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Im a joke to you ?


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Can you pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase arena do a **REAL** rework of warrior ?


This class is a nightmare to play in wvw, specialy when u solo roaming :angry:


I play this class since age now and my skill with warrior is pretty ok ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqvgeR2TNI4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqvgeR2TNI4) )... but its the first time i have to start complaining about it cause its just a joke. You have now way to win warrior vs real good players. Sometime i laugh cause Warrior eat burst and die so fast sometime ahaha :astonished: i feel like a thief with more HP. Im a joke to you arena ? :)


What about the hammer core ? we cant use the weapon in roaming lel **skill 4 / 5 and F1 deal 0 damage** whats the point ? and it was fun to play ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJs2UQJlF1I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJs2UQJlF1I) )


Now i have to try hard 1 week to have a sequence like that [



pfuuu way much to say about the warrior ... but i feel better :P


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Idk, the path they started is the right path, classes do too much damage to each other. Hitting 10k from one hit which is quite accessable was not ok.


Personally i believe its condition damage and the warriors ability to gap close to teleport classes that let it down more than its damage.


Axe and GS still do very high damage, hammer relies too much on its skill 2 ability, Skill 3 needs to be reworked into a side step dodge and knock back, like the rangers side stab (gives the weapon utility, something it lacks).


Rifle doesnt need small changes like numbers, but needs a total overhall into a new weapon (AOE shotgun- AOE being something the warrior is not good at in ranged play(unless you want to call bow F1/3 skills AOE play with sluggish arcs))



Overall I do not believe the damage the warrior puts out is the problem.


The class is still able to put out in many 1v1 situations.

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The damage for axe / gs are pretty ok but thats all sadly... rifle is fun to play sometime with berserker... but you can only play these builds atm :/ mace, hammer and longbow are just not playable atm. warrior need a rework about survivability principaly ( ex : having protection with some skills ) and about movement... to have a **CHANCE ** to run away when he need it ( ex : superspeed ). Thats the problem of warrior when u compare to others class.


Every class have an advantage : Necro is tanki with really good damage atm, elem is tanki with a lot of heal and dodge, scrapper have a lot of superspeed and good defence utlilties, thief have a lot of movement, mesmer too, dh have a good defence too and some movement to help. and what about warrior ? we have the damage on axe and gs :/ come on arena ! read my message and do something for the poor warrior ahah ;)

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> @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> Idk, the path they started is the right path, classes do too much damage to each other. Hitting 10k from one hit which is quite accessable was not ok.


> Personally i believe its condition damage and the warriors ability to gap close to teleport classes that let it down more than its damage.


> Axe and GS still do very high damage, hammer relies too much on its skill 2 ability, Skill 3 needs to be reworked into a side step dodge and knock back, like the rangers side stab (gives the weapon utility, something it lacks).


> Rifle doesnt need small changes like numbers, but needs a total overhall into a new weapon (AOE shotgun- AOE being something the warrior is not good at in ranged play(unless you want to call bow F1/3 skills AOE play with sluggish arcs))



> Overall I do not believe the damage the warrior puts out is the problem.


> The class is still able to put out in many 1v1 situations.


ofc it was never about numbers, but only numbers they will change since 2012. warrior has been always easily replaceable since 2012 in high end pvp, unless overtuned which soon got nerfed hard. warrior has the least pvp meta up time of all classes follow by ranger who is also lacking in mechanics only second to warrior.

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> @"nbS.9308" said:

> and about movement... to have a **CHANCE ** to run away when he need it ( ex : superspeed ). Thats the problem of warrior when u compare to others class.


I was surprised to see that warhorns 'charge' didnt apply superspeed tbh... it is the most fitting effect for this skill and might make the weapon more useful for engagement/disengagements.



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> @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> Idk, the path they started is the right path, classes do too much damage to each other. Hitting 10k from one hit which is quite accessable was not ok.


> Personally i believe its condition damage and the warriors ability to gap close to teleport classes that let it down more than its damage.


