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Scraper Heal teorycraft (posible new meta for less skilled pugs)

Noah Salazar.5430

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Comp : scrapper,condi scourge/sb,alac,bs,cqfb


Build : https://bit.ly/35gL0XJ


I replaced superior rune of monk on superior rune of flock

-> pasive 1763 to team while regeneration boon

-> 1763 to yourself ( = 60% from Medical dispresion to team = 1128.32 heal

1763+1057.8=2820.8heal evry 17s


note: i not count % from food and superior sign of transference




->perm regen

->50-60% protection up time

-> 2 skills to buff stab (3+3 both 20cd,25cd)

-> vigor boon

-> Superspeed

-> 11-13 might (with random chance for +5 )


x2 water combo field


x3 blast finishers


Uniqe Mechanic

Bulwark gyro : When an ally with Watchful Eye takes damage, approximately 35% of the damage is transferred to the scrapper.



Banadage self

7280+1763+748=9791 self heal

9791*60%=5874.6 heal to team

5874.6+1057.8+516=7448.4 heal to team


New trait : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Soothing_Detonation

748heal x 5=3740


3740+2244=5984 evry 25-30s





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Is this for WVW? (It doesn't seem to be since you listed scrapper,sb,alac,bs,cqfb which looks like for fractals since it's 5 man)

If not, why are you running minstrel? Harrier would provide you more barrier from attacking.


Keep in mind some heals aren't shared by _Medical Dispersion Field_ if you are at full health, namely:

* Water Blast combo

* Regen

* Soothing detonation (the trait you are looking at)

* Super Elixir (Elixir Gun 5)

* Elixir Shell (Mortar 5)


That's on top of the supposed bug that stops _Backpack Regenerator_ from sharing at all.

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Is this for WVW? (It doesn't seem to be since you listed scrapper,sb,alac,bs,cqfb which looks like for fractals since it's 5 man)

If not, why are you running minstrel? Harrier would provide you more barrier from attacking.


Keep in mind some heals aren't shared by Medical Dispersion Field if you are at full health, namely:


Water Blast combo


Soothing detonation (the trait you are looking at)

Super Elixir (Elixir Gun 5)

Elixir Shell (Mortar 5)

That's on top of the supposed bug that stops Backpack Regenerator from sharing at all.



yes fractal, not wvw/pvp


i ignore bariers from attack, with 23579 hp and 3355armor + bulwark


i not see point of harrier gear, while 63% boon duration inaf, and might is booned by alacran, while quicknes by qfb


i'm aware of that list


also replaced +10% boond duration for https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Draining


As it's work with trait, and have 3s cd to proc with shield skills


Chosed backpack as only self 250hp heal per tick, as you not heal yourself with Med Blaster


On fracs wher you don't need much stab you can take this build as alternative :



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, so i tested scrapper, and my team never drop hp less then 80-90%, thay geting instantly healed to full

i was able to carry not experienced team multiple times on t4 (even on 100lv)

it was rare somone get downed, but if someone did, he got instatly reset with gyro


Scrapper+qfb+alac is op combo


I even teset witchout alac/qfb or with scoruge insted, in bouth cases team hp was hight instantly 100%


with auto i healed 800-900+ (aoe)

Vital Burst/Bandage self are literaly "Signet of Curage" healing all hp of team to full even if thay not avoid attack and thay hp drop to 20%, thay 100% with one button



I tested what you said, and yes Medical Dispersion Field alone heal for 800-1k per button

More if your low on hp


On stacked fights you culd just press Super Elixir+Elixir shell alone healed for big amount on pulsing

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I think that not having Purity Of Purpose as a support scrapper is just a bit weird.

It's pretty much the only special support thing that a scrapper can do when compared to other classes, and seems a lot better than having slightly lower elixir cds.


Rune choice is also a bit strange, as overhealing is always useless, and controlled healing > proc healing.


