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[6.9.2020] Autotarget Not Autotargeting

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> I want to add that the special mastery skill related with essences - in Drizzlewood - works strange. It pop-ups in the fight. And when you activate it you receive the message: "invalid target, please use it on an enemy imbued with .... " What? How is this "invalid target"? The special skill is not activated by me - to make a mistake. It appears whn you select an enemy who can be damaged by such a skill. And why after it appears the target is invalid?


That is a completely different problem resulting from a different bad design decision. The special action skill from essesnces only works on targets with one of the essence buffs(vigiliance, resilience, valor), with t3 you need to care about matching skill with colors and with t4 you don't but guess what?! Mixed in with all the different enemies that have the buff are enemies without it. Notably the members of the steel warband do not have the buff so if you are doing the final fight or trying cap village/lighthouse and you are trying to fight Ranoah or Vishen you will be getting that message a lot. Also makes the skills mostly useless at a time when they should be the most useful.

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I have same problem an that very annoying. Mirage and chrono had hard time cause they keep losing targeting so they can't create properly clones/fantasm. Doing pistol 4 and torch 5 can be very hard. I mean can be very hard for player now for a very moving taget like Largos twins.

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With a bit of testing today, and no overlay, the problem occurs when the mob is removed from my view on the screen. So when maneuvering around a champion to move away from AoEs, etc, I lose autotarget. I don't strafe as I find that movement difficult to do.


Is this the cause of the problem for others?

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> @"Hesione.9412" said:

> With a bit of testing today, and no overlay, the problem occurs when the mob is removed from my view on the screen. So when maneuvering around a champion to move away from AoEs, etc, I lose autotarget. I don't strafe as I find that movement difficult to do.


> Is this the cause of the problem for others?


For me, I will lose autotarget in the middle of a fight, or during split phases it won't recommit to the primary creature, such as in split phases for CMs.


More broadly, in overworld PvE, I can't count on a skill behaving as it has using the same game settings for the past entire duration of my playtime. Now sometimes I can't select the target I want as easily or even at all in crowded situations, and certainly can't count on a leap skill actually leaping towards my target if I deselect it for some reason. The game won't re-aquire that target for me, and it seems, many others.

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> @"Memoranda.9386" said:


> More broadly, in overworld PvE, I can't count on a skill behaving as it has using the same game settings for the past entire duration of my playtime. Now sometimes I can't select the target I want as easily or even at all in crowded situations, and certainly can't count on a leap skill actually leaping towards my target if I deselect it for some reason. The game won't re-aquire that target for me, and it seems, many others.


I experienced that same problem today in PvE, at a time when the target wasn't off screen :( It went from targetting the enemy NPC to targeting a player.


I've tried unticking boxes, ticking boxes, and nothing seems to improve it. I wish this would get resolved.

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Noticed this in WvW. Was standing in front of a guard (npc), not focused yet, and was willing to attack him. Pressed my buttons 1 to 5 (necro keyboard roll :) ), got some cooldowns active, but no damage to him. After focussing it worked then. My staff aoes deselected sometimes this target (changed to a friendly player). Please look into this!

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> @"Memoranda.9386" said:

> After the 6.9.20 patch, I noticed that my skills were not targeting correctly. Autotarget and Promote Skill Target are both enabled. No settings have been changed.


> Symptoms:


> 1.) Using auto attack will not select a target, even if standing directly in front of any enemy.


> 2.) Skills 2 - 5 also do not select a valid target if applicable. (Eg., Ranger LB 2 will shoot where you are facing instead of selecting a target. This was most noticable in WvW.)


> 3.) Can't re-target by using skill 1 (like the baddie I am).


> 4.) Ground target skills will usually select an ally if present, and deselect the current target.


> Update 6.15.20:


> 5.) "Snap Ground-cast to Target Location" becomes broken during combat and will only cast at self-location.


> Anecdotally, one of my CM group also noticed some sort of discrepancy, as have a few players in map chat when asking if anyone noticed a change or new issues.


> Anyone here noticed something amiss with autotarget behaving strangely?




OMG I thought I suddenly became like a terrible player because my targeting is all over the friggin place now and not promote targeting almost ever and yeah i keep targeting non-enemies and since skill don't work like that you'll either fly towards an ally or not do anything. Make sure you put in a ticket because I will too.

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yeah targetting and autotargetting has been terrible since forever, like sometimes it targets stuff that is behind you or very far away, or even ambient creatures, but now it seems not to be working at all. . a good example is the 4 mobs in Uncategorized fractal, right at the beginning. Tab NEVER targets the Veteran, only cycles through the Champs. I remember a really really long time ago they did some "priority targetting" but it seems certain mobs never get targetted at all. A lot of the times there's something standing in front of you, attacking you and it decides to target something far away, sometimes even a non-aggressive creature and now you brought it into the fight cause the autotarget decided to pick the wrong thing... just to mention a few issues. Think targetting system is due a rework

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> @"Reckoner.1786" said:

> Autotargeting is completely broken. On my mesmer I'll try cast clones and it goes nowhere. I'm using leap skills into my death. Sometimes it's even selecting targets all the way in Narnia instead of what's in front of me. This is degrading gameplay massively for me in fractals and raids and I don't even want to play the game in this state.


lol @ Narnia - BUT TRUE


It's been bad, now WORSE. In the past years, it would happily target something downstairs or behind a wall rather than the mob next to me who's attacking.

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After reading the thread more closely, I can clear up the confusion about "Right-click to attack/interact". Whether this is enabled or not is not the issue. I've been AFK farming CS for months with my minions (Some of you have probably seen me idling at Ewan). While there, I will occasionally reach over to press skill #1 to tag mobs not close enough to aggro on me or my minions. This is all I've ever needed to do. Since the recent update, now I have to physically click a mob before my attack will tag them and send my minions in to action.

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I thought it was just me.... for the past couple of weeks I have been faffing about with the autotarget settings as I assumed I turned something on/off. I had asked in guild chat but no one had noticed any problem.


Anet please release a fix, it makes it very hard to deal damage when your suddenly no longer attacking a target but instead spamming your skills towards a friendly.

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I have the same issue, note that I did not change my settings and previously I could easily turn toward my target and hit 1 and it would target and start hitting it.


This is not only for my ranged toons, it happens on my melee toons too. Skills that need a enemy target become totally useless, I have to hit select next target (tab) to get a target which most of the times are behind me or too far out of range and then keep pressing select next target hopelessly to target the enemy that is attacking me and then give up, grab the mouse and click the target then back to keyboard. For ranged attacks that has CD of 6 to 12 seconds (stun for example), trying to hit the enemy target suddenly realizing that last evade targeted your team member instead and wasted your cool down and attack all together

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