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i was hyped


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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> When the big patch was released I said it was highly unprofessional to release an incomplete balance patch with the words

? it was look unprofessional only for members who wait some magic. But as wide mmo game player for me it was done perfect.


> Also said being a pvp player doesn't give enough credits to be a balance dev,

still not understand you you sure what world balance mean something more than only "CHANGES"


> And here we're, with several professions absolutely destroyed, with some traits smiter's booned and some other professions with a free pass.

why you think what this is no by plan ?? It is look very good. You can choose any class whit any build and get fun.


Currently start this season as condi support chorno. Get fun.

Is my build powerful to get top 250 ? Don't think so. But that I am sure - not any class and not any build should be TOP. We have, as a more mmo game mmr system.

By this system we have matchmake. In GiuldWars2 it done very great. I know, what I can take **any** buid/class and after 10, or 20 wins, or lose get equal members in match, and good pvp.

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Are we seriously have people white knighting for Anet bc of a covid? When literally every other company pump balance and cosmetic patches as if nothing have happened?

Are you telling me that they are not affected by covid? LMFAO. No fr ded srs?


Anet was affected by covic for straight 8 years when it comes to balance.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > When the big patch was released I said it was highly unprofessional to release an incomplete balance patch with the words

> ? it was look unprofessional only for members who wait some magic. But as wide mmo game player for me it was done perfect.


> > Also said being a pvp player doesn't give enough credits to be a balance dev,

> still not understand you you sure what world balance mean something more than only "CHANGES"


> > And here we're, with several professions absolutely destroyed, with some traits smiter's booned and some other professions with a free pass.

> why you think what this is no by plan ?? It is look very good. You can choose any class whit any build and get fun.


> Currently start this season as condi support chorno. Get fun.

> Is my build powerful to get top 250 ? Don't think so. But that I am sure - not any class and not any build should be TOP. We have, as a more mmo game mmr system.

> By this system we have matchmake. In GiuldWars2 it done very great. I know, what I can take **any** buid/class and after 10, or 20 wins, or lose get equal members in match, and good pvp.


No, it was unprofessional for everyone who demands a little bit of professionalism. If you go to a restaurant you expect the waiters to give you the meal cooked not raw, same thing here, you except a complete patch, not some kitten that break the game with the promise "we'll balance it later".


You are right about the changes tho, these are at best "changes", there's zero balance effort since CMC got in.


Oh but I believe it's a plan, a kittening horrid one. Deleting some professions and traits from game, saying kitten off to some of the playerbase.

Any semi-professional dev tries to balance the game, in GW2, mesmer seems to be too much effort, so we'll delete the profession altogether.

Again Izzy is still known Smiter's Boon, one skill he messed up. This team messed up several professions and traits, yet some people are defending them...


Yeah, playing chrono is so much fun, having to blow all your bar to deal the same damage as some other professions with one skill while having half the survivality, fun fun!


Was pvp in GW2 even good at any point? I guess so, if the only games you play are GW2 and some f2p mmos.

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Entirely agree with OP. I've been trying to get friends to join in GW2. It's OK until they play a PVP match and immediately uninstall the game. Even for me, the pve is OK but the PVP is so horrific with the meta that it makes me want to delete this shit.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> No, it was unprofessional for everyone who demands a little bit of professionalism.

?? no one demand any "professionalism" on class balance. MMO game GiuldWars2 is not part of cyber sport.


> If you go to a restaurant you expect the waiters to give you the meal cooked not raw, same thing here, you except a complete patch,

This restaurant don't cook meat at all. This is not cyber sport game. This is mmo game.


>not some kitten that break the game with the promise "we'll balance it later".

yes, and they balance it. But probably you not understand what it mean. Balance is changes. So if one class 1.2 stronger than other in rebalance rule include that after changes class can be 1.5x stronger. An this is OK.


> You are right about the changes tho, these are at best "changes", there's zero balance effort since CMC got in.

The target is not balance. Target is rebalance - make some changes,, break some meta builds, make some builds more op, make some people happy, make more people cry and tru find way do some challenge.


> Oh but I believe it's a plan, a kittening horrid one. Deleting some professions and traits from game, saying kitten off to some of the playerbase.

There is no any ~~spoon~~ final plan. We have continues changes.


> Any semi-professional dev tries to balance the game, in GW2

hope no. Again: I am sure - no one have any plan balance, this is not cyper sport game.


> mesmer seems to be too much effort, so we'll delete the profession altogether.

? what wrong with mesmer? Current play chrono on spvp. Feel fun.


> Again Izzy is still known Smiter's Boon, one skill he messed up. This team messed up several professions and traits, yet some people are defending them...

this is part of fun.


