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A quick PvP class summary?

Seb De Tyra.3421

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> @"aymnad.9023" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > No idea what's going on in EU, but lately in NA I am the only Ranger that I ever see in ATs. Of course that statement isn't counting G1 casuals who join ATs with any and all possible build structures. When I say I'm the only Ranger playing in NA ATs right now, I mean players who are like P1+.


> Actually I was referring to the "pre-feb ranger was already winning against war". War brings more to its team so we will slowly get back there. Right now I am now trying a different profession / build every season because I do not enjoy ranger current state.

> It took me some time to dig up this old thread because I forgot I answered in it. I went over quite a few pages to find it :)

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1142758




Thanks for posting. I had forgotten about that thread.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> Dunno now, but pre Feb, SB has no chance against ranger, unless ranger insists on fighting on the point.


> Warriors were not doing well pre Feb, mirage, FB and weaver could easily pummel them. I used to play sage FB and I could out sustain and out damage much better than SB could. And I had very soft counters. Ironically, warrior is stronger solo now, but the low damage makes them a bad option most of the time.


> There is little that works nowadays, and you should stick to it.


> OP if you multiclass play necro, engi or rev. Ele and thief for support and decap.


> If not, guardian and ranger are acceptable, if you stick to the meta builds.


> Do not play warrior or Mesmer. Do not play non meta builds. You will not have a good time if you do.


Warriors fairly good against what ppl play for ranger rn, but that only becuz things like healing spring and menders do nothing to stop the burst from zerker builds. If a ranger chooses to play a variant of the meta with some toughness it’s actually fairly ez to win as a ranger

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > Yeah, bellow the bell curve probably, where Ranger is always strong and people don't know how to play War. The community has gone over this several times in several threads already. Things literally "play out differently" at P2+ and AT levels of play. Ranger builds keep getting nerfed due to bell curve complaints and then they suck in higher tiered play.


> I am talking about p3 level of play


p3 doesn't exist on NA

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Tharan.9085" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> >

> > > Ranger is not beating War/Spellbreaker right now. That's bologna. I don't think you're quite understanding what happened to this match up when Ranger lost a ton of stab access & uptime after the GREAT nerf patch. It's an equal match up at worst in most cases nowadays. However Warrior/Spellbreaker can easy tweak its build to deal with a particular Ranger before a match, and due to this War/Spellbreaker technically light counters Ranger. It's very easily for War/Spellbreaker to swap a couple things around without messing with his build much, and it can counter a targeted Ranger build very hard.

> > >

> > > Examples:

> > >

> > > * A glass cannon Soulbeast? No prob = Run glass cannon Spellbreaker, it counters glass cannon Soulbeast

> > > * A Core Ranger Side Node? No prob = Run extra CC and/or boon removal to keep the prot/regen off so it can't heal

> > > * A Druid or some Condi variant? No prob = Run something more sustainy like Vaans runs and the War will out-sustain and win in time

> > >

> > >

> > > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > > > > @"Tycura.1982" said:

> > > > > Uhhh pre-feb ranger lost to war

> > > >

> > > > One of the only times I agree with KrHome, ranger always won unless there were other factors.

> > >

> > > Yeah, bellow the bell curve probably, where Ranger is always strong and people don't know how to play War. The community has gone over this several times in several threads already. Things literally "play out differently" at P2+ and AT levels of play. Ranger builds keep getting nerfed due to bell curve complaints and then they suck in higher tiered play.

> > .

> >

> > Ranger is a hardcounter to Warrior btw.


> You're not listening.


> Some Ranger builds can counter certain War builds. But some War builds counter certain Ranger builds.


> The difference is that the War can tweak for counter with only a couple changes and it won't effect his performance vs. other classes/builds so much in that match. Ranger on the other hand, has to drastically alter its build to be able to deal with a War build that it knows it's going to struggle against, which can greatly effect its performance in a match vs. other classes/builds. In the game of swap swap for counters, War wins. I mean the difference between a Core Ranger side node and a Soulbeast + is an entire different job role. So a Ranger isn't simply tweaking a couple things on its build, it has to alter its entire team comp to attempt to work around a War player who is wise enough to play counters.


> Come on boys, did you not learn anything from 2v2s and 3v3s after build templates were added? We're far past the days of comparing a single class meta vs. a single class meta. When comparing class/build vs. class/build, swapping needs to be considered in 2020. It is very real, and this is the game being played in higher tiers. When you want to say: "How does Spellbreaker compare to such and such" you have to consider that the guy on that Spellbreaker isn't running the same exact build over the course of 100 games played. If he's good, he'll be swapping and tweaking for the situation in each match, possibly even running War or Berserker in some situations where he knows he can get away with it for a weird flex counter type situation.


