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Scourge nerf was needed and is great for the zerg scene

Alec B.8905

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I find it hilarious that 10 man boon ball groups still think they can just ram into the boon ball zerg and expect a miracle.

Tiniwinimini boon ball! vs Largiblobiomgini boon ball! who would win I wonder!

Top it off when you have TWO tiniwinimini boon balls pushing one at a time at said largiblobiomgini boon balls!



This message is endorsed and paid for by the MultiServerIndoBoonBlobFarmGuild.


P.S Nerf Necros moar!

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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Taylan.2187" said:

> > > But reducing the number of targets on the big shade from 5 to 2 is ridiculous. It just makes it completely useless.

> > Does it?

> >

> > Is scourge still meta in zergs? Because if it is, that doesnt make sense to me.

> >


> Ofc it is, It still brings the most corrupts in the game, ontop of all the barrier and still has pretty strong damage


I'm not a meta expert myself but the commander I run with who's been playing since launch suggested that Scourge will probably be useless in meta. Maybe I misinterpreted his statement and it will still fit a certain role in smaller numbers, but the statement was that Scourge players will have to reconsider whether they will be running Scourge at all in the future, when I asked whether I should make any immediate changes to my build.


> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Taylan.2187" said:

> > > But reducing the number of targets on the big shade from 5 to 2 is ridiculous. It just makes it completely useless.

> > Does it?

> >

> > Is scourge still meta in zergs? Because if it is, that doesnt make sense to me.

> >


> Not much has changed. No one took Sand Savant after the previous nerf and now it remains the same. Until Anet revamps scourge altogether, it will never die in WvW. Its design is just too perfect for it.


We were still playing with Sand Savant. 5 targets on target *or* self is still great. 10 targets obviously overkill.

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> @"Taylan.2187" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"Taylan.2187" said:

> > > > But reducing the number of targets on the big shade from 5 to 2 is ridiculous. It just makes it completely useless.

> > > Does it?

> > >

> > > Is scourge still meta in zergs? Because if it is, that doesnt make sense to me.

> > >

> >

> > Ofc it is, It still brings the most corrupts in the game, ontop of all the barrier and still has pretty strong damage


> I'm not a meta expert myself but the commander I run with who's been playing since launch suggested that Scourge will probably be useless in meta. Maybe I misinterpreted his statement and it will still fit a certain role in smaller numbers, but the statement was that Scourge players will have to reconsider whether they will be running Scourge at all in the future, when I asked whether I should make any immediate changes to my build.


He is exaggerating that a bit too much, Scourge still has Barrier, Shade and Support skills with that, along with the corrupts and wells, it's still good to use



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Set your group as such


Fb scrap spell (these three can be support)

Minstrel minstrel cleric

Then reaper and scourge (dps)

You got spike and dps and bubbles and cleanse and heals.


Then 1 herald per 10. For the damage mitigation on facets and your on demand dwarf staff hammer.


Make your reaper scourge and rev run vampirism runes. So they gain 10% hp per kill.


You can rotate the roles as you please and make your own synergy but you got to have fields , stealth, cleanse, and blasts. Boon removal and spikes and corrups are a must.




Or you can just have two healers and make a range group


Fb scrap (healers)

Then range with revs scourge and weaver.


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Honestly the worst change they ever made in the history of WvW. Apparently its okay for eles to shit out massive damage in a huge AOEs without effor and without even needing utility skills. Or revenants dealing absurd amounts of damage with CoR from long range, with a very low cooldown coming spontaneous, without any counterplay as its not even an projectile. Its also okay for guardians to spill boons and heals like candy on 5 + allies without ANY risk involved. But you know, if people actually need to move out of a small aoe circle to prevent a laughably booncorrupt and an even more laughable amount of damage that was already split between power and condi, everyone freaks out.


Basicly they want to degenrate the WvW meta even more, removing even the need to walk out of AoE circles. Oh no, god forbid if the zerglings would actually need skill to be effective. Gw2 is a casual game after all.

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> @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> Honestly the worst change they ever made in the history of WvW. Apparently its okay for eles to kitten out massive damage in a huge AOEs without effor and without even needing utility skills. Or revenants dealing absurd amounts of damage with CoR from long range, with a very low cooldown coming spontaneous, without any counterplay as its not even an projectile. Its also okay for guardians to spill boons and heals like candy on 5 + allies without ANY risk involved. But you know, if people actually need to move out of a small aoe circle to prevent a laughably booncorrupt and an even more laughable amount of damage that was already split between power and condi, everyone freaks out.