I also don't think that this class has a place in meta crews, there are simply better alternatives if you wanna maximize effectiveness and speed, but it definitely works very well for less skilled and non meta groups.


Condition stacks are anyways the thing that can kill people in higher 5 player PVE, so it seems a bit strange to focus so much on hp/s pumping when the actually dangerous stuff requires cleansing :P

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Doesn't seem worth it -- you are trading +20% outgoing from monk (with full stacks) for every heal with a single heal every 17 seconds for 800-1000. You also lose the +15% boon duration.

checked, it do 1763

witchout heal kit 1626

1763+60%=2820.8 (to team)


i think i prefer that burst over monk

Also i replaced my before numbers for corect ones

![](https://imgur.com/Z6uAQvR.png "")



about 15% boon, for might your skills are faster then duration of might (9 amount)

you only boon protection togher with bulwark = you perm -35-40% team

regeneration is perm

only boon that is effected is vigor


team got 25might with alac


here also i tested Detonation

![](https://imgur.com/RvMmtTV.png "")


I also don't think that this class has a place in meta crews, there are simply better alternatives if you wanna maximize effectiveness and speed, but it definitely works very well for less skilled and non meta groups.





cuz of all that buffed healing on scrapper t4 with pugs was much eazier compare to hfb

on cm groups hfb will be better cuz aegist timed better, and team will avoid most dmg


but on low skilled pre-made teams scrapper heal > hfb/dudu atm

Same as scrapper can ress ppl with gyro from downed state if someone get one shoted cuz of mechanics



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"posible new meta"

Depends on how you define meta. Is this comp/build achieve the fastest clear time? No. The current meta comp has a rundown and explanation on how different professions interact with eachother, to achieve the fastest possible clears. (https://discretize.eu/guides/meta-explained) Also, meta in this game usually refers to this, since you can clear everything with any comp, the difference will be only the time to clear it.


Are you talk about smoothest kills, when you say meta? It is hard to find anything that is smoother than skipping majority of the mechanics with dps.

Not gonna lie, runnig with a heal scrapper, or heal scourge makes runs smoother, but it has a huge flaw in the long run: people who are not getting punished for their mistakes (instant ress with necro/gyro) won't learn how to handle mechanics properly. For that reason, I often see heal scourges banned in raid training guilds.

An another downside would be increased clear times, because replacing a dps with a healer is always dps loss. If you would argue with "but ren and fb can go dps", power alacrens dps is ~50% of a pure dps, and qfb is around 50-75%, so you trade a half/three quarter dps, for a full one.


An another problem with your comp is: how readily available is it? Your comp needs 3 specific roles at least: Heal scrapper, alacren, and dps quickbrand. While a more common pug comp only needs two: ren, and fb. One of which can be a healer. Having to fill more specific roles can make waiting time longer.


"Hfb ratcher heal you 1s after you will get dmg, while scrapper keep you 100%hp with auto spam"

A good heal FB prevents a lot of damage with Aegis, to begin with. For that reason, the heal FB has to be on point with their game, and know when and what can be blocked, and what should be healed after. Also you have to know when to use which utilities. FB can't sit on the same 3 utilities through every fractal. Well, technicly it can, but don't be surprised if the results are suboptimal. I would recommend finding a good hfb, instead of trying to learn the thing, then come to the conclusion that it is subpar.


"Rune choice is also a bit strange, as overhealing is always useless, and controlled healing > proc healing."

Flock is controlled healing, although it is overkill for 99% of the bosses. The only place I found it better than Monk, is Vale Guardian, where you can fullheal your subgroup with a single F1.


"I think that not having Purity Of Purpose as a support scrapper is just a bit weird."

Purity of Purpose is amazing in fractals, especially on Sirens Reef. HGH on the other hand helps out might stacking, since the build has 5 AoE potions in it. It also helps out healing, with reduced CD on Super Elixir and Elixir Shell.


