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Introduce Raptor Mount to Stop Roaming

Jumpin Lumpix.6108

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> @Caedmon.6798 said:

> These are the people i love to hunt down when i roam.


> Just port to spawn like everyone else is doing,or log off and relogg when you spot a roamer.Or better yet ! Call the blob for those 2 guys.


when did I say that "I" had a problem with dealing with roamers? I don't have a problem with them (in terms of them ganking me, or having trouble killing them), but I do think they are unintended and a cheap form of playing wvw that wasn't really intended. I also think that 90% of the kills they get are purely to grief others as opposed to actually being an asset to the server.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @Caedmon.6798 said:

> > These are the people i love to hunt down when i roam.

> >

> > Just port to spawn like everyone else is doing,or log off and relogg when you spot a roamer.Or better yet ! Call the blob for those 2 guys.


> when did I say that "I" had a problem with dealing with roamers? I don't have a problem with them (in terms of them ganking me, or having trouble killing them), but I do think they are unintended and a cheap form of playing wvw that wasn't really intended. I also think that 90% of the kills they get are purely to grief others as opposed to actually being an asset to the server.


Solo roamers are an asset to a server though.


-Taps Keeps/Towers

-Kills stray players thus limiting how many people are on the zerg

-Flips Sentries/Camps/Yaks

-Valuable scouting information on the enemy zerg

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> It's amazing, anytime I make a post about some aspect of wvw that is bullying, I get bullied. Anytime I make an observation about an aspect of the gameplay, others assume it's happening to me and then I get bullied. What a nice place.


> Everything I posted is true too, and nobody can really deny it.


You refer to a single person killing another person or persons in a pvp setting with pve elements that are LEVEL 80, as bullying, you assume this person is running a specific type of gear, you assume all those being killed by this person are a certain level, running a certain type of non optimal gear, saying that these poor players were merely running back to the zerg that would no doubt 50v1 any solo player they come across without hesitation. Never mentioning how you know who's running what gear, never saying that you yourself stopped to help these poor under level undergeared teammates, yet want everyone here to feel sorry for your teammates when you yourself apparently don't care enough do anything about it other than making a thread calling single roamers in a pvp setting, running perhaps optimal gear and food (just like 90% of any zerg) bullies.


If these guys can't handle single roamers, they'd never survive more than 5 seconds in the middle of a ZvZ and a sentry could take them down with one shot. Is the sentry a bully as well? Or is it still only those that choose to explore more of their buttons that #1?

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @Caedmon.6798 said:

> > These are the people i love to hunt down when i roam.

> >

> > Just port to spawn like everyone else is doing,or log off and relogg when you spot a roamer.Or better yet ! Call the blob for those 2 guys.


> when did I say that "I" had a problem with dealing with roamers? I don't have a problem with them (in terms of them ganking me, or having trouble killing them), but I do think they are unintended and a cheap form of playing wvw that wasn't really intended. I also think that 90% of the kills they get are purely to grief others as opposed to actually being an asset to the server.


You shouldn't worry so much. All these supposed other players that you are spending a lot of time watching can come to the forums to post about the issue. Funny enough though, they don't. As HazyDaisy said, why are you just watching if it bothers you? Why aren't you forming your own gank squad to assist these poor roamers? Your motives are extemely suspect, and that's why your posts _always_ get this kind of reaction. Wording matters.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> The OP understands well how his posts are worded. Responses come in, and he states he is bullied. It is a consistent M.O.


> Honestly, like many people searching for a response or attention, a lack of responses is the best.


It's why I begged you all to just stop. There is a clear pattern, and I'm not certain responses are helping this person.

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So everyone defends this type of gameplay even though it's low skill and unfair and griefing, then when someone (me) points this out, I'm a troll, and deserve to be bullied/made fun of or have my skill insulted, even though I never said I had a problem dealing with roamers, everyone just assumed I must. Well you're all wrong.


Raptor does 2 birds with one stone, eliminates roamers and makes wvw more fast paced, problem and solution addressed.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> The OP understands well how his posts are worded. Responses come in, and he states he is bullied. It is a consistent M.O.


> Honestly, like many people searching for a response or attention, a lack of responses is the best.


Can you block somebody on the forums where you can't see their threads? That might do the trick!

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> So everyone defends this type of gameplay even though it's low skill and unfair and griefing, then when someone (me) points this out, I'm a troll, and deserve to be bullied/made fun of or have my skill insulted, even though I never said I had a problem dealing with roamers, everyone just assumed I must. Well you're all wrong.


> Raptor does 2 birds with one stone, eliminates roamers and makes wvw more fast paced, problem and solution addressed.