> Basicly they want to degenrate the WvW meta even more, removing even the need to walk out of AoE circles. Oh no, god forbid if the zerglings would actually need skill to be effective. Gw2 is a casual game after all.


Yes this game is a casual game, why do you think the majority of the WvW playerbase played Scourge? because it required skill?


Now of course people played Scourge because they love Necro in general which is fine, but lets not pretend that Scourge required any skill, it is easiest meta spec to play out of them all, Please play the other classes and tell us how you get on.

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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > Honestly the worst change they ever made in the history of WvW. Apparently its okay for eles to kitten out massive damage in a huge AOEs without effor and without even needing utility skills. Or revenants dealing absurd amounts of damage with CoR from long range, with a very low cooldown coming spontaneous, without any counterplay as its not even an projectile. Its also okay for guardians to spill boons and heals like candy on 5 + allies without ANY risk involved. But you know, if people actually need to move out of a small aoe circle to prevent a laughably booncorrupt and an even more laughable amount of damage that was already split between power and condi, everyone freaks out.

> >

> > Basicly they want to degenrate the WvW meta even more, removing even the need to walk out of AoE circles. Oh no, god forbid if the zerglings would actually need skill to be effective. Gw2 is a casual game after all.


> Yes this game is a casual game, why do you think the majority of the WvW playerbase played Scourge? because it required skill?


If you consider scourge casual, and the game as a eternal casual game it makes even less sense as of WHY they did nerf it in the first place. If it makes the casuals happy, dont destroy it. Its a casual game after all. The entire thought process and reasoning is off. Scourge never was the most optimal solution, it was the laziest, so a perfect fit for casuals, and not a big factor for the real hardcore gamers that actually look for the most effective way to deal damage / support and whatever.


So in conclusion, if you want the game to be "casual friendly" dont remove whats making it casual friendly - thats exactly what they did. They also didnt want to make the game more complex, or bringing the skill cap up, else they would have nerfed the bigger no brainers like Guardians or Revs as well .

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> @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > > Honestly the worst change they ever made in the history of WvW. Apparently its okay for eles to kitten out massive damage in a huge AOEs without effor and without even needing utility skills. Or revenants dealing absurd amounts of damage with CoR from long range, with a very low cooldown coming spontaneous, without any counterplay as its not even an projectile. Its also okay for guardians to spill boons and heals like candy on 5 + allies without ANY risk involved. But you know, if people actually need to move out of a small aoe circle to prevent a laughably booncorrupt and an even more laughable amount of damage that was already split between power and condi, everyone freaks out.

> > >

> > > Basicly they want to degenrate the WvW meta even more, removing even the need to walk out of AoE circles. Oh no, god forbid if the zerglings would actually need skill to be effective. Gw2 is a casual game after all.

> >

> > Yes this game is a casual game, why do you think the majority of the WvW playerbase played Scourge? because it required skill?


> If you consider scourge casual, and the game as a eternal casual game it makes even less sense as of WHY they did nerf it in the first place. If it makes the casuals happy, dont destroy it. Its a casual game after all. The entire thought process and reasoning is off. Scourge never was the most optimal solution, it was the laziest, so a perfect fit for casuals, and not a big factor for the real hardcore gamers that actually look for the most effective way to deal damage / support and whatever.


> So in conclusion, if you want the game to be "casual friendly" dont remove whats making it casual friendly - thats exactly what they did. They also didnt want to make the game more complex, or bringing the skill cap up, else they would have nerfed the bigger no brainers like Guardians or Revs as well .


Going by that mentality, lets give Tempest stability on Auras, CoR does 75% more damage, Guardians apply 5 stacks of burn when sharing retal, Mirage has 4 dodges and so on.


2nd thing is Scourge is far from being 'Destroyed' just an exaggeration really. And again you are complaining about other classes, but I bet you have no idea what they do, Please play Guard or Rev if it's so braindead and easy

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if we go this way maybe give necromancer mobility or blocks or invul or invisibility from other classes ?be slowest of them all its not good in fight-and all know it :)

lets lokk what anet do:

1."Shade Skills: These have been changed back to triggering at both the necromancer's location and their shade locations with each use" -noone ask for it becose 5 taget aoe loks ok and its standard aoe targets in gw2- it looks like they make this to compensate incoming nerfs to oher skills?