> Axe and GS still do very high damage, hammer relies too much on its skill 2 ability, Skill 3 needs to be reworked into a side step dodge and knock back, like the rangers side stab (gives the weapon utility, something it lacks).


> Rifle doesnt need small changes like numbers, but needs a total overhall into a new weapon (AOE shotgun- AOE being something the warrior is not good at in ranged play(unless you want to call bow F1/3 skills AOE play with sluggish arcs))



> Overall I do not believe the damage the warrior puts out is the problem.


> The class is still able to put out in many 1v1 situations.


War has tons of gap closers and mobility, its skills that do damage are fine as well, there not any weaker than the damage skills on other classes. The issue is warriors design as it was designed to do hard cc followed up by a couple select skills and that is its burst. Not only does its design make it easy to pick up and play it also makes it easy to predict and counter. Those few select skills that are always used after the hard cc in the burst rotations were designed and damage decided with hard cc doing damage in mind as part of the burst, take the damage away from the cc and nerf those couple skills used in the burst along with the other classes and what kind of burst can u guess is left, the devs shoulda known all this.war hammer even more shows incompetence, 3/5 skills do no damage lmao ok.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:


> War has tons of gap closers and mobility, its skills that do damage are fine as well, there not any weaker than the damage skills on other classes. The issue is warriors design as it was designed to do hard cc followed up by a couple select skills and that is its burst. Not only does its design make it easy to pick up and play it also makes it easy to predict and counter. Those few select skills that are always used after the hard cc in the burst rotations were designed and damage decided with hard cc doing damage in mind as part of the burst, take the damage away from the cc and nerf those couple skills used in the burst along with the other classes and what kind of burst can u guess is left, the devs shoulda known all this.war hammer even more shows incompetence, 3/5 skills do no damage lmao ok.


The gap closers are a bit of an issue, the rush style attacks will sometimes run 180 from where it was intended to go, this has happened on many occasions which would have got the kill or saved your life if it went the way it was meant to.


Teleport classes (almost seems to be too many of them now) have a huge advantage with ledges or raised platforms, if a warrior can not teleport then it needs more access to superspeed to gap close targets without teleporting.


Minor correction, 3/6 weapon skills including the burst that have the 0.01 co. The hammer now is too reliant on the 2 skill with no utility, giving the weapon an i-frame to skill 4 would change its dynamic/use.




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> @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> >

> > War has tons of gap closers and mobility, its skills that do damage are fine as well, there not any weaker than the damage skills on other classes. The issue is warriors design as it was designed to do hard cc followed up by a couple select skills and that is its burst. Not only does its design make it easy to pick up and play it also makes it easy to predict and counter. Those few select skills that are always used after the hard cc in the burst rotations were designed and damage decided with hard cc doing damage in mind as part of the burst, take the damage away from the cc and nerf those couple skills used in the burst along with the other classes and what kind of burst can u guess is left, the devs shoulda known all this.war hammer even more shows incompetence, 3/5 skills do no damage lmao ok.


> The gap closers are a bit of an issue, the rush style attacks will sometimes run 180 from where it was intended to go, this has happened on many occasions which would have got the kill or saved your life if it went the way it was meant to.


> Teleport classes (almost seems to be too many of them now) have a huge advantage with ledges or raised platforms, if a warrior can not teleport then it needs more access to superspeed to gap close targets without teleporting.


> Minor correction, 3/6 weapon skills including the burst that have the 0.01 co. The hammer now is too reliant on the 2 skill with no utility, giving the weapon an i-frame to skill 4 would change its dynamic/use.





Ur 100% right haha. I should said war has great mobility and gap closers WHEN there not having u run and rubberband all over lol but thsts just the coders inability to code the skill/skills properly, the coding in this game I've heard is a mess at this point and difficult to work with, which may be why design changes take yrs longer then they should.

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As far as tele classes having advantages given terrain etc I agree but that's why a class that's designed as mostly melee oriented should be designed in a way sturdy enough or have enough skills to counter kitting in scenarios like that but gw2 is very badly designed and balanced, only reason it has any pvp population left is the combat mechanics.

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