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Real Talk — Grinds, Strikes, and Profitability

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> @"Hypnowulf.7403" said:



> **1.** ArenaNet has to stop treating casuals like dirt and ensure that everything is available to them via the gem store

No. Not everything that is available is needed to play the game. Certain modes should have exclusive items that aren't required to play the game. Completely optional, as it is now.

> **2.** ArenaNet has to remove the coins to gem exchange

No. Not everyone spends thousands of dollars a month on the game, like you used to.

> **3.** Introduce a necessary subscription fee.

Absolutely not. This will kill the casual base.




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So all of this whining and flexing because of Whisper of Jormag. Hmm. If you don't like to group up in a Massively Multiplayer Online rpg and you're only here for the story then you really should look out for a different, single player, game. The time it took you to type this could have been spent creating a squad and killing the strike boss.


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I also like to know what he mean by 'hardcore' also do you know how the monetization of so called f2p MMOs works? This here is still way better.

Hardcore are for me people who plays raids , fractals cms , have wvw rank 10.000, are above platin rank in pvp. Well we did get for wvw a new tile for those who have rank 10.000 besides this no new content in year for them besides again wvw mount perhaps(and then nerfed into the ground), ah end new random, not balanced 2vs 2 or 3 vs 3 modes for pvp


On the other hand open world players got new mounts , new mastery , new maps , new story and I actually would add the strike missions to the maps too.

Which is content which are played mostly by casual. The point is the 'hardcore' isn't for the most part not exclusive too like the maps & story can be also played by 'hardcore' players. The only part where it is hard to come in are PvE raids and PvP Tournaments where the actual problem is more like find enough players who are progressive enough and show up on a certain date and time which can be a real challenge in this game.


But I'm also can't say I'm happy how the game is progressing the new systems(mastery) and maps are more tailored for 'hardcore' grinders which is another type of hardcore and the last fractal was from the game/system design perspective a dumpster fire . I was actually quite happy they didn't done anything too new to wvw and screwed it so up like the rest *laugh* until I read NO DOWN STATE Event. (= main ele unplayable during this event tested twice)


Fortunately it way too hot here to get angry for too long thanks to a heatwave (around 100 F)


What I also complain about is how players complain about fundamental mechanics which other classes or builds have which then developers react to and making with this everything worse for everyone e.g shorting boon duration or that in pvp healer don't heal much less then I have seen in any other game with 1 class as an exception.


I also don't have anything against players who don't do much and get their target anyway except they stopping me but what bugs me is the solo runner - roamer - troll attitude combined with an extreme jealousy from some players which hit me from time to time on this board. Thread Starter wanted it real this is at real as it gets.

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About new Players being possibly turned off by the timegated/locked content:

Most players I introduced to the games, casuals and more hardcores alike, loved the aspect of the vast amount of content ahead of them und the sheer impossible feat of holding a 2nd gen legendary or one of those crazy expensive infusions. All of them were blown away (in a good way) when they could begin to grasp the effort neccessary.


It was infact, when I told them they need to load up on Gems to actually unlock LS4 for Skyscale e.g. when shit hits the fan. Because being told that after buying a non-P2W MMO you could not access THE mount unless they spend money again or somehow farm 350g (as a beginner, mind you) is just demotivating. Some actually quit after finding that out.


So your point that by just putting it all in the gemstore would get the game tons of new (casual) players is a far strech imo and hearing that from someone who would spend thousands in a single month as you stated, quite close minded.

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Strikes are mini-RAIDS. I'll never do RAIDS on principle, because grouping means waiting for that one guy who needs a smoke the moment you want to begin ( or is it the dog or a DC this time? )


I'm a casual and it suits me fine. I will always be 8pts behind on mastery max and I wear it PROUDLY.

An RPG is an exploration game with challenges. If the challenges are beyond you, just move on and enjoy the story.


Being a completionist is an obsession and doesn't fit the Anet template for the players they attract to their successful game. I've been very happy in gw2 and enjoy (for the most part) the people it attracts.


I don't believe that Anet is in maintenance mode yet. They are still delivering content that was conceived 7-8 years ago and mostly developed back then. What we are receiving now is close to the last batch of deliverables with a few new ideas mixed in.


( what happened TL;DR summaries? The walls of rambling text .. )

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