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Crashing when selecting 'Exit to Desktop'

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Same, but this happened to me after the Zephyrite festival patch. Game doesn't close at exit to desktop from game or char selection screen and hangs out freezing my pc until I manage to close it from task manager and to do that i need to trick my pc into a forced shutdown. I cleared the game cache and let the game repair thinking is a corrupt file but it didn't fixed the problem.

The error I get is same as Miporin.3529 and I am on EU

*--> Crash <--*

Assertion: m_context->shaderArray[m_shaderId] == this

File: ..\..\..\Engine\Gr\Dx9\Dx9ShaderBinary.cpp(248)

App: Gw2-64.exe

Pid: 624

BaseAddr: 000000013F2A0000

ProgramId: 101

Build: 105634

When: 2020-08-18T10:29:05Z 2020-08-18T13:29:05+03:00

Uptime: 0 days 2:59:54

Flags: 0

DumpFile: Crash.dmp


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> @"Dondarrion.2748" said:

> If you choose 'exit to desktop' and it crashes to desktop, does it matter? ;-)


> On topic question however, do you use arcdps, reshade, gw2hook, TaCo or any such "addon"?


This also happens when Taco and Arc are not running.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> It is certainly _not_ an issue related to Windows 7 but likely an issue related to non-gaming computers (i.e., low-end laptops).


> None of you posted their system specs, so this is mere speculation, of course.


Nah, I play on a high-end workstation with Windows 7 x64 and still got the crash.


Specs: https://tweakers.net/gallery/23645/inventaris/?inv_id=2006172

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> @"brokenrabbit.6538" said:

> USA here. I guess I'm still the odd man out.



US here as well so you're not all alone. Issue started for me with this latest patch.

*--> Crash <--*

Assertion: m_context->shaderArray[m_shaderId] == this

File: ..\..\..\Engine\Gr\Dx9\Dx9ShaderBinary.cpp(248)

App: Gw2-64.exe

Pid: 908

BaseAddr: 000000013FCA0000

ProgramId: 101

Build: 105634

When: 2020-08-21T04:29:38Z 2020-08-20T21:29:38-07:00

Uptime: 0 days 1:49:26

Flags: 0

DumpFile: Crash.dmp

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> Nah, I play on a high-end workstation with Windows 7 x64 and still got the crash.


I see. Hmm, then it might, after all, have to do with Windows 7. Perhaps a certain Windows update that does no longer get distributed to Windows 7 PCs? Or is there someone on here who isn't using Windows 7, yet is experiencing the same issue?

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > Nah, I play on a high-end workstation with Windows 7 x64 and still got the crash.


> I see. Hmm, then it might, after all, have to do with Windows 7. Perhaps a certain Windows update that does no longer get distributed to Windows 7 PCs? Or is there someone on here who isn't using Windows 7, yet is experiencing the same issue?


I got the latest Extended Security Updates (ESU) for Windows 7 x64, including the ones of August 2020.

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> @"Helle.8754" said:

> > @"Dondarrion.2748" said:

> > If you choose 'exit to desktop' and it crashes to desktop, does it matter? ;-)

> >

> > On topic question however, do you use arcdps, reshade, gw2hook, TaCo or any such "addon"?


> This also happens when Taco and Arc are not running.


What about d912pxy, you using that? I know the latest release includes a fix for hang/crash on exit to desktop. Just made me think of this support post, seeing those release notes.

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> @"Dondarrion.2748" said:

> > @"Helle.8754" said:

> > > @"Dondarrion.2748" said:

> > > If you choose 'exit to desktop' and it crashes to desktop, does it matter? ;-)

> > >

> > > On topic question however, do you use arcdps, reshade, gw2hook, TaCo or any such "addon"?

> >

> > This also happens when Taco and Arc are not running.


> What about d912pxy, you using that? I know the latest release includes a fix for hang/crash on exit to desktop. Just made me think of this support post, seeing those release notes.


Nope, not something I use either.

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I have noticed that my alt account that is just a heroic account, no expansions, does not error out when I close it. But my main with the expansions does. Wonder if anyone else has that comparison to make?


I also tested this against my previous evaluation that I thought was due to time the client was left open (which I have since felt was inaccurate anyways). But leaving the alt account on for hours does not seem to change the result.


Not using any addons either myself.


