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Your servers are getting laggy on more maps - [Merged]

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > > > > They are investigating it already

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Posts about this started months ago, I found a reddit thread complaining about it 2 months ago. Did they JUST start working on it or has it been something they've been working on for 2 months+ now?

> > > > >

> > > > > It’s probably more helpful if you spent time looking at developer comments on the forums. Posted 6 days ago.

> > > > >

> > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111982/an-update-on-game-performance-issues

> > > > >

> > > > > Also, it’s an area that Anet constantly works on. Has been since day 1. So, yeah.

> > > > >

> > > > > Edit- I do not lag anywhere in pve, only wvw during certain instances. Maybe your computer is the problem? Maybe your ISP is the problem? Do your own diagnostic checks before you blame Anet for anything.

> > > > Excuse me, what?

> > > > I live in FL on ATT&T, my friend lives in new zealand, my other friend lives in russia, and my 3rd friend I've talked to lives in wisconscin on spectrum. I'm on windows 8.1 and one of my other friends is on W10. We all lag in Bjoras at the same time when it's lagging.

> > > >

> > > > I'm a computer science major with a RHCE cert, I'm pretty sure I understand basic networking issues.

> > > > It's NOT me.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Well, I’m not lagging. There is obviously an issue you are missing. Did you run a diagnostics check? Did you post the findings on the board and to Anet? There are tons of variables not related to Anet and it’s not always Anet’s fault, so did you take all the appropriate steps?

> >

> > If this isn't a problem for you, why are you here just to tell people that there isn't a problem?


> Not all players are having issues as cited by the word “some”... https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111982/an-update-on-game-performance-issues


> So those players who are experiencing issues could do a more thorough review on their end. Not all issues rest at Anet’s feet, so I’m guessing it would be helpful to provide as much information to Anet as possible.


If it isn't a problem in any other game, how could it be a problem on my end? I guess i will go play those other games anyway. Not everyone has the same issue is like saying not everyone likes chocolate. That is just an obvious, completely redundant remark.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> @"Yggranya.5201"


> “There are a large number of factors and situations that can cause lag“, and some of those factors aren’t related to Anet.


> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lag


> https://www.wikihow.com/Test-Network-and-Internet-Latency-(Lag)-in-Microsoft-Windows


> https://www.minitool.com/partition-disk/my-computer-lags.html


So, just waste time on pointless "tests" so anet has time to fix their end? Sounds about right.

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it's still the same for me, annoying intermittent lag on LWS4 and IBS zones since these server issues started, aaand pretty normal everywhere else.


i do hope they will fix these lag issues sooner now that they mention that they're investigating it... it's pretty much holding me back from farming/playing the newer zones/chapters outside of the story mode

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Playing on high speed internet, GW2's the only game that has lag issues, and it only started around late April/May on PoF/LWS4 maps, so pretty sure it's on Anet's side. I can barely play on those maps due to skill lag and cannot do group events on them at all, while almost all other maps are playable.


Really hoping this gets fixed soon.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> “There are a large number of factors and situations that can cause lag“, and some of those factors aren’t related to Anet.


Well, when you do a daily bounty hunt in Desert Highland and 20+ people are complaining in map chat about unbearable lagging it's highly probable those 20+ people have nothing else in common than playing the same game on the same server in the same server instance at the same time and the lags are caused by this server instance, isn't it?


Situation is deteriorating from my experience. Desert Highland is one of the most affected maps for whatever reason. But now I get small lags even in Caledon Forest - great gaming experience for new players, I guess :-/



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The lag and the **Connection error pop ups** are getting worse by the day. I'm on NA have played GWs and GW2 for 12 years have **NEVER** had this problem it even took 8 minutes for it to fully login to the forums. I have 490 people in my guild from all parts of the US and around the world they and most everyone I see in map chat have the exact same problem. Anyone posting here that says they don't good for you as it is effecting everyone badly. In the last 3 weeks I have seen a lot of people leave the game because of this. Do you think they will refer their friends to it? The answer would be no. I spend money every month to help support the game like 1000's of others do I suggest stop putting this off and get people working on it until it is fixed!

