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Do you care about the score?

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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"acidic.4356" said:

> > good answer, and the right answer...because it is indeed , unexplainable :)

> Why do ppl play games and enjoy to win . . . you wont understand, just give up on that pls :p


> > @"acidic.4356" said:

> > because u realise it means nothin right? (no prize, no legitimate claim to be the best server, nothin.) doesnt mean ur server is the best

> it means exactly that


that ur server is the best? is this what your sayin? coz im confused as to how...

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Selected "Other" because "No" implies that I don't care about what the game mode is about, which is not the case.


I don't care because I am not a bandwagoner and play on the same server since 2012. And if you do that, then you either don't care or get depressed.

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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"acidic.4356" said:

> > that ur server is the best? is this what your sayin? coz im confused as to how...

> I know ur confused



yet you still wont explain how it makes your server the best, the best at off hour ppt, or the best at havin the most players maybe? the best at siege humping? just what is it that makes the matchup winner the best server?

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> @"Jeydra.4386" said:


> As for "even if people tell you otherwise" - here's another example from not so long ago. We're losing the match. Guy says who cares, we'd rather be in T2 than T1. Next week we're in T2, he doesn't even log on to play, because there's nobody to fight. Did he really want to be in T2 instead of T1, now? He _said_ he did. Do you believe him?



Lifecycle of every bandwagon ever.


Before T1, blobbing down random pugs: We are a growing server


Wins T1: We are the best server LOL


Loses T1: We just want fights; we're taking a break


Runs over T2 pugs that are uncomped: We are a fight guild; we don't care about PPT


Wipes to T2 pugs that now turtling: This game sucks! Why can't any of you press buttons? *Begins using Arcdps to explain where everyone is garbage*


After losing defender/pug approval, starts to wipe to any even fight and drops further: Ded game. We used to carry this server, but you noobs couldn't pull your own weight.


6 Months Later; We are WvW veterans that are reforming. Now does anyone have a credit card?


*Repeat pattern*

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> @"acidic.4356" said:

> yet you still wont explain how it makes your server the best, the best at off hour ppt, or the best at havin the most players maybe? the best at siege humping? just what is it that makes the matchup winner the best server?

Winning defines who was better. Surprise! =)


You mean the team with more play hours automatically wins? Obviously wrong. And btw, even if your team is matched vs. servers that got recent influx from transfers, your team can also play more. There is no limit, you can decide to play 24/7 this matchup, no one stops you doing so.


Lets look at your precious 15 vs. 15. If one team plays 2 hours a week, and the other 2 hours per day, guess who usually wins. Ofc play hours usually matter, surprise again :o And if your team wins, it means nothing, since you could be the worst player ever who was just carried by 14 good ones.


The difference, your version is an unofficial self-made fantasy mode. And the guy you've quoted before plays the game, with an official goal and official point system. Thats why ppl that win 100% of their fights but let the keep in their back fall fail hard at playing the game. Very simple.

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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"acidic.4356" said:

> > yet you still wont explain how it makes your server the best, the best at off hour ppt, or the best at havin the most players maybe? the best at siege humping? just what is it that makes the matchup winner the best server?

> Winning defines who was better. Surprise! =)


> You mean the team with more play hours automatically wins? Obviously wrong. And btw, even if your team is matched vs. servers that got recent influx from transfers, your team can also play more. There is no limit, you can decide to play 24/7 this matchup, no one stops you doing so.


> Lets look at your precious 15 vs. 15. If one team plays 2 hours a week, and the other 2 hours per day, guess who usually wins. Ofc play hours usually matter, surprise again :o And if your team wins, it means nothing, since you could be the worst player ever who was just carried by 14 good ones.


> The difference, your version is an unofficial self-made fantasy mode. And the guy you've quoted before plays the game, with an official goal and official point system. Thats why ppl that win 100% of their fights but let the keep in their back fall fail hard at playing the game. Very simple.


hey if u enjoy knockin down doors and walls all day thats fine by me. and if u think ur server is the best at it, fine.. il let you have that accolade.

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> @"acidic.4356" said:

> > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > > @"acidic.4356" said:

> > > yet you still wont explain how it makes your server the best, the best at off hour ppt, or the best at havin the most players maybe? the best at siege humping? just what is it that makes the matchup winner the best server?

> > Winning defines who was better. Surprise! =)

> >

> > You mean the team with more play hours automatically wins? Obviously wrong. And btw, even if your team is matched vs. servers that got recent influx from transfers, your team can also play more. There is no limit, you can decide to play 24/7 this matchup, no one stops you doing so.

