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No sense of progression makes me dont wanna play longer.

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I am very sorry to say that but as much as I like this game I am getting bored. I was hoping that with the new Living World Season things would change a bit but sadly not. Once reached cap with level and mastery, a part from achievements that are always nice to do, or pvp/wvw if you're into that. basically there is nothing to do if not dailies/weeklies. I don't mind doing them sometimes, but I really don't know what else to do.

First of all I am very disappointed from the structure of progression system at level 80. I don't understand why limiting the new skills learned with masteries only to certain maps, this feel super limitating and achieving them doesn't make me feel that I somehow get better or that I even earn something new. This goes back to when Bloodston Fen was released. I was hoping that the gldiing skills or part of them would then be valid for the rest of the world, and my personal feeling, GW2 without mounts but with a cool gliding system would have been rivolutionary. Instead they implemented mounts... super main stream and as much as they are cool for me they ruined the beauty and size of the game. ( size as the mounts are obviously oversized for the world... terrible )

Going back to mastieries, having some new things that you could use world wide and not only in a few maps i think would have been so much more enjoiable. And anyway I personally don't like the mastery system with never ending levels basically. I think having a cap and progressing in some other way would be better.


Another thing that made me disappointed were the fake expectations that Anet gave to me stilll when releasing this Icbrood Saga. They claimed that they wouldn't make new maps, favouring instead a revamp of old ones, but so far they only made new maps, that have been further expanded. I mean what is the difference in expanding a map or making a new one? To be honest there is almost no difference.

I was really hoping for some revamp of main tirya maps, that are always beautiful, but kinda dead. They could have revamped the world bosses making them more appealing in fight and with some better rewards but nothing. But even PoF maps could have been revived a bit, so i felt that was kind of a lie to me.

I won't even mention Dungeons... still hope one day..

Raids and fractals are cool but to be honest after many years also they become boring. I really want something more from the open world that is so beautiful. Also simply making mobs stronger or more intelligent would already be something. At some point it's just too easy to kill stuff and it's boring. Especially in a party.


Furthermore there are no more unique items like new legendary coming out for now as weapons/armors. Runes and sigils i find them a bit pointelss but that's my opinion. The trinkets/ring are nice but nothing special. They don't satisfy me enough, but maybe that's just me.

I feel this game is really kinda Fashion Wars now, and I'm fine with that to a certain point. I don't mind buying gemstore items as GW2 let's not forget is kind free to play, as no monthly subscription to pay, so they certainly gotta make the society living, but.. also removing armors from there and making only outfits kinda ruined the cool wardrobe system that made this game kinda unique. See even WoW that stole the idea of the trasmutation charges from here basically. And instead no, now we only get boring outfits.

Yes they release new armors unlockable via achivs and stuff but they can't be compared to some armor from gemstore. Or the weapons collections like the boreal ones.. i mean you unlock 3 times the same skin that is always kinda the same... what's the point of that?

I feel meh, it's such a shame, such a good potential but I think it's being wasted. The base of the game is still pretty good, for me still has one of the best, most enjoiable combat system, and build too. It's flexible and gives many possibilities, but now the game for me is really missing something.

I will keep doing dailies and some metas aswell some raids but that's it... just waiting that something good happens, hopefully with the expansion. And hopefully they can also make it run better as it's frustrating not being able to run this game properly even on super computers where I should be able to play at ultra settings but if i try that i play at 2 fps ( example ). Minor problem but hopefully also this will change.


With all the love i have for this game. A veteran since the begenning..

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Go make a bit of break when you feel bored go buy some steam games you had not time to play before, 1-2 months schold make you back your determination

Also remeber that cuz of covid, ppl work from home now, that can slow bit of progress making new content until ppl get used to it

In my opinion it's better to be a bit borred now, to get big kitten on 3 expedition ^^

Don't force yourself to anythink or you will get burned fast and will even have less motivation if somethink new come


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With ep 3 and 4 of ibs, you get the waystations, which you can buy portable ones and take anywhere. You can get medizookas, emp pulse skills, and land mines, which are a nice thing to be able to use in any map. Ep 4 brings a new mount skill that makes you invis, for whatever that’s worth to you. They even have brought back mushrooms, which I use a lot still, and the ley energy gliders which I use also rather than mounts sometimes. The new essence skills are use widely across ibs maps and strikes, so I get a lot of use of them, as clunky as they may be. It really helps big time having those masteries leveled up, imo.

