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Making Elementalists masters of the elements.


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Seems each class has their "prominent" condition damage and as far as I can tell, **Elementalists (core)** use **Burning** as their strongest with **Bleeding** coming in second. While at Mount Maelstrom I noticed that many creatures are **immune to Burning** which places Elementalists at a disadvantage if **Burning** is your dominant damage. However as masters of the Elements (a little role playing here), shouldn't they be able to compensate with some naturally logical changes?


That is, if an NPC is immune to **Burning**, should they then not be more susceptible to **Water/Ice Damage**? Perhaps a 1.5x to 2.0x water/ice damage increase against ** Burning Immune** creatures?


Something else, and again at Mount Maelstrom while tackling the Megadestroyer Boss, there are some class(es) that are capable of standing in the lava without getting burned. Don't know which or how they do it but they do it and from my squishy little Elementalist point of view, **_it's a damn good trick_**. However, as master of the elements shouldn't I be able to mitigate same burning damage when standing in lava? If not long term but with at least an **"ice shield"** without having to rely on self healing (which is limited) to carry you through?


Just some thoughts.


****_Edit: I didn't write "kitten good trick." This board has a weird censor filter._****


![](https://i.imgur.com/MizSqyP.jpg "")


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The only I know to stand into lava is having resistance, so it's mainly a revenant and warrior thing.


As for immune to burning foes, you can use earth with glyph and stance if you play weaver. But of course, it will take longer to kill.

My main complaint is that burning immunity is the most common and maybe the only existing one. Why is there any other immunity?

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It could be interesting that we have an immunity or a reduction of movement or damage condition in a trait.

Like in Arcane : reduce duration of conditions based upon your current attunement ; -25% burning duration in Fire attunement, bleeding in earth, chilled, weakness or vulnerability ...

Or just give Resistance to ele.

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> @"Aigleborgne.2981" said:

> The only I know to stand into lava is having resistance, so it's mainly a revenant and warrior thing.


> As for immune to burning foes, you can use earth with glyph and stance if you play weaver. But of course, it will take longer to kill.

> My main complaint is that burning immunity is the most common and maybe the only existing one. Why is there any other immunity?


It's not the only immunity.


For the damaging conditions e.g. the hylek are immune to poison in most cases.

For not damaging conditions e.g. the dredge are immune to blind.



Though there are no creaturese that are immune against bleed, torment and confusion.

Not sure about the other soft-cc conditions if we don't count the creatures with a breakbar.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> iirc, the creatures in Mount Malestrom are indeed immune to burning as a condition, but not immune to fire damage. It just takes a bit longer for a fire elementalist to down them.


It solely depends on build. While a power build will barely see any difference (no modifier for burning), a condi build with no power/precision will suffer. But for the latter, you have to switch to bleeds: glyph of elemental power cast in earth and even earth shield.

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I am not sure if any class should simply be immune to any thing i also think Resistance should work like protection giving -33% dmg taken from condi not a full immune from any condi.


Now there should be a way for ele to get a condi dmg type from all atuments. So water should come with torment or a type of frost bite like effect and air should be a bleed like or maybe a confusion effect.


Right now ele is not a mages in effect it is only mage in its animations. Giving ele more condi types would go a long way to making it a mages and not just a physical attker whom attk look like magic with out being magic. As well as giving ele a boon vs condi like a protection like effect (how i see what resistance should work.)

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> I am not sure if any class should simply be immune to any thing i also think Resistance should work like protection giving -33% dmg taken from condi not a full immune from any condi.


> Now there should be a way for ele to get a condi dmg type from all atuments. So water should come with torment or a type of frost bite like effect and air should be a bleed like or maybe a confusion effect.


> Right now ele is not a mages in effect it is only mage in its animations. Giving ele more condi types would go a long way to making it a mages and not just a physical attker whom attk look like magic with out being magic. As well as giving ele a boon vs condi like a protection like effect (how i see what resistance should work.)


I like how you think. You are correct in that Elementalists dont really feel like a "Mage" or "Wizard" type. As much as I would like it to be.



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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> I am not sure if any class should simply be immune to any thing i also think Resistance should work like protection giving -33% dmg taken from condi not a full immune from any condi.


> Now there should be a way for ele to get a condi dmg type from all atuments. So water should come with torment or a type of frost bite like effect and air should be a bleed like or maybe a confusion effect.


> Right now ele is not a mages in effect it is only mage in its animations. Giving ele more condi types would go a long way to making it a mages and not just a physical attker whom attk look like magic with out being magic. As well as giving ele a boon vs condi like a protection like effect (how i see what resistance should work.)


Skills available to elementalists which grant conditions based upon attunement:









I play a pure condition-based weaver build that deals over 90% of its damage from conditions and utilizes 2 utilities and 1 trait from the list above. I apply conditions when I hit, when I crit, when I dodge, when I change attunements, when you hit me, and when you stand close to me. The only thing non-magical about my build is the fact that I use a sword and fight at melee range (and it could easily be played with scepter and become 100% beyond a doubt magic-based!).








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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > I am not sure if any class should simply be immune to any thing i also think Resistance should work like protection giving -33% dmg taken from condi not a full immune from any condi.

> >

> > Now there should be a way for ele to get a condi dmg type from all atuments. So water should come with torment or a type of frost bite like effect and air should be a bleed like or maybe a confusion effect.

> >

> > Right now ele is not a mages in effect it is only mage in its animations. Giving ele more condi types would go a long way to making it a mages and not just a physical attker whom attk look like magic with out being magic. As well as giving ele a boon vs condi like a protection like effect (how i see what resistance should work.)


> Skills available to elementalists which grant conditions based upon attunement:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Storms

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Elemental_Power

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Lesser_Elementals

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Elementals

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Primordial_Stance

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arcane_Precision

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elemental_Surge


> I play a pure condition-based weaver build that deals over 90% of its damage from conditions and utilizes 2 utilities and 1 trait from the list above. I apply conditions when I hit, when I crit, when I dodge, when I change attunements, when you hit me, and when you stand close to me. The only thing non-magical about my build is the fact that I use a sword and fight at melee range (and it could easily be played with scepter and become 100% beyond a doubt magic-based!).









Storms sadly is too limited in effect to ever be a true mage skill it should at least be a field of the type of atument your using. Elemental power is in the worst of places at best its just a dmg + for mostly a single target its hardly a mages skill. The pets skills are not mages skills they are often more ranger like. Primordial stance is close to a mages skill yet its a melee skill so it realy dose not fit that "mages ideal skill set." Arcane precision is a physical attk effect that often has less to do with the week condi on it then just simply being there is nothing else to use. Elemental surge is a means of making a physical dmg attk into more mage like but your still taking a "arcain magic" that realy is a physical att that simply has 100% crit rate nothing to do with "magic" (if they where unblockable to start with or had the condi effects to start with it would be magic.)


Its not just about condi dmg its about how the game is set up if armor effects the skill it is a physical skill condi dmg is close to magic in gw2 but your missing unblockable effects on the class as well as boond/condi manipulation.


For the most part ele is a physical class that has animations of magic. If your fire balls dont burn there is something wrong as your not using fire only for the look is it called such.


Even the condi dmg skill on ele is often only a part magic effect where its both a physical attk and a magic effect but with massive limitation (missing condi dmg effect as well as condi cc effects.)

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