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Condi Revenants need to be nerfed effective immediately


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I think the most important thing to say in Condi Rev's defense is that it has some of the most clearly animated and telegraphed skills of all condi builds. It's a resilient and high-pressure build but it's also a pure melee fighter (unless they go Renegade for the shortbow, which means they're trading Infuse Light for the hardest-to-aim "high-risk/high-reward" skill in the game), comparable to fighting a Speed-Reaper or a Greatsword Warrior power build but with a different set of strengths and weaknesses.


Something like that *should* probably be dishing out somewhat better condition pressure than a "slipperier" or longer-ranged condi build.

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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > Torment needs to be nerf or revenant should have all of its torment replaced by bleed.


> i wish i had bleed as condi rev. Then it would do an even amount of damage, not going up and down with an very wonky damage-calculation


It would fit better as the rev class has good mobility so torment dose not fit that well. I think it would be a good fix for the class to give up all of its torment for bleeds.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > Torment needs to be nerf or revenant should have all of its torment replaced by bleed.

> >

> > i wish i had bleed as condi rev. Then it would do an even amount of damage, not going up and down with an very wonky damage-calculation


> It would fit better as the rev class has good mobility so torment dose not fit that well. I think it would be a good fix for the class to give up all of its torment for bleeds.


if u think Pumping out WAY more damage is a fix, then i would take it

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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > Torment needs to be nerf or revenant should have all of its torment replaced by bleed.

> > >

> > > i wish i had bleed as condi rev. Then it would do an even amount of damage, not going up and down with an very wonky damage-calculation

> >

> > It would fit better as the rev class has good mobility so torment dose not fit that well. I think it would be a good fix for the class to give up all of its torment for bleeds.


> if u think Pumping out WAY more damage is a fix, then i would take it


Sure i am all for making condis have longer duration but lower tick dmg but over all higher dmg from the skill.

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If gw2 had a cele class option where you can be any profession , would be awesome.


I mean that's the reason why they capped the number of toons so you have paper rocks scissors. But it takes time to find the cookie cutter of the patch and not many are able to change the perspective that they must win at all cost with the build they made because it's perfect .


It's also one of the things that move the economy a bit, if less than 1% players who in their own way = change builds every week

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > Torment needs to be nerf or revenant should have all of its torment replaced by bleed.

> >

> > i wish i had bleed as condi rev. Then it would do an even amount of damage, not going up and down with an very wonky damage-calculation


> It would fit better as the rev class has good mobility so torment dose not fit that well. I think it would be a good fix for the class to give up all of its torment for bleeds.


How does that follow? Torment's damage is based on the victim moving, not the player.


It's also pretty central to the thematic design of Mallyx and the weapons that support it.

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While I do like Build diversity, I think as well that condi rev is too strong. It's easy to play on a good level and it's easily possible to fight outnumbered. Even if you basically never played rev before.


So yes, rev needs nerfs, either in sustain or damage, or maybe both.




It's not only rev that needs nerfs, there's some pretty overpowered builds on other classes as well.


You could also just buff weaker classes. But that might lead to the same power creep we had before.

Nerfing the strongest classes is the best way to go in my opinion.

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> @"hobotnicax.7918" said:

> I have a hard time losing to a condi rev as a melee soulbeast. Maybe try to fight them with that.


i have boon duration on mine condi renegade/deamon, this week a condi druid and condi thief could not defeated me, so they added another full condi class... i have perma resistance... while the stats i use has no power nor armor/toughness.


I guess i can say that i can 1v3 xD LOL, condi rev is strong cause can return burns back to source(herald f2 with deamon), perma resistance against players that expec to to be carried with condi buiild, players that spend all time in combat waisting their condi cleanses runing away.


Note: i can only put arround 1k torment and 1-2k burn ticks it isnt much, before patch 2 revs could apply quite fast 50+ torment stacks on targets.


@"aaron.7850" there are classes and builds that destroy condi revs in just a few seconds, should ocndi revs start saying other specs are OP and broken as well?


We all know that some conditions are overperforming, burn is very easy to "reaply burst" and atm is the most condition overperforming.

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> @"ASP.8093" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > Torment needs to be nerf or revenant should have all of its torment replaced by bleed.

> > >

> > > i wish i had bleed as condi rev. Then it would do an even amount of damage, not going up and down with an very wonky damage-calculation

> >

> > It would fit better as the rev class has good mobility so torment dose not fit that well. I think it would be a good fix for the class to give up all of its torment for bleeds.


> How does that follow? Torment's damage is based on the victim moving, not the player.


> It's also pretty central to the thematic design of Mallyx and the weapons that support it.


Why that? What about an AOE condi transfer makes it about torment? Should the rev move slower in mallyx?

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > Here is a Herald nerf suggestion. Give Infuse Light a cast time... Cue Herald pearl clutching.


> If Infuse Light is your stumbling block, the Rev isn't the problem. Infuse Light is only as powerful as you, the opponent, make it.


Not a stumbling block for me, but if that can not have a cast time then can I get Defiant Stance to be instant cast as well?


But in all seriousness, a 1/4s cast time, less resistance on Demon Stance, and about 25% less torment output would be fine.

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> @"aaron.7850" said:

> I just fought one and could not bring him down below 60%, meanwhile he unloaded massive amounts of burning and torment on me and no matter how much I dispelled he kept applying them to me like it was nothing.


> I hear there is a balance patch coming up, so I expect the appropriate nerfs to be delivered to this broken class.


Was that me???


Joking aside, range is my biggest headache as a condi rev. My chase potential is garbage and I'm pretty slow, I have no projectile blocks besides shield and I can't handle burst damage and CC. Most non condi thief builds give me a lot of trouble with stealth and backstab, or stealth with rifle because they can force me to dodge Death's Judgment and just kite me endlessly until they finally hit. Other strong CC builds are not fun to deal with since glint/mallyx has no stability, but I've got a lot of passive sustain with Torment Runes.


Short version; don't bring condi against a condi rev unless you like your own condi, bring burst/range damage with CC.

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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> they are getting a big cut on sustain soon ,so stop crying


It ocunters the players that are expecting to get carried with very strong builds towards condi spam ;), tdlr nerf what counters me so i can win.


Making resistance or target having resistance to take more damage on melee seams fair enough, imo the effect needs to change as well, some sorta aura style but in other form, arround the resistance user should make it more noteceable maybe?


Quickness should also do this, since it kinda reminds Frenzy effect from gw1.

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