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Bundle Looter daily waiting time.

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Is there any chance this daily can be changed in future.. having to wait up to 2 hours sometimes just to do this daily for the Favour is really annoying.


Could the Favour be made more easily obtainable as a reward for completing any of the meta's in that event chain instead of having to wait for Bundle Looter?

Day Trader and Kite Chaser are fine, quick and easy ones to do but Bundle Looter is awful because of the wait time.. which as I mentioned is sometimes up to 2 hours!

Some days I just don't have the time to wait around for this event.. and others, I'll get distracted doing other things or playing other games and I end up missing it. >.<


I know it's probably a small nitpicky thing but man would I just love to not see this daily again next year.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> It takes less than a minute to do and is first available 35 minutes after daily reset.


Which doesn't help you if you log on 45 minutes after daily reset, or any 2 hours thereafter. And let's say you're late and then you go do other stuff in game, and suddenly 2 hours have passed and you remember oh yeah! Bundles! But you're too late again.


Not everyone is playing at the same time, for the same length of time, and like the OP said, you can easily find yourself with a very long wait time when this one rolls around. Given that there is only one way per day to get this favor it would be nice if they would put it on a different event, run the event more often, or at the very least have the favor be purchaseable for treasure - 1x daily limit. That way you can sit around for the event once and use your stockpile other days.

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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > It takes less than a minute to do and is first available 35 minutes after daily reset.


> Which doesn't help you if you log on 45 minutes after daily reset, or any 2 hours thereafter. And let's say you're late and then you go do other stuff in game, and suddenly 2 hours have passed and you remember oh yeah! Bundles! But you're too late again.


> Not everyone is playing at the same time, for the same length of time, and like the OP said, you can easily find yourself with a very long wait time when this one rolls around. Given that there is only one way per day to get this favor it would be nice if they would put it on a different event, run the event more often, or at the very least have the favor be purchaseable for treasure - 1x daily limit. That way you can sit around for the event once and use your stockpile other days.


The wiki has a page that has the schedule for all of the events including this one. This particular daily is only available every three days so players with extremely limited play times can plan their schedule accordingly if they want the ticket from it.







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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> The wiki has a page that has the schedule for all of the events including this one. This particular daily is only available every three days so players with extremely limited play times can plan their schedule accordingly if they want the ticket from it.


I really don't know how you think this is helpful. If we're having a discussion about the problem of the nearest grocery store being two hours away and your input is "well, yes, but you can always check the bus schedule," 1. Everyone already knows that and 2. It isn't even relevant to the "how can we make this task more convenient" topic.


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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > The wiki has a page that has the schedule for all of the events including this one. This particular daily is only available every three days so players with extremely limited play times can plan their schedule accordingly if they want the ticket from it.


> I really don't know how you think this is helpful. If we're having a discussion about the problem of the nearest grocery store being two hours away and your input is "well, yes, but you can always check the bus schedule," 1. Everyone already knows that and 2. It isn't even relevant to the "how can we make this task more convenient" topic.



Why does it need to be more convenient? There are metas that take over an hour. There are world bosses that only spawn at specific times. There are metas that spawn at specific times. This is something you’d expect in MMOs. Why is this particular event suddenly an issue after 2 years?

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It's always been an issue. People just only have reason to discuss it during the festival. And this isnt a meta, it's a simple daily for a festival, and also one that gates a unique daily reward and also happens to be grossly disproportionate in availability to every other FFotFW daily. So yes, many people would like it to be more convenient.


Do you have a reason why it shouldnt other than you personally don't mind waiting? It wouldnt affect your gameplay. It wouldnt affect the game economy - reward is account bound and easily obtainable every other day and the things you can buy with favors arent sellable or part of achievements. So what is your problem?

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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> It's always been an issue. People just only have reason to discuss it during the festival. And this isnt a meta, it's a simple daily for a festival, and also one that gates a unique daily reward and also happens to be grossly disproportionate in availability to every other FFotFW daily. So yes, many people would like it to be more convenient.



Always? You sure? It is a daily for doing part of the meta. It’s not gating because there are four dailies and you only need to do three. It’s available 35 min after reset and it’s fairly easy to schedule for this one. It’s also only the daily once every three days.


