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Do you care if the supposed " Alliance " system comes out?


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At this rate I don’t care, nor do I believe they will come out. I’m tired of the carrot being dangled. All I want is for anet to own up to their decisions and lack of communication. Not going to leave the game if alliances don’t come out, but I’ve refused to spend money until communication is better. At most I buy a new account when on sale to have options for coverage hours.

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> @"Calisanna.8732" said:

> I buy a new account when on sale to have options for coverage hours.


Attitudes like this are why the whole concept of alliances was pointless, people will find a way to game any system.. The only real solution is to disincentivize creating population imbalances in the first place.

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Should we? It has been so long that all the major and relatively great players expecting this to come out during their digital lifetimes already left. The people who are still playing either 1) have no other games to play at the moment, or 2) were brought back due to tumult and chaos of the pandemic.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"Calisanna.8732" said:

> > I buy a new account when on sale to have options for coverage hours.


> Attitudes like this are why the whole concept of alliances was pointless, people will find a way to game any system.. The only real solution is to disincentivize creating population imbalances in the first place.


I developed this attitude after being let down by anet for years. With how much time I have in game and guilds I run with I choose to play the game the only way I can. I get bored of roaming empty BLs. Can only roam the same circle for some many months before the boredom kills the game mode. Therefore I now play for guild friends. Since I have friends across severs I will have several accounts to play with them. If alliances would have come out, this wouldn’t be so much of an issue. But thanks for your high and mighty attitude. You play the game your way and I play mine! I choose to play with friends instead of letting a carrot be dangled in front of my face any longer.


I would like to add that I do get your point. I understand, but unfortunately this is the hole anet created.

I still remember friends saying alliances would be out at the end of the year so let’s all start transferring now. What a joke that was. I knew it would be awhile but not this long! Since we’ve had many links in the last 2.5 years I’ve developed friendships across servers. I’m just not holding out for a system anymore is all.

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I care. Because right now I won't run many WvW events with my guild because a decent portion of the guild isn't on my server, nor can they join my server because it's mostly been full. The fact that my guild who plays tons of stuff together can't play together frankly sucks. People don't have the option to play with their friends, they have to either sit on the sidelines or we don't do WvW. We've opted not to do it...and we would. If we could include everyone who wanted to join us.

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Much like Calisanna I have developed several accounts over the years. Initially I took no issue with it since I still believed in the developer and wanted to support them. I had some friends playing elsewhere and I made an account just to come hang out with them from time to time. Lately it has become more of a means to find content or escape the ever spiraling maelstrom flush of the transfers.


I mostly want the Alliance system for the effect it would have on other players and on guild-generation/regeneration as I am a firm believer in the idea that Alliances -> Recruitment -> Guilds -> Commanders -> Content. For my own part it would also be nice to play my main account more again as that is probably my least or second-least played account by now with alt accounts being setup for easier transfers and flexibility even if they don't look as snazzy.


I don't really buy more accounts anymore, I've just started treating some alts as camper vans, building everything on them acc-invested or transferable.


Also, this poll is pointless given the above. Players who only follow commanders that may quit if Alliances do not come, their oppinion doesn't matter. That counts for a majority of players today so a poll that seeks a majority oppinion is, well, pointless.

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I stopped playing quite a while ago (still pop in every now and then to the ghost town that is wvw off peak) so I'm past caring.

Took way too long to progress it so whether it comes in or not doesn't really matter to me any more- still way too many issues with the combat (mainly of their own creating, with all the pretty effects and countless conditions and buffs all firing off) and lack of real balance.

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> @"Calisanna.8732" said:

> At this rate I don’t care, nor do I believe they will come out. I’m tired of the carrot being dangled.


While I also don't believe it is going to come out within the next couple of years (and whether I'll care by then is questionable), I do like the idea of an alliance system and thus care for the time being.

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> @"ostwind.3418" said:

> Alliances might be shipped with new expac, same goes for Tournament of Legends. It will add some selling points to the expansion.


Not gonna lie here.... I believe in the x pac as much as I believe in alliances. I’ll get excited when I can preorder it. Until then I’ll pass on the carrot cake.


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Really this poll needs three options:

* I care (I believe Alliances would be an improvement)

* I don't care (I don't believe Alliances would be an improvement)

* I've got tired of waiting and no longer give a kitten.


Years ago - literally - I really believed that Alliances would allow ANET to better manage WvW population and we'd all benefit as a result. But it's been soooo long.

So for now, I'll cast my vote with ANET, and say I no longer care what happens.

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> @"ostwind.3418" said:

> Alliances might be shipped with new expac, same goes for Tournament of Legends. It will add some selling points to the expansion.

While it is certainly possible that it is an idea that is floating around, it would also be a very poor choice assuming they could have shipped it earlier. Look at the differences between WvW in let's say 2016 to 2018 and 2018 to 2020. In two years time things could have drastically changed again.


Alliances is also not a feature they can tie to the expansion itself (not that they should force the issue of purchases like that, the Warclaw was certainly bad enough in that sense for our PvP mode), but that means whether they ship it before an expansion or with one, people will try the system and only really buy the expansion if the mode is in a healthy place and people feel that the commitment is worth it. That goes whether it comes before or with the expansion. It may actually even be worth shipping it before just so they have time to save eventual expansion purchases with iterations on the systems if it flunks.


Launching it with an expansion because it makes sense from a to-market PR standpoint only really holds true at face value and once you start looking at the product and how it works you quickly begin to see the kind of things listed above. So, it literally only makes sense if you look at PR as an isolated thing and not at the product you aim to market going forward. Still, I guess, I wouldn't put anything past the minds that gave us billboards, live-action, plushies, bubble tea and quiznos :# .


Ed. Also, the only thing WvW got from PoF **then** was the controversial Warclaw while PvE got the expansion, their own mounts, all of LW, raid wings, fractals etc., while sPvP at least got 2v2's and swiss. Alliances **is** WvW's PoF feature. Even if work on something akin to it predates even HoT or began around HoT, HoT at least came with the addition of the GH buffs/arena and Strongholds which, while flawed, at least targeted this audience. Marketing an expansion with Alliances as the lure for WvW would be marketing a feature that should have already been there ontop of not being able to make promises on the voracity of it's impact or general reception. That just spells potential disaster.


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