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Interesting background behind the names of several POIs in POF

Sajuuk Khar.1509

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So I was interested in seeing if I could find any background about many of the POIs in the POF areas, and found that many of them actually have a connection [Zoroastrianism ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoroastrianism "Zoroastrianism ")


For instance

-Palace of Aban: Located in the Desert Highlands: [Apas is the Avestan language term for "the waters", which, in its innumerable aggregate states, is represented by the Apas, the hypostases of the waters. Ābān is the Middle Persian-language form.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aban "Apas is the Avestan language term for "the waters", which, in its innumerable aggregate states, is represented by the Apas, the hypostases of the waters. Ābān is the Middle Persian-language form.")


Altar of Dakhma: Located in the Desert Highlands: [A Dakhma, also called a Tower of Silence, is a circular, raised structure built by Zoroastrians for excarnation – that is, for dead bodies to be exposed to carrion birds.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_Silence "A Dakhma, also called a Tower of Silence, is a circular, raised structure built by Zoroastrians for excarnation – that is, for dead bodies to be exposed to carrion birds.")


Temple of Atar: Located in the Crystal Oasis: [Atar is the Zoroastrian concept of holy fire, sometimes described in abstract terms as "burning and unburning fire" or "visible and invisible fire" (Mirza, 1987:389). It is considered to be the visible presence of Ahura Mazda and his aša. The rituals for purifying a fire are performed 1,128 times a year.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atar "Atar is the Zoroastrian concept of holy fire, sometimes described in abstract terms as "burning and unburning fire" or "visible and invisible fire" (Mirza, 1987:389). It is considered to be the visible presence of Ahura Mazda and his aša. The rituals for purifying a fire are performed 1,128 times a year.")

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it is no surprise to me that they have in Anet some guy versed in Middle Eastern religions. Islam has a strong focus on the "invisibility" of his God, and this strikes as inspiration for the Mursaat "The unseen ones" idea. The way they dominated Kryta recalls the means that the Moors managed to enter the Iberian peninsula.


It's a surprise to me that there have not yet appeared any snowflake complaining that qaggans offends the religion of some tribe of penguins in Antarctica. But in the same way that I find these references interesting, on the other hand I have an aversion to overthinking religiosity, and all the "metaphisical" babbling, if MMOs, fantasy tend to attract this type of over-thinking and derp, putting religiosity in the middle the thing, gets its even worse. We already have enough with these theories of relating gods to elder dragons. .. Im not really interested in categorize all angels, demons, gods, all we need is good excuse to draw the sword and kill someone.


> Conan: Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that two stood against many. That's what's important! Valor pleases you, Crom... so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!




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