Have tried both windowed and fullscreen/windowed fullscreen. Same result with the crashing. Sometimes it locks up pretty bad and have to force it closed. Other times it closes pretty quick. Always get a crash report now.

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Heres the Crash Report I got today (sent in report to Anet as I always do):


*--> Crash <--*

Assertion: !m_refCount

File: d:\perforce\live\naeu\v2\code\arena\services\Handle/Handle.h(70)

App: Gw2-64.exe

Pid: 8520

BaseAddr: 000000013FF40000

ProgramId: 101

Build: 105830

When: 2020-08-25T21:53:03Z 2020-08-25T17:53:03-04:00

Uptime: 0 days 1:58:55

Flags: 0

DumpFile: Crash.dmp


I have the extended info too.


>*--> System <--*

Name: 9dfb0a6c

IpAddr: Removed

Processors: 8 [GenuineIntel:6:10:7]

OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)


*--> System Memory <--*

Physical: 3135MB/ 8109MB 38%

Paged: 8911MB/16216MB 54%

Virtual: 8385278MB/8388607MB 99%

Load: 61%

CommitTotal: 7304MB

CommitLimit: 16216MB

CommitPeak: 10453MB

SystemCache: 1450MB

HandleCount: 37375

ProcessCount: 97

ThreadCount: 1561


*--> Process Memory <--*

Private: 1308MB

WorkingSet: 1071MB

PeakWorkingSet: 3795MB

PageFaults: 25282083


*--> Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <--*

[Category] [size(MB)] [Count]

Root 544.27 96605

Programmer Data 487.31 48465

Game 289.89 30851

Content 228.80 29742

Collections 91.88 1699

Dictionary 90.85 977

VRAM 69.93 1731

Engine 63.94 9250

Text 61.09 1093

Uncategorized 50.43 47309

Gr 40.08 2776

Gr Umbra 35.03 624

VRAM - DirectX Geo Buffers 30.56 1520

I/O 29.22 513

Archive 27.91 38

Map 14.82 4951

Map Zone 14.64 4942

VRAM - Character Geo 10.27 80

VRAM - Prop Geo 10.08 43

Audio 8.89 249

VRAM - Composite Geo 7.76 35

UI 7.39 266

Collide Havok 6.49 823

Collide 6.49 823


*--> Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <--*

[Category] [size(MB)] [Count]

Content 228.80 29742

Dictionary 90.85 977

Text 61.09 1093

Uncategorized 50.43 47309

Gr Umbra 35.03 624

VRAM - DirectX Geo Buffers 30.56 1520

Archive 27.91 38

Map Zone 14.64 4942

VRAM - Character Geo 10.27 80

VRAM - Prop Geo 10.08 43

Audio 8.89 249

VRAM - Composite Geo 7.76 35

Collide Havok 6.49 823

Frame 5.75 100

VRAM - Gr Cloud 4.75 19

Debugging 4.00 1

Gr 3.00 87

VRAM - Gr Cloth 2.50 8

VRAM - Model Geo Uncat 1.88 6

Gr Texture 1.75 40

UI 1.31 125

File Service 1.24 12

VRAM - Instance Buffers 1.00 1

Collections 0.97 700


*--> DllList <--*

000000013FF40000 - C:\Program Files\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe

0000000077B30000 - C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

0000000077910000 - C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll

000007FEFD6A0000 - C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll

0000000077A30000 - C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll

000007FEFF2C0000 - C:\Windows\system32\GDI32.dll

000007FEFF330000 - C:\Windows\system32\LPK.dll

000007FEFF1F0000 - C:\Windows\system32\USP10.dll

000007FEFFA10000 - C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll

000007FEFF370000 - C:\Windows\system32\ADVAPI32.dll

000007FEFFAB0000 - C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll

000007FEFF650000 - C:\Windows\system32\RPCRT4.dll

000007FEFC7C0000 - C:\Windows\system32\VERSION.dll

000007FEFFAD0000 - C:\Windows\system32\WS2_32.dll

000007FEFDA40000 - C:\Windows\system32\NSI.dll

000007FEFC7A0000 - C:\Windows\system32\WTSAPI32.dll

000007FEFA500000 - C:\Windows\system32\WINMM.dll

000007FEFD9E0000 - C:\Windows\system32\WINTRUST.dll

000007FEFD860000 - C:\Windows\system32\CRYPT32.dll

000007FEFD690000 - C:\Windows\system32\MSASN1.dll

0000000077CE0000 - C:\Windows\system32\PSAPI.DLL

000007FEFF450000 - C:\Windows\system32\ole32.dll

000007FEFF780000 - C:\Windows\system32\OLEAUT32.dll

000007FEFE3C0000 - C:\Windows\system32\SHELL32.dll

000007FEFFDA0000 - C:\Windows\system32\SHLWAPI.dll

000007FEFB660000 - C:\Windows\system32\MSACM32.dll

000007FEFBAE0000 - C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.7601.24542_none_1459e0f08b91b367\gdiplus.dll

