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Will Jormag die in this Living World season?


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So spoiler ahead.


We have 3 more evil dragons to kill, so I am asuming Jormag will die sometime this season... while the expansion deals with Primordius or Bubbles, and then either Primordius or Bubbles for Season 6 of Living World.


But thats just my assumtion, I may be overlooking something since I am not too savy on the lore or Arenanet's machinations.

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The devs seem to be hinting it is time to move on from dragons now so they could well finish off Jormag and primordus this season.


I hope neither are killed off - the dragon story is nowhere near played out and rushing any deaths is not something I want to see, esp as Jormag is just getting interesting

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> @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> If they die, they will just be replaced by another dragon. What is the point? Or maybe aurene can conveniently be the only dragon that's left and we can just wait till it gets tired of being in a role it didn't choose for itself and decides to blow up the planet.


She would be floated with magic she cant handle.. so that would be a disaster indeed..

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> @"Cronospere.8143" said:

> > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > If they die, they will just be replaced by another dragon. What is the point? Or maybe aurene can conveniently be the only dragon that's left and we can just wait till it gets tired of being in a role it didn't choose for itself and decides to blow up the planet.


> She would be floated with magic she cant handle.. so that would be a disaster indeed..


That might be what happens which then leads us on a quest of finding replacements.

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I haven't played the last 2 episodes so im behind on the story atm.


But I hope not, While I very much enjoyed how well Kralkatorrik was done, I still believe that killing the games main and biggest antagonists during living world is a waste.

They should be set up during living world and saved for expansions, they deserve at least that much.


I think this whole End of Dragons thing is being taken a bit too literally by some.. I do not think the next expansion which takes place on another continent which has so far had absolutely no involvement with events on mainland Tyria will somehow play this big a part in the story that ends the Elder Dragons.


End of Dragons could mean something totally different there, the end of the Dragon Empire?, the end of the Saltspray's?, the end of some major part of their culture?.. it's too early to tell right now and we've too little to go on.


The Logo hints at 2 dragons.. could it be Sea Dragon and Jormag? one is white after all, Sea Dragon and Aurine? she is also white/clear, both Sea Dragon hinting at multiple heads like old concept art once depicted?..

Again we don't know.

We do know Jormag hinted at a threat on the horizon though and that we will need her help to deal with it.. Bangar also talked about creating a Charr empire that would span all the way to Cantha so maybe from that we can speculate that the expansion will come after IBS and it will feature Jormag and Sea dragon as enemies with us trapped in the middle.

Hell maybe we'll get to Cantha by following Jormag there after she freezes a chunk of the ocean.. who knows.


Either way a lot of us have speculated that Primordus maybe and probably should be the last big Dragon threat, so this certainly tends to support that might happen.

But we still have to answer the question of what happens if DSD and Jormag die in Cantha?


Kuunavang and Albax could be potential Elder Dragon candidates.. but I really hope it doesn't end up just being Aurine can handle it all.. that would really be a bad decision imo and would disappoint a good number of people.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I haven't played the last 2 episodes so im behind on the story atm.


> But I hope not, While I very much enjoyed how well Kralkatorrik was done, I still believe that killing the games main and biggest antagonists during living world is a waste.

> They should be set up during living world and saved for expansions, they deserve at least that much.


> I think this whole End of Dragons thing is being taken a bit too literally by some.. I do not think the next expansion which takes place on another continent which has so far had absolutely no involvement with events on mainland Tyria will somehow play this big a part in the story that ends the Elder Dragons.


> End of Dragons could mean something totally different there, the end of the Dragon Empire?, the end of the Saltspray's?, the end of some major part of their culture?.. it's too early to tell right now and we've too little to go on.


> The Logo hints at 2 dragons.. could it be Sea Dragon and Jormag? one is white after all, Sea Dragon and Aurine? she is also white/clear, both Sea Dragon hinting at multiple heads like old concept art once depicted?..

> Again we don't know.

