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"Jormag Rising" is Live

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  • ArenaNet Staff

"Jormag Rising," the fourth episode of The Icebrood Saga, is now live! Check out the release page for all the details and read the update notes on our forums.


Join us this Friday for the next episode of the Guild Chat livestream, where Rubi and her developer guests will discuss "Jormag Rising." Please note that this stream will contain spoilers for the episode.


Guild Chat will air Friday, July 31 at noon Pacific Time (UTC-7) on the official Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook channels.


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Few things.

1 The story is a bit incoherent.

2. Again an expanded map gives ZERO insencitive to do map completion. I mean not even a single XP from completing and ZERO reward...

3. Again need to do random events, being send left/right/center all over the map

4. despite critisism on unkillable snipers, you did nothing to fix the problem, but added more. WAY more

5. Now Elite Wisps can attack you, without even seeying you. Seriously? From a range that rivals Attilery


Plus the bugs, random disconnects that put you back ALL THE WAY in the south.


Dissapointed not so much at the map (great design) storyline (good, but a bit incoherent) but at the poor quality of the release.


Edit to ad:

I am done.

This map is 100% concentration. Looking for things for storyline (not giving away what) constantly being under attack from snipers. I mean every 10 seconds at LEAST

I am done. This is WAY TOO INTENSE for someone like me.

This map is NOT for the casual player. It takes TOO MUCH energy.

Stop with the SHEER AMOUNT of AGRO... i don't even DARE to open and look at the world map... THAT intence.


Seriously... You lost it... you went overboard. NO WAY I can finish this storyline without my heartrate going OVERBOARD.


What were you thinkin? CONSTANT EDGY!!! WOW... SO dissapointed in your lack of Design abilities.


I am litterly shaking. This is the first map that makes me feel this edgy. On top of all that, the constant spamming of "Port so and so is under attack" RIGHT in the middle of your screen so you CANNOT see that target thingy above you from a sniper...


I am HUGELY dissapointed in you ArenaNet. Up till here, yeah I had issues... offcourse, I have health problems, hands, eyes... logical... but this map?

Too much pain, too much stress, too much of everything.


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ANet, why did you remove the description from Stormcaller weapons from "No Quarter" that literally said for each weapon, "Expect these weapons to be capable of upgrades in the near future."? Now it turns out that, no, they are NOT upgradeable. Was that some kind of cruel trick? Or is a way to upgrade them still coming? If so, why did you remove that line of flavor text?

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What's the deal with masteries lately? It used to be when a new map came out there were plenty of extra mastery points, making sure anyone could finish the track even if they wanted to avoid certain annoying achievements. The last episode added 15 MP worth of mastery and only 18 points. This meant I was forced to do expensive weapon collection, grind out many many hours of commendations, or go to previous maps and complete the annoying achievements there that I skipped the first time though.


This new episode adds 10 MP worth of mastery, and 10 mastery points. This is not a good direction. Give those of us who hate doing meta achievements and collecting ugly weapon skins a way to finish our mastery tracks.

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I enjoyed the story. I wasn't quite expecting the turn of events by the end. Nicely done.


The map's expansion is also well designed and fun to explore. The adventures were a fresh breeze too for all three are different from each other.


I haven't done the new meta yet, so I cannot comment on it.


The only "downside", if you can call it that, was the unvoiced dialogue. While I didn't mind it in the previous episode, this one had a lot more dialogue overlapping with on-screen action, so it was much harder to keep up with it while fighting (for instance, there was something about "Close the portals!" - I didn't catch that until after the fight and went, "What portals?!?" :lol: ).

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One thing that bothers me is the new repeatable Drizzlewood Coast reward track for WvW. (PvP is probably the same but I haven't checked.)


It's basically a copy of the season 4 zone reward tracks, and it has completely inappropriate rewards, like Awakened and Djinn caches. The unrepeatable reward tracks for the Icebrood Saga have been very good until this chapter, especially the one for No Quarter, so this came as a bit of a disappointment.