> >

> > Lets look at your precious 15 vs. 15. If one team plays 2 hours a week, and the other 2 hours per day, guess who usually wins. Ofc play hours usually matter, surprise again :o And if your team wins, it means nothing, since you could be the worst player ever who was just carried by 14 good ones.

> >

> > The difference, your version is an unofficial self-made fantasy mode. And the guy you've quoted before plays the game, with an official goal and official point system. Thats why ppl that win 100% of their fights but let the keep in their back fall fail hard at playing the game. Very simple.


> hey if u enjoy knockin down doors and walls all day thats fine by me. and if u think ur server is the best at it, fine.. il let you have that accolade.

Its unbelievable, you got so many explanations and still dont have a clue. No one cares what I think whos the best, or what you think whos the best. Its defined by who wins aka score.


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More score earning = more Pips, so I care a little.


And as people have said it will effect who we are fighting so I care a bit about that. Roaming is a hard game or easy depending on the opposing team. I’d like a challenge so I want to be in a higher tier if possible.

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> Its unbelievable, you got so many explanations and still dont have a clue. No one cares what I think whos the best, or what you think whos the best. Its defined by who wins aka score.


wasnt what ya said tho was it... ya said "it means exactly that" in reply to my "it doesnt mean your server is the best"


i wasnt asking what it was defined by...... but you keep on makin ur own conversation and tryna twist it your way... hf


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> @"acidic.4356" said:

> i agree, and now that there isnt any, scores dont matter..simple.

You're so out of touch with this game mode that you constantly make weird assumptions. There isnt any server pride left? Ehm no. PPT = hitting doors and NPCs? Hell no.


and the best one

> @"acidic.4356" said:

> because if u win ur matchup its because u had more players, or u pptd in the off hours whith no resistance

If all ppl on your server would share your attitude, you would be beaten easily even if you would have tripple the numbers. You would be lost at the bottom of the lowest Tier with the lowest activity. Gl with "testing yourself in battle" and find some fights. You may attack a keep to force the enemy to fight . . . oh wait, that doesnt work, because no one in your team cares for PPT and score, so all enemy keeps are T3 and you will just fight walls and ACs. You may defend your keeps to have some fights . . . oh, wait, that doesnt work either, because its T0 and gets overrun before you arrive.


Better say "thank you" to the ppl on your server that still play the game and carry you.

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I mean it's really important to use some kind of system to ensure matches do not remain stagnant and can encourage servers to fight hard to maintain the matchups if they've been fun/good. 1U1D really does make this a race for the middle, however, and usually screws up matchups every other week, which is what I predicted to happen years ago, and why we need a model which makes new matchups on a frequent basis and uses metrics based on play time schedules and the likes.


Let's not forget the original system where we might get a matchup change every 4-6 months, and people would just quit the game if their opposing server did not have a prime time group to fight but were in their corresponding tier solely because of some off-hours groups carrying the PPT/play hours numbers.


Would people be happier with more constant action? Sure. But I think there's some confirmation bias there. Roaming/Havoc and small-scale balance is dead, meaning the need for players in small groups away from the action faded, so the only people really left playing will be in the larger groups who mostly just want to fight in said groups constantly, and don't need much of a map to do that.

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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> Its unbelievable, you got so many explanations and still dont have a clue. No one cares what I think whos the best, or what you think whos the best. Its defined by who wins aka score.


This might be how it works in a fair game, but it's not the case in WvW because the format is inherently unbalanced.


Example: let's say there's a server that has queues on all four maps 24/7. You are playing against this server. You have 50% of their population and some dead timezones (i.e. no coverage). Your server usually wins during peak timezones when both sides have roughly equal numbers, but once people log off, they karma train everything so you only ever log on to paper objectives. By the end of the week your server has 4.00 KD, they have 0.3, and they win.


Which server is better?

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> @"Jeydra.4386" said:

> > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > Its unbelievable, you got so many explanations and still dont have a clue. No one cares what I think whos the best, or what you think whos the best. Its defined by who wins aka score.


> This might be how it works in a fair game, but it's not the case in WvW because the format is inherently unbalanced.


> Example: let's say there's a server that has queues on all four maps 24/7. You are playing against this server. You have 50% of their population and some dead timezones (i.e. no coverage). Your server usually wins during peak timezones when both sides have roughly equal numbers, but once people log off, they karma train everything so you only ever log on to paper objectives. By the end of the week your server has 4.00 KD, they have 0.3, and they win.


> Which server is better?


From which point of view is important to you?


Imo only okay. If on my timezone we win, I'm happy . But I have this hidden feeling, or guilty pleasure that I secretly want to win PPT too.


I may say oh fights yey or we win. But fights are onlys legit if you set and agree upon it and the rules .