> We do know Jormag hinted at a threat on the horizon though and that we will need her help to deal with it.. Bangar also talked about creating a Charr empire that would span all the way to Cantha so maybe from that we can speculate that the expansion will come after IBS and it will feature Jormag and Sea dragon as enemies with us trapped in the middle.

> Hell maybe we'll get to Cantha by following Jormag there after she freezes a chunk of the ocean.. who knows.


> Either way a lot of us have speculated that Primordus maybe and probably should be the last big Dragon threat, so this certainly tends to support that might happen.

> But we still have to answer the question of what happens if DSD and Jormag die in Cantha?


> Kuunavang and Albax could be potential Elder Dragon candidates.. but I really hope it doesn't end up just being Aurine can handle it all.. that would really be a bad decision imo and would disappoint a good number of people.


Well the teaser also talks about the cycle being reborn.


So it's fair to assume it's referring to the elder dragons.


If I had to guess I would say Jormag and Primordus kill each other this season. If not I could see Primordus moving south since there are already dredge tunnels leading from Northern Shiverpeaks to Cantha. The logo could be potentially hinting at one dragon below, and one above. So Primordus below and DSD above. But I think that's far less likely than it being two saltspreys competing for ascension or, symbolizing the resolution of the cycle completely and having TWO elder dragons that cycle magics similar to how Glint planned. Perhaps with Aurene and Kunavang.


I wouldn't think too much on the color scheme. It could also show one dragon, with its reflection rippling in a pool of water and choosing white was their way of showing the reflection as minimalist as possible, (especially given that it's a scaleable vector graphic that probably NEEDS to be as simple as possible and will be used on the login, website, and multiple other sources.)


I could see "End of Dragons" being about the end of the Dragon Empire, but then referencing the cycle being reborn makes it seem pretty straight forward.


You also have to consider how many people have openly voiced being tired of the Elder Dragon plot. We're at the point now where we can't kill anymore and we can't seem to trust them either, so there really isn't much room for them to devise new plots outside of killing them off. They've been alive for thousands of years and responsible for the falls of countless civilizations, I don't really see us being able to coax them into behaving nicely now, even with Aurene.


And honestly, keeping the plot centered around elder dragons forever kind of limits the playable space. I'd love to eventually see distant parts of Tyria and am glad we're finally getting to see Cantha to finish out the GW1 locations. If the franchise continues, which they've implied it will, we may see the potential for much more interesting things than Elder Dragons and may also pull in a bunch of new players that weren't huge fans of the elder dragon conflict.


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> @"Bast.7253" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > I haven't played the last 2 episodes so im behind on the story atm.

> >

> > But I hope not, While I very much enjoyed how well Kralkatorrik was done, I still believe that killing the games main and biggest antagonists during living world is a waste.

> > They should be set up during living world and saved for expansions, they deserve at least that much.

> >

> > I think this whole End of Dragons thing is being taken a bit too literally by some.. I do not think the next expansion which takes place on another continent which has so far had absolutely no involvement with events on mainland Tyria will somehow play this big a part in the story that ends the Elder Dragons.

> >

> > End of Dragons could mean something totally different there, the end of the Dragon Empire?, the end of the Saltspray's?, the end of some major part of their culture?.. it's too early to tell right now and we've too little to go on.

> >

> > The Logo hints at 2 dragons.. could it be Sea Dragon and Jormag? one is white after all, Sea Dragon and Aurine? she is also white/clear, both Sea Dragon hinting at multiple heads like old concept art once depicted?..

> > Again we don't know.

> > We do know Jormag hinted at a threat on the horizon though and that we will need her help to deal with it.. Bangar also talked about creating a Charr empire that would span all the way to Cantha so maybe from that we can speculate that the expansion will come after IBS and it will feature Jormag and Sea dragon as enemies with us trapped in the middle.

> > Hell maybe we'll get to Cantha by following Jormag there after she freezes a chunk of the ocean.. who knows.

