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Why do people even bother with Legendaries?

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I don't know if anyone did this math, but it seems to me that is easier to level another character and equip him/her with ascended gear than farm for a single Legendary piece.

I know the convenience of testing many builds in a single piece of equipment is amazing, but the effort to go through that is out of question for me.

What do you think?

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Because I like the skins and wanted a long-term goal. Stat-swapping does sometimes come in useful but it's certainly not important enough to me to justify the time and cost of a legendary.


I like customising my characters' appearence, and I like the way some of the legendaries look, so to me it was worth it to make them. I've had my first one (the Dreamer) for years and still enjoy seeing the effects. Since then I've made the Bifrost and Claw of the Khan-Ur (my thief is a charr, so I had to do it) and I plan to make more later on. I absolutely could just make ascended weapons instead, and there's plenty of other nice skins in the game, but I think the legendaries I've made were worth the time. Especially after the precursor collections were added which make it more interesting to get them instead of just grinding gold to buy it from the TP.

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> @"Kosmo.3468" said:

> I don't know if anyone did this math, but it seems to me that is easier to level another character and equip him/her with ascended gear than farm for a single Legendary piece.

> I know the convenience of testing many builds in a single piece of equipment is amazing, but the effort to go through that is out of question for me.

> What do you think?

I actually will start a Legendary if I am out of "things to do" in PvE. Working on a Legendary gives my play time a goal and focus.

Once you get to a certain point in this game, when your toons are all geared the way you want and you've run through your favorite content more times than you can count, sometimes the shopping list of activities in a Legendary Collection is a nice way to fill the downtime.

Exposes you to things you may not have seen before/for a while and many of the skins you get as a result are really well made.

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> @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

> I made Exordium for the skin, ok and astralaria. The rest I do for stat swap because I theorycraft a lot. There will be even more reason to make legendaries once the legendary armory is released and a single legendary item will be usable across all characters able to use that class of armor/weapon.


Depends how much they charge for that privilege. If it's anything like the so-called build template garbage... better get a mortgage.

My guess is it'll be 800 gems per item slot per character; 18 potential slots per character, that's a lot of gems.

Gotta milk that cow.

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> @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

> > @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

> > I made Exordium for the skin, ok and astralaria. The rest I do for stat swap because I theorycraft a lot. There will be even more reason to make legendaries once the legendary armory is released and a single legendary item will be usable across all characters able to use that class of armor/weapon.


> Depends how much they charge for that privilege. If it's anything like the so-called build template garbage... better get a mortgage.

> My guess is it'll be 800 gems per item slot per character; 18 potential slots per character, that's a lot of gems.

> Gotta milk that cow.


I have been figuring a per account slot feature like the shared inventory slots rather than per character . . . I would do account ones, albeit slowly. I'm not so sure I would buy them for each character. I have no problem with paying for the QoL although clearly there are plenty of people here that do, but I think on a per character basis would end up being too much. I have been figuring about 600/slot, but that is a totally uninformed guess with no basis other than my own analysis and assumptions.


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The main reason I bother with legendary weapons is the simple fact that they're pretty much one of the only ways to change up projectile and sound animations on my guns. For rifles and pistols especially these animations are more noticeable than the weapons skins themselves and both regular ingame weapon sets and even the gemstore weapons constantly fail to deliver in this regard so legendary it is.

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