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All Hail Steve, Labyrinthine Horror


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I noticed he was usually called fred alot in the recent years but a friend of mine has always called him steve no matter what Even when he saw him for the very frist time. He was very excited this year when he noticed others were referring to him as steve. I am not sure who truly started the trend but my friend is happy that steve is popular due to what ever started it so as long as he is happy I am happy lol. I really do miss people referring to him as fred though Q.Q

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Here is my question. Why are we arbitrarily picking named enemies to nickname?


Why not call Tequatl "John"?

Why not Call Logan "Abernathy"?

Why not call The Viscount "Chimmichanga"?


For what non attention-seeking purpose are we naming a skeketon "Steve/Dave/(lol)Fred"?!!!!!


Just call him Horror like a normal person.


OrbitalButt was spot on.

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> @particlepinata.9865 said:

> I did here of Steve Bubbles the first, the mighty Seadragon ;) Missing in action for years.


Yeah, I remember some splat on the old forums when the nickname Steve confounded. DSD was definitely first to have it.


The rumored etymology I've heard for Labby Steve is it comes from a meme: Scumbag Steve, some red-faced hollow-looking dude with a backwards cap.

Scumbag Steve shows up unwanted and c-blocks you from your loot at the worst times, like with Viscount.


But I don't know the history as to why Deep Steve Dragon got his Steve. Hm.

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Personally, I hate the horror. Once you're in his aggro zone there's nothing you can do anymore.

Just walk to him and let yourself get killed.

Even if youre mounted, if youre near him you pile up torment to near instant dismounting.

Its not challenging, its not scary, if defeat is guaranteed. Now, if it was possible to _do_ anything at all, he'd be a challenge. But now he's just a cheap annoyance, like walking into a spike trap in SAB.. nothing you can do, you see it coming and just give in so you can respawn

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