> >

> > Either way a lot of us have speculated that Primordus maybe and probably should be the last big Dragon threat, so this certainly tends to support that might happen.

> > But we still have to answer the question of what happens if DSD and Jormag die in Cantha?

> >

> > Kuunavang and Albax could be potential Elder Dragon candidates.. but I really hope it doesn't end up just being Aurine can handle it all.. that would really be a bad decision imo and would disappoint a good number of people.


> Well the teaser also talks about the cycle being reborn.


> So it's fair to assume it's referring to the elder dragons.


True it does, although how it will be reborn is the big mystery there.. will they be replaced or changed in some way?

Perhaps it means the cycle will be reborn in the sense that it will all happen again and killing the Elder Dragons didn't save the world.. it just changed the power structure, Aurine and the other replacements doomed to become just like the Dragons we spent so long trying to destroy.


> If I had to guess I would say Jormag and Primordus kill each other this season. If not I could see Primordus moving south since there are already dredge tunnels leading from Northern Shiverpeaks to Cantha. The logo could be potentially hinting at one dragon below, and one above. So Primordus below and DSD above. But I think that's far less likely than it being two saltspreys competing for ascension or, symbolizing the resolution of the cycle completely and having TWO elder dragons that cycle magics similar to how Glint planned. Perhaps with Aurene and Kunavang.


To my knowledge Primordus is still asleep and there's been no indication of him waking up again without some kind of trigger.

I am 2 episodes behind atm though so I don't know if there are any recent developments with him in the last few episodes.


I wasn't talking about 2 saltsprays competing to ascend though I was thinking that both Kuunavang and Albax would replace DSD and Jormag and both Jormag and DSD would die in Cantha leaving just Primordus left to be the games final ED antagonist.


> I wouldn't think too much on the color scheme. It could also show one dragon, with its reflection rippling in a pool of water and choosing white was their way of showing the reflection as minimalist as possible, (especially given that it's a scaleable vector graphic that probably NEEDS to be as simple as possible and will be used on the login, website, and multiple other sources.)



That would make sense although if you look at the logo the two dragons are not identical, they have different shaped heads, teeth and spikes.



Considering the HoT logo did depict Mordremoth as a giant thorned serpent and PoF's logo featured a more Kralkatorrik looking dragon emerging from like a hurricane or something, I think it's fair to assume from the End of Dragons logo that we are looking at an expansion featuring 2 Elder Dragons.. the Tsunami is a big hint at the Sea dragon so we're all expecting that one to play a role.

It's the other Dragon we're not too sure on yet, it could symbolise Aurine being drowned or overpowered.. or Jormag.

It could also symbolise as others have pointed out a Yin Yang kinda symbolism.. two dragons completely opposite to one another and yet need one another and are connected somehow.

This might be more evidence to the white dragon being Jormag, if you think about it DSD is the Dragon of Water, and Jormag is the Dragon of Ice.. Ice and Water are pretty much the same thing just in different forms.

In works of fantasy and fiction they're often portrayed this way as well and Gw2 is no exception to this, just look at the Elementalist, specifically Hydromancy or their Water Magic abilities, Some of your Water Attunement skills throw water blasts or summon water others throw ice shards and freeze the ground and there is even skills that manipulate water vapour and mist.

Your Water Summon isn't a Water Elemental either it's and Ice Elemental, and the same goes for the Aura, it's a Frost Aura not Water Aura.


Jormag's threat on the horizon comment too, it does all make sense to think that DSD and Jormag are.. something to one another, connected somehow, who knows.


> You also have to consider how many people have openly voiced being tired of the Elder Dragon plot. We're at the point now where we can't kill anymore and we can't seem to trust them either, so there really isn't much room for them to devise new plots outside of killing them off. They've been alive for thousands of years and responsible for the falls of countless civilizations, I don't really see us being able to coax them into behaving nicely now, even with Aurene.