So... You know, I want to win. And ultimately I have this even if scores don't matter, I don't want to lose


This really sucks sometimes since, well, we are few. My guild mates and I, were like 8 to 15 tops and we don't always meet and play. Everytime I train new ppl, they miraculously take what I teach and use it against us. Hehe which isn't so bad creating new blood.


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People say they don't but they really do, judging by the amount of /map chat drama that happens every day. KDR people moaning at their PPT link for not having open tags or guilds doing the stuff they hate and apparently don't care about but have to mention anyway. And the opposite happening at the same time - the PPT guys moaning when they ask for help defending gari and a crap fight guild EWPs, gets one pushed a couple of times and spectacularly rage quits.


The only people who genuinely don't care and don't make excuses for why they aren't losing by x points or don't have y kdr or why their server isn't inherently better than the siege monkeys and rally bots on the other servers are the people who only go into wvw to get fast dailies and leave straight after. i.e. people who were never emotionally invested enough to play wvw for any reason except the mystic clovers.

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> @"Jeydra.4386" said:

> > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > Its unbelievable, you got so many explanations and still dont have a clue. No one cares what I think whos the best, or what you think whos the best. Its defined by who wins aka score.


> This might be how it works in a fair game, but it's not the case in WvW because the format is inherently unbalanced.


> Example: let's say there's a server that has queues on all four maps 24/7. You are playing against this server. You have 50% of their population and some dead timezones (i.e. no coverage). Your server usually wins during peak timezones when both sides have roughly equal numbers, but once people log off, they karma train everything so you only ever log on to paper objectives. By the end of the week your server has 4.00 KD, they have 0.3, and they win.


> Which server is better?

If your server has such a massive problem with coverage, there could be several reasons:

(A) ppl dont like the matchup or enemy

-> enemy server wins because of higher motivation to play the game and to win, so they are the better server

(B) your server pop is in really bad balance, they only play at prime so ppl lose interest because they already know that they will lose because of that

-> enemy server is better

© most of your server only logs in for the fights (otherwise a K/D of 4 would not be doable) and thus ppl who play to win decide to take a break or left

-> enemy server is better

(D) enemy server got a huge transfer influx after relink, that wouldnt explain the numbers you provided, but ok, theoretically it could happen

-> enemy server is better


No matter which case is true, doesnt mean that winning gets meaningless. You will lose vs. this server, you will not become No. 1 in Tier 1, you will trop in Tiers, and you can still win matchups there.


(E) The only situation were this doesnt apply is when your server loses massive numbers after re-link, so you stuck at last place in bottom Tier for 8 weeks. This already happened to several servers (including mine). But usually that is because the community is in a bad state and just splits up, or leaves because "we want to do something new"

-> enemy server is better . . . but you can still influence transfers: have a good community, dont be too focussed on one thing (PvD or PPK), so your server will prolly have an influx of good WvWlers again during those 8 weeks. I already had this on my server once, so this is just part of the game and part of "which server is better".


So if you are wording your question like this:

> @"Jeydra.4386" said:

> Which server is better?


@"acidic.4356" said:

> just what is it that makes the matchup winner the best server?

The answer that I already gave is: the server (or server + server = team) who wins the matchup is the better server.


If you want to know "why did a server win the matchup?", I would answer "Because of the higher motivation to win or at least to play the game mode, which both includes PPT aka caring and fighting for objectives. And because of a good balance or mixture, so you have some good fighters, some night watch, some sneaky roamers, etc. etc. There are so many components how to be the better server that it cant just be broken down to "they have more numbers or midnight PPTlers".


If there is one thing this poll teaches us is that a raw advantage in numbers (or better play hours) doesnt mean much in the first place. Because obviously, a significant amount of players completely lacks the motivation to play the game mode, and instead do "fight arena".


So, more ppl could also mean: you cant make a Zerg to take or defend a T2/T3 keep because your server is full of fight guilds that do scrims, blocking the maps. Could also mean the server is full of PvDlers that come for their dailies and avoid fights. Or your server only plays at prime, making a good coordination hard because of massive ques, and there are empty maps during off hours.


Long story short: motivation and a good balance / mixture makes you win matchups. Adding recent transfer influx, time coverage, community, tradition and other reasons.

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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"acidic.4356" said:

> > i agree, and now that there isnt any, scores dont matter..simple.

> You're so out of touch with this game mode that you constantly make weird assumptions. There isnt any server pride left? Ehm no. PPT = hitting doors and NPCs? Hell no.