> Do you have a reason why it shouldnt other than you personally don't mind waiting? It wouldnt affect your gameplay. It wouldnt affect the game economy - reward is account bound and easily obtainable every other day and the things you can buy with favors arent sellable or part of achievements. So what is your problem?


Do you have a reason why it should be changed other than being impatient?

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Always? You sure?


Yes, every year of the festival.


> It is a daily for doing part of the meta. It’s not gating because there are four dailies and you only need to do three.


The fact that it's not required for the "complete three events" festival reward is not the topic of conversation. It's the fact that it is the only possible source of Favor of the Bazaar on days that it's up. You're being very disingenuous here.


> It’s available 35 min after reset and it’s fairly easy to schedule for this one. It’s also only the daily once every three days.


Again, it's utterly irrelevant how many minutes after reset it spawns because players don't base their play on reset, they base it on their schedule. You might as well point out that it occurs 113 minutes after 5:27 EST for all the relevance it has to any particular player. This is a non-point. So, for that matter, is that it's the daily every third day - on days WHEN it is up it is THE source for Favor of the Bazaar, which IS the topic at hand.


> Do you have a reason why it should be changed other than being impatient?


I and other people have given their reasons repeatedly and extensively here, but good job avoiding the question and trying to turn it back on me. Proportionality and convenience are very valid reasons from my point of view. You have offered nothing to support yours, other than I guess you get some kind of thrill out knowing that there are people sitting around waiting for a very long time to do this event.

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> I feel like they addressed this concern right from the start but requiring only 3 of 5 events.


They didn't, because you aren't understanding the actual concern. Again, the problem isn't related to the daily "meta." The problem is the Favor of the Bazaar that is the reward for this particular daily.

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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Always? You sure?


> Yes, every year of the festival.



First time I’ve seen this.


> > It is a daily for doing part of the meta. It’s not gating because there are four dailies and you only need to do three.


> The fact that it's not required for the "complete three events" festival reward is not the topic of conversation. It's the fact that it is the only possible source of Favor of the Bazaar on days that it's up. You're being very disingenuous here.



You brought it up the complete three daily thing so please don’t turn this around on me. I have never said that it wasn’t the only source. Please stop being disingenuous and twisting things around.


> > It’s available 35 min after reset and it’s fairly easy to schedule for this one. It’s also only the daily once every three days.


> Again, it's utterly irrelevant how many minutes after reset it spawns because players don't base their play on reset, they base it on their schedule. You might as well point out that it occurs 113 minutes after 5:27 EST for all the relevance it has to any particular player. This is a non-point. So, for that matter, is that it's the daily every third day - on days WHEN it is up it is THE source for Favor of the Bazaar, which IS the topic at hand.



It’s at set time intervals which requires only a minute to obtain the 25 treasure. There are other things and rewards that are only obtainable at specific times. Why does this have to be treated differently?


> > Do you have a reason why it should be changed other than being impatient?


> I and other people have given their reasons repeatedly and extensively here, but good job avoiding the question and trying to turn it back on me. Proportionality and convenience are very valid reasons from my point of view. You have offered nothing to support yours, other than I guess you get some kind of thrill out knowing that there are people sitting around waiting for a very long time to do this event.


You can argue proportionality and convenience for many things. Kitten, you can use that argument to make the entire game like a single player game. This doesn’t mean that it’s something that should be done. Plus, how much of an issue is it really on players? Please don’t make things up on my intentions.

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If you are able to wait for 2 hours to get the daily, this is a patience and time management issue. The event is fixed and the time frame allows one to easily step out of the game or do something else between 2 events.


If you have very limited playtime, that's the only thing which would pose a problem. Say you have1 hour or less to play only (and the event isn't up during that timeframe). That's then unfortunate.


Not being able to self manage ones ingame activities or setting up a simple timer, if needed, is a personal problem.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> You brought it up the complete three daily thing so please don’t turn this around on me. I have never said that it wasn’t the only source. Please stop being disingenuous and twisting things around.


Point out to me where I said that the daily meta was an issue. Go ahead, I'll wait. Oh, and I love how you tried to turn my exact phrasing back at me again there. You're a piece of work but rhetoric isn't your strong suit.


> It’s at set time intervals which requires only a minute to obtain the 25 treasure. There are other things and rewards that are only obtainable at specific times. Why does this have to be treated differently?


