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Please help - - "achievements

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So I have done all main story line with my first char and on the last two story lines of ls4. Anyways started my new story line with my charr on disturbance In brisban wildlands, spent time doing the extras didn't get any of the achieves. So I though okay maybe I messed up somehow. Then I went onto the next story line 100% did the extras, story finishes again no achieves. What's going on! Is this normal., can you only do achievements with your first character. It's so frustrating wasting 2 hours for nothing :// and it's my birthday but that's irrelevant. Thankyou

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Im guessing you mean the bonus tasks during the story. It "shouldn't" matter which toon you do achievements on from my experience I'm sorry its giving you trouble. Also Happy Birthday! =)


I wish I could give more advice, maybe take another player into the story w you on one of the shorter parts and see if they get the achievements? It might help narrow down the issue.

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> @"suitedsaskia.6803" said:

> Yea series 2. God that's so long, not even that enjoyable the first time around :s


I'm not defending the design, but there are two saving graces: 1. You don't have to repeat the instances in order - when you're replaying a story chapter you can enter any instance in that chapter. 2. Most of the dialogue in Season 2 is text and can be skipped.

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Yeah... LS2 achievements can only be done after having already completed the episode on that character.


Every other season allows you to attain all the achievements on the first run though an episode.


It sucks, especially since LS2 is super long with tons of annoying dialogue... When I was doing the achieves, I spent a lot of time tabbed out while the NPC's talked for like 5 minutes...


Also, many of the LS2 achievements also only trigger upon completing the instance, so you can't even quick relog to skip all their talking after you've fulfilled the achievement criteria...


This too improves in subsequent seasons, with achievements being rewarded upon fulfillment, as well as less 5+ minute monologues and unskippable cutscenes... As well as the inclusion of Challenge Motes that enable you to retry from part way through an instance (Such as before a boss fight) instead of starting again from the very beginning.

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