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Current State of WvW

X T D.6458

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Spam Condis, Spam Condis, Spam Condis, Spam Condis, repeat ad nauseam

Spam cc's, Spam cc's, Spam cc's, Spam cc's, Spam cc's, repeat ad nauseam

Spam stealth, Spam stealth, Spam stealth, Spam Stealth, repeat ad nasueam



Backcap and afk to farm tickets, then avoid wvw for the rest of the week

Eagerly await the next pve content release so you have a reason to avoid wvw

Eagerly await a new game


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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> Spam Condis, Spam Condis, Spam Condis, Spam Condis, repeat ad nauseam

> Spam cc's, Spam cc's, Spam cc's, Spam cc's, Spam cc's, repeat ad nauseam

> Spam stealth, Spam stealth, Spam stealth, Spam Stealth, repeat ad nasueam

> LaaAaAaAaG


> Backcap and afk to farm tickets, then avoid wvw for the rest of the week

> Eagerly await the next pve content release so you have a reason to avoid wvw

> Eagerly await a new game



Pretty much truth. Also there is a MMO currently out right now that has decent RvR in it. And the best thing about this game's RvR or AvA. It's actually supported by it's developers.


Only cons are.

- It don't just rewards you for showing up and being bad.

- You'll have to farm for gear, thou the farm part is being taking away next week.

- You'll actually have to learn how to time your skills.

- No Passive Get Out of Jail free cards.

- Stealth has many counters and isn't easymode while roaming.

- You'll have to grind your champion points.

- Zerging here won't save you from a smaller group of players with higher skills.

- You don't get much rewards from just PvDing.

- You don't get rewarded for zerging down easy targets with much inferior numbers.

- Huge huge player skill gap allotted. (To the point 8 or 10 players can 10 v 60 players of equal gear and character level and still win.)

- No tab target

- No AOE cap for zergs to hide behind

- If you just want to be a bad player. That just want to spam one or two buttons. From the safety of your zerg, and win. YOU WILL JUST DIE WHILE DEALING NO DAMAGE!

- Only rewarding for those who are willing to invest the time and effort. In order to get good and gear up.


That's most of the cons.

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This is what happens when the Devs made the game basically about pressing all the buttons, all the time. Too much condi spamming, Too much boon spamming. Some fights will be simply who presses their attacks quickest will win, others will be who ever can spam the most boons the longest wins. Fighting someone who has 25 stacks of might within the first few seconds of a fight combined with being bunker built and reliant 100% on boons for damage is just poor game design.


Its about time that Anet stood up, admitted to their mistakes (i know wish upon a star thinking...) and actually do something about the mindless Condition spamming and the mindless Boon spamming. If you cant remove/corrupt boons then you will either lose or have to run from these Boon spam builds. Condition builds CAN be beaten but many a time you have to out play even average players to get a win because application of conditions are through the roof and into space and removals and counters of conditions are barely off the ground :/

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> This is what happens when the Devs made the game basically about pressing all the buttons, all the time. Too much condi spamming, Too much boon spamming. **Some fights will be simply who presses their attacks quickest will win**, others will be who ever can spam the most boons the longest wins. Fighting someone who has 25 stacks of might within the first few seconds of a fight combined with being bunker built and reliant 100% on boons for damage is just poor game design.


> Its about time that Anet stood up, admitted to their mistakes (i know wish upon a star thinking...) and actually do something about the mindless Condition spamming and the mindless Boon spamming. If you cant remove/corrupt boons then you will either lose or have to run from these Boon spam builds. Condition builds CAN be beaten but many a time you have to out play even average players to get a win because application of conditions are through the roof and into space and removals and counters of conditions are barely off the ground :/


This is the talks i here about gw2 in competitive games, quite embarrassing really. What is more embarrassing is when curious skeptic competitive players in those competitive games come to gw2 to experience it for themselves.