You aren't making the point you think you're making here. Yes, everything in the game operates on some kind of trigger - timing, pre-event, whatever. So what? Why does it automatically follow that the current timing is the best one? If it were set to run every 45 minutes it would still be on a timer at specific times like other events, and like before it would occur more frequently than some and less frequently than others. Why is "every 2 hours" the freaking word of god from on high?


> You can argue proportionality and convenience for many things. Kitten, you can use that argument to make the entire game like a single player game. This doesn’t mean that it’s something that should be done. Plus, how much of an issue is it really on players? Please don’t make things up on my intentions.


It's an issue for me and the other players posting here about it, clearly. It's not the biggest issue of course but who said it is? This is just about bringing attention to something that bugs us. Why does it have to rise to the top of your list to be a valid problem for players? And I HAVE TO "make things up" regarding your intentions because you STILL have yet to offer ANYTHING as your reasons for why it should stay as-is.


Just to get into the weeds a little, let's look at the other dailies:


* Banisher of Legends - Defeat a Boss Blitz boss. Can pretty much be done at will or with a short wait for Blitz to restart.

* Blitz Breaker - Complete a Blitz. Variable, but the most time it should take you is maybe 30 minutes if the blitz isn't ready yet and your map does 1 boss at a time. Most of the time you can map into an instance that's in-progress, or organize at least a silver run with a little effort.

* Bundle Looter - The topic at hand. Variable but there is no personal control over it - if you aren't there at the exact time it's running you have to wait until the next one, and not everyone has 2+ hours of play time.

* Day Trader - Available on demand any time

* Faster than Four Winds - Available on demand any time

* Gauntlet Gladiator - Available on demand any time

* Kite Chaser - Available on demand any time

* Watchknight Wrecker - Available on demand any time


So again, you can see that it is proportionally out of whack with the other dailies, which are ALL available at any time.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> If you are able to wait for 2 hours to get the daily, this is a patience and time management issue. The event is fixed and the time frame allows one to easily step out of the game or do something else between 2 events.


> If you have very limited playtime, that's the only thing which would pose a problem. Say you have1 hour or less to play only (and the event isn't up during that timeframe). That's then unfortunate.


> Not being able to self manage ones ingame activities or setting up a simple timer, if needed, is a personal problem.


Shocking, Cyn chimes in to say things should stay the same.


Have you EVER thought anything in the game wasn't perfect as-is?


As to your actual points, yes, some people have more limited play time, and festival stuff is SUPPOSED to be the least-commitment, most "fun casual" stuff in the game, so it's counterintuitive to make one of the festival dailies so far out of availability compared to the others.


I didn't know that it was demonstrative of a lack of self-discipline to not want to wait 2 hours for a little festival event that offers no prestige, coordination challenge, expensive drops, or any other reason that it couldn't happen more often. I forgot I was playing Patiently Waiting Time Manager 2. And oh, again, yeah, it's easy to go do other stuff in game, and just as easy to get wrapped up in WvW or a PvP match or an actual meta or some instanced content and miss the next timer too, if you're even playing that long.


I still want to know from any/all of you "stay the same" people - how does it make the game better for you or us for this particular event to be so infrequent?

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It does seem a bit strange that something time-limited like a festival would have the possibility of a 2-hour wait time for a daily. That by itself is no fun, but it's made even worse when that 2-hour daily is your only shot at the ticket half for that day.


A couple ways to improve it maybe:

- Increase the frequency of the treasure hunt event

- Let the daily be a do this OR do that achievement where some other activity would also count toward completion (Like how you can do faster than the four winds as a timed trial _or_ wait for the race event)


The festivals have been around for a few years now, so tweaking and improving them is, in my opinion, a good investment. Polish them up, make them sparkly, address minor QoL. People appreciate that kind of thing.

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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > If you are able to wait for 2 hours to get the daily, this is a patience and time management issue. The event is fixed and the time frame allows one to easily step out of the game or do something else between 2 events.

> >

> > If you have very limited playtime, that's the only thing which would pose a problem. Say you have1 hour or less to play only (and the event isn't up during that timeframe). That's then unfortunate.

> >

> > Not being able to self manage ones ingame activities or setting up a simple timer, if needed, is a personal problem.


> Shocking, Cyn chimes in to say things should stay the same.


> Have you EVER thought anything in the game wasn't perfect as-is?