You are definitely fake news. By your horrible logic taking keeps and towers from the enemies would be considered griefing. It is perfectly fair because -anyone- can roam. Whether or not it is low skill is irrelevant, because WvW itself is a giant unskilled clusterfuck, roaming around in a blob of people requires 0 skill too.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> I don't think roaming was ever an intended activity in wvw personally.


After the second straight nerf to trueshot in wvw, I'm calling bull shit on this. They specifically balance for some roaming builds although it is far less common than balance directed towards pvp only, or zerg vs zerg gameplay.

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No offense, but this is typical zergling thought process. You can't play your class well and require 50 ppl so you can hit 1. Not all roamers where vit / tough gear, and one-trick pony builds. I'm not saying they don't exist, but most roamers are more about skilled fights with other skilled individuals, and enjoy havoc as well. That being said, if you are in WvW blob or no, you are fair game for attack, shouldn't matter if it's from a roamer or another zergling.


If you are having problems outside of your blob, maybe play some PvP and learn how to fight outside said blob.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> I don't think roaming was ever an intended activity in wvw personally. I agree with zergs (of course) and havoc groups but roaming feels like a cheap gimmick. All I ever see from players who roam are 1v1 oriented builds that are extremely overpowered vs anything else other then 1v1 builds. They usually stack Vit + Tough so that they stay alive forever and whittle other players they come across until they finally drop. Since its not SPvP, they can reset the fight for themselves an infinite number of times through, movement skills, stealth or defensive traits and the victim has nowhere to hide (unlike spvp) because the map is so open.


> Most of these roamers run full ascended gear, with food + utility and completely overpowered specs + stats that are completely suited for 1v1 play (even using stats combinations that are banned in spvp because they are too imbalanced and deemed OP). They tend to mostly encounter players running back to the zerg whom are not suited for 1v1 play, or in most scenarios sub level 80's or new 80's still in greens, whom they mercilessly hack away at and grief. Yes you can argue that roamers stem the tide of reinforcements to the zerg, but really the impact is negligible and it mostly amounts to trolling and griefing, then actually bringing the server a tactical advantage, especially since wvw centers around large scale zerg battles.


> I think adding the raptor would solve this type of imbalanced bullying. It would allow players to traverse the map quicker, and get back to their zerg/havoc squads faster. It would allow them to get back into action faster, making wvw more fast paced. Lastly it would completely eliminate most roamers, because its pretty hard to stop someone running by at full speed on a raptor. I think this is a change that is needed to combat an aspect of wvw that was never really intended and would bring QoL improvements to the game mode.


Roaming's been my go to since launch. And they're great for the game because they cap camps and towers without half the server following a commander tag. That's to say, they distract opponents while the larger guilds can take on larger more necessary fights.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @Caedmon.6798 said:

> > These are the people i love to hunt down when i roam.

> >

> > Just port to spawn like everyone else is doing,or log off and relogg when you spot a roamer.Or better yet ! Call the blob for those 2 guys.


> when did I say that "I" had a problem with dealing with roamers? I don't have a problem with them (in terms of them ganking me, or having trouble killing them), but I do think they are unintended and a cheap form of playing wvw that wasn't really intended. I also think that 90% of the kills they get are purely to grief others as opposed to actually being an asset to the server.


Just because i like to have small scale fights and roam around,cap camps instead of blobfights and try to ninja towers i should be excluded from the gamemode ? You just obviously never roamed before and dont know how important it can be to a server,depending on what the roamers feel like doing at that time.


If i roam with 2 - 3 i skip solos ,i only fight outmanned fights,youre talking about gankers..not roamers.

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> @Caedmon.6798 said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > @Caedmon.6798 said:

> > > These are the people i love to hunt down when i roam.

> > >

> > > Just port to spawn like everyone else is doing,or log off and relogg when you spot a roamer.Or better yet ! Call the blob for those 2 guys.

> >

> > when did I say that "I" had a problem with dealing with roamers? I don't have a problem with them (in terms of them ganking me, or having trouble killing them), but I do think they are unintended and a cheap form of playing wvw that wasn't really intended. I also think that 90% of the kills they get are purely to grief others as opposed to actually being an asset to the server.


> Just because i like to have small scale fights and roam around,cap camps instead of blobfights and try to ninja towers i should be excluded from the gamemode ? You just obviously never roamed before and dont know how important it can be to a server,depending on what the roamers feel like doing at that time.


> If i roam with 2 - 3 i skip solos ,i only fight outmanned fights,youre talking about gankers..not roamers.


aren't gankers and roamers the same thing? They do the same activities... namely look for unfair fights.

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> @sephiroth.4217 said:

> we should just get rid of enemies all together and focus on killing lords only!




> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> So everyone defends this type of gameplay even though it's low skill and unfair and griefing, then when someone (me) points this out, I'm a troll, and deserve to be bullied/made fun of or have my skill insulted, even though I never said I had a problem dealing with roamers, everyone just assumed I must. Well you're all wrong.