> ^ And that's what we're looking at which is, Ranger/Druid/Soulbeast as a whole class vs. War/Berserk/Spellbreaker as a whole class. These balance discussions are no longer as simple as pre-template pre-2s&3s comparisons.


If you loose as ranger vs warrior it's your fault.

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Thanks for all the feedback guys. I decided to go for thief after trying out ranger, thief and mesmer to 30 ish and watching tons of videos on YT. I normally play assassin types in games and i main jungle in LOL so thief seems similar playstyle to that. ONly downside is they aren't really good in WvW or 1v1 in Conquest but i'll take that for mobility, more fun than defending IMO.


I've been watching a guy called Vallun, really helpful and concise guy, surprised he doesn't have more views on his vids, he deserves it. Thanks once again for the feedback.


Also quick question, is there any costume that looks thief-like? I've been looking to buy one for leveling as i hate the normal gear and don't mind spending money on something i like but they all look like they're made for plate wearers, casters or hunters. Maybe i missed one.

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> @"Seb De Tyra.3421" said:

> Thanks for all the feedback guys. I decided to go for thief after trying out ranger, thief and mesmer to 30 ish and watching tons of videos on YT. I normally play assassin types in games and i main jungle in LOL so thief seems similar playstyle to that. ONly downside is they aren't really good in WvW or 1v1 in Conquest but i'll take that for mobility, more fun than defending IMO.


> I've been watching a guy called Vallun, really helpful and concise guy, surprised he doesn't have more views on his vids, he deserves it. Thanks once again for the feedback.


> Also quick question, is there any costume that looks thief-like? I've been looking to buy one for leveling as i hate the normal gear and don't mind spending money on something i like but they all look like they're made for plate wearers, casters or hunters. Maybe i missed one.


Check out the sneak thief outfit, comes with tabi boots and shuriken on the boots and belt, kinda looks like a armored robe of sorts.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Seb De Tyra.3421" said:

> > Thanks for all the feedback guys. I decided to go for thief after trying out ranger, thief and mesmer to 30 ish and watching tons of videos on YT. I normally play assassin types in games and i main jungle in LOL so thief seems similar playstyle to that. ONly downside is they aren't really good in WvW or 1v1 in Conquest but i'll take that for mobility, more fun than defending IMO.

> >

> > I've been watching a guy called Vallun, really helpful and concise guy, surprised he doesn't have more views on his vids, he deserves it. Thanks once again for the feedback.

> >

> > Also quick question, is there any costume that looks thief-like? I've been looking to buy one for leveling as i hate the normal gear and don't mind spending money on something i like but they all look like they're made for plate wearers, casters or hunters. Maybe i missed one.


> Check out the sneak thief outfit, comes with tabi boots and shuriken on the boots and belt, kinda looks like a armored robe of sorts.


Ah nice! Yes, think i will be collecting this. I'm so bored of the trenchcoat look.

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> @"Seb De Tyra.3421" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Seb De Tyra.3421" said:

> > > Thanks for all the feedback guys. I decided to go for thief after trying out ranger, thief and mesmer to 30 ish and watching tons of videos on YT. I normally play assassin types in games and i main jungle in LOL so thief seems similar playstyle to that. ONly downside is they aren't really good in WvW or 1v1 in Conquest but i'll take that for mobility, more fun than defending IMO.

> > >

> > > I've been watching a guy called Vallun, really helpful and concise guy, surprised he doesn't have more views on his vids, he deserves it. Thanks once again for the feedback.

> > >

> > > Also quick question, is there any costume that looks thief-like? I've been looking to buy one for leveling as i hate the normal gear and don't mind spending money on something i like but they all look like they're made for plate wearers, casters or hunters. Maybe i missed one.

> >

> > Check out the sneak thief outfit, comes with tabi boots and shuriken on the boots and belt, kinda looks like a armored robe of sorts.


> Ah nice! Yes, think i will be collecting this. I'm so bored of the trenchcoat look.


I'm sry to say it is a type of trenchcoat/robe lol but a armored one, I think it looks cool tho

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> @"Seb De Tyra.3421" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Seb De Tyra.3421" said:

> > > Thanks for all the feedback guys. I decided to go for thief after trying out ranger, thief and mesmer to 30 ish and watching tons of videos on YT. I normally play assassin types in games and i main jungle in LOL so thief seems similar playstyle to that. ONly downside is they aren't really good in WvW or 1v1 in Conquest but i'll take that for mobility, more fun than defending IMO.

