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Kicked from a Strike Mission, Commander won't give a reason.

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Today I was doing a Forging Steel strike mission. I wanted to go for a faster run so I joined a group titled: ''Forging Steel Speedrun''. I joined as a superspeed scrapper so I can keep the tank speed up, making the mission much faster to complete. However halfwaytrough the mission me and another player get kicked for no apparent reason, as the kick occured I whispered the kicker to get any answer as to why, they didn't reply back. Then I rejoined the group several times trough lfg, even swapped to a dps holosmith build figuring they didn't want me superspeeding for whatever reason. As the Commander/Kicker didn't state any reason as to why i got kicked it's next to impossible for me to figure it out. After a while of joining & rejoining Commy seemed to be content with the situation. However as a final insult right after we finish the last boss fight commander kicks me out of the group making it impossible for me to get the end chests. Pretty dirty move if you ask me.


Can I do anything to hold these players responsible?

How do I avoid groups like these in the future, seems like russian roulette if you ask me.


PS: Im an experienced Strike player. I have played Strike mission from the day 1 and this is the first time I come across to something like this.

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It's no secret that some people are just unreasonably malicious. There isn't a lot you can do in terms of accountability if they don't violate any in-game rules or regulations. My suggestion would be to form your own group(s), that way you can avoid this happening again.

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If you were sitting near tank the entire time perhaps they thought u were an afk leecher. There has been a big issue with players afking in tank the whole mission. That said, if they advertised it as a speedrun they are stupid for not realizing you are superspeeding.

Dont try and rejoin, it just creates more toxcicity. Report, block and move on.


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Considering the mission involves having to wait for the tank the idea of speedrunning it seems pretty silly to me..


As to why you were kicked.. could have been many reasons, might have even been just the typical "your DPS doesn't match my expectations" nonsense that a vast majority of kicks occur over in Gw2.


Suffice to say, players who just kick people like that are not worth playing with.

You're better off blocking them, specially if they kick you after using you to beat the content.. that is unacceptable and toxic behaviour that has no place in this game.

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> @"Azertah.5804" said:

> Can I do anything to hold these players responsible?


Unfortunately, no.


> How do I avoid groups like these in the future, seems like russian roulette if you ask me.


1. Stop rejoining groups with d-bags in them.

2. Never happened to me with Forging Steel groups, so I believe this was a truly bad exception.

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> @"Azertah.5804" said:

> As the Commander/Kicker didn't state any reason as to why i got kicked it's next to impossible for me to figure it out. After a while of joining & rejoining Commy seemed to be content with the situation. However as a final insult right after we finish the last boss fight commander kicks me out of the group making it impossible for me to get the end chests. Pretty dirty move if you ask me.

The fact you repeatedly joined after being kicked is a giant red flag and leads me to believe you aren't telling the whole story here.


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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Azertah.5804" said:

> > As the Commander/Kicker didn't state any reason as to why i got kicked it's next to impossible for me to figure it out. After a while of joining & rejoining Commy seemed to be content with the situation. However as a final insult right after we finish the last boss fight commander kicks me out of the group making it impossible for me to get the end chests. Pretty dirty move if you ask me.

> The fact you repeatedly joined after being kicked is a giant red flag and leads me to believe you aren't telling the whole story here.



I've stated what happened, as it happened. Had I wanted to manipulate the facts I could've just left the fact of repeated joining out of the post. To explain why I acted the way I did, let me ask you how much you value your time? Do you care if people waste your time or not? Can you let your work/effort go down the drain when presented with a way to recover it?


I know it's not fair/reasonable to keep joining the same group, but the kick wasn't reasonable either. Two wrongs dont make a right, but I had an opportunity to salvage my time and partly succeeded in it. Commander/kicker could've just given me a reply explaining something I did wrong and I could've accepted that, but no. Commander being unable to give me valid response makes me feel like it's very likely the kick was only based on malice. Other player being kicked also whispered me explaining that they too weren't given any reason as to why, and as such urged me to report the person. However as I wasn't certain on the reporting it prompted me to post the thread to see if I could do anything about the situation or not.

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> @"Azertah.5804" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"Azertah.5804" said:

> > > As the Commander/Kicker didn't state any reason as to why i got kicked it's next to impossible for me to figure it out. After a while of joining & rejoining Commy seemed to be content with the situation. However as a final insult right after we finish the last boss fight commander kicks me out of the group making it impossible for me to get the end chests. Pretty dirty move if you ask me.

> > The fact you repeatedly joined after being kicked is a giant red flag and leads me to believe you aren't telling the whole story here.

> >


> I've stated what happened, as it happened. Had I wanted to manipulate the facts I could've just left the fact of repeated joining out of the post. To explain why I acted the way I did, let me ask you how much you value your time? Do you care if people waste your time or not? Can you let your work/effort go down the drain when presented with a way to recover it?