000007FEE8000000 - C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.7601.18837_none_a4d981ff711297b6\COMCTL32.dll

000007FEF8E70000 - C:\Windows\system32\MSIMG32.dll

000007FEFD460000 - C:\Windows\system32\Secur32.dll

000007FEFD490000 - C:\Windows\system32\SSPICLI.DLL

000007FEFF340000 - C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL

000007FEFE250000 - C:\Windows\system32\MSCTF.dll

000007FEFB3B0000 - C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.DLL

000007FEFD520000 - C:\Windows\system32\cryptbase.dll

000007FEEDB90000 - C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll

000007FEFD680000 - C:\Windows\system32\profapi.dll

000007FEFBD00000 - C:\Windows\system32\uxtheme.dll

000007FEFF150000 - C:\Windows\system32\CLBCatQ.DLL

000007FEFB5B0000 - C:\Windows\system32\samcli.dll

000007FEFBE90000 - C:\Windows\system32\SAMLIB.dll

000007FEFB5F0000 - C:\Windows\system32\netutils.dll

000007FEFC770000 - C:\Windows\system32\ntmarta.dll

000007FEFE360000 - C:\Windows\system32\WLDAP32.dll

000007FEFB8E0000 - C:\Windows\system32\dwmapi.dll

000007FEFAEE0000 - C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll

000007FEEBA70000 - C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll

000007FEEBA50000 - C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll

000007FEFCE00000 - C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll

000007FEFCC80000 - C:\Windows\system32\DNSAPI.dll

000007FEEBA40000 - C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll

0000000074060000 - C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll

000007FEFABA0000 - C:\Windows\system32\Iphlpapi.DLL

000007FEFAB90000 - C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL

000007FEFA300000 - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WLIDNSP.DLL

000007FEFAAF0000 - C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll

000007FEFA2F0000 - C:\Windows\system32\rasadhlp.dll

000007FEFB730000 - C:\Windows\system32\WindowsCodecs.dll

000007FEFCDF0000 - C:\Windows\System32\wship6.dll

000007FEFC890000 - C:\Windows\System32\wshtcpip.dll

000007FEE6B80000 - C:\Program Files\Guild Wars 2\bin64\CoherentUI64.dll

000007FEF4510000 - C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll

000007FEF7490000 - C:\Windows\system32\d3d8thk.dll

000007FEFCE60000 - C:\Windows\system32\CRYPTSP.dll

000007FEFCAA0000 - C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll

000007FEFF9F0000 - C:\Windows\system32\imagehlp.dll

000007FEFD030000 - C:\Windows\system32\ncrypt.dll

000007FEFD000000 - C:\Windows\system32\bcrypt.dll

000007FEFCF70000 - C:\Windows\system32\bcryptprimitives.dll

000007FEFDA20000 - C:\Windows\system32\USERENV.dll

000007FEFC980000 - C:\Windows\system32\GPAPI.dll

000007FEF7C90000 - C:\Windows\system32\cryptnet.dll

000007FEF89E0000 - C:\Windows\system32\SensApi.dll

000007FEFD4C0000 - C:\Windows\system32\apphelp.dll

000007FEF8800000 - C:\Windows\system32\aticfx64.dll

000007FEE7F80000 - C:\Windows\system32\atiu9p64.dll

000007FECC870000 - C:\Windows\system32\atiumd64.dll

000000005A3B0000 - C:\Windows\system32\atiumd6a.dll

000007FEFB3C0000 - C:\Windows\system32\POWRPROF.dll

000007FEFFB20000 - C:\Windows\system32\SETUPAPI.dll

000007FEFD7F0000 - C:\Windows\system32\CFGMGR32.dll

000007FEFD840000 - C:\Windows\system32\DEVOBJ.dll

000007FEF9130000 - C:\Windows\system32\amdihk64.dll

000007FEF7FC0000 - C:\Users\Katelyn\AppData\Local\Temp\D460E7C2-48D4-4574-B11F-85B926645317\amd_ags_x64.dll