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I finished the episode yesterday- I enjoyed it overall, but there were a few things that didn't sit right with me:

-When you step in the dark blue stuff (I think in the last instance?) and get the debuff, it says something about it being Jormag's blood or something? And Iceblood Channel, Veins of Jormag, and The Bloodfields are all locations on this new section of map, and when you go flying around in the NE corner of the map to explore, you see a bunch of large pipes with a purpose that's not really explained in the story content. I feel like there was a setup there for us to learn something interesting about how Jormag functions and what both the flowing ice and the goo are, but it's never addressed, and that disappointed me.

-With trying to avoid spoilers here, "A Simple Negotiation" was really enjoyable for me personally, but then my player character's reaction to it ruined the mood. It felt inconsistent with the commander's attitude in the previous episode- the commander witnessed and was forced into literal war crimes, but now chastises an NPC who doesn't like that person? Just no, that was not ok with me. The story has occasionally railroaded my player character to act in ways that I don't personally see as appropriate for how I envision the character, and I know that can't always be avoided due to the storytelling mechanic, but this was definitely one of those times and it was irritating. It would've been nice to be able to choose from 2 or 3 different responses instead.

-The stuff involving the spirit totems in front of the door felt way too cluttered with other players being there, especially while trying to read the chat bubbles of the story characters. People kept chatting in "say" and it was hard for me to keep track of what was going on with the NPCs. These parts of the story should have been in a private instance like the other private instances. I'm not even really sure what happened with Owl because that part went by so quickly and there were a ton of other players running around and being distracting.

-The Wolverine adventure needs to have a different method of exiting the instance, because "Exit to Drizzlewood Coast? Yes/No" kept popping up constantly during the fight, and there wasn't much room to physically avoid it. It was distracting, and I was also worried I was going to click on the wrong thing and exit the instance before I was done and have to start over. Maybe make the room bigger, or have the player have to interact specifically with a certain object to leave.

-As others have mentioned, the notices about different control points being under attack/retaken etc are just too damn big on the screen. Sometimes they make terrain hard to navigate, other times they obscure mobs that can totally see you, and when the story is going on and you're trying to read the character dialogues and story prompts and everything else, it's just too much stuff popping up on the screen.

-This is just personal preference, but the "Epilogue" notation at the end made it feel like this is going to be the end of the Icebrood Saga, and if that's the case, and we don't get any more story until the next expansion, it's a real downer of a way to end a story arc. At least in season 4 we succeeded at stuff. Here, we could see all these problems coming, and we tried our hardest to stop it, but still couldn't do anything. At least some tidbit of good news elsewhere in Tyria, or some sort of new lore secret from Aurene, would've been cool. (Idk, maybe I'm too used to the Taimi stuff where no matter whether we fail or succeed, we at least collect some data we can use to prep for the future. :) )


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## Meta = headache


Now that I have finally played the new meta, I must say that I am having mixed feelings about it. While it is _a lot_ better (offers variety and excitement) than the first meta, which was tedious and thus became boring fast, it still has aspects that are giving me a severe headache (literally):


* lags

* FPS drops

* terrible loot design (spread all over the map with very limited time to grab the stuff, while you are constantly under attack by snipers, cannons and what not)

* stressful pace

* information overload (right side, top center of screen, plus you have to read the chat to learn what is going on and why)

* visual clutter


I'm feeling like I need to take a nap now after doing the meta. I'm somewhat exhausted...


P.S. The fact that you are forced to do the first meta for the second one to trigger is quite unpleasant as well. People in map chat agreed on this and a lot of the above.

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Have not finished the story yet, but ANet, you did awesome. I understand everything that goes on in storyline, the adventures are semi challenging (which is nice) and the new terrain is incredible. I dont find the snipers annoying, in fact, i think they find ME annoying (although, maybe its because I always run with someone, so they can't sneak attack me AND my partner). And the names of the points of interest are so mysteriously cool that I can't wait for the next episode. Thanks for all of your hard work and stay safe during this pandemic.

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In my opinion the story is boring and delivered in very slow pace.

I wish there is a 'skip, skip skip!' button over those lenthny, meaningless conversations that NPCs force us to 'listen' to.

I know that it is there to cover that there is only a little action, but I'm fine with that.


The north meta is fun, but the requirement of doing the previosu one is meh.

Maybe a small redesing of the '15 mins of looting after first meta'? It could be added at the very end, when we actually done with all activites.