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I'm pretty confident that a lot of regular Gw2 players will tell you to take a break if you're bored.


I've been there many times over the last 8 years as well, it's good to just step back from GW2 every once in a while and play some other games.

No sub and all that makes it very easy to come back whenever you like :D

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But it has always been like this.

Guild Wars 2 is not about progression, it is about being different, looking better, being more flashy/shiny, having more gold, being better in pvp, having a higher rank, having more achievement points, etc.

About what you want. But I can highly relate, if you don't see anything left to do, there is no reason to play, no reason to spend anything on the game anymore.

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I remember feeling the exact same when HoT first came out, bought the expansion played it a short while up to verdant brink I just felt like it was all too much to take in at once and it just burnt me out and I couldn’t be bothered and I literally had like a year long break. But I came back and managed to play all the way through the content to now ?

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Make all legendaries. Get 250 kp of every raid boss and fractal CM. Do all achivments. Get all skins. Get all classes and Especs mastered. Full legendary armor them all. Reach lvl 100 pvp. Reach lvl 1500 wvw. Make a guild. Upgrade the guild. Sell the guild. Break TP values. Get all masteries. Complete full map 100 times.

Pay for all account upgraded from TP to max. Unlock all mount skins. Complete all dungeons. Never get bored

(This is a joke comment nvm me, but u seriously can aim for all those and nvr get bored ;) )

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> @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > Masteries is about the only meaningful progression in GW2


> no it literally isnt lol


Then you have no idea what you are talking about. With the masteries you open up the maps with your new skills. A player with full souped up mounts and gliding makes hot and other areas a total breeze. While newcomers can only watch as the skyscales and griffons soars above. That -IS- progression. It will take a long time for someone open the Skyscale for example, and a longterm goal to work towards and earn.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > Masteries is about the only meaningful progression in GW2

> >

> > no it literally isnt lol


> Then you have no idea what you are talking about. With the masteries you open up the maps with your new skills. A player with full souped up mounts and gliding makes hot and other areas a total breeze. While newcomers can only watch as the skyscales and griffons soars above. That -IS- progression. It will take a long time for someone open the Skyscale for example, and a longterm goal to work towards and earn.


But is that the *only* progression?

If you think so, then perhaps it is you who "have no idea what you are talking about".

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > Masteries is about the only meaningful progression in GW2

> >

> > no it literally isnt lol


> Then you have no idea what you are talking about. With the masteries you open up the maps with your new skills. A player with full souped up mounts and gliding makes hot and other areas a total breeze. While newcomers can only watch as the skyscales and griffons soars above. That -IS- progression. It will take a long time for someone open the Skyscale for example, and a longterm goal to work towards and earn.


"I have full masteries. So im literally more progressed than others,im a very decent player cuz i did cold war 50 times and done some meta event 20 times. I also climed this mountain to get this mastery point so im a good player for sure. I HAVE PROOOOGREESSED"

You are probably this type of person. Keep up progressing mate! But ur progression is limited. My one isnt :) and im just progressing everyday. Learning new stuff everyday. Trying new stuff. Doing diffrent gamemodes. Learning new builds,classes,compositions,usage of my class,getting experience on the contents i dont know how they work.

Keep up gathering those mastery points and add golden numbers next to ur character name and call it progression

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Thanks for all the comments tyrians! In fact I am not playing at the moment, I am just doing dailies to get AP as it's gonna always good to have more AP when I'll come back at it. I am actually playing GW1 to unlock HoM points to have more things in GW2 as skins and pet. I have just seen a bit of the new maps and stories but haven't completed all yet, saving the rest for when I decide to play this again.