> Raptor does 2 birds with one stone, eliminates roamers and makes wvw more fast paced, problem and solution addressed.


Just say you want mounts, there are other threads asking for them. But, just because, I'll tell you how it'd probably play out vs what you think it'd accomplish.


It's worth noting first, since it's the basis of the argument, that if a sub level 80 (or even an improperly equipped 80) is in wvw for whatever reason...most likely they don't have enough rank points for a wvw mounting mastery or any other mastery, but what the hey, here goes:


1) You would have to own POF (because B2W)


2) The roamer would still unlock raptor before the low ranks (because eotm rank farming and extra points)


3) The roamer would still chase down the low ranks and stomp them, only faster (because OP mount mastery).


And then the real fun begins:


4) While running (because no rank points = no masteries) Low rank finally catches sight of tag (without being chased down by someone, something or crashing while on the way (again by foot) to tag), tag takes off on raptor without warning, as an enemy zerg approaches those inches behind tag on foot and stampeeds them....

"Mounts in WVW is bullying to low ranks and those that didn't upgrade, we're being left behind to die by our squads"


5) Post mount forum discuasion summary:

"Anet servers can't handle Mount lag"

"It's not their servers, it's your computer!"

"But lag wasn't this bad before"

"Git gud"


6) On the offchance non mounted squads are formed (for the low ranks and those that didn't upgrade) "there's no one to fight, all the enemies are mounted and have a clear advantage"


7) For those in a majority mounted squad "No one fights, everyone leaps right past our zergs and roamers and one guy even leapt into our EBG KEEP and ported his whole zerg in"


6) Mixed pug groups:

Mr Tag : Squad "Stay on tag, do not push ahead"

Zergling: "You're not my father"

Mr Tag: "I'm logging, GL all"


7) 6 months later: "Wvw is dead"


Note, none of these things solve any alleged individual player problems, unless you count the possible computer crashing as handling the alleged problem.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @Cirrion.8951 said:

> > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > I don't think roaming was ever an intended activity in wvw personally. I agree with zergs (of course) and havoc groups but roaming feels like a cheap gimmick. All I ever see from players who roam are 1v1 oriented builds that are extremely overpowered vs anything else other then 1v1 builds. They usually stack Vit + Tough so that they stay alive forever and whittle other players they come across until they finally drop. Since its not SPvP, they can reset the fight for themselves an infinite number of times through, movement skills, stealth or defensive traits and the victim has nowhere to hide (unlike spvp) because the map is so open.

> > >

> > > Most of these roamers run full ascended gear, with food + utility and completely overpowered specs + stats that are completely suited for 1v1 play (even using stats combinations that are banned in spvp because they are too imbalanced and deemed OP). They tend to mostly encounter players running back to the zerg whom are not suited for 1v1 play, or in most scenarios sub level 80's or new 80's still in greens, whom they mercilessly hack away at and grief. Yes you can argue that roamers stem the tide of reinforcements to the zerg, but really the impact is negligible and it mostly amounts to trolling and griefing, then actually bringing the server a tactical advantage, especially since wvw centers around large scale zerg battles.

> > >

> > > I think adding the raptor would solve this type of imbalanced bullying. It would allow players to traverse the map quicker, and get back to their zerg/havoc squads faster. It would allow them to get back into action faster, making wvw more fast paced. Lastly it would completely eliminate most roamers, because its pretty hard to stop someone running by at full speed on a raptor. I think this is a change that is needed to combat an aspect of wvw that was never really intended and would bring QoL improvements to the game mode.

> >

> > So wait, which is it? Are roamers having a negligible effect or are they enough of a problem that it needs fixing? It can't really be both.


> It's both, roaming is basically trolling and bullying, and does almost nothing for the server. More then one roamer is a havoc, and I'm fine with that. the solution to eliminate solo roamers while keeping group roamers (havoc) viable is the raptor mount.


> A solo roamer most likely can't stop someone on a raptor, a havoc group most likely could. So plz put the raptor in wvw.


You must not be reading most of the responses against what you're saying. roaming is NOT bullying and trolling. Roaming does a LOT for a server in the way of taking enemy camps, killing yaks, scouting and so on. Just because you get your butt kicked by us roamers doesn't mean that we don't provide a huge and good function in WvW. As other people have suggested... learn to give us a challenge, build your fighter for more than a drone in a zerg and so on. This is a great part of WvW for those that don't like blobbing around that much, and is a great support tool for the zergs/blobs.


oh and a Raptor? I bet if you brought one of those to WvW I could cut him down fast then stomp on the riders head a few seconds later.. Then what you want? Raptors, Jackals? Maybe some dive bombing flyers? Noooo... all you should want is to learn to fight us!

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