Also @"Noah Salazar.5430" , you should mention the high stability uptime the build brings. It is pretty useful in some fractals. (Also kind of irrelevant, but the build also has 2 light fields, an ice field, and a posion field. One of the light fields is also a pulsing blind field, that can help a lot.)


tl;dr: heal scrapper is overkill, dps loss, might be queue time increase, and definitely not a new fractal meta. it is nice to have smooth daily T4 pug clears tho'.

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"posible new meta"

Are you talk about smoothest kills, when you say meta? It is hard to find anything that is smoother than skipping majority of the mechanics with dps.


heal team so thay no need to dodge

give stab, so thay avoid mech

more term of team Carry

And yeh i edited title to be less confusing

An another problem with your comp is: how readily available is it? Your comp needs 3 specific roles at least: Heal scrapper, alacren, and dps quickbrand. While a more common pug comp only needs two: ren, and fb. One of which can be a healer. Having to fill more specific roles can make waiting time longer.


on eu, don't had problem with it, finding thar roles took up to 4-5min at day as most hfb have cqfb as well


An another downside would be increased clear times, because replacing a dps with a healer is always dps loss.


Yeh i dedicate it more for less skilled pugs, wher you save time by them not die and repeat boss multiple times

Scrapper not only heal, but can ress ppl from downstate like necro adionatly providing stab+protection+bulwar gyro insted of barrier

Also Vigor that most ppl forgeting or not rating much


like i said at cm groups hfb/cqfb will be mort worth

A good heal FB prevents a lot of damage with Aegis, to begin with.

yeh that is why i found it problematic, scrapper no need that much skill or prediction


Flock is controlled healing, although it is overkill for 99% of the bosses. The only place I found it better than Monk, is Vale Guardian, where you can fullheal your subgroup with a single F1.


i not found loss of monk by much problematic i healed more then it was needed most time, while with flock you can save your team with bigger burst when someone fk mech and drop to low hp instantly same as you got bigger hp to trigger Medical Dispersion more safe, and more often by not dodging mechanic on purpousepe


Also @Noah Salazar.5430 , you should mention the high stability uptime the build brings. It is pretty useful in some fractals. (Also kind of irrelevant, but the build also has 2 light fields, an ice field, and a posion field. One of the light fields is also a pulsing blind field, that can help a lot.)

yep mortar skill 3 + auto spam is cc soruse as well

same as elixiri auto apply weaknes

but it's overdo





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This is just not going to be a thing in fractals if you're dedicating an entire slot to healing and still need 2(3) more supports, even assuming really poor players. Pretty much all support in fractals (and pve) really is to give offensive support even if healing such as might/fury because the end goal is to maximize damage. Also, for the most part damage mitigation > healing. And of course, you may be pressed hard to find a QFB that would join a party like that.


Also even for this build, there's no point in maximizing superspeed uptime and fractal arenas are small so you should take all middle traits in scrapper to improve your cc, and actually make function gyro useful in pve. Applied Force makes no sense with a Quickbrand, and it's not like you're doing any damage anyways.


Backpack regenerator is also useless. It's a tiny heal; comeback cure is going to have better regen uptime.


Also for your purposes blast gyro >>>> elxir B, for the CC and the might since you are putting all the might duty on the alacren. It also has a group stunbreak which is better than stab without stunbreak since the later is useless if you get stunned first. Also Elixir B gives random boons besides stability which is not always desirable. While you may consider dumping Elixir Gun in favor of B in very CC heavy fights like Brazen Gladiator or perhaps CM 99/100 that is fine, but shouldn't be the norm.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> Also for your purposes blast gyro >>>> elxir B, for the CC and the might since you are putting all the might duty on the alacren. It also has a group stunbreak


As far as I know, the stun break effect on regenerating-mist (EG-F) and bypass-coating (Blast-gyro-F) are cast only on yourself, while the number of targets refer to the applied boons (regeneration/HGH, super speed).

I tried looking it up, but couldn't find information backing it up, though...