> I know it's not fair/reasonable to keep joining the same group, but the kick wasn't reasonable either. Two wrongs dont make a right, but I had an opportunity to salvage my time and partly succeeded in it. Commander/kicker could've just given me a reply explaining something I did wrong and I could've accepted that, but no. Commander being unable to give me valid response makes me feel like it's very likely the kick was only based on malice. Other player being kicked also whispered me explaining that they too weren't given any reason as to why, and as such urged me to report the person. However as I wasn't certain on the reporting it prompted me to post the thread to see if I could do anything about the situation or not.


I understand you are frustrated over your wasted time, but also understand this - rejoining after being kicked is not going to make people let you back into the group. In fact, joining repeatedly after being kicked out is extremely frustrating also to the group. Maybe the commander was in the wrong to kick you, but it is not only the commander you will be impacting by attempting to rejoin the group.


This is not as evident in Forging Steel of course, but I have had similar things happen in raids and strike missions like Boneskinner. For example I would LFG for something specific, someone who does not fill the requirements joins, I kick them for not joining with what the LFG has stated (I ask for HB and get a dps), and then they repeatedly attempt to rejoin the group. They will waste my time, their own time, and the time of the people who are in my group.


So yeah, next time if someone kicks you out for seemingly no reason (perhaps theyre just being a jerk), block them and find another group. Losing your progress is not fun, but sticking with bad groups doesnt work in your favor, either. If you want to be sure to avoid incidents like these, it is best to form your own groups.

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> @"Azertah.5804" said:

> To explain why I acted the way I did, let me ask you how much you value your time? Do you care if people waste your time or not?


Tip: When you value your time, you are better off staying clear of such groups and look for a new one (or create your own) as it would take less effort and time (plus save you nerves) than repeatedly trying to get back into a group that clearly has toxic/anti-social people in it who are completely wasting the time you invested when they kick you before you can grab your final rewards and receive credit for the 25 (?) minutes you invested into the mission.

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Okay guys, he understands that he could have just not continued playing with the group. But the point is there is no way of punishing these malicious as heck people who do this stuff. I met quite a few in my years of playing and it is just a mood killer.

I feel like a lot of people are just diminishing this issue. For some people it is quite hurtful at the moment it does happen.

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> @"Ogwom.7940" said:

> Okay guys, he understands that he could have just not continued playing with the group. But the point is there is no way of punishing these malicious as heck people who do this stuff. I met quite a few in my years of playing and it is just a mood killer.

> I feel like a lot of people are just diminishing this issue. For some people it is quite hurtful at the moment it does happen.


How would you punish it, though? There are already solutions to this problem - block list and forming your own groups.

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> @"Ogwom.7940" said:

> Okay guys, he understands that he could have just not continued playing with the group. But the point is there is no way of punishing these malicious as heck people who do this stuff. I met quite a few in my years of playing and it is just a mood killer.

> I feel like a lot of people are just diminishing this issue. For some people it is quite hurtful at the moment it does happen.


Who is the malicious person though?


You understand that it is not possible to remove a player from squad while in combat? Nor is it possible to prevent someone from continuessly joining the squad, essentially blocking that spot for anyone else.


We habe TCs version on this, and it seems reasonable enough. Let's do spend a moment on putting ourself in the squad commanders position shall we? He is faced with a player whom he did not want in squad, for what ever reason, who continually kept rejoining, denying the squad leader the ability to form his squad and eventually denying him the ability to remove said player at all. Was it a dick move to remove the person right before looting? Sure, but let's not pretend as though TCs actions were not at the very least very frustrating at best, badgering and toxic at worst.



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@"Cyninja.2954" Now it seems you are shifting the blame on the victim.

If someone was just robbed, would you say, "Well you were walking by yourself out at night, and you only weigh 100 pounds... so you have to understand the robber couldn't help themselves and that they had a long work day."?


The issue isn't about the commander getting bullied, it is about OP.

You have to understand, just because you haven't experienced a person kicking another for no reason other than they are toxic and get enjoyment out of it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I mean this is Steel Strike... super easy, yet long and doesn't require raid build rotations.

The kick is totally unwarranted unless OP was verbally assaulting the commander.


@"Cerioth.7062" I don't know how we would punish it. And yes, we already know we can block and form your own group, but that is still ignoring the issue.

I mean it's not like we run in to these people all the time, but there are a few bad apples. It just sucks that someone goes unpunished for crap behavior and that the only solution is to block and move on.


I feel like quite a few people here don't even want to give OP the benefit of the doubt.

It's like almost as if they are conditioned to think every time someone posts a complaint of being bullied, it is automatically their fault. Of course it is a case by case situation, though it's like not many people want to give that chance.

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> @"Ogwom.7940" said:

> @"Cyninja.2954" Now it seems you are shifting the blame on the victim.

> If someone was just robbed, would you say, "Well you were walking by yourself out at night, and you only weigh 100 pounds... so you have to understand the robber couldn't help themselves and that they had a long work day."?