" Bad customer service spreads like wildfire "


In the end of the day, it's Anet loss

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > This is what happens when the Devs made the game basically about pressing all the buttons, all the time. Too much condi spamming, Too much boon spamming. **Some fights will be simply who presses their attacks quickest will win**, others will be who ever can spam the most boons the longest wins. Fighting someone who has 25 stacks of might within the first few seconds of a fight combined with being bunker built and reliant 100% on boons for damage is just poor game design.

> >

> > Its about time that Anet stood up, admitted to their mistakes (i know wish upon a star thinking...) and actually do something about the mindless Condition spamming and the mindless Boon spamming. If you cant remove/corrupt boons then you will either lose or have to run from these Boon spam builds. Condition builds CAN be beaten but many a time you have to out play even average players to get a win because application of conditions are through the roof and into space and removals and counters of conditions are barely off the ground :/


> This is the talks i here about gw2 in competitive games, quite embarrassing really. What is more embarrassing is when curious skeptic competitive players in those competitive games come to gw2 to experience it for themselves.


> " **Bad customer service spreads like wildfire** "


> In the end of the day, it's Anet loss


My issue with the game is that too many of the skills are too strong all the time, there isnt much of that "use this skill now" and "save that skill for when that person does that" When it comes do damage because of the insane power creep - is use all the damage, as soon as its off cool down. Too many insanely damaging abilities are on too short of a cool down as well which doesnt help things either.


The eSports obsession Anet had at the start was ALWAYS doomed to fail because for most cases builds decide fights, who ever presses their damaging abilities the quickest wins. Sure, there are good players but its hard to see who is REALLY good and who is even slightly carried by their builds and MANY people are carried by builds in this game. eSports was always doomed to fail, i said it during the BETA events , the combat is fun but at the same time due to the SHEER damage some times its who sees who first, i had that EXACT type of encounter last night against a Shatter Mesmer - if she got the first hit, i'd die. If i got the first hit. She would die. Too me, that isn't balance.

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > Spam Condis, Spam Condis, Spam Condis, Spam Condis, repeat ad nauseam

> > Spam cc's, Spam cc's, Spam cc's, Spam cc's, Spam cc's, repeat ad nauseam

> > Spam stealth, Spam stealth, Spam stealth, Spam Stealth, repeat ad nasueam

> > LaaAaAaAaG

> >

> > Backcap and afk to farm tickets, then avoid wvw for the rest of the week

> > Eagerly await the next pve content release so you have a reason to avoid wvw

> > Eagerly await a new game

> >


> Pretty much truth. Also there is a MMO currently out right now that has decent RvR in it. And the best thing about this game's RvR or AvA. It's actually supported by it's developers.


> Only cons are.

> - It don't just rewards you for showing up and being bad.

> - You'll have to farm for gear, thou the farm part is being taking away next week.

> - You'll actually have to learn how to time your skills.

> - No Passive Get Out of Jail free cards.

> - Stealth has many counters and isn't easymode while roaming.

> - You'll have to grind your champion points.

> - Zerging here won't save you from a smaller group of players with higher skills.

> - You don't get much rewards from just PvDing.

> - You don't get rewarded for zerging down easy targets with much inferior numbers.

> - Huge huge player skill gap allotted. (To the point 8 or 10 players can 10 v 60 players of equal gear and character level and still win.)

> - No tab target

> - No AOE cap for zergs to hide behind

> - If you just want to be a bad player. That just want to spam one or two buttons. From the safety of your zerg, and win. YOU WILL JUST DIE WHILE DEALING NO DAMAGE!

> - Only rewarding for those who are willing to invest the time and effort. In order to get good and gear up.


> That's most of the cons.


Only if you have a time machine so you can go back to 1.6, maybe you should go look at the ESO forums for threads QQing about zergs, how small groups have died, perma-block cancer, destro ult, etc, or look how most of the PvP streamers have quit the game (Sypher, King Richard, etc) and that even the biggest streamer left (Fengrush) who plays exclusively small group (I mean he used to solo but now considers that basically impossible unless you play stamblade or magsorc) can barely bring himself to play it. Slso go see his last vid "failed patch review" the prime ranting about the shit state of Cyrodil/PvP and the ineptidtude of the devs starts at about 19 mins in.