2."Vampiric Rituals: This trait has been removed and replaced with the trait Blood Bank" - so they removed wells trait that give 20% red cooldowns, protecions and life steal- so to compensate they give shorter cd

3."Blood Bank: This new trait replaces Vampiric Rituals in the Blood Magic grandmaster slot. It causes healing over your maximum health amount to be converted into barrier. Regeneration effects do not trigger this trait."- this may be good on guardian or eles becose they can heal from 0 to hero in sekonds but on necro?- its uselles on necromancer class and it loks like design fail!

4."Signets of Suffering: This trait has been moved to the master tier and replaces Dread. The enhanced signet effect now only activates when in shroud. The enhanced effect for Signet of the Locust has changed to be a 33% movement speed bonus. The enhanced effect for Signet of Vampirism has changed to increase the number of targets to 2 for the passive life siphon." signets was used to solo or smal group fight to survive few seconds focus fire- clear nerf to signets build- this traint only work in shroud now and most important healing skill nerfed:

5."Signet of Vampirism: The passive effect for this skill has been reworked. It now causes the necromancer to steal a small amount of health from a nearby foe every second while in combat- so now it works only Radius: 180- nice joke to the slowest class in game to stay in close combat where all others are faster than you and can easy hit and run like with pew pew bow :) Radius: 180- uselles :)


So after this buff to shades that noone ask and clear nerf to other necro skills they come with this:

"Shade Skills: Reduced the target cap of shades from 3 to 2 in WvW only. Reduced the target cap of greater shades from 5 to 2 in WvW only.

So shades skills now have 2 "aoe" tagets - 2 target dont loks like aoe in gw2 :) - so shades overnerfed :)

Wells cd restored to normal cd and trait for wells gone- wth?

Sand Savant- Recharge Increase:100%, Radius Increase: 120- ON 2 target skill?? first selfnerf GM trait in gw2 - design fail!

Any other 5 target aoe dps or suport class its now beter than 2 "aoe" scourge :)


So loking what dev do in last path and in 24 hours "hotfix" its clear- they dont know what they do in balance team :)

and players can write what they think about it :)


Loking on wvsw and scourges drop numbers- most players now try other options and classes , some of main scourge player will leave/change game becose the way how dev make path and fixes give a bad taste about gw2 :) And if there are realy so many scourge players in wvsw it may have some impact in wvsw and gw2 population drop :) There its not only gw2 on the games market :) So gl, hf :)



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> @"Taylan.2187" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"Taylan.2187" said:

> > > > But reducing the number of targets on the big shade from 5 to 2 is ridiculous. It just makes it completely useless.

> > > Does it?

> > >

> > > Is scourge still meta in zergs? Because if it is, that doesnt make sense to me.

> > >

> >

> > Ofc it is, It still brings the most corrupts in the game, ontop of all the barrier and still has pretty strong damage


> I'm not a meta expert myself but the commander I run with who's been playing since launch suggested that Scourge will probably be useless in meta. Maybe I misinterpreted his statement and it will still fit a certain role in smaller numbers, but the statement was that Scourge players will have to reconsider whether they will be running Scourge at all in the future, when I asked whether I should make any immediate changes to my build.


> > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"Taylan.2187" said:

> > > > But reducing the number of targets on the big shade from 5 to 2 is ridiculous. It just makes it completely useless.

> > > Does it?

> > >

> > > Is scourge still meta in zergs? Because if it is, that doesnt make sense to me.

> > >

> >

> > Not much has changed. No one took Sand Savant after the previous nerf and now it remains the same. Until Anet revamps scourge altogether, it will never die in WvW. Its design is just too perfect for it.


> We were still playing with Sand Savant. 5 targets on target *or* self is still great. 10 targets obviously overkill.


I'm guessing you're talking about gvg in guildhalls? Because Sand Savant hits 2 people on shade and 2 on yourself in WvW. Unless you take for the extra range (there are better siege clearing classes), it's a self nerf.

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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > > > Honestly the worst change they ever made in the history of WvW. Apparently its okay for eles to kitten out massive damage in a huge AOEs without effor and without even needing utility skills. Or revenants dealing absurd amounts of damage with CoR from long range, with a very low cooldown coming spontaneous, without any counterplay as its not even an projectile. Its also okay for guardians to spill boons and heals like candy on 5 + allies without ANY risk involved. But you know, if people actually need to move out of a small aoe circle to prevent a laughably booncorrupt and an even more laughable amount of damage that was already split between power and condi, everyone freaks out.