> The issue isn't about the commander getting bullied, it is about OP.

> You have to understand, just because you haven't experienced a person kicking another for no reason other than they are toxic and get enjoyment out of it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I mean this is Steel Strike... super easy, yet long and doesn't require raid build rotations.

> The kick is totally unwarranted unless OP was verbally assaulting the commander.


> @"Cerioth.7062" I don't know how we would punish it. And yes, we already know we can block and form your own group, but that is still ignoring the issue.

> I mean it's not like we run in to these people all the time, but there are a few bad apples. It just sucks that someone goes unpunished for kitten behavior and that the only solution is to block and move on.


> I feel like quite a few people here don't even want to give OP the benefit of the doubt.

> It's like almost as if they are conditioned to think every time someone posts a complaint of being bullied, it is automatically their fault. Of course it is a case by case situation, though it's like not many people want to give that chance.


The commander might have thought they were afking in the tank letting the others do the work.


About your robber analogy, after getting robbed would you continue to go back to the same place to try and find the robber and hang out with them?

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> @"Ogwom.7940" said:

> @"Cyninja.2954" Now it seems you are shifting the blame on the victim.

> If someone was just robbed, would you say, "Well you were walking by yourself out at night, and you only weigh 100 pounds... so you have to understand the robber couldn't help themselves and that they had a long work day."?


> The issue isn't about the commander getting bullied, it is about OP.

> You have to understand, just because you haven't experienced a person kicking another for no reason other than they are toxic and get enjoyment out of it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I mean this is Steel Strike... super easy, yet long and doesn't require raid build rotations.

> The kick is totally unwarranted unless OP was verbally assaulting the commander.



The fact you feel this way only shows how disproportionate your view and entitlement to other players time is and their right to chose whom they want to play with.


You have no idea WHY OP was initially kicked, except for what OP stated what he believes. He himself admitted to staying near the tank to speed it up, something which can easily be mistaken for afking.


Might his removal from group have been unjustified? Sure, we don't know. That still does not supersede the choice others are allowed to make about wanting or not wanting to play with him, no matter how justified or unjustified that choice might be.


What we do know is that OP behaved in a very disruptive way to other players by his own admission, with mostly no way for the other party to defend its self (I stated which limitations are in place). The moment he was removed from squad he should have walked away, not rejoined multiple times (and I guarantee you, the commander was certainly not "content" with him being there as OP puts it, as was proven later. As we know now, the commander had merely given up removing OP since there was nothing he could do to prevent him continually rejoining). No one has a right to other players groups or time. If OP had behaved in a reasonable way, meaning he had not badgered a group to take him along and accepted he was not welcome, this situation had not revolved the way it did.


> @"Ogwom.7940" said:

> I feel like quite a few people here don't even want to give OP the benefit of the doubt.

> It's like almost as if they are conditioned to think every time someone posts a complaint of being bullied, it is automatically their fault. Of course it is a case by case situation, though it's like not many people want to give that chance.


No one here HAS to give OP the benefit of the doubt. We are not here to absolve him of any crimes or w/e. Even less when being faced with only 1 side of the story which already paints some of OPs actions as part of the problem. No one is blaming OP or calling his removal from squad reasonable, but that was not the trigger to this issue. Maybe someone had him on block, noticed at some point, and told the squad leader about it. We do not know.


At best one can give advice how to prevent such occurrences in the future, and that advice in this case would be: don't stick around in parties which do not want you and especially don't expect other players to be thrilled when you force them to take you along.

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> @"Ogwom.7940" said:


> @"Cerioth.7062" I don't know how we would punish it. And yes, we already know we can block and form your own group, but that is still ignoring the issue.

> I mean it's not like we run in to these people all the time, but there are a few bad apples. It just sucks that someone goes unpunished for kitten behavior and that the only solution is to block and move on.



Well, a few bad apples will always exist, no matter what punishing methods are invented. This does not, after all, happen very often. On top of that, a Commander has the right to decide who is in their group and who is not. We do not know the full story, and unless the same person keeps kicking people out of groups for no reason on a regular basis, I do not see how we can punish someone for running their group how they see fit.


Even being kicked out unjustifiedly does not give the OP the right to start acting maliciously as well.


And I really do not see how Anet would track this issue. They cannot forbid commanders from kicking people out of their squads - most of the time commanders kick people who are actually causing trouble or not performing the role they were invited for.

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I would not worry to much about it. You said it yourself; you play strike missions since day 1, and it’s the first time this bad experience happend. So 99% of your strikes where positive, don’t focus to much about that one bad commander. Sometimes it just happens you met someone toxic in game...

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Provided you asked politely what the reason for the kick was and you genuinly don't know what the reason was either, you just block this person, skip the strike for the day, do something else and come back later with one less toxic player you'll play with.


Obviously if your message was something along the lines of "Hey you piece of trash, tell me why you kicked me, you scumbag", can't be surprised that they didn't answered.


Some people are just toxic, that's all.

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