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> @"Xion.5694" said:

> In my opinion the story is boring and delivered in very slow pace.

> I wish there is a 'skip, skip skip!' button over those lenthny, meaningless conversations that NPCs force us to 'listen' to.

> I know that it is there to cover that there is only a little action, but I'm fine with that.


> The north meta is fun, but the requirement of doing the previosu one is meh.

> Maybe a small redesing of the '15 mins of looting after first meta'? It could be added at the very end, when we actually done with all activites.




Slow pace? I think they could go even slower and add more flesh to it.

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(Reserved post, spoiler warning)



* I waited before posting to do the map meta event another two times. With three different commanders, the north drizzlewood coast takes roughly one hour. With both metas it's around two hours. Given the "need" for twenty five thousand (25,000) crystallized shards of jormag to obtain Frost Legion Infusion was this to provide people doing the north meta extra income? It's already anchored by a large amount of 10K ectos (higher than necessary honestly). Realistically most people will not be doing the entire meta 500+ times (30-50 or so shards per meta) as the hours utilized would be heavily prohibitive in terms of play time.

** Strongly consider splitting the two map meta events into time-based metas similar to world bosses or Thunderhead Peaks. This would reduce the time limitation to roughly one hour.

** There's also CPU-based performance drops (even with model limit low) during the meta moreso than other maps so maybe more multithreading or culling is needed.

** I'm not sure if respawn of frost legion chests after meta within Frost Citadel is by design. It seems counterproductive to put them after the meta since it opens up possible multi-map shenanigans. Perhaps the shard of jormag nodes should spawn along the Frost Citadel assault (rather than after) similar to how Noxious Pods work , they take less time to loot than the chests.


* There wasn't a strike mission so the north meta was the highlight of the episode for people that prefer playing with others rather than just soloing the story. It truly had the feel of assaulting a keep/citadel so kudos for that. The circles in the open field areas in the middle of drizzlewood coast could probably cap faster with 50 people on it though , or maybe simply reducing how long it takes to do the portals. Ideally I think it should take ~ 45 minutes with the minor rewards (frost legion chests/enemy supply caches) not pushed all the way to the end but split up more per event to discourage people from multi-map / afk (especially due to lack of participation mechanics at north meta). Keep in mind even though the Storms of Winter and Drakkar meta events in Bjora are shorter than a half an hour (30 minutes) typically, interest has waned heavily after their release.


* If feasible maybe have an alternative meta map for people finished with the Cold War strike mission for the week (there's already check in place for the weekly chest) / day, that has the north meta , skipping south meta. Drizzlewood south meta is likely to be profitable enough that people still do it even with the changes to have empty dominion keeper cache areas.




>! * I wasn't that enamored about the false choice given between assaulting the door and doing the shrine events. It seems to me if I'm playing a Vigil charr warrior or engineer , the instinctive choice would be a full assault whereas on a priory Norn , human, or sylvari the character would opt for Braham's method of using shrines for the ruins. I guess branching storyline is too expensive to maintain but having an option similar to the first instance where you could outright just kill all the enemies instead of being stealthy would be better. My first run through I was on a whispers aligned sylvari mesmer so I did the "stealthy" achievement.

>! * The area where you need to do the spirit totem puzzle to open the doors is too crowded, it could have been wider. Right now you need to pick up the totem, run off somewhere and zoom into your character to see what you are holding.


* In addition, the Wolverine adventure has the annoying popup asking you to exit the instance half the time. As suggested above ,it should only appear when interacting with the wall or exit. The adventure itself is ideal for pushing the casual playerbase to do higher damage and not sit in AoEs. My first run through on a Diviner gear mix (not full zerk) I placed top 700ish on leaderboard so the casual playerbase needs this.




* I'm still working on the memories of otter achievement overall but I think it's a healthier addition to the game than the Frost Legion Infusion , which is more for TP barons or people with hundreds or thousands of hours to redo the same meta. I suspect it will be similar to the prestige of a true gen 2 legendary such as Astralaria vs someone buying a Frostfang off the trading post.


* Please fix the WvW/PvP Drizzlewood coast reward track, it's clearly copy pasted from Living World season 4. At the very least , the option for charged stormcaller or dominion tribune weapon (accountbound) ought to be offered if not the materials for charged stormcaller weapons. I feel putting the dominion tribune weapons in as a final reward is suitable end chest choice given the time to finish a reward track.