There are some yea, but there's also a lot of people who are not tired of the ED plot as well, I can raise my hand there lol.

Gw2 was always a game about Elder Dragons, we knew that right from the beginning when the game came out.

So far we've only killed 3 of them and to be fair there has been a lot of distractions between that.


We killed Zhiatan, and then an entire season of living world was dedicated to Scarlet who ended up waking up another one.

Season 2 setup Mordremoth and then HoT ended him.

Season 3 moved away from ED's for a while and focused on a bunch of loose ends such as the White Mantle, the Mursaat and then setup Balthazar.

PoF was pretty much all about Balthazar trying to destroy the world and setup Kralkatorrik and Joko.

Season 4 focused a lot on Joko at first and then ended with Kralkatorrik.

And now Icebrood Saga we have both Jormag and the Charr revolutionaries.

You can count Aurine in there in some parts too if you wish.


Suffice to say there has been a lot of other story lines going on aside from the Elder Dragons, some eventually tie into an Elder and others don't.

The problem is if we don't focus on Elder Dragons then all we're doing is dragging them out.. every time we waste time on something else like Scarlet, Joko or Balthazar this story only gets longer and longer.

8 years and only 3 dead some might say, well you were bored of dragons and wanted other stories didn't you? you did get some :P

(To add in there's also the fractal stories, raids and festival stuff.. I know most of this is minor but it does exist)


I get it though some want to take the game to new places but this is a world where these giant apocalyptic threats are a thing.. so we can hardly just say, oh we killed 3 lets forget about the rest lol

Likewise we also can't just kill them all off in one big swoop and say yay no more dragons, after 8 years of build up to get here that would be like kicking us all in the stomach and flipping us off XD

At least we know that Gw2 isn't ending here or anytime soon and a lot of us also agree that Gw2 doesn't need to end anytime soon either nor do we need a Gw3.

Gw1 didn't end with Eye of the North either, we had whole new stories after that.

I expect the same will happen with Gw2 after the Elder Dragon Story does finally end.


> And honestly, keeping the plot centered around elder dragons forever kind of limits the playable space. I'd love to eventually see distant parts of Tyria and am glad we're finally getting to see Cantha to finish out the GW1 locations. If the franchise continues, which they've implied it will, we may see the potential for much more interesting things than Elder Dragons and may also pull in a bunch of new players that weren't huge fans of the elder dragon conflict.



Well as I said above there have been other stories but the Dragons do always have to be a looming threat that we must come back to.. that's just how this game world was made to be.

But I too would love to see distance parts of Tyria as well and I expect we will eventually, but it's not worth rushing to get there if it means mediocre content and a disappointing ending to what is ultimately the main story of this game, it's gotta be done right and I believe Anet are committed to doing that.


Btw sorry this got long >.<

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"Cronospere.8143" said:

> > > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > > If they die, they will just be replaced by another dragon. What is the point? Or maybe aurene can conveniently be the only dragon that's left and we can just wait till it gets tired of being in a role it didn't choose for itself and decides to blow up the planet.

> >

> > She would be floated with magic she cant handle.. so that would be a disaster indeed..


> That might be what happens which then leads us on a quest of finding replacements.


Hey, as long as aurene is doomed. At least it's something. Wonder where you would find a bunch of conveniently misplaced dragon eggs though?

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> @"Bast.7253" said:

> You also have to consider how many people have openly voiced being tired of the Elder Dragon plot. We're at the point now where we can't kill anymore and we can't seem to trust them either, so there really isn't much room for them to devise new plots outside of killing them off. They've been alive for thousands of years and responsible for the falls of countless civilizations, I don't really see us being able to coax them into behaving nicely now, even with Aurene.


I for one would like to see a return of the question of purifying dragon minions of corruption, and maybe even dragons themselves of their torment. We purged an undead chicken of dragon corruption in Orr, and the Glint and the Pale Tree got purified somehow, but as far as I know we've never really followed up on this idea.

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