000007FEEC170000 - C:\Windows\system32\atiadlxx.dll

000007FEFBD60000 - C:\Windows\system32\PROPSYS.dll

000007FEFD5D0000 - C:\Windows\system32\RpcRtRemote.dll

000007FEEC620000 - C:\Windows\system32\winbrand.dll

000007FEE68D0000 - C:\Windows\system32\dsound.dll

000007FEFCAF0000 - C:\Windows\system32\WINSTA.dll

000007FEFB900000 - C:\Windows\System32\MMDevApi.dll

000007FEF7BF0000 - C:\Windows\system32\wdmaud.drv

0000000075310000 - C:\Windows\system32\ksuser.dll

000007FEFAF60000 - C:\Windows\system32\AVRT.dll

000007FEF8130000 - C:\Windows\system32\AUDIOSES.DLL

000007FEFC730000 - C:\Windows\system32\msacm32.drv

000007FEFB650000 - C:\Windows\system32\midimap.dll

000007FEE7BF0000 - C:\Windows\system32\mscms.dll

000007FEE7F00000 - C:\Windows\system32\icm32.dll


*--> Game Context <--*

MapId: 50

Flags: 0x2c1

ElapsedTime: 00:12:14


*--> World State <--*


[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]

[DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)]


*--> ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0x2204 <--*


*--> Trace <--*

Pc Rt : Args

00000001`400d329c 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000001`40176524 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000001`40176161 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000001`40177df2 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000001`40173dd6 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000001`401613cc 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000001`40162262 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000001`40113fc6 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000001`4011469d 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000001`400d633a 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000001`400d6584 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000001`41390948 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000001`402a0d1d 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000001`400b5c0a 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000001`402a1065 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000001`402a25cf 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000001`402a093c 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000001`400c9ca1 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000001`4025a021 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000000`7792556d 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

00000000`77b8372d 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000


*--> Thread registers <--*

rax=0000000000000001 rbx=00000001414d3960 rcx=0000000005e2f440

rdx=00000001414d3960 rsi=0000000000000046 rdi=00000001414da748

rip=00000001400d323d rsp=0000000005e2f3e0 rbp=000000000274ae70

r8=0000000000000046 r9=000000000000000d r10=00000000031f0158

r11=0000007701470013 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000

r14=0000000005e2fae0 r15=0000000000000000

cs=0033 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000202


rbx-32 00000001414D3940 00000001`4025c06c 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

rbx +0 00000001414D3960 6f667265`705c3a64 6576696c`5c656372 32765c75`65616e5c 72615c65`646f635c

rbx+32 00000001414D3980 76726573`5c616e65 6e61485c`73656369 646e6148`2f656c64 00000000`682e656c

rcx-32 0000000005E2F420 00000001`400d323d 00000000`05e2f3e0 00000000`0274ae70 00000000`08090100

rcx +0 0000000005E2F440 00000000`ff000000 00000000`77b74f97 00000000`00000000 00000000`4d7d9701

rcx+32 0000000005E2F460 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000003 00009fbf`0010000f 0053002b`002b0033

rdx-32 00000001414D3940 00000001`4025c06c 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

rdx +0 00000001414D3960 6f667265`705c3a64 6576696c`5c656372 32765c75`65616e5c 72615c65`646f635c

rdx+32 00000001414D3980 76726573`5c616e65 6e61485c`73656369 646e6148`2f656c64 00000000`682e656c


*--> Code <--*

00000001`400d321d 488bf941 8bf0488d 0df634ce 01488bda H..A..H...4..H..

00000001`400d322d e8ee6ffe ff488d4c 2460ff15 fb303f01 ..o..H.L$`...0?.

00000001`400d323d 488b8424 58010000 4c8d0554 60400148 H..$X...L..T`@.H

00000001`400d324d 89442440 4885db48 8b8424f8 00000044 .D$@H..H..$....D

00000001`400d325d 8bce4889 4424484c 0f45c348 8b842400 ..H.D$HL.E.H..$.