> > >

> > > I've been watching a guy called Vallun, really helpful and concise guy, surprised he doesn't have more views on his vids, he deserves it. Thanks once again for the feedback.

> > >

> > > Also quick question, is there any costume that looks thief-like? I've been looking to buy one for leveling as i hate the normal gear and don't mind spending money on something i like but they all look like they're made for plate wearers, casters or hunters. Maybe i missed one.

> >

> > Check out the sneak thief outfit, comes with tabi boots and shuriken on the boots and belt, kinda looks like a armored robe of sorts.


> Ah nice! Yes, think i will be collecting this. I'm so bored of the trenchcoat look.


> @"Seb De Tyra.3421" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Seb De Tyra.3421" said:

> > > Thanks for all the feedback guys. I decided to go for thief after trying out ranger, thief and mesmer to 30 ish and watching tons of videos on YT. I normally play assassin types in games and i main jungle in LOL so thief seems similar playstyle to that. ONly downside is they aren't really good in WvW or 1v1 in Conquest but i'll take that for mobility, more fun than defending IMO.

> > >

> > > I've been watching a guy called Vallun, really helpful and concise guy, surprised he doesn't have more views on his vids, he deserves it. Thanks once again for the feedback.

> > >

> > > Also quick question, is there any costume that looks thief-like? I've been looking to buy one for leveling as i hate the normal gear and don't mind spending money on something i like but they all look like they're made for plate wearers, casters or hunters. Maybe i missed one.

> >

> > Check out the sneak thief outfit, comes with tabi boots and shuriken on the boots and belt, kinda looks like a armored robe of sorts.


> Ah nice! Yes, think i will be collecting this. I'm so bored of the trenchcoat look.


There's a reason why the Metal Legion shirt is so popular among Medium classes :P

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Warrior is extremely trash, core war and berserker is garbage

spellbreaker is so annoying to fight against and cheese (goes with all the PoF elite specs) yet spellbreaker is still trash even with toxic mechanic and long duration daze spam because the rest of the kit from core war is completely garbage.

spellbreaker good in 1v1, garbage in 1vX, trash in teamfight, not demanded in any team comp


-perspective of a currently top 20 power rev and multi classer.

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> @"Kuma.1503" said:

> > @"Seb De Tyra.3421" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Seb De Tyra.3421" said:

> > > > Thanks for all the feedback guys. I decided to go for thief after trying out ranger, thief and mesmer to 30 ish and watching tons of videos on YT. I normally play assassin types in games and i main jungle in LOL so thief seems similar playstyle to that. ONly downside is they aren't really good in WvW or 1v1 in Conquest but i'll take that for mobility, more fun than defending IMO.

> > > >

> > > > I've been watching a guy called Vallun, really helpful and concise guy, surprised he doesn't have more views on his vids, he deserves it. Thanks once again for the feedback.

> > > >

> > > > Also quick question, is there any costume that looks thief-like? I've been looking to buy one for leveling as i hate the normal gear and don't mind spending money on something i like but they all look like they're made for plate wearers, casters or hunters. Maybe i missed one.

> > >

> > > Check out the sneak thief outfit, comes with tabi boots and shuriken on the boots and belt, kinda looks like a armored robe of sorts.

> >

> > Ah nice! Yes, think i will be collecting this. I'm so bored of the trenchcoat look.


> > @"Seb De Tyra.3421" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Seb De Tyra.3421" said:

> > > > Thanks for all the feedback guys. I decided to go for thief after trying out ranger, thief and mesmer to 30 ish and watching tons of videos on YT. I normally play assassin types in games and i main jungle in LOL so thief seems similar playstyle to that. ONly downside is they aren't really good in WvW or 1v1 in Conquest but i'll take that for mobility, more fun than defending IMO.

> > > >

> > > > I've been watching a guy called Vallun, really helpful and concise guy, surprised he doesn't have more views on his vids, he deserves it. Thanks once again for the feedback.

> > > >

> > > > Also quick question, is there any costume that looks thief-like? I've been looking to buy one for leveling as i hate the normal gear and don't mind spending money on something i like but they all look like they're made for plate wearers, casters or hunters. Maybe i missed one.

> > >

> > > Check out the sneak thief outfit, comes with tabi boots and shuriken on the boots and belt, kinda looks like a armored robe of sorts.

> >

> > Ah nice! Yes, think i will be collecting this. I'm so bored of the trenchcoat look.


> There's a reason why the Metal Legion shirt is so popular among Medium classes :P


It's because it looks really cute with viper skirt, and medium lacks good looking non-trenchcoat revealing tops.

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