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Secondary weapon for Rifle?


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With Rifle main weapon (set), i was wondering what secondary weapon set suits the Rifle playstyle the best? Looks like melee is out of question so i can only take p/p or SB with Rifle? I just can't imagine rifle + d/p or rifle + staff. So will you guys take rifle + p/p for max dps or rifle + sb for better survivability, mobility, aoe?

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I'm going to be testing out P/D primary and Rifle secondary build.


The rifle will be used for easy stealth/repositioning and anti-block oriented bunkers.


I'm also expecting it to actually hit decently well as a hybrid (using might stacks to push the power damage up). But mostly I plan to use conditions to open and then swap towards power if the fight drags on.

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You won't be able to use Staff with Rifle anyway, since Staff is part of the Daredevil elite, otherwise I totally would. I'm planning on using DeadEye when roaming with a partner or maybe a small group, so I'll probably be slotting sword/pistol for some cleave and melee evade when I'm out of disengages. During the test weekend I was pretty successful using sword/dagger as the secondary set while solo roaming, but I don't see that having as much use as sword/pistol in smallscale engages where I won't always be the primary focus.

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I think rifle dmg is medicore though I havent play tested it.~~ Even unload does more dmg~~ actually it attacks faster than unload so dps is roughly the same but its not as initiative friendly. I think ill have the test the rifle out it might be rifle/rifle or pistol/pistol depending on which is better in PvE for hardish content to take advantage of the 3 initiative on weapon swap from quick pockets and they both do the same thing but rifle has greater range. If I need to go places fast I prob take S/B + either rifle/pistol. Too bad I cant take the staff cause its the best AoE weapon for thief and I dont see where good aoe will come from.

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> I am planning on using P/P with the rifle to get the full Gunslinger theme going. Also, Rifle for the distance , and P/P for close range. There was a weird bug I have to report if I see it again where I had P/P out and equipped the rifle, and I saw both the rifle and the pistols out at the same time. It looked kind of cool.


That was a mount bug.

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During the beta, I tended to play around with most of the weapon sets. Rifle giving you an escape mechanic basically minimized the need to carry around Shortbow. While shortbow's mobility is obviously superior... you can't really justify always taking SB.


Dual Pistols was a fun one. It works pretty well in melee range as you have blind to punish them for getting too close while you get free damage on them. And you have an interrupt, a bleed, and an immobiliziation.


Dagger Dagger is one of my favorites from back in core thief days. It has a ranged attack that slows people down. It has a ranged leap. It has an evade frame which has saved my ass. A combo field finisher. Bleed. Cheaper access to stealth.


D/P. I personally don't like this weapon set. It fields kinda akward for me to use, even if it lets you easily stack stealth. You have engage, but you don't have a reposition that avoids damage.


s/d one of my favorites. Slow, but it hurts.

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> @Kanto.1659 said:

> What would be the suggestion for AoE? Does the shortbow even work with a power build? I never played thief so I've no clue. I vaguely recall sword/pistol having a strong cleaving autoattack with a built in blind field, was that it?


I do around 3750-ish crit dmg per hit-bounces with my exotic SB auto (on poisoned targets). I'm using mixed marauder and berserker armors. weapon is valk

SB auto is good if there's multiple enemies since it bounces back and forth with same damage.


I played with S/P for a while too but my health just go down too fast when i tried to cleave 4 or more mobs(more enemies means your S/P #3 evade frame become less effective). With SB I could care less about them numbers, since it's ranged and not initiative hungry so i can kite easily with #5

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