00000001`400d326d 01000048 8bd74889 44245033 c9488d44 ...H..H.D$P3.H.D


*--> Stack <--*

00000000`05e2f3e0 00000000`0000145c 00000000`1f585000 00000000`00000000 00000000`cf531e01 \........PX...............S.....

00000000`05e2f400 00000000`05e2f420 00000000`05e2f440 00000000`00000000 00000000`77b50101 .......@..................w....

00000000`05e2f420 00000001`400d323d 00000000`05e2f3e0 00000000`0274ae70 00000000`08090100 =2.@............p.t.............

00000000`05e2f440 00000000`ff000000 00000000`77b74f97 00000000`00000000 00000000`4d7d9701 .........O.w..............}M....

00000000`05e2f460 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000003 00009fbf`0010000f 0053002b`002b0033 ........................3.+.+.S.

00000000`05e2f480 00000202`002b002b 00000000`7d764d80 00000000`00001dd3 00000000`0200fe00 +.+......Mv}....................

00000000`05e2f4a0 00000000`cd4ca890 00000000`07472160 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000001 ..L.....`!G.....................

00000000`05e2f4c0 00000000`05e2f440 00000001`414d3960 00000001`414d3960 00000000`05e2f3e0 @.......`9MA....`9MA............

00000000`05e2f4e0 00000000`0274ae70 00000000`00000046 00000001`414da748 00000000`00000046 p.t.....F.......H.MA....F.......

00000000`05e2f500 00000000`0000000d 00000000`031f0158 00000077`01470013 00000000`00000000 ........X.........G.w...........

00000000`05e2f520 00000000`00000000 00000000`05e2fae0 00000000`00000000 00000001`400d323d ........................=2.@....

00000000`05e2f540 00000000`0000027f 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 0000ffff`00009fbf ................................

00000000`05e2f560 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ................................

00000000`05e2f580 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ................................

00000000`05e2f5a0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ................................

00000000`05e2f5c0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ................................

00000000`05e2f5e0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ................................

00000000`05e2f600 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ................................

00000000`05e2f620 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ................................

00000000`05e2f640 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ................................

00000000`05e2f660 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ................................

00000000`05e2f680 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ................................

00000000`05e2f6a0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ................................

00000000`05e2f6c0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ................................

00000000`05e2f6e0 00000000`0748c7e0 00000000`1fe80590 00000000`00000000 00000000`0748c690 ..H.......................H.....

00000000`05e2f700 00000000`031f0000 00000000`77b4c6d2 00000000`031f0000 00000000`77b5a601 ...........w...............w....

00000000`05e2f720 00000000`00000000 00000000`1f580d20 00000000`00248680 00000000`6c6cb460 ........ .X.......$.....`.ll....

00000000`05e2f740 00000000`00000000 00000000`1f580d20 00000000`00240000 00000000`77b4c6d2 ........ .X.......$........w....

00000000`05e2f760 00000000`00240000 00000000`00004e01 00000000`00000000 00000000`05e2fae0 ..$......N......................

00000000`05e2f780 00000000`00000000 00000000`031f0000 00000000`0748d530 00000000`77b5a65b ................0.H.....[..w....

00000000`05e2f7a0 00000000`0748c690 00000000`0748c7e0 00000000`3d3142e0 00000000`0748c690 ..H.......H......B1=......H.....

00000000`05e2f7c0 00000000`00000000 00000000`0274ae70 00000000`1fe80c60 00000000`779315aa ........p.t.....`..........w....


*--> Error Logs <--*

le effect for skill 'y7FnF.7uXO7'

21:47:05Z Texture '0x21358f' dimensions too small

21:47:05Z Loading '0x21358f' texture failed

21:47:05Z Texture '0x213590' dimensions too small

21:47:05Z Loading '0x213590' texture failed

21:47:41Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x01350d

21:47:53Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x19d40a

21:48:01Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x19d40c

21:48:13Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x0f8c78

21:48:31Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x01350d

21:48:35Z Texture '0x03539b' dimensions too small

21:48:35Z Loading '0x03539b' texture failed

21:48:50Z Model '0x22e310': Permutation 'stoweda' not found, auto selecting permutation

21:49:30Z Texture '0x03539b' dimensions too small

21:49:30Z Loading '0x03539b' texture failed

21:49:39Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x19d40c

21:49:39Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x19d407

21:49:39Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x19d40a

21:49:43Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x19d40d

21:50:08Z Model '0x22e310': Permutation 'stoweda' not found, auto selecting permutation