> > > >

> > > > Basicly they want to degenrate the WvW meta even more, removing even the need to walk out of AoE circles. Oh no, god forbid if the zerglings would actually need skill to be effective. Gw2 is a casual game after all.

> > >

> > > Yes this game is a casual game, why do you think the majority of the WvW playerbase played Scourge? because it required skill?

> >

> > If you consider scourge casual, and the game as a eternal casual game it makes even less sense as of WHY they did nerf it in the first place. If it makes the casuals happy, dont destroy it. Its a casual game after all. The entire thought process and reasoning is off. Scourge never was the most optimal solution, it was the laziest, so a perfect fit for casuals, and not a big factor for the real hardcore gamers that actually look for the most effective way to deal damage / support and whatever.

> >

> > So in conclusion, if you want the game to be "casual friendly" dont remove whats making it casual friendly - thats exactly what they did. They also didnt want to make the game more complex, or bringing the skill cap up, else they would have nerfed the bigger no brainers like Guardians or Revs as well .


> Going by that mentality, lets give Tempest stability on Auras, CoR does 75% more damage, Guardians apply 5 stacks of burn when sharing retal, Mirage has 4 dodges and so on.



Why would you do that though? These classes are already heavily overperforming, even though they are rather easy to play as well. There literally is nothing easier then playing a rev, even if you are bloody casual, you just need to spam one skill with the right gear and you will heavily outperfom every casual scourge damage wise by MILES and also pretty much every other class besides ele. And that skill is spamable, multi hitting and you dont even have to worry about reflects or walls whatsoever. When playing support heavy classes like firebrand you dont even need to aim most of your skills, defensive skills activate around yourself, in a big range to multiple targets, its the most carefree thing in the world. These classes also dont need to sacrifice anything in order to do so, revenant does baseline, even without an espec, massive damage, core guard is baseline very good at supporting, the specs dont take from these classes they only increase the power even more. Yet they keep nerfing the wrong specs.


> 2nd thing is Scourge is far from being 'Destroyed' just an exaggeration really. And again you are complaining about other classes, but I bet you have no idea what they do, Please play Guard or Rev if it's so braindead and easy.


Scourge pretty much is destroyed. Shades deal no damage, neither condi, nor power. The support is lacking far behind every other support spec. They slaughtered the cooldowns quite a few patches ago, so the uptime is not great. And to top it all of they now reduced the amount of targets affected to 2. Initially necromancer also has no support built into its kit, so it pretty much all depends on scourge class skills. There is no other support Skill that does affect only 2 targets, and there is also no other AOE offensive skill that only affects 2 targets. Seriously. Imagine "Stand your ground " or CoR affecting only 2 targets in total. You get the deal. Now i do know, that scourge can potentially do both with one shade, but thats also not very uncommon and is AoE based, so not reliable at all.



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> @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > > > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > > > > Honestly the worst change they ever made in the history of WvW. Apparently its okay for eles to kitten out massive damage in a huge AOEs without effor and without even needing utility skills. Or revenants dealing absurd amounts of damage with CoR from long range, with a very low cooldown coming spontaneous, without any counterplay as its not even an projectile. Its also okay for guardians to spill boons and heals like candy on 5 + allies without ANY risk involved. But you know, if people actually need to move out of a small aoe circle to prevent a laughably booncorrupt and an even more laughable amount of damage that was already split between power and condi, everyone freaks out.

> > > > >

> > > > > Basicly they want to degenrate the WvW meta even more, removing even the need to walk out of AoE circles. Oh no, god forbid if the zerglings would actually need skill to be effective. Gw2 is a casual game after all.

> > > >

> > > > Yes this game is a casual game, why do you think the majority of the WvW playerbase played Scourge? because it required skill?

> > >

> > > If you consider scourge casual, and the game as a eternal casual game it makes even less sense as of WHY they did nerf it in the first place. If it makes the casuals happy, dont destroy it. Its a casual game after all. The entire thought process and reasoning is off. Scourge never was the most optimal solution, it was the laziest, so a perfect fit for casuals, and not a big factor for the real hardcore gamers that actually look for the most effective way to deal damage / support and whatever.