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Yeah the problem seems to be getting worse and worse each day with no fixes from Anet.


How do they expect to release this game on steam and a new expansion when their servers don't even work? Do they know what steam reviews are going to say about the game?

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Here's another lag post.

I just got my laptop repaired and haven't been able to play for over a month. So I am trying to catch up on content with a friend, doing the Icebrood Saga, and running around killing regular mobs, correction.. "trying" to kill regular mobs, I have almost died countless times due to the lag. How is this even acceptable and why has it not been fixed yet? It is clear this isnt caused by an increase in player numbers.


Anet... what are you doing?

What are your plans on addressing this issue?

When are you planning on releasing an actual "FIX" to this issue?


I honestly dont even want to play this game while the lag is this bad. It's not fun, and I feel like I am wasting my time just trying to fight the lag issues.


Seriously Anet, you need to address this issue fully, and talk to the community about your plans on addressing this. The lag has gotten ridiculous and it is absolutely unacceptable

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> @"Keitaro.9061" said:

> Anet... what are you doing?

> What are your plans on addressing this issue?

> When are you planning on releasing an actual "FIX" to this issue?



they are aware atleast that it's an issue, and released a statement recently about it (after so many months of lagging)



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> @"Astyrah.4015" said:

> > @"Keitaro.9061" said:

> > Anet... what are you doing?

> > What are your plans on addressing this issue?

> > When are you planning on releasing an actual "FIX" to this issue?



> they are aware atleast that it's an issue, and released a statement recently about it (after so many months of lagging)


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111982/an-update-on-game-performance-issues


The statement they made is complete trash. "The reality is there's no single sweeping change that can fix latency issues for all players, or even most players."

This is not a latency issue. That statement pretty much says "there is no real solution for players who have latency issues, but we will look into it."

This isnt a player latency issue, it is a server issue, and they seriously need to fix it, otherwise people are going to start leaving.

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> @"Keitaro.9061" said:

> > @"Astyrah.4015" said:

> > > @"Keitaro.9061" said:

> > > Anet... what are you doing?

> > > What are your plans on addressing this issue?

> > > When are you planning on releasing an actual "FIX" to this issue?

> >

> >

> > they are aware atleast that it's an issue, and released a statement recently about it (after so many months of lagging)

> >

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111982/an-update-on-game-performance-issues


> The statement they made is complete trash. "The reality is there's no single sweeping change that can fix latency issues for all players, or even most players."

> This is not a latency issue. That statement pretty much says "there is no real solution for players who have latency issues, but we will look into it."

> This isnt a player latency issue, it is a server issue, and they seriously need to fix it, otherwise people are going to start leaving.


yeah, i'm not satisfied with the way they acknowledged the issue too, the lag is bad (and sometimes borderline unplayable) for me whenever i go to season 4 and icebrood saga maps and it's one reason i haven't bothered farming or doing achievements on these areas and mostly just do the festival stuff/fractals/dailies


but right now there's not much else we can do until they release more information about the issue...

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> Have you tried optimizing your settings?

I maintain a steady 70 FPS with 68 ping. My ping never spikes above 90, and my FPS never drops below 50.

My computer is not the issue, nor is my internet, yet I lag so bad I am dying from regular mobs because my abilities are not activating.

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> @"Keitaro.9061" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > Have you tried optimizing your settings?

> I maintain a steady 70 FPS with 68 ping. My ping never spikes above 90, and my FPS never drops below 50.

> My computer is not the issue, nor is my internet, yet I lag so bad I am dying from regular mobs because my abilities are not activating.


The same people will propably come here to tell you "it's a problem on your end" and no matter what you say, they will just continue to say the same things. Was Trise one of them? I don't know, but expect there will be more coming. Just a heads up.

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