21:50:08Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x0f8c78

21:50:09Z Model '0x123674': Permutation 'boworange' not found, auto selecting permutation

21:50:14Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x19d40c

21:50:14Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x19d40a

21:50:18Z Model '0x204f6e': Permutation 'holo' not found, auto selecting permutation

21:51:06Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x0f8c78

21:51:06Z Model '0x22e310': Permutation 'stoweda' not found, auto selecting permutation

21:51:46Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x01350d

21:51:58Z Model '0x22e310': Permutation 'stoweda' not found, auto selecting permutation

21:52:19Z Texture '0x03539b' dimensions too small

21:52:19Z Loading '0x03539b' texture failed

21:52:24Z Couldn't find projectile effect for skill 'ztlp6.7XbAO'

21:52:25Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x19d407

21:52:25Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x19d40d

21:52:42Z Model '0x22e310': Permutation 'stoweda' not found, auto selecting permutation

21:52:51Z Model '0x123674': Permutation 'boworange' not found, auto selecting permutation

Crashed at 21:53:03Z



As far as I can tell it looks like the game might be pulling more memory on closing and causing some errors (I only have 8 GB on this comp anyways). Only thing on the forums I could find referring to similar errors. But in log only abnormal to me is the 99% VRAM usage. Which isn't that odd considering it locks up on closing sometimes.


I mean otherwise the game works fine. Just a minor nuisance not knowing if it will close quickly or not some days.

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> @"Katreyn.4218" said:

> I have noticed that my alt account that is just a heroic account, no expansions, does not error out when I close it. But my main with the expansions does. Wonder if anyone else has that comparison to make?


> I also tested this against my previous evaluation that I thought was due to time the client was left open (which I have since felt was inaccurate anyways). But leaving the alt account on for hours does not seem to change the result.


> Not using any addons either myself.


> Have tried both windowed and fullscreen/windowed fullscreen. Same result with the crashing. Sometimes it locks up pretty bad and have to force it closed. Other times it closes pretty quick. Always get a crash report now.


Exactly the same for me. I do not use addons either. The crash on logoff started after the last festival patch but the game itself has no issue while playing. Also, sometimes closes very fast with crash report and sometimes hangs bad and needs a force closing. I do not have more than 8gb ram and this was no issue ever, not in GW2 or other games I play. My system is Win 7. ** I would never consider this a client side issue **because the report we get at crash is too similar and our rigs are very different. I think among our reports are not 2 identical rigs. I know people always try to direct towards client side but this is not it. The ingame error screen and this logout crash issue appeared in the same time for me and straight after zephyrite patch.

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I get that same \Engine\Gr\Dx9\Dx9ShaderBinary.cpp error here. W7 too, 8GB RAM... and it also started with that patch. At first I was scared it was some part of my pc broke but seeing many more people are experiencing it I guess it's the game. In fact it's the only game doing this.


The only way I found to alleviate it was first going to char selection, wait a little and then log out. If doing that there are times that it will finish it right. But if clicking on go back to desktop it always crashes, either showing the crash report or just app crash. Just twice I had it freeze on logging out, making my pc go loudly _on plane mode_ and I had to kill it with the task manager, going everything to normal afterwards. It's not an issue with our pcs if the problem started for all of us at the same time and just with gw2.


And I actually came to comment just because I see **Anet hasn't said a single word about this**. A patch happened and it wasn't fixed or even addressed and I'm not sure this means anything good. Just someone saying "We are working on it" would be reassuring but I'm afraid we'll have to learn to live with this if we wan't to keep playing.

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I was getting that "...\Engine\Gr\Dx9\Dx9ShaderBinary.cpp" error too when exiting on w7-x64, however recently the error has changed to this:

_error: assertion: "d:\perforce\live\naeu\v2\code\arena\services\Handle/Handle.h", "!m_refCount", 70_

(is that last slash (foreslash) intentional?)


It seems to crash more often when exiting directly from inside the game world (instead of logging to character select and then exiting). But, atleast the game is stable without crashing ingame.


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I got this one too but it's a first time for me, as always on log out. I can see at least 2 more people posted about it.