I did not state that this is perfect. I said it requires a minimal amount of self control and organization. Those two are not the same.


You have not yet made a strong point or argument as to why this should change besides a simple: I can't wait or organize my life around an event on a fixed 2 hour timer.


> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> As to your actual points, yes, some people have more limited play time, and festival stuff is SUPPOSED to be the least-commitment, most "fun casual" stuff in the game, so it's counterintuitive to make one of the festival dailies so far out of availability compared to the others.


Can you provide a link for this? Because to me it seem you are making things up as you go.


There are certainly way grindier festival events than this.


If I had to guess, I'd say festival events are meant to keep players engaged and logged in to the game. An event on a 2 hour timer which can be completed quickly accomplished this just as an event which takes 30 minutes to completed but would be available at any time.


> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> I didn't know that it was demonstrative of a lack of self-discipline to not want to wait 2 hours for a little festival event that offers no prestige, coordination challenge, expensive drops, or any other reason that it couldn't happen more often.


You are literally describing lack of patience and trying to argue that the discipline which goes with it somehow relates to the reward or the prestige of the thing you are unhappy with. It does not.


> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

>I forgot I was playing Patiently Waiting Time Manager 2. And oh, again, yeah, it's easy to go do other stuff in game, and just as easy to get wrapped up in WvW or a PvP match or an actual meta or some instanced content and miss the next timer too, if you're even playing that long.



Okay, so now you basically confirm everything I said about how this is about patience and time management, yet literally complain about just those two things...


> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> I still want to know from any/all of you "stay the same" people - how does it make the game better for you or us for this particular event to be so infrequent?


It makes it different. Not all events are the same. Most of the festival events are already tiresome and boring. I'd imagine if they all were the same, this would be far worse. What do I appreciate about this specific event? It takes up around 1 minute of my time to complete. I personally much prefer this approach than having to allocate more fixed time to festival events.

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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > You brought it up the complete three daily thing so please don’t turn this around on me. I have never said that it wasn’t the only source. Please stop being disingenuous and twisting things around.


> Point out to me where I said that the daily meta was an issue. Go ahead, I'll wait. Oh, and I love how you tried to turn my exact phrasing back at me again there. You're a piece of work but rhetoric isn't your strong suit.



I went and checked and it looks like I saw unique daily reward and it registered as the choice chest for the weapons to me earlier. I guess I shouldn't read/answer posts between pulls.


> > It’s at set time intervals which requires only a minute to obtain the 25 treasure. There are other things and rewards that are only obtainable at specific times. Why does this have to be treated differently?


> You aren't making the point you think you're making here. Yes, everything in the game operates on some kind of trigger - timing, pre-event, whatever. So what? Why does it automatically follow that the current timing is the best one? If it were set to run every 45 minutes it would still be on a timer at specific times like other events, and like before it would occur more frequently than some and less frequently than others. Why is "every 2 hours" the freaking word of god from on high?



Setting it on a lower timer would conflict with other events on the map where an even occurs roughly every 30 minutes. Why does the timing have to be the best one?


> > You can argue proportionality and convenience for many things. Kitten, you can use that argument to make the entire game like a single player game. This doesn’t mean that it’s something that should be done. Plus, how much of an issue is it really on players? Please don’t make things up on my intentions.


> It's an issue for me and the other players posting here about it, clearly. It's not the biggest issue of course but who said it is? This is just about bringing attention to something that bugs us. Why does it have to rise to the top of your list to be a valid problem for players? And I HAVE TO "make things up" regarding your intentions because you STILL have yet to offer ANYTHING as your reasons for why it should stay as-is.



An issue for you? So if I were to check, I would see that you are never online when this event would be up? You also have almost 40K AP so clearly you're able to put the time into the game and go for things that don't fit the type of schedule that you've been asking for in this thread. I have given plenty of reasons to counter you but you've been ignoring them. Just because you don't agree with them doesn't mean that I haven't given any reasons. I see that you've been doing the new skimmer collection. So you can make time to do that but not the daily?


How much of an issue is this for people, really? This achievement has been a thing for two years. If there were actually complaints about this in previous years like you claimed, clearly it wasn't deemed an issue to remedy. A google search, and search on these forums, came up with nothing.


> Just to get into the weeds a little, let's look at the other dailies:


> * Banisher of Legends - Defeat a Boss Blitz boss. Can pretty much be done at will or with a short wait for Blitz to restart.