* Medizooka offered people a new way to provide support without being a support spec so that's nice.


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The drizzlewood related content is rage inducing. Not because it is challenging but because of all the choices to intentionally make it annoying. The basic idea of bringing WvW to a PvE meta is fine. But you need to adjust some of the design to compensate for PvE zerg that will not be organized like a coordinated WvW group.


-- Most of the map I feel like a pinball from never ending spam of crowd controls. Even in a small group of players there is so much visual clutter it is impossible to anticipate the incoming spam. If you can't see the ground then how can you avoid ordinances? If mobs toss caltrops as they die that you can not see then how can you avoid it? The list goes on and on. Please go play the map for a few hours and calculate the amount of time you spent in combat vs the amount of time under crowd controls. The only counter is to organized like in WvW where you have people dedicated to being stability bots. These players will not get as much credit because they will struggle to tag anything before it dies. (much like WvW but that is a discussion for another time).


-- Talking about tagging mobs brings me to another point. Everything melts so quickly it is hard to get credit for participation. I though the struggle should be fighting mobs. Instead the struggle is spamming enough instants (preferably aoe) to get any credit.


-- Lag and frame rates are awaful. This is probably related to map design.


-- Map Design: We also to address how many portions of the map are poorly designed to handle the volume of players. Which also relates to visual clutter. One of the best examples is the cache keeper rooms. Something design for maybe 5 players to stand inside but you expect 40+ to rush in and loot chests that we can't see. Don't get me started on all the trolls who cast portals or airplane boxes by the chests. There are many other examples where things are simply to cramped for everything that is happening.


-- Speaking of cache keepers, reducing the loot isn't fun. I have no clue how players without flying mounts reach some of the keepers in time. Again, everything melts so fast I struggle to get there while flying as fast as possible on a gryphon.


-- Lets talk about troop moral. Who cares? They serve no purpose other than dragging out the first half of the map.


-- Inventory spam! Much like WvW the schematics should go somewhere other than our bags. The mission documents also produce clutter.


-- Gated achievements related to mission documents. This is awful. Just unlock everything and let us play. What is wrong with being simple and fun? There is nothing enjoyable about farming for mission plans to unlock credit for a something that has already been done repeatedly but suddenly matters. At this point it discourages me from going back anymore.


-- Small windows for looting chests at the end is another pointless annoyance. After 1 or 2 hours of playing, just reward us.


-- Time investment? The meta is way too time consuming.


-- Snipers? They serve no point other than to annoy players.


I could keep listing items but I think you get the point, assuming any of the GW2 team reads it or cares. Honestly, just focus on fun with reasonable rewards and we'll repeat the content. Everything to do with drizzlewood has me questioning your idea of fun.


With all that said I should mention a few good things: Rewarding crafting materials is nice.

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> @"WolfmanBurnsides.9825" said:

> What's the deal with masteries lately? It used to be when a new map came out there were plenty of extra mastery points, making sure anyone could finish the track even if they wanted to avoid certain annoying achievements. The last episode added 15 MP worth of mastery and only 18 points. This meant I was forced to do expensive weapon collection, grind out many many hours of commendations, or go to previous maps and complete the annoying achievements there that I skipped the first time though.


> This new episode adds 10 MP worth of mastery, and 10 mastery points. This is not a good direction. Give those of us who hate doing meta achievements and collecting ugly weapon skins a way to finish our mastery tracks.


Slight correction: There are 11 Mastery Points available.

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## I hate the map more with each day that passes


It's like the devs intended to make this episode as unpleasant for players as possible:


* Items ("currencies") needed for achievements are extremely hard to come by (example: Memories of Otter), which would probably be less of a problem if both metas were separated from each other and you did not have to commit a full 2 hours per run

* Conversion of other intel into Charr Intel Documents is a joke (the requirement increases with each purchase per day), which means it might take you weeks to unlock all Special Missions and even more weeks to finish them all, by which time the next episode will already have been released

* In general, for achievements or in order to craft new items you will have to do this tedious meta of 2 hours per run about 100 times (I find one run per day to already be challenging enough as it requires you to remain focused without a break the entire time _and_ causes headaches due to the stress and FPS drops)

* Achievements are super expensive due to all this, you lose tons of gold to them per episode

* The meta is the worst design of a meta in the entire game; not only does it require you to commit to it for 2+ hours, but it doesn't even give you the chance to breathe through the entire run (even the rewarding looting system at the end of both parts is awfully stressful as it is set on a timer)


Whoever designed this: Please, don't do that again in future releases. It is the opposite of fun, it is exhausting.