To answer people that tell me to get legendaries shiny stuff etc, well I have most of the infusions, including chak and other very expansive stuff, I have all the legendaries that i like, trinkets etc and im just disappointed that no more weapons are coming out.

To answer the guy that tells me that GW is different well i know, i have played since it was released. And i am very a Fashion Wars guy, but as i said to a certain extent. And in fact I am also super disappointed that they are only releasing outfits and no more armors from the gemstore, as i said i am happy to buy gems every while and then to support them. I was a pretty good customer for Arenanet, but now if i want something new I'll just use in game gold.

For the progression system I am sorry but I don't see as adding more levels that give skills bound only to certain maps is actually progressing, you just need them to complete new maps and then that's it. Once map are dead since they keep making new ones and forgetting about old maps, the masteries gained become pretty useless with the exception of the first masteries like gliding that actually made sense.

I appreciate the advices but mine was more of a feedback for Anet, as they said they would be more present in the forums, so my hope is that they read this. I just listed the things that disappointed me as i lost trust in Anet since what they said about maps was kind of a lie. Mounts ruined the game but that's my opinion, people can like them whatever. I said they are cool and in fact I still collect them, but i'd be better off without.

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> @"Dark Red Killian.3946" said:

> With ep 3 and 4 of ibs, you get the waystations, which you can buy portable ones and take anywhere. You can get medizookas, emp pulse skills, and land mines, which are a nice thing to be able to use in any map. Ep 4 brings a new mount skill that makes you invis, for whatever that’s worth to you. They even have brought back mushrooms, which I use a lot still, and the ley energy gliders which I use also rather than mounts sometimes. The new essence skills are use widely across ibs maps and strikes, so I get a lot of use of them, as clunky as they may be. It really helps big time having those masteries leveled up, imo.


Thanks for the information, I kinda stopped playing at Bjora so I haven't tried these new things. yey They seem intersting as items, BUT as for many other funny items to use in game, you have to use them from the inventory........... and it's super annoying especially if you have to use them more times with mobs around. So I really like GW2 interface and I undestand why they don't make it customizable. I like it a lot, it's very neat. But why not finding then a simple solution for it? Something like a toolbelt in the inventory where you can bind a few keys, so you can use them without opening inventory eveyrtime, especially in combat it's annoying. I mean they did something similar for novelties that are cool but useless, why not for these items that instead have a use outside towns. It could be used for consumables, maybe weapons to switch, but mainly these kind of items as the Position rewinder from Sandswept for example.

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> @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

> > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > > Masteries is about the only meaningful progression in GW2

> > >

> > > no it literally isnt lol

> >

> > Then you have no idea what you are talking about. With the masteries you open up the maps with your new skills. A player with full souped up mounts and gliding makes hot and other areas a total breeze. While newcomers can only watch as the skyscales and griffons soars above. That -IS- progression. It will take a long time for someone open the Skyscale for example, and a longterm goal to work towards and earn.


> "I have full masteries. So im literally more progressed than others,im a very decent player cuz i did cold war 50 times and done some meta event 20 times. I also climed this mountain to get this mastery point so im a good player for sure. I HAVE PROOOOGREESSED"

> You are probably this type of person. Keep up progressing mate! But ur progression is limited. My one isnt :) and im just progressing everyday. Learning new stuff everyday. Trying new stuff. Doing diffrent gamemodes. Learning new builds,classes,compositions,usage of my class,getting experience on the contents i dont know how they work.

> Keep up gathering those mastery points and add golden numbers next to ur character name and call it progression


When MMO players talk about progression, they talk about character progression---not player progression which seems to be what you are suggesting. Character progression thus IS either better gear or an increasing number of mastery points, achievement points or whatever there is. Hence, vertical vs. horizonal progression not being about becoming a better player, but being a better player will help you in horizonal (fashion wars, MP, KP, whateverP) or vertical progression (in other MMOs, better gear / gear level).