> and the best one

> > @"acidic.4356" said:

> > because if u win ur matchup its because u had more players, or u pptd in the off hours whith no resistance

> If all ppl on your server would share your attitude, you would be beaten easily even if you would have tripple the numbers. You would be lost at the bottom of the lowest Tier with the lowest activity. Gl with "testing yourself in battle" and find some fights. You may attack a keep to force the enemy to fight . . . oh wait, that doesnt work, because no one in your team cares for PPT and score, so all enemy keeps are T3 and you will just fight walls and ACs. You may defend your keeps to have some fights . . . oh, wait, that doesnt work either, because its T0 and gets overrun before you arrive.


> Better say "thank you" to the ppl on your server that still play the game and carry you.


well id say your out of touch with reality, but ya know.. we can disagree thats fine,,, as for being carried, in what way? to win the matchup? that anyone with a brain realises means nothing? for the multiple reasons already stated... and your taking what ive said way too serious, about hitting door n npcs... its like your taking it literally. almost like your getting upset over my views.


honestly ur "server is better" argument is stupid, all the reasons you stated above point to that server having more players, which does not make it better.... its ridiculous that you think like that... and it also reinforces what i said about winning matchups..



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> @"acidic.4356" said:

> to win the matchup? that anyone with a brain realises means nothing?



> @"acidic.4356" said:

> honestly ur "server is better" argument is stupid, all the reasons you stated above point to that server having more players, which does not make it better.... its ridiculous that you think like that... and it also reinforces what i said about winning matchups..

what "argument"? Its how Anet designed the game mode and score, and I enjoy it. So, ppl that enjoy playing the game and winning are stupid? Ok then. I sometimes go to the sports ground and play some ball and try to score as well, though I dont get rewarded for that. How shocking is that?!


You just seem to be jealous about ppl that still enjoy winning and playing the game. Thats just normal, because its just a side-mode with few content updates etc. I took a break for 2 years when the mode became boring. But with the right dose, winning matchups can still be fun. Me having fun because of winning makes me brainless? Hmmm, dont think so ;)

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Meanwhile during a friendly amateur soccer game:


Blue: Goal, Goal! Yeah 4-5 one more and we are even!

Green: So you care for the score, look I told you!

Blue No I just like to play soccer

Green: But you celebrated the goal

Blue: Yeah that’s the game

Green: But you run for your life just to catch the ball

Blue: Yeah that’s the game

Green: So you care for the score, look I told you!

Blue: No I just like to play soccer...




Meanwhile during a friendly soccer game, amateurs against the Brazilian national team


Blue: meh we have 0 chance against them, I don’t even get the ball, this game sucks

Green: So you care for the score, look I told you!

Blue: No, I just want to play and have fun

Green: But you don’t like to play if you lose, so you care for the score!

Blue: No, I just want to have a fair match....

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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"acidic.4356" said:

> > to win the matchup? that anyone with a brain realises means nothing?

> lul


> > @"acidic.4356" said:

> > honestly ur "server is better" argument is stupid, all the reasons you stated above point to that server having more players, which does not make it better.... its ridiculous that you think like that... and it also reinforces what i said about winning matchups..

> what "argument"? Its how Anet designed the game mode and score, and I enjoy it. So, ppl that enjoy playing the game and winning are stupid? Ok then. I sometimes go to the sports ground and play some ball and try to score as well, though I dont get rewarded for that. How shocking is that?!


> You just seem to be jealous about ppl that still enjoy winning and playing the game. Thats just normal, because its just a side-mode with few content updates etc. I took a break for 2 years when the mode became boring. But with the right dose, winning matchups can still be fun. Me having fun because of winning makes me brainless? Hmmm, dont think so ;)


this was about how a server is "best" and you still havnt given a credible answer ( because there isnt one ) and i enjoy the game too, but again go ahead and twist ur convo to suit, like i said ur upset because i have a diffrent view of things, and cant accept it...

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> @"acidic.4356" said:

> this was about how a server is "best" and you still havnt given a credible answer ( because there isnt one )

So, maybe its was too many words. ;) I try to keep it short this last time: Anet defines who is best, they made a scoring system for that purpose. You win -> you best. I also described how you can achieve winning Matchups, wont repeat it, but just a litte hint: its not just about more ppl and midnight PvD as you've stated it.

> and i enjoy the game too

You already said that you dont enjoy playing the game, you get bored quickly and quit after minutes. You also said, that you go for a self-made version instead.

> ur upset because i have a diffrent view of things, and cant accept it...

Since you are the one that constantly insults ppl, I guess its you that cant accept that ppl having fun with playing the game and winning. But to make you feel better: I accept that you lost interest in the game, I even gave the explanation: you got bored after years of playing, which is normal. I can totally accept that without insulting you as a person with no brain. Play your self-made "fight arena" and get carried by "PPT"lers, gl


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