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Just noticed something, there is supply drop occuring at the end of a timer during the whole south meta (different camp gold containers), and I wonder, why isn't is the same with north? No need for the supply caches, just put the jormag blue shards and goodies into those new blue containers looted with another timer regularly while doing north...


Also I miss the old era without skyscale, it is just about stress, rushing on the first event or champ popping killing them rapidly before only raptor players could arrive now... maybe some places would be better with no mounts zones. Example: too cold to fly (adding heavy buff from jahai pact camp)

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Only one thing as I'll probably ignore the meta: If you have a map that requires filling a progress bar to continue the story, offer more events or mobs outside of the big metwa to progress said bar. Due to the interconnected meta between South and North, there are no events in North outside of the few selected mobs to progress the bar. And that slow pace in the all-red areas is not ideal for storytime. The ice thingies being elite and annoying to kill is "meh", too, but that's a "me" issue as a terribly-skilled player :smile:

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> ## I hate the map more with each day that passes


> It's like the devs intended to make this episode as unpleasant for players as possible:


> * Items ("currencies") needed for achievements are extremely hard to come by (example: Memories of Otter), which would probably be less of a problem if both metas were separated from each other and you did not have to commit a full 2 hours per run

> * Conversion of other intel into Charr Intel Documents is a joke (the requirement increases with each purchase per day), which means it might take you weeks to unlock all Special Missions and even more weeks to finish them all, by which time the next episode will already have been released

> * In general, for achievements or in order to craft new items you will have to do this tedious meta of 2 hours per run about 100 times (I find one run per day to already be challenging enough as it requires you to remain focused without a break the entire time _and_ causes headaches due to the stress and FPS drops)

> * Achievements are super expensive due to all this, you lose tons of gold to them per episode

> * The meta is the worst design of a meta in the entire game; not only does it require you to commit to it for 2+ hours, but it doesn't even give you the chance to breathe through the entire run (even the rewarding looting system at the end of both parts is awfully stressful as it is set on a timer)


> Whoever designed this: Please, don't do that again in future releases. It is the opposite of fun, it is exhausting.


Honestly, it sounds like you're whining. Instead of seeing the bad, why dont you learn to live with it, play the game, or if you dont like it, quit!

In my opinion, all of you people complaining about something that ANet worked EXTREMELY hard on to get to us are ungrateful. So what if you gotta spend two hours in one map? I frequent 3 to 6 hours of playtime in one map! And no, i dont expect people to play like i do, but come on... how would you feel if you worked incredibly hard on something and 75% of feedback you got through the whole thing was bad? Look at it from everyone's point of view, and see the game for the good, not just the bad.


And they make acheivements take weeks to do so that you actually have something new to do until the next episode or event! Its not like you HAVE to do it immediately. Do Legendaries happen immediately? I think not!

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> @"Flame Death Rose.8147" said:

> Honestly, it sounds like you're whining. Instead of seeing the bad, why dont you learn to live with it, play the game, or if you dont like it, quit!

> In my opinion, all of you people complaining about something that ANet worked EXTREMELY hard on to get to us are ungrateful. So what if you gotta spend two hours in one map? I frequent 3 to 6 hours of playtime in one map! And no, i dont expect people to play like i do, but come on... how would you feel if you worked incredibly hard on something and 75% of feedback you got through the whole thing was bad? Look at it from everyone's point of view, and see the game for the good, not just the bad.


> And they make acheivements take weeks to do so that you actually have something new to do until the next episode or event! Its not like you HAVE to do it immediately. Do Legendaries happen immediately? I think not!


Receiving feedback prepares me for the next project. This is true for both good and bad feedback. The amount of effort doesn't matter if the product is poorly received. Without that feedback, the next project could be even worse.


