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What gender do you play the most?

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> There was a similar thread just recently, and dozens before... Anyway.


> As a woman, I play primarily male characters, because I neither like the majority of armor designs for women in this game (either too scantily clad or overdressed in a "Look at my high heels and kitschy gown, I'm a princess!" fashion - in either case, distasteful for most part or otherwise ridiculous looking on a serious adventurer).


> I'm also not a fan of many of the female human, norn and sylvari animations and postures. And the fact that 99.99% of the weapons are oversized on female chars isn't helping the issue, either.

Greatswords are especially bad because they like you aren't cutting them with the blade but crushing them with the MASSIVE hilt.

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My alts are pretty balanced gender-wise (12 male, 15 female, not all of them routinely played), but since I have a Reaper that I use to help with story, run metas, work on story achieves, etc, and that one is female, most of my play time right now is on her. My first run through new story is always on my original main, who is male. Gender assignment at creation depends on what I feel like at the time, or what RP need I'm filling. Choosing a character to play at any particular moment depends on what profession I want to toss into what I'm doing, followed by which alt has plenty of bag space and is geared well enough for the task at hand.


RP wise I do tend to lean to female characters other than my original main, but I have a few well-developed male ones as well. I just don't see that it matters much. Even when it comes to fashion issues I can usually find something that fits the personality regardless of game-imposed gender-based clothing design.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> > I agree that there should be more outfits for female that aren't so revealing, however, I don't believe its sexist, [...]


> It _is_ when there isn't an equivalent number for male characters.


That is quite an absolute statement there. I do really think it boils down to who are the majority of players.


A large majority of players are straight female or male. There is a good chunk of both genders that appreciate feminine looking female characters. I think there are probably some females and males that would like skimpy outfits for their male characters but I doubt there are as many as male and female players that like skimpy outfits for their female toons.


Male+Female players like skimpy outfits on females more than they like Male skimpy outfits. Is it sexist for Anet to cater to the majority of people? I know for one thing.... trying to make things equal in a very calculated and unnatural way ruins games, entertainment, and culture.


Look at some of the junky movies to come out in the last few years. forcing political correctness on works of art can just totally ruin things. I just find it funny that someone would call Anet sexist when Anet was making lead female characters and even a lesbian relationship before it was the super trendy thing to do.


TLDR; From a business perspective, Giving the majority of people what they want is not sexist, it's good business. Also in a business, giving the majority of people what they don't want is trying to be a cultural revolutionist and often causes the product to suffer in quality.



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My (very few) characters are all females. I'm female and I like to identify with the character and feel like the character somehow 'represents' me - not necessarily in terms of looks. I also like the idea of a powerful, adventurous girl. Overall, female characters are just more interesting to me. I think these are the main reasons I play females.


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> > I agree that there should be more outfits for female that aren't so revealing, however, I don't believe its sexist, [...]


> It _is_ when there isn't an equivalent number for male characters.


We've been over this a dozen times by now with you. Having unequal numbers of skimpy outfits is not an indicator of unfair discrimination, and having equal numbers of skimpy outfits is neither a meaningful nor desired outcome. Women and men have different aesthetics of beauty, and ignoring this fact is not a noble stance, a moral stance, nor a practical stance.

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I have nine characters - one of each profession - of which seven are male and two are female. I don't think there's one particular reason why they're mostly male, although often when I make them I think about what armour I want to use, and I tend to prefer the male armour designs.


I have a female charr, and I made her female mostly because I had two male charr already. But having done that, I realised I think the female charr design is actually better than the male one. With their panther-like faces, they look more convincingly like real creatures than the males, who are more cartoonish and monstrous.


> @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:

> > @"Daria Morgendorffer.7049" said:

> > I try to play both evenly to keep it interesting, so each character looks & sounds more unique.

> >

> > But I find it hard to play female characters, because of the pretty sexist way women are treated in GW2 (especially humans/norn). The same armor/outfit on a male vs female character is so different — a fully clothed armor on a male character is a revealing battle bikini on a female character.