> * Blitz Breaker - Complete a Blitz. Variable, but the most time it should take you is maybe 30 minutes if the blitz isn't ready yet and your map does 1 boss at a time. Most of the time you can map into an instance that's in-progress, or organize at least a silver run with a little effort.

> * Bundle Looter - The topic at hand. Variable but there is no personal control over it - if you aren't there at the exact time it's running you have to wait until the next one, and not everyone has 2+ hours of play time.

> * Day Trader - Available on demand any time

> * Faster than Four Winds - Available on demand any time

> * Gauntlet Gladiator - Available on demand any time

> * Kite Chaser - Available on demand any time

> * Watchknight Wrecker - Available on demand any time


> So again, you can see that it is proportionally out of whack with the other dailies, which are ALL available at any time.


It's a daily that takes a minute to complete. You don't have to sit there and wait for the two hours as you can do something else whether it be in game or out of the game.


I don't see myself listing any additional reasons beyond what I have given. Since you've dismissed them as being non-existent, and continue to be aggressive in your posting to border-line rude, I see no more point in continuing. We’ll see next year whether Anet felt this was something worth changing.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Is there any chance this daily can be changed in future.. having to wait up to 2 hours sometimes just to do this daily for the Favour is really annoying.



you can try looking at timer websites or the wiki ( https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers ) then:


⇒ take note the next scheduled time/hour

⇒ grab your smartphone (or a real alarm clock) and set an alarm to 5 or 10 minutes before the scheduled time the event comes up

⇒ do something else / away from computer while waiting for the alarm on your phone :)


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Well this blew up overnight lol


I'll try to reply to as many as I can without writing a novel.. so here goes.


> @"Astyrah.4015" said:

> you can try looking at timer websites or the wiki ( https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers ) then:


Hi Astyrah, this is actually one of the first things I do when I boot up my computer.

Dailies are my first priority in multiple games before I start my gaming session.. so I load up the event timer for Bundle Looter the second I see it as a daily in Gw2.

While I agree it's helpful it doesn't actually do anything to help if I just missed an event or if the next chance I get to complete it is over an hour away.

Sure I could set an alarm or do other things in that time but I still have to wait up to 2 hours to get this particular daily done.. and that's the main problem, sometimes people don't have that time to spare and other's maybe we do but it means Gw2 ends up taking up a lot more of our free gaming time for that day that we originally planned to invest somewhere else.

If I make plans to play with friends on another game at a preset time I am put in a position where I have to interupt that activity to complete a daily in Gw2 or am forced to skip the daily and loose out on the daily Favour.


> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> It takes less than a minute to do and is first available 35 minutes after daily reset.


Daily reset isnt an option to plan around for most of us in EU either, for me personally daily reset occurs at 3Am so.. yeah it's just a bit impractical >.<


The amount of time it takes to complete the daily isn't the issue though, it's how frequently you can complete it due to the 2 hour wait time between the Treasure Hunts.

The easiest and best way I think Anet could remedy this is not to change the Treasure Hunt event in any way but rather change the daily so that completing any event within the same chain would count for the daily and provide the Favour.

So complete Bundle Looter, Skimmer Race event or Dolyak race event.. granted that would mean you'd have to participate to the end of the Treasure Hunt event for the reward but it would increase the accessability of the Favour.. a potential 2 hour wait becomes at most 30 mins instead which is far far better imo.


> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Why is this particular event suddenly an issue after 2 years?


This daily was an issue/annoyance in the past as well, I just never took the time to make a thread requesting a QOL update until recently.

For the most part I skipped this daily in the past just because it was too big an inconvinience most of the time.


> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Geez, I have twice as many Favors of the Bazaar as I do Favors of the Pavilion.

> I'd wish for easier/quicker methods to acquire Favors of the Pavilion.


That's interesting.

Pavillion favours are almost effortless to obtian.

Kill 1 boss during the Blitz.

Complete 1 Blitz meta event.

or Kill 1 boss in the Gauntlet Arena.


All 3 are extremely easy to obtain and require very little waiting time.

The longest being the Blitz Meta depending on whether your map is organized to kill the bosses efficiently or whether it's just one giant zerg going from boss to boss and massively scaling them up.. that one can get very tedious for sure.

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