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Current king of roaming?


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> @"Faccina.5091" said:

> > @"Kilo.2539" said:

> > **Condi core Necro** - Again, face roll all the condis on target. When you get low go into shroud and just stand there for a few seconds while your HP rises. Once shroud is depleted, leave shroud and dodge two times, shroud will be full again. Rinse and repeat.

> im new to wvw and i pumped all health thoughness and condition with passive and all with the idea that ill live more...

> I still get 5-9k+ with crits and 2k+ with burn while i do potato damage

> but sometimes there are people that do only 500-700 cirts and 100-500 with bleed/poison/burn

> i dont understand how the damage work in wvw :/

You can only sustain low presure damage. Use hard sustain e. g. dodge / invuln vs. the enemy spike. But most of the time, you should try to not get hit. Movement speed and positioning is the key, since if you dont get hit, you dont need healing, cleanses, stun break, reapplying stripped boons etc.


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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> You can only sustain low presure damage. Use hard sustain e. g. dodge / invuln vs. the enemy spike. But most of the time, you should try to not get hit. Movement speed and positioning is the key, since if you dont get hit, you dont need healing, cleanses, stun break, reapplying stripped boons etc.

just got hit by 10k crit and 5k+ burn while in zerk armor, changed armor to dire, got hit by 11k and 5k+ burn...

i dodge and all but meh 4 hit and sayounara :|

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Thief is still a strong option. It has a decent condi build and burst build, great mobility to get in and out of fights. A lot of players now are running in groups of 2-3 instead of solo roaming, so having that "i'm out" mobility is a god send. I think core thief is probably the strongest right now. Deadeye is still incredible for being a +1 in fights, so if you're running in a pair, dual deadeyes are pretty difficult to overcome. This is for both condi and power varients, although condi right now is probably stronger.


Rev is also strong, its power variant was nerfed, yes, but it still holds great pressure and mobility making it difficult for most to deal with. Condi Rev is also incredibly strong, but its a very much "one and done" kind of thing, I personally find them pretty easy to deal with as long as you can survive their burst of torment.


Guardian is strong, the condi/tanky meta is in their favor as it plays well with their condition based builds. Dragonhunter is also actually a bit more scary now as well because of the massive reduction of access to stability traits, meaning you can ping-pong your enemies in and out of traps more consistently. And of course, if you run in a pair, a good Firebrand can really just make a duo unstoppable at times.


Necro is strong and near unkillable if you traited correctly. The trade off is, of course, this only really effects 1v1 situations. In outnumbered fights, Necro isn't that difficult to deal with. However the best way to fight a Core Necro is to just walk away, they still have terrible mobility. Reaper is still really fun to play, but not a top tier class for sure.


Not alot of people mention Soulbeast. With the nerf they got for their "tradeoff" alot of folks said it would spell their demise, I still come across some very strong Soulbeasts in WvW. I don't think they're top tier anymore, maybe still a fun class to play. Also, there is now a perma immob variant of Ranger that is just disgusting to deal with and some really, really tough condi soulbeast builds that are used for dueling 1v1.


Mesmer is eh right now, Mirage still has potential for strong bursts but you really need to know what you're doing. More players are running Core Mesmer. Even though condi-mesmers are still a thing, more players are running condi necro/rev/thief/guard right now.


Engineers... uhh, I dunno I feel like I don't see as many running around right now. I've seen more Scrappers lately as the meta swings to tanky. Holos are still around, and seem to be holding steady, but like Soulbeasts they aren't top dogs anymore.


Elementalist, I am shocked to see people unironically list Tempest here as a good roaming class, because I can assure you it is not. True, you can make a tanky surviving beast that can't die, but staying alive doesn't mean much if you can't actually kill your opponent. Eles aren't really in the best place right now, they can stay alive (which I mean, they've always been able too...) but even their feared Fire Weaver is a shell of what it once was.


Warriors are still reeling from the latest nerfs, it hit them hard. I would stay way.


My two cents. I main Ele for reference.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > Tempest, Holo, Condi Rev, Condi mesmer, soulbeast, thief.

> >

> > As for roaming, it kinda depends on your definition since it's never really had a unified one.

> > Thief is the best at moving around the map, but compared to the other builds, it's really weak to be a combatant with and generally slow to take camps, so you'd have to play it on like a dead BL to actually do anything.

> What? Thief is slow to take camps? Is this a bait? Well, thief may not be the fastest but she is definitely there among the fastest. I guess you have yet to run into a real camp capping thief :)


> I used to play a mix of other professions and will try to tag along a squad running around PPT-ing and fighting. BUT, nowadays it is getting more difficult and tedious to join a squad because most tags run closed squads or are invisible (thanks to ANet for that). Many will require you to register, join their voice comms, and want you to play meta classes, otherwise you will be thrown into the redundant group with little or no buffs. And, of course you will always have those squad minions acting up like Commanders shouting orders here and there and the list goes on.


> Roaming solo is kinda fun actually, i can PPT on my own, I can take a break any time i want without having to worry about being kicked out of a squad, I can troll a small enemy group, disengage and run away whenever I want to and, no more noisy squad minions \o/


> Yes, find a good build and roaming is the way to go !


> edited for corrections.


How would thief, a single target burst class, clear camps fast? Other classes have significantly higher sustained damage (or burst even, but thats neither here nor there) while being able to AoE everything down one way or another. Id go as far as to say that of all the commonly seen roamers, Thief is *easily* the by far slowest at taking camps. Roaming Reapers can take camps more than 3 times as fast.

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> @"Faccina.5091" said:

> > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > You can only sustain low presure damage. Use hard sustain e. g. dodge / invuln vs. the enemy spike. But most of the time, you should try to not get hit. Movement speed and positioning is the key, since if you dont get hit, you dont need healing, cleanses, stun break, reapplying stripped boons etc.

> just got hit by 10k crit and 5k+ burn while in zerk armor, changed armor to dire, got hit by 11k and 5k+ burn...

> i dodge and all but meh 4 hit and sayounara :|


if you really want to learn your class, ask in your server teamchat for the Wvw guilds of it. if they have some, you'll find the good players in them. scrouge-necro is the craziest damagedealer with big sustain .. you drop your massiv damage wells and marks and just watch things explode.


if u only seek 1v1 combat, idk... but the big dps bombing works there too, with the danger that your opp is able to outplay you still.


the reason why your initial idea of "max health + toughness" isn't the masterplan is, because for example it does not reduce condi damage, and if you're stunned u take more damage. critdps is madness anyways, but once u are aware what every character is able to do, you will be able to avoid the biggest hits.

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> if you really want to learn your class, ask in your server teamchat for the Wvw guilds of it. if they have some, you'll find the good players in them.

The last thing that fight guilds usually care about is roaming ^^ Better watch a YT vid instead.


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