> >

> > This is the SAME armor skin:

> > ![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/b/b4/Sneakthief_armor_human_male_front.jpg "")

> > ![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/c/c6/Sneakthief_armor_human_female_front.jpg "")

> > I'd give a dozen more examples, but we've all seen it.

> >

> >

> > I've never made a human female character because all the faces look identical, like Snapchat Filter Model Barbie. There are no old women in Tyria? No women who don't wear heavy makeup? Everyone has to only look one way? Only "pretty" like a doll?

> > ![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/9/98/Human_female_faces.jpg/640px-Human_female_faces.jpg "")

> >

> > I know some people like these designs (they do look good individually if you're into that), and that's fine, there's just a lack of options. I don't mean to insult anyone's beloved characters. You do you — I even have a female Norn, myself.


> 100% agree.


> I'm a guy and I play an even mix of genders because I just like to think of them as characters with some backstory that I make up, rather than avatars for myself. And I completely agree about the armors, *especially* light armor. I find myself wondering why so many of the female armors are so *ridiculously* male gaze-y. Even the heavy armors have weird random "windows".


I used to have a female norn Guardian, but I got annoyed that so much of the plate armour has boobplates and/or random cut-outs. I suppose someone thinks they look sexy or something? But to me they just look really awkward.


> My wife watches me play sometimes, and she was interested in the game so I made her a free account to try it out. But then she went to make an elementalist, and hell I forgot how weird the starting light armor is for female characters. She was so annoyed, her reaction was pretty much "I'm a sylvari still in the Dream and I have to wear a freaking _garter_? Really?" I agreed and offered that we'd find her some better armor first thing but even though she halfheartedly continued for awhile, she was kind of done. Said she didn't want to have to *earn* pants. I don't blame her at all. Anet lost a new player there.


I think they should have made Country Armour the starter one really. But then I also think that all armour should have been culturual anyway - and I find the idea of a sylvari wearing what are essentially human clothes in the Dream pretty weird to be honest.


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> I'm also not a fan of many of the female human, norn and sylvari animations and postures. And the fact that 99.99% of the weapons are oversized on female chars isn't helping the issue, either.


Of course, those weapons are oversized on male characters as well! But probably not so badly...

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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > I'm also not a fan of many of the female human, norn and sylvari animations and postures. And the fact that 99.99% of the weapons are oversized on female chars isn't helping the issue, either.


> Of course, those weapons are oversized on male characters as well! But probably not so badly...


They are 1/4 (if not 1/3) bigger on females.

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5 Males, 7 Females.

6 Humans, 2 Norns, 2 Asurans, 1 Syvalri, 1 Charr.

Around the same play time between male/female, since its based on the profession classes I play the most. My characters are created based on fashion in mind, eg. Asuran for Engi/Thief etc. but may or may not use those classes often. Hope this help answered OP's question.


Ps: Not a fan of outfits. Find Human Male avantars the most challenging to gear with floating shoulder skins, butt capes, bulky hips with thin legs and small head/helm etc. Female avantars have lots of hair clipping issue, a problem male avantars free of.(rant, rant, rant... :tongue:).

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Something I always wonder about when these topics come up: for people who only want to play one gender (either their own so they can identify with the character more easily or the other because they prefer to look at them), how does that work in games where you don't get to choose?


Do you avoid those kinds of games? Do you only play them if your preferred gender is available? Is it as important when the character isn't human/humanoid? (e.g. playing a Sonic the Hedgehog game is fine even if you'd never want to play a human male.)


As I said earlier in the topic it's not something that would have ever occurred to me if I hadn't read it so many times in topics like this, so I'm not sure I really understand the idea but outside of RPGs it seems like it would be incredibly limiting. Especially if you only want to play characters who look like you.

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> @"Daria Morgendorffer.7049" said:

> I've never made a human female character because all the faces look identical, like Snapchat Filter Model Barbie. There are no old women in Tyria? No women who don't wear heavy makeup? Everyone has to only look one way? Only "pretty" like a doll?

