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If the new expansion...


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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > 1. Gonna take way more then E-specs alone to sell me the expansion as the last one was horrible.

> > 2. I want something fresh, I want WvW to get some serious love.

> > 3. I want something to blow me away, not more of the same.

> > 4. I remain unconvinced the story will be good or that it will be more than four to five big maps that will be abandoned much like PoF in a couple of months

> > 5. frankly I want more guild content.... and guild halls

> >

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > Poll needs idk option as I don't know without knowing what that content is.

> >

> > Then dont have an opinion and move along? I mean if you dont WvW, care about WvW or want WvW then reading the post should tell you that this post is not for you and has nothing to do with what you're invested in. No offence meant to you but PvE and PvE players don't cater or care about PvP or WvW and honestly likely want us gone, so why should we even open up the option for them to speak in a thread directed at us?

> >

> > > @"Beorne.9248" said:

> > > I'd like to see some new playable races and classes in the new expansion. They added new classes in GW1 in almost every expansion. The only new one we have gotten since release is the rev. Think it's overdue. Since the new expansion is going to deal with underwater content why not make a underwater bl that incorporates some new siege and skills. Legendary and ascended water weapons could be a new thing as well.

> >

> > Id love that BUUUUT as they've said in the past, they dont and haven't and won't consider it and its too much work.. Likely the expansion will be more of the same


> But he asked our opinions and for me that depends on what is added, not if/if not.


True, but this is specific to the WvW mode. So if you dont know or play that mode why should your opinion or wants be valid for this specific subject? PvE players dont want ours; So turn-a-bout is fair play here and Im sure most WvWers couldn't give a dang what PvE players want. Honestly this is why they need to ensure each mode can get the same rewards somehow, to let us all play how we like and keep the community separate. As I've stated numerous times all three player bases hate each other, and then raiders hate everyone even themselves. Stop trying to get us to co-exist.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > 1. Gonna take way more then E-specs alone to sell me the expansion as the last one was horrible.

> > > 2. I want something fresh, I want WvW to get some serious love.

> > > 3. I want something to blow me away, not more of the same.

> > > 4. I remain unconvinced the story will be good or that it will be more than four to five big maps that will be abandoned much like PoF in a couple of months

> > > 5. frankly I want more guild content.... and guild halls

> > >

> > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > Poll needs idk option as I don't know without knowing what that content is.

> > >

> > > Then dont have an opinion and move along? I mean if you dont WvW, care about WvW or want WvW then reading the post should tell you that this post is not for you and has nothing to do with what you're invested in. No offence meant to you but PvE and PvE players don't cater or care about PvP or WvW and honestly likely want us gone, so why should we even open up the option for them to speak in a thread directed at us?

> > >

> > > > @"Beorne.9248" said:

> > > > I'd like to see some new playable races and classes in the new expansion. They added new classes in GW1 in almost every expansion. The only new one we have gotten since release is the rev. Think it's overdue. Since the new expansion is going to deal with underwater content why not make a underwater bl that incorporates some new siege and skills. Legendary and ascended water weapons could be a new thing as well.

> > >

> > > Id love that BUUUUT as they've said in the past, they dont and haven't and won't consider it and its too much work.. Likely the expansion will be more of the same

> >

> > But he asked our opinions and for me that depends on what is added, not if/if not.


> True, but this is specific to the WvW mode. So if you dont know or play that mode why should your opinion or wants be valid for this specific subject? PvE players dont want ours; So turn-a-bout is fair play here and Im sure most WvWers couldn't give a dang what PvE players want. Honestly this is why they need to ensure each mode can get the same rewards somehow, to let us all play how we like and keep the community separate. As I've stated numerous times all three player bases hate each other, and then raiders hate everyone even themselves. Stop trying to get us to co-exist.




There are many different ways wvw content could go. Idk what you are even arguing. Pve?

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > 1. Gonna take way more then E-specs alone to sell me the expansion as the last one was horrible.

> > > 2. I want something fresh, I want WvW to get some serious love.

> > > 3. I want something to blow me away, not more of the same.

> > > 4. I remain unconvinced the story will be good or that it will be more than four to five big maps that will be abandoned much like PoF in a couple of months

> > > 5. frankly I want more guild content.... and guild halls

> > >

> > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > Poll needs idk option as I don't know without knowing what that content is.

> > >

> > > Then dont have an opinion and move along? I mean if you dont WvW, care about WvW or want WvW then reading the post should tell you that this post is not for you and has nothing to do with what you're invested in. No offence meant to you but PvE and PvE players don't cater or care about PvP or WvW and honestly likely want us gone, so why should we even open up the option for them to speak in a thread directed at us?