> Yeah, playing chrono is so much fun, having to blow all your bar to deal the same damage as some other professions with one skill while having half the survivality, fun fun!

yes, I do 10% damage of team on common fun. Feel some challenge and fun.


> Was pvp in GW2 even good at any point? I guess so, if the only games you play are GW2 and some f2p mmos.

Yes, it is true. I can compare only with few project: lineage2 and wow. And gw2 have best pvp.

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> @"SLT.1469" said:

> PVP is so horrific with the meta that it makes me want to delete this kitten.

this is ok if they not like it. Some people should play 10-20 years on other projects, and only after that thay can understand beauty of GuildWars2.

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Have we not noticed it's the same story every single time here in pvp? Balance patch knocks the equilibrium; balance patch attempts to fix it; balance patch knocks that equilibrium, and around we go. It's just old now and the current meta is terribly boring.

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We can agree that the current balance isnt much fun. Imo the initial idea was good. However the follow up promise of regular balance patches was broken. Did we expect huge changes as in the beginning? Of course not! > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

Targeted quality fixes in a 4 week rythm were defnitely posssible. What excited players was the shift from bigger balance patches every few months to smaller better quality patches every month. The Result would have been that annoying unfun specs would not stay for 3 months or longer. I agree with the OP questioning the lack of a vocal community holding anet accounatable to their promises demanding answers! It might be just management being stupid and being scared that too many changes will scare off their casual audience.



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> @"Ghostof Luzifer.6159" said:

> We can agree that the current balance isnt much fun.

Don't go lumping everyone together. If this was the case there wouldn't be a, apparently fairly polarising , poll about it nor people arguing for an against it.


> Imo the initial idea was good. However the follow up promise of regular balance patches was broken. Did we expect huge changes as in the beginning? Of course not!

>Targeted quality fixes in a 4 week rythm were defnitely posssible. What excited players was the shift from bigger balance patches every few months to smaller better quality patches every month. The Result would have been that annoying unfun specs would not stay for 3 months or longer.


I don't see how the patches that we have gotten somehow don't qualify. You'd still be fighting immortal necros and being instagibbed by ranger pets to name a few. I feel people equate "I'm not getting the changes I want" with "there have been no changes at all". Then there is always the "but the changes are small...so easy to put in and don't need a lot of thought lol" posts. Whenever I read one i'm reminded of [the Soul Beast damage changes](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100557/soulbeast-damage-adjustments/p1) where Cal goes into some of the thought process behind it for some seemingly small and benign number changes and its not a small, easy, or a straight forward as some like to think.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"Ghostof Luzifer.6159" said:

> > We can agree that the current balance isnt much fun.

> Don't go lumping everyone together. If this was the case there wouldn't be a, apparently fairly polarising , poll about it nor people arguing for an against it.


> > Imo the initial idea was good. However the follow up promise of regular balance patches was broken. Did we expect huge changes as in the beginning? Of course not!

> >Targeted quality fixes in a 4 week rythm were defnitely posssible. What excited players was the shift from bigger balance patches every few months to smaller better quality patches every month. The Result would have been that annoying unfun specs would not stay for 3 months or longer.


> I don't see how the patches that we have gotten somehow don't qualify. You'd still be fighting immortal necros and being instagibbed by ranger pets to name a few. I feel people equate "I'm not getting the changes I want" with "there have been no changes at all". Then there is always the "but the changes are small...so easy to put in and don't need a lot of thought lol" posts. Whenever I read one i'm reminded of [the Soul Beast damage changes](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100557/soulbeast-damage-adjustments/p1) where Cal goes into some of the thought process behind it for some seemingly small and benign number changes and its not a small, easy, or a straight forward as some like to think.


Ok fair enough their have been balance changes to pvp for every month more or less. Maybe I am ignorant however I do think that what is delivered is not enough. 7 changes to 2 professions is hardly more than a hot fix. Especially, since reagarding condi thief it did not fix the issue. The patch before (april 28) was what I had in mind. Maybe a little less. 20-30 changes accross multiple proffessions. Condcidering that every second patch is rather loaded with skill mechanic changes done by the skills team it might be that I am asking for too much from one dev only. However imo anet should not promise what they cant follow up on. But if they do they should communicate about their struggle with the scedule, explain the situation and forumlate a new release scedule. Especially since their has hardly been changes to wvw, which I interpret as a lack of man power.


Maybe we get another bigger balance patch mid june and then the rythm will be every 6 weeks with the possibility of hot fixes every now and then in between. Would honestly be fine with me since it still would be much better than the old scedule. However i still think anet should communicate it better.

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