> > >

> > > So in conclusion, if you want the game to be "casual friendly" dont remove whats making it casual friendly - thats exactly what they did. They also didnt want to make the game more complex, or bringing the skill cap up, else they would have nerfed the bigger no brainers like Guardians or Revs as well .

> >

> > Going by that mentality, lets give Tempest stability on Auras, CoR does 75% more damage, Guardians apply 5 stacks of burn when sharing retal, Mirage has 4 dodges and so on.

> >


> Why would you do that though? These classes are already heavily overperforming, even though they are rather easy to play as well. There literally is nothing easier then playing a rev, even if you are bloody casual, you just need to spam one skill with the right gear and you will heavily outperfom every casual scourge damage wise by MILES and also pretty much every other class besides ele. And that skill is spamable, multi hitting and you dont even have to worry about reflects or walls whatsoever. When playing support heavy classes like firebrand you dont even need to aim most of your skills, defensive skills activate around yourself, in a big range to multiple targets, its the most carefree thing in the world. These classes also dont need to sacrifice anything in order to do so, revenant does baseline, even without an espec, massive damage, core guard is baseline very good at supporting, the specs dont take from these classes they only increase the power even more. Yet they keep nerfing the wrong specs.


> > 2nd thing is Scourge is far from being 'Destroyed' just an exaggeration really. And again you are complaining about other classes, but I bet you have no idea what they do, Please play Guard or Rev if it's so braindead and easy.


> Scourge pretty much is destroyed. Shades deal no damage, neither condi, nor power. The support is lacking far behind every other support spec. They slaughtered the cooldowns quite a few patches ago, so the uptime is not great. And to top it all of they now reduced the amount of targets affected to 2. Initially necromancer also has no support built into its kit, so it pretty much all depends on scourge class skills. There is no other support Skill that does affect only 2 targets, and there is also no other AOE offensive skill that only affects 2 targets. Seriously. Imagine "Stand your ground " or CoR affecting only 2 targets in total. You get the deal. Now i do know, that scourge can potentially do both with one shade, but thats also not very uncommon and is AoE based, so not reliable at all.




Okay, Not going to comment much on this because it's just a load of crap coming from you, Play all these easy classes and see what happens.

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Having played scourge a couple of times in zerg after the patch, it does not feel like that much of a nerf. The greater shade trait is worse than useless, it would actually be better to leave the trait unselected than to take that trait. However, the damage added to well of darkness more than makes up, especially in spike damage. It does make placement of your bomb more critical. Groups that move together well and make a lot of direction changes are more difficult to get good damage on than before, unruly blobs not so much. It also takes a bit longer to get the shade aspect of the bomb off to maximum effect, since you must drop multiple shades to be effective, instead of the one large one. I imagine that the fewer targets might have been partly to help with the lag issues as well though.

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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > @"Taylan.2187" said:

> > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > @"Taylan.2187" said:

> > > > > But reducing the number of targets on the big shade from 5 to 2 is ridiculous. It just makes it completely useless.

> > > > Does it?

> > > >

> > > > Is scourge still meta in zergs? Because if it is, that doesnt make sense to me.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Ofc it is, It still brings the most corrupts in the game, ontop of all the barrier and still has pretty strong damage

> >

> > I'm not a meta expert myself but the commander I run with who's been playing since launch suggested that Scourge will probably be useless in meta. Maybe I misinterpreted his statement and it will still fit a certain role in smaller numbers, but the statement was that Scourge players will have to reconsider whether they will be running Scourge at all in the future, when I asked whether I should make any immediate changes to my build.

> >

> > > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > @"Taylan.2187" said:

> > > > > But reducing the number of targets on the big shade from 5 to 2 is ridiculous. It just makes it completely useless.

> > > > Does it?

> > > >

> > > > Is scourge still meta in zergs? Because if it is, that doesnt make sense to me.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Not much has changed. No one took Sand Savant after the previous nerf and now it remains the same. Until Anet revamps scourge altogether, it will never die in WvW. Its design is just too perfect for it.

> >

> > We were still playing with Sand Savant. 5 targets on target *or* self is still great. 10 targets obviously overkill.


> I'm guessing you're talking about gvg in guildhalls? Because Sand Savant hits 2 people on shade and 2 on yourself in WvW. Unless you take for the extra range (there are better siege clearing classes), it's a self nerf.