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I think anet can introduce an internal timer on all skills across all classes to prevent this who spams fastest wins situation. Better yet, anet can fix the timing between all skills to be benchmarked at the same timing for ultimate balance. So the player needs to only hold down the few skills he wants and they go off on their own.

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The state of the game is bad the de dev's should feel bad >:|


> @"Elementalist Owner.7802" said:

> I actually kinda like this meta. Maybe that's because I've been playing spellbreaker hehe


Spellbreaker is actually fine, the only issue is that the game is not ment to be a skillfull game, but that affects all classes not only spellbreaker.


EDIT; Full counter is to skilless and gives to much as well, punishing players that are not even engaged with the spellbreaker interurpting trough block and removing boon(stability).. herrrmmm.. its just hide your full counter behidn the tons of visual clutter that some idio will trigger and punish who is at melee w/o counter.. :expressionless:


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> @Aeolus.3615 said:

> Spellbreaker is actually fine, the only issue is that the game is not ment to be a skillfull game, but that affects all classes not only spellbreaker.


I'd disagree. Spellbreaker isnt fine. It has everything that made warrior bad - Too much of pretty much everything. Sacrifices very little for insane regen, condition counter, damage, defenses and everything else. It is VERY true this game is targeted at low skill players, too many builds carry players with too much ease. This goes for all classes. All classes have "those" builds. The insanely easy (if not very boring) builds that can kill people with too much ease. Too much reward, too little risk.





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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @Aeolus.3615 said:

> > Spellbreaker is actually fine, the only issue is that the game is not ment to be a skillfull game, but that affects all classes not only spellbreaker.


> I'd disagree. Spellbreaker isnt fine. It has everything that made warrior bad - Too much of pretty much everything. Sacrifices very little for insane regen, condition counter, damage, defenses and everything else. It is VERY true this game is targeted at low skill players, too many builds carry players with too much ease. This goes for all classes. All classes have "those" builds. The insanely easy (if not very boring) builds that can kill people with too much ease. Too much reward, too little risk.


I've made this offer elsewhere, but depending on which server you're on I'd be happy to show you how to fight spellbreakers. They have all sorts of counters, to the point that I personally don't find them to be especially challenging or needing careful strategy in a fight (and I play strictly melee).

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:


> The eSports obsession Anet had at the start was ALWAYS doomed to fail because for most cases builds decide fights, who ever presses their damaging abilities the quickest wins. Sure, there are good players but its hard to see who is REALLY good and who is even slightly carried by their builds and MANY people are carried by builds in this game. eSports was always doomed to fail, i said it during the BETA events , the combat is fun but at the same time due to the SHEER damage some times its who sees who first, i had that EXACT type of encounter last night against a Shatter Mesmer - if she got the first hit, i'd die. If i got the first hit. She would die. Too me, that isn't balance.


This is one of the problems with fights, especially with small scale/roaming. Often times when fighting broken classes like mesmer's or thieves it feels like skill has no place, it is only about who can land that first burst in because otherwise it is not even worth the time to fight them in all honesty. They will either burst you down quickly, or stealth and shadowstep away and reset.


This game has the absolute best combat system of any game that I have ever played, hands down. But the pathetic state of class balance and the apparent lack of will by the balance devs to properly split balance between game modes makes it very hard to enjoy at times.


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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @Aeolus.3615 said:

> > Spellbreaker is actually fine, the only issue is that the game is not ment to be a skillfull game, but that affects all classes not only spellbreaker.


> I'd disagree. Spellbreaker isnt fine. It has everything that made warrior bad - Too much of pretty much everything. Sacrifices very little for insane regen, condition counter, damage, defenses and everything else. It is VERY true this game is targeted at low skill players, too many builds carry players with too much ease. This goes for all classes. All classes have "those" builds. The insanely easy (if not very boring) builds that can kill people with too much ease. Too much reward, too little risk.






I do not have an issue with spellbreakers in zerg fights, warriors are not an aoe spam class, need to carefully manage their cooldowns and have to be up close to pop their bursts/full counters in order to use their survivability traits. In small scale, it can be straight up broken though.

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