Compared to the rest of the map metas, Drizzlewood is awful for reasons that could be avoided. Some of which could still be addressed. They seem to have lost sight that there is a difference between making something needlessly annoying and making something challenging. The map isn't challenging, but by design many aspects around it is annoying.


btw there is a huge difference between legendaries and achievements worth a couple of points, maybe a mastery point, or some low amount of currency. Treating them as if they are the same is a lack of balance.

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> @"Flame Death Rose.8147" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > ## I hate the map more with each day that passes

> >

> > It's like the devs intended to make this episode as unpleasant for players as possible:

> >

> > * Items ("currencies") needed for achievements are extremely hard to come by (example: Memories of Otter), which would probably be less of a problem if both metas were separated from each other and you did not have to commit a full 2 hours per run

> > * Conversion of other intel into Charr Intel Documents is a joke (the requirement increases with each purchase per day), which means it might take you weeks to unlock all Special Missions and even more weeks to finish them all, by which time the next episode will already have been released

> > * In general, for achievements or in order to craft new items you will have to do this tedious meta of 2 hours per run about 100 times (I find one run per day to already be challenging enough as it requires you to remain focused without a break the entire time _and_ causes headaches due to the stress and FPS drops)

> > * Achievements are super expensive due to all this, you lose tons of gold to them per episode

> > * The meta is the worst design of a meta in the entire game; not only does it require you to commit to it for 2+ hours, but it doesn't even give you the chance to breathe through the entire run (even the rewarding looting system at the end of both parts is awfully stressful as it is set on a timer)

> >

> > Whoever designed this: Please, don't do that again in future releases. It is the opposite of fun, it is exhausting.


> Honestly, it sounds like you're whining. Instead of seeing the bad, why dont you learn to live with it, play the game, or if you dont like it, quit!

> In my opinion, all of you people complaining about something that ANet worked EXTREMELY hard on to get to us are ungrateful. So what if you gotta spend two hours in one map? I frequent 3 to 6 hours of playtime in one map! And no, i dont expect people to play like i do, but come on... how would you feel if you worked incredibly hard on something and 75% of feedback you got through the whole thing was bad? Look at it from everyone's point of view, and see the game for the good, not just the bad.


> And they make acheivements take weeks to do so that you actually have something new to do until the next episode or event! Its not like you HAVE to do it immediately. Do Legendaries happen immediately? I think not!


I have not had a chance to play it yet (been on vacation). But... if 75% of the feedback is bad (as you said), then I would say that the work they did was not good, or not what people wanted? Just because they worked hard does not mean they did it right.


Now, I will go play some and see what I think of it ha ha

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Dear Anet...

Go play the meta, specially the north one.

And please, look at these things:


1. How many people actually help downed players. You see not many because stop and revive means missing TONS of content that you need for achievements.

2. Look at the amount of players hovering above Claw of Jormag in last fight, and check their builds. They all wait to get in last minute because they don't wanna die. (NO achievement or anything as with drakkar) Some builds simply cannot survive down there. The Glass Canon is officially killed off now.


So I am not gonna complain on own title, I am simply asking you to go play and take a look at these things.

Then you might understand above critisism better.


I never saw so many downed abandoned as in this meta. It is ridiculous to be honest.

But I understand those who do.

Example "destroy 10 portals" well if I revive this person, I miss those

RNG example: If I revive this person, I miss hits on those phalanx's since I still need that drop after tagging 100+, I cannot stop


Take a good look at above 2 points.

Then you know you made the map

a: too grindy

b: too OP Claw

c: Too low chance on drop


I rest my case

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I would like to start with commending Anet. This update And the one before was great. The map type And playstyle is very enjoyable. Much better as dragon stand. I hope more of these kind of map types will come in the future and also for the expansion pack.


But there is a downside I think.

- with the north part of drizzelwood map I notice that there is no balance of cache keys vs chest. And I love the loot here. But I don’t have much keys anymore.


So please Anet, make sure we can get more keys. And yes, I buy keys everyday.

Cause now I play lik three times only south event before I go north because of key grind.

I would like to enjoy the north side as much as south side.

I hope you can deliver more keys (and not nerf the chest amount)


For the rest good job. And I hope the expac gets also these kind of maps



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