Nah, we run in WvW with group sizes ranging from ~60 at prime-time (full squad + randoms) to just ~10 during off-hours, fighting similarly sized groups and taking objectives. I don't know the exact reasons Sand Savant was still recommended but I'm guessing that it's a combination of the better range and the difficulty of placing the multiple smaller shades at the right spot quickly enough.

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> Why would you do that though? These classes are already heavily overperforming, even though they are rather easy to play as well.


try playing a healing tempest or staff weaver with full berserker gear and come back again to tell us how easy it is.


> Scourge pretty much is destroyed. Shades deal no damage, neither condi, nor power.


this is an over exaggeration. desert shroud still provides nice spike damage; just run spite 1/2/3 and place all your shades down on an enemy stack and press f5 and f2 when heavy bombing. dunno why you brought up condi when condi's been irrelevant for a while now.


> The support is lacking far behind every other support spec.


Sand Flare and Trail of Anguish still exist y'know. maybe you should use them more often. besides, scourge has always been primarily used for their boon corrupts and damage. what other support spec provides those two things all at once?


> And to top it all of they now reduced the amount of targets affected to 2.


the target cap has been reduced because of how oppressive scourge overall is. before the patch, scourges could easily corrupt 10 targets by placing down 2 shades and then hitting shade f2, which isn't really difficult to do. the 15 target Desert Shroud combined with Trail, Breach, and Wells means that not only are scourges corrupting a bunch, but they're also providing massive spike damage for their whole team. run 2 of them in every party in a 50+ person blob, and you can see how that can get overwhelming pretty quick. this is why scourge needed to be toned down, and i'm saying this as a person who plays the class nearly all the time. i don't agree with reducing the target cap to 2 for shades, but these changes are overall good. otherwise, lower CDs on wells in tandem with 12 targets on shades would have done nothing but encourage lazy playing, and more freecasting.


you say that scourge is "pretty much destroyed", but their damage and corrupts are still very much alive. it's not like the hotfix team nerfed scourge's other skills, and hell shades still have a use, they just now require more effort on part of the scourge to be used effectively.

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> @"KlausKNT.9302" said:

> So if scourge its ok in wvsw plis tell me why no scourges on organized groups anymore? :) (guards and eles like more everywhere)

> And today on 32 man zerg only 1 scourge :) (and ofc a lots of guards eles rev and engis) :)

> Anyone know why no scourges on wvsw? :)

I dont, because I still se a metric ton of scourges in zergs.


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I play on first tier mathups and see like noone play scourge now (its like top 3 populated servers- all wvsw its about numers of players over time)

Yes organized groups have like all boons in the world whole time up and loks there its no class to effective remove it now and no point of try remove it becose they restack boons just seconds after remove some- boons restack have now to big advantages vs boon remove (number of boons removed on most necro skills was great nerfed -like from 3 to 1 and from 2 to1 so loks uselles now) and loks only way to counter boons its use boons group to- if you cant kill them join them! :)

On random pug zergs usually are some scourges but its like 10- 20% of the numbers like was few week's ago.

On organized 5+ groups i see 0 scourges used now becose scourge its to slow and easy to ff firts kill (before last path scourge was always first target to ff becose easiest to kill)- so players use other 5 targets suport and more mobile/immune to ff classes and its so damn stupid how long fights on small scale organized groups can now be like 3-5 minutes before anyone die!

On zergs more players win - you have some chances to remove bigger zerg only if hit from back when they dont know that other zerg its here :)


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> @"KlausKNT.9302" said:

> So if scourge its ok in wvsw plis tell me why no scourges on organized groups anymore? :) (guards and eles like more everywhere)

> And today on 32 man zerg only 1 scourge :) (and ofc a lots of guards eles rev and engis) :)

> Anyone know why no scourges on wvsw? :)


Guards will always be required because of Stability, whether or not Scourge gets nerfed or buffed Same goes with Tempest, Weaver is pretty dead, Scrapper is the same situation as Tempest but probably a bit better due to Purity of Purpose i guess, as for necro, It's still good :) there is just more diversity with Reaper or Scourge which is a good thing.

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Reaper its to fragile and bring less utility to group then guard or scrapper so beter go scrapper ewen tempest its harder to ff and kill then reaper :)

What will happen to guards, tempest and scrapers if their support/buff/heal aoe skills will be change to 3? They shal be still viable and in a good spot, and it will give more diversity of other classes in wvsw fights :)

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