> > >

> > > > @"Beorne.9248" said:

> > > > I'd like to see some new playable races and classes in the new expansion. They added new classes in GW1 in almost every expansion. The only new one we have gotten since release is the rev. Think it's overdue. Since the new expansion is going to deal with underwater content why not make a underwater bl that incorporates some new siege and skills. Legendary and ascended water weapons could be a new thing as well.

> > >

> > > Id love that BUUUUT as they've said in the past, they dont and haven't and won't consider it and its too much work.. Likely the expansion will be more of the same

> >

> > But he asked our opinions and for me that depends on what is added, not if/if not.


> True, but this is specific to the WvW mode. So if you dont know or play that mode why should your opinion or wants be valid for this specific subject? PvE players dont want ours; So turn-a-bout is fair play here and Im sure most WvWers couldn't give a dang what PvE players want. Honestly this is why they need to ensure each mode can get the same rewards somehow, to let us all play how we like and keep the community separate. As I've stated numerous times all three player bases hate each other, and then raiders hate everyone even themselves. Stop trying to get us to co-exist.


First of all, I'm not sure where he wrote he doesn't know/play/care about WvW content? Where did your "mOvE aLoNg, PvE pLaYeR" elitist-wannabe talk even came from?

What he wrote is perfectly reasonable and it can go more than one way. If no WvW-specific content is added, someone can still want to buy the expansion if the rest of it looks good enough. On the other hand if WvW content gets added, but it's garbage or simply something he thinks he won't enjoy, then despite of that WvW-specific content, he won't buy the expansion. "IDK" is actually the most reasonable answer here, everyone else votes based on their empty wishes and nothing else.


Here, I voted "yes", but actually IDK -hope that helps with something.

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> @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > Poll needs idk option as I don't know without knowing what that content is.


> I listed what meaningful wvw content was in context to the question in the opening post.


If it's bad wvw content then no.

If it's good wvw content then maybe yes.


We don't know what that content would be but we can presume your list. What we can't presume is that it will be any good. Thus idk.


For example of "content mechanics" that could go either way.

A tactic that removes downed state from enemies for the next 10 minutes. Some will like it some will hate it.

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Playing WvW with my **Alliance** guilds is about the only thing that keeps me logging in. I don't care enough about AP to chase everything in PvE anymore, and only play a story once. I have not even gotten the full skyscale mastery or skimmer diving done yet because grinding out the Po~~S~~F mastery points is painful to my soul.


Without playing in my **alliance** with [RaW], [Owls], [HELL] and my own guild, there is nothing keeping me here. So they would need to introduce WvW features useful to my **alliance** to make it worth buying the xpac for us. OP elite specs are not the selling point to my **alliance** when they will just gut them from complaints a few months after release anyway.

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> @"BlackLotus.8349" said:

> Look... I love WvW and I want more attention to it, but I'd be lying if I said it's the ONLY game mode I play. I enjoy the open world and really do want to see Cantha again.


If you want WvW to get more attention, you will have to make a stand, and that stand will only matter if backed by your wallet.

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > @"BlackLotus.8349" said:

> > Look... I love WvW and I want more attention to it, but I'd be lying if I said it's the ONLY game mode I play. I enjoy the open world and really do want to see Cantha again.


> If you want WvW to get more attention, you will have to make a stand, and that stand will only matter if backed by your wallet.


I don't feel that strongly about WvW that I would deny myself a bunch of other content that I would enjoy. Enjoyment is the purpose of playing a game, after all. It'd be a different argument all together if WvW was going away with the expansion, but that's not the case.

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lets be honest i wouldnt buy hot nor pof if you wouldnt have been forced..


now some core classes are playable but back in the day HoT just wrecked most core classes and PoF on top of that made core worthless..

w/e expansion is coming will do the same it will just be better stronger etc then what we have now just to force people into buying it and then year later they will balance shit out which takes another 10 years to succeed.



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trash poll, sorry. we discussed yet in another thread that they'd kinda force us to buy it since new elite specs etc come with it... so you get a wrong result off this poll and if some anet pepe sees this, we're extra done for. i voted NO for the message, but we cannot likely skip it.


besides, kinda guess Anet even thinks what they do yet is "wvw content", otherwise there'd be more communication about it. kinda hopeless i fear.

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If I hadn't been gifted a PoF code for a secret santa I wouldn't have bought it.

Gonna be a hard sell for me unless they make some damned compelling elite specs, and even then... I'm really not a fan of rewarding powercreep with money.


I've culled my gem purchases to basically nothing since HoT and don't really intend to change that. Maybe if they'd fix the broken PvP systems...

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