*--> Crash <--*

Assertion: !m_refCount

File: x:\perforce\live\naeu\v2\code\arena\services\Handle/Handle.h(70)

App: Gw2-64.exe

Pid: 6900

BaseAddr: 000000013FCF0000

ProgramId: 101

Build: 105843

When: 2020-09-03T15:56:19Z 2020-09-03T17:56:19+02:00

Uptime: 0 days 1:23:58

Flags: 0

DumpFile: Crash.dmp


Sent the report as usual but as expected, no news from Anet. And it seems I didn't specify it but it's vanilla. I've never used either ArcDPS, Taco or any of those. I went through repair too but same result. Just please tell us that you know about it and are working on fixing it, but staying silent gives the community the feeling that you don't care since it's not critical and affecting everyone but a small group.

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I have the same problem as all of you: Crashing when selecting 'Exit to Desktop'. I have a desktop computer with Windows 7 SP1, i7 3770, 16GB RAM, GTX 1070 8GB.


The funny thing is that until I reinstalled the game today I never had this problem before. Since GW2 came out, I have had it installed on my main SSD disk (C:) (Sandisk Extreme 240GB). Due to lack of space, and in anticipation of future upgrades, I bought a new SSD (Samsung 860 EVO 1TB). This new SSD has the letter H, because I keep the Sandisk SSD as the main disk. The first time I installed GW2 on the Samsung SSD I noticed this error. But I realized that the game was installed at the root of the disk, so I uninstalled it and reinstalled again but in the GAMES folder. However, the error persisted.


In addition, I have noticed that some games and programs give problems due to how strict some antivirus are. But the game still presents the problem both by disabling the antivirus and by excluding the game folder.


I hope that an update will fix this error.


I have seen that the error does not affect the progress of the game (at least, in the objects of the inventory), but after the error, the character does not appear in the same place. Also, with every error Windows creates a crash dump file that increases in size a lot.


I get two types of errors, but they only appeared in 8 of 10 exists of the game (I have not included all error report):




--> Crash <--

Assertion: !m_refCount

File: x:\perforce\live\naeu\v2\code\arena\services\Handle/Handle.h(70)

App: Gw2-64.exe

Pid: 10660

BaseAddr: 000000013FA30000

ProgramId: 101

Build: 105843


--> Error Logs <--

19:02:21Z Failed to open GFE XML: 2

19:53:59Z NULL REWARD TRACK: 029FAC9B-F852-E311-8757-78E7D1936222

19:53:59Z NULL REWARD TRACK: 029FAC9B-F852-E311-8757-78E7D1936222

19:53:59Z Content is referencing a propID that doesn't exist propId='2494386612279056664'

19:54:00Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x048120

19:54:00Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x048122

19:54:13Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x19d407

19:54:13Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x19d40d

19:54:27Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x1a1edb

19:54:31Z Texture '0x03539b' dimensions too small

19:54:31Z Loading '0x03539b' texture failed




--> Crash <--

Exception: c0000005

Memory at address 00000000`a45327e0 could not be read

App: Gw2-64.exe

Pid: 5384

BaseAddr: 000000013FE00000

ProgramId: 101

Build: 105843


--> Error Logs <--

00:18:20Z NULL REWARD TRACK: 029FAC9B-F852-E311-8757-78E7D1936222

00:18:20Z NULL REWARD TRACK: 029FAC9B-F852-E311-8757-78E7D1936222

00:18:20Z Content is referencing a propID that doesn't exist propId='2494386612279056664'

00:18:21Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x048120

00:18:21Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x048122

00:18:23Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x1a1ed9

00:18:23Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x1a1edb

00:18:24Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x01350d

00:18:24Z Texture '0x03539b' dimensions too small

00:18:24Z Loading '0x03539b' texture failed

00:18:56Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x19d40c

00:18:56Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x19d407

00:18:56Z Texture missing mip chain: 0x19d40a

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> @"Carnius Magius.8091" said:

> It wouldn't hurt to make sure you have the latest video drivers and the latest Directx 9 or 10 updates. I'm running Directx 12. I assume 12 contains the latest 9 and 10 updates.


Windows 7 only supports up to DX11 and DX12 is only available on Windows 10. However, GW2 basically requires DX9, which is already updated to its latest version from Windows 7.


Regarding the update of the graphic card drivers, these affect mainly Windows 10 due to the successive changes of the graphic engine of the operating system. In Windows 7, the update of graphics drivers only affects very specific games and very recent graphics cards.


I think the problem we are all having in this post is related to the changes that NCSoft is making for the future update of the game, as we have all experienced the error almost at the same time and with different system configurations.

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