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Masteries is about the only meaningful progression in GW2


If you don't consider skill progression. A dev said the difference between the damage done by a good player and an average one is 500%. There's plenty of room for growth in this game.


In other games, it's all about stats...you're nothing more than a coatrack for greatness. Here, it's about player skill, far more than other games I've played. That's real progression to me. Plenty of stuff I can do now I couldn't do as well a year ago.

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> @"Mahou.3924" said:

> > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

> > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > > > Masteries is about the only meaningful progression in GW2

> > > >

> > > > no it literally isnt lol

> > >

> > > Then you have no idea what you are talking about. With the masteries you open up the maps with your new skills. A player with full souped up mounts and gliding makes hot and other areas a total breeze. While newcomers can only watch as the skyscales and griffons soars above. That -IS- progression. It will take a long time for someone open the Skyscale for example, and a longterm goal to work towards and earn.

> >

> > "I have full masteries. So im literally more progressed than others,im a very decent player cuz i did cold war 50 times and done some meta event 20 times. I also climed this mountain to get this mastery point so im a good player for sure. I HAVE PROOOOGREESSED"

> > You are probably this type of person. Keep up progressing mate! But ur progression is limited. My one isnt :) and im just progressing everyday. Learning new stuff everyday. Trying new stuff. Doing diffrent gamemodes. Learning new builds,classes,compositions,usage of my class,getting experience on the contents i dont know how they work.

> > Keep up gathering those mastery points and add golden numbers next to ur character name and call it progression


> When MMO players talk about progression, they talk about character progression---not player progression which seems to be what you are suggesting. Character progression thus IS either better gear or an increasing number of mastery points, achievement points or whatever there is. Hence, vertical vs. horizonal progression not being about becoming a better player, but being a better player will help you in horizonal (fashion wars, MP, KP, whateverP) or vertical progression (in other MMOs, better gear / gear level).


Well... character progression in gw2 is limited. You can gear your character to full ascended of any stat in less than a week

Masteries are simply just tools

Just buy the expansion and do what u did before. Get EXP and upgrade your mastery

While u are in maps also do some ez achivments or go to X place to gain mastery points

The player and skill progression in gw2 is NOT limited. You literally get a better player but u still have the same gear as someone else

In raids a 50 LI player has the same stats as a 250LI player and a 2k LI player. But a 250 LI player does 4 times the dmg of the 50 LI player on the same build they are trying to learn.

A raid/fractal player does the same dmg as 20 casual pve players in a squad at a meta event boss

Bec they are confident with what they are playing and know how to dmg the boss. Where to stand. How to cc. How their skills work. So they canreach the maximum potential of their class/build.

The thing im trying to say is:

Masteries,achivments,amount of skins unlocked,mounts unlocked, map completaion are in the side progression of the player

Skill and game knowlege and map knowlege (for pvp i guess) and class and game mechanics knowlege increase is the main progress and is meaningful. It comes with experience and training. You cant buy it ( maybe u can buy some boss strategies *shrug* )


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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Masteries is about the only meaningful progression in GW2


And that's why I don't feel like playing anymore. I just counted. I've not started the latest LS yet (I tried, quit after 5 minutes of mute movements), but as of now, I'll need 20 more mastery points. And I don't see any I can get without having to do things over and over and over and over and over and over again. Especially if those things take an hour or more to do.


> @"Dark Red Killian.3946" said:

> With ep 3 and 4 of ibs, you get the waystations, which you can buy portable ones and take anywhere. You can get medizookas, emp pulse skills, and land mines, which are a nice thing to be able to use in any map. Ep 4 brings a new mount skill that makes you invis, for whatever that’s worth to you. They even have brought back mushrooms, which I use a lot still, and the ley energy gliders which I use also rather than mounts sometimes. The new essence skills are use widely across ibs maps and strikes, so I get a lot of use of them, as clunky as they may be. It really helps big time having those masteries leveled up, imo.


So, I don't even have those waystations, because I don't have the mastery points to get them. I presume that mount skill also needs mastery points and will be added to the end of the list because I don't see it in my list of masteries I don't have.

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