when the population in the game is the smallest they gained 20 wins 0 losses per night.. is this the leaderboard we all want to see?.. isn't it time to change it and follow the leaderboard where it's not just about farming low raiting and doing que / wintrade?


And if in a normal ranked game it will not be possible to gain / lose raiting no one will have to doge Q .. In that case, experienced players will play against equally experienced players and the games will be more balanced and all the more interesting for them. And it won't be so demotivating for the players in the gold when they play every kind of game against a strong premade team.


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They should just get their kitten together and seperate the queues. Will the queue timers be long for teamq? well yes... there are more soloq players then teamq players and there are not alot of established teams - matches will be unbalanced.


But this is for the greater good, leaderboard will never not be a joke when soloq and premades are mixed.


The pvp developers need to get there stuff together.

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Seperate que does not change anything. More wintrade will work in 2v2 / 3v3 as well. Because if you can play solo vs solo the top leaderboard will be created from players

where two friends play solo Q - and the moment if play against each other one deliberately still loses. And if play together so tryhard.

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> nope, if I have a chance to get one of those leaderboards title is with the current leaderboards, using the same exploits


are you saying you wanna ruin the game for other players just to get a title that is pretty much useless and means nothing when people wintrade and have those titles and still you can see that they play badly even when they have one of the titles form top 250? :D and then there are decent players that wont exploit the current system and will never have those top 25 etc titles cuz they wont ruin the matches for other ppl. there arent many players that play the pvp in this game and yet there are those that will keep ruining the experience for others...

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> @"Sorra.1735" said:

> > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > nope, if I have a chance to get one of those leaderboards title is with the current leaderboards, using the same exploits


> are you saying you wanna ruin the game for other players just to get a title that is pretty much useless and means nothing when people wintrade and have those titles and still you can see that they play badly even when they have one of the titles form top 250? :D and then there are decent players that wont exploit the current system and will never have those top 25 etc titles cuz they wont ruin the matches for other ppl. there arent many players that play the pvp in this game and yet there are those that will keep ruining the experience for others...


lol no, you said all that

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This forum is a hoot and a half.


It's been the same story since early HoT when I started playing the game: some person posts with delusions of grandeur that if it wasn't for premades, or win-traders, or broken specs or (insert another excuse here) they could have been rolling around with their own God(dess) of PvP title because they know deep down inside it's every other reason in the world keeping them from getting it.


At least there's consistency with the comedy in these posts year after year.

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> @"Starbreaker.6507" said:

> This forum is a hoot and a half.


> It's been the same story since early HoT when I started playing the game: some person posts with delusions of grandeur that if it wasn't for premades, or win-traders, or broken specs or (insert another excuse here) they could have been rolling around with their own God(dess) of PvP title because they know deep down inside it's every other reason in the world keeping them from getting it.


> At least there's consistency with the comedy in these posts year after year.


And u call other people deluded? Sry but if u can't see the advantage of premade groups vs pugs u really shouldn't be making those accusations.

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I don't think it should be changed, I just think there should be two leaderboards.


One for SoloQ, with a separate SoloQ mode for ranking up in it

and one for teams.


Imo, the main thing that ruins the current leaderboard isn't wintrading. Classic wintrading is even really all that present as there isn't a need for it.

It's Just borderline match manipulation that involves stacking the highest rated players together and then doing everything in their power to be matched against the worst competition possible. There are ways to play the match maker without wintrading so long as you have some idea how it works, which most top players do/should.


That, along with alting and boosting i'd say are the biggest uglies on the leaderboard. If it were actually fair; none of these problems would exist, at least not nearly as much as they have after Season 13.

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All that is needed for a clean leaderboard, is to slice rating gain on a win by 50% if you are in a duo.


This allows solo q players to climb twice as fast, and the losses becomes severly more punishing when duo-queuing. It is however not an issue for duos with over 75% winrate, and choosing to duo in off hours (meaning bigger difference in team mmr) would mean you'd climb slower even if you win all matches than someone who lose 1/4 of their matches during primetime.