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> @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

> As far as I know, the stun break effect on regenerating-mist (EG-F) and bypass-coating (Blast-gyro-F) are cast only on yourself, while the number of targets refer to the applied boons (regeneration/HGH, super speed).

> I tried looking it up, but couldn't find information backing it up, though...


The stunbreak effect on Blast Gyro toolbelt skill is an AoE stunbreak. There is no information on it on the wiki, you have to test it in-game. Places like Chaos Fractal last boss is perfect to test. (funnily enough, that is a place I would recommend running Elixir B instead of the gyro)


>Also for your purposes blast gyro >>>> elxir B


I wouldn't use Blast Gyro anywhere, that has adds. Pushing enemies is the worst thing you could do in fractals. Despite that, the things you wrote are correct, there is really no point in picking Elixir B over Blast Gyro, when stability isn't needed, and you don't risk pushing enemies away.

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On eu you have no problem with it like i said, whenever i tried create party, qfb joined fast (alternative can be quick power chrono)

Also, for the most part damage mitigation > healing.

with pro team i agree with you , but with random pug healing>migration dmg, as second part is problem, same hfb not always time aegis well, and have x2 less healing


for cm squads hfb/qfb is better as thers more skilled ppl

2(3) more supports

qfb do 75% dmg of dps

alac 50%

condi bs https://bit.ly/342Krjt

condi scorge/soulbist/holo is cherry on top of that but 1 dps is fine too


Applied Force makes no sense with a Quickbrand, and it's not like you're doing any damage anyways.

you no need bigger bariers, and you spam alot stab with qfb /alac


Apllied Force is logical choise as backup plan in couse your qfb die from one shot mech so your auto heal stay 50% less efected compare witchout that trait


Also even for this build, there's no point in maximizing superspeed uptime and fractal arenas are small so you should take all middle traits in scrapper to improve your cc

0,5s of cc

from my experience superspeed have big value as it's let you save 1 dodge moving from red cirle faster, also it's counter criple or chill in couse any mob hit you with it or boss

Same as your team move faster from point a to point b

i took it as personaly i value it much more then 0,5s daze, same as i use only gyro for res

thers 4 maps wher you can skip mobs thx to superspeed up to last boss

same in 100lv fractal you move to boss faster thx to superspeed, and you counter water phase with it


Backpack regenerator is also useless. It's a tiny heal; comeback cure is going to have better regen uptime.

you have perm regen with Healing mist+infusion bomb, even with -15% boon duration (flock runes)


if you taking that trait it's actualy useless


Also yet again i disagree, your auto heal only your team, so having even bit of pasive heal have huge impact to your survability

the only source of healing to yourself you got from super elixir+elixir shell

then it's regen+backpack (lets say ou need move cuz of aoe of enemy or that bomb mistlock)

and did you rly want wast bandage self/vital burst to heal yourself insted of using it when team need :/ ?

might since you are putting all the might duty on the alacren.

no your actualy not, you providing might with hgh trait

toss elixir b+healing mist+Elixir shell+super elixir+acid bomb = 11 might

togheter with alac your team have 25might all time


without stunbreak since the later is useless if you get stunned first.

your healing mist is stun break

Also Elixir B gives random boons besides stability which is not always desirable.

i use it for 3stab and +3might(hgh)

rng boon is only bonus

As far as I know, the stun break effect on regenerating-mist (EG-F) and bypass-coating (Blast-gyro-F) are cast only on yourself

bypass-coasting is aoe even if descryption not says that (checked and confirmed it)

Healing mist work only on you (but not confirmed it yet)

picking Elixir B over Blast Gyro, when stability isn't needed, and you don't risk pushing enemies away.

don't forget that more boons yout team have, your auto heal for more

but if you rly no need adional stab boon, you can replace it with elixir r insted

Elixir r = 2 dodge

toss elixir r = 2might+adional ress+light field to blind enemys
















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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

It really makes me sad the fact that support engineer doesn't bring anything significant to the table, no useful boons. I'm really hoping that this next DLC brings engineer a possibility to