> ![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/9/98/Human_female_faces.jpg/640px-Human_female_faces.jpg "")


i do get your point, however i dont agree entirely.

taking a swift look at the wiki collage kind of creates a "cheerleader-effect".

if you look closer, you'll notice a couple of faces that stand out as unusal/striking or just average.


"old"? 3rd row on the left (more like middle-aged tbh)

"(heavy) makeup"? 2nd row, 2nd from the left and 2nd from the right, or last row on the right

"average"? 2nd row on the right

"cheeky"? 3rd row on the right


also, keep in mind that those are just the default faces. you can influence the outcome a lot with the sliders for details, hairstyles, skin color etc.

and if youre still not happy with what gw2 offers you for human female faces try a small female norn. thats what i did for my amazone queen warrior ;)




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> @"Gundahar.2765" said:

> Male because I am male and not a simp.


Being a simp (for simpleton?) has probably nothing to do with the reason as to why males play female characters and vice versa. Sounds more like a quick fix of self-assurance that you are different than the "weird" rest.

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in GW2 my mains are all male. I'm male too and i like to imagine to be the avatar i'm playing and i can't identify myself with a female toon these days. Also i love to play non human races like charr, still waiting for the kodan to be playable. In my teenage years when i discovered Everquest II as my first mmo all of my toons were female. Obviously those toons were clothed like the golden rule of you need to see 95% of the body uncovered... Don't know what the heck was driving my thinking in those days....


The only female type of toon i really like in GW2 is a female charr. Love the face options they are sooo cute and adoreable. But i also loves cat's so i see what is going on here ^^

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Both are played pretty evenly for me, since I base it on the character/class setup I want to play. Currently have 10 females and 9 males based on race an class.

* 5 Norn

* 4 Humans - Plan on 1 more

* 4 Asura - Plan on 1 more

* 3 Sylvari - Plan on 2 more

* 3 Charr - Plan on 2 more


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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Something I always wonder about when these topics come up: for people who only want to play one gender (either their own so they can identify with the character more easily or the other because they prefer to look at them), how does that work in games where you don't get to choose?


> Do you avoid those kinds of games? Do you only play them if your preferred gender is available? Is it as important when the character isn't human/humanoid? (e.g. playing a Sonic the Hedgehog game is fine even if you'd never want to play a human male.)


> As I said earlier in the topic it's not something that would have ever occurred to me if I hadn't read it so many times in topics like this, so I'm not sure I really understand the idea but outside of RPGs it seems like it would be incredibly limiting. Especially if you only want to play characters who look like you.


If the game is good/interesting (mostly the combat) then it doesn't matter to me. If i can choose, then male and i would rather play anything other than human. Appearances? Meh... Not like i'm against it but it's not really important.

I don't know what you mean by "identify with the character". I can't choose their personality or anything that matters so it's impossible anyway. Always the "chosen hero" crap that i Despise.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Something I always wonder about when these topics come up: for people who only want to play one gender (either their own so they can identify with the character more easily or the other because they prefer to look at them), how does that work in games where you don't get to choose?


> Do you avoid those kinds of games? Do you only play them if your preferred gender is available? Is it as important when the character isn't human/humanoid? (e.g. playing a Sonic the Hedgehog game is fine even if you'd never want to play a human male.)


> As I said earlier in the topic it's not something that would have ever occurred to me if I hadn't read it so many times in topics like this, so I'm not sure I really understand the idea but outside of RPGs it seems like it would be incredibly limiting. Especially if you only want to play characters who look like you.


Gender-locked games usually designate magic classes as female, so I usually have a pretty good time. In BDO for example, I was a Witch.

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One of the very first online games I played, 22 or 23 years ago now (sheesh), was a very strict RP game. You had to RP the whole time you were online. As a female player I just could not RP a male. One of my many failings I guess. Anyway that has stayed with me so I still always play a female.

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