You could still work the system. It'd just be tons more work for way less rewards compared to not doing it. This would discourage you from duo q if you want in on the top 250, and the players who still get there with a duo would belong there anyways.

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> @"TallBarr.2184" said:

> They should just get their kitten together and seperate the queues. Will the queue timers be long for teamq? well yes... there are more soloq players then teamq players and there are not alot of established teams - matches will be unbalanced.


> But this is for the greater good, leaderboard will never not be a joke when soloq and premades are mixed.


> The pvp developers need to get there stuff together.


they havent in 8 years, I doubt they would even if they got a raise for it.

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> @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> At all levels, the majority of the people want to PvP only when they can noob stomp. If you restrict it to a level playing field, the population will shrink dramatically.


Wow that's pessimistic. In my experience, once I realize my opponent is a noob, the satisfaction gained from killing them drops to nearly 0. If people don't have that happen to them they should probably reexamine their life.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> At all levels, the majority of the people want to PvP only when they can noob stomp. If you restrict it to a level playing field, the population will shrink dramatically.


I also think that if the games don't end at 500-0 then the population in pvp will increase rapidly .. I don't see the point of playing games where the winning team is visible after the first fight and just simply snowball the whole game .. and as an experienced player (p2-3) can say that I don't like such a snowball game and didn't like the game at all and don't feel fun when i win 500-0 / 100

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> @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> At all levels, the majority of the people want to PvP only when they can noob stomp. If you restrict it to a level playing field, the population will shrink dramatically.


A casino where I win? I must be in heaven!

A casino where I _always_ win? I must be ... in hell!


The point is that while winning is fun, winning often with no challenge is boring. Most players prefer having close games where their effort matters over constant low-effort wins. While winning from noob stomps may be fun at first, the initial satisfaction quickly fades.

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Yeah. Close matches are better. But if the matches are pretty one-sided. I guess winning feels much better than losing. Imagine losing tons of matches without even having had a realstic change to win (big losses) ... that might make people stop playing the game. Unfortunately big loss streaks are not rare.


Winning often with no challenge is boring.

Losing often with a too big challenge (so you basically resign and don't even accept the challenge) is frustating.


Boredom might make people try somethine else every now and then - for a change of pace. Frustation might result in long-term changing of habits. (People permanently stopping to play PvP in GW2 or GW2 at all.)


Problem really isn't with the leaderboards where only a small amount of people might care about. (The ones that only play to show off skill and high ratings and ranking and who don't care at least a little bit about fun as well.) More about the matchmaking which probably works correctly given the rating we have ... but where the ratings itself are a problem.


They don't give accurate info on the skill of the players. (Some might help their teams a lot by playing the secondary map strategies and then having a lower effective skill on maps where those mechanics have less of an impact.) And the way they get updated is bad. (Disencourages from trying to win a game that seems lost ... if with all effort you might only close the gap a lil bit ... and then still lose - it doesn't matter. Rating loss is always the same.)

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although i mostly agree with the depiction, i'd personally say that its a matter of low population. The most popular competetive games dont have these toxic winrates, once they are settled at a high rating. Only their climb through smurfing is abuse, but they dont have to hold these insane winrates in order to keep their rating (which one simply has to do at such a high rating).

Changing the ranked system in such a drastic way is pretty questionable ... and all you depict is merely the consequence, but not the cause.


For me personally, it is one reason i quit gw2s ranked seasons, since even the accomplishment of hitting legendary feels meh... i'd much rather have nice stacked games, but even during prime time, you end up facing people who should not be there. Its a fairly bad time for both, them getting stomped or blamed and others being disappointed in rankeds state, rolling their eyes. (Im toxic, i count myself towards the people calling that bullshit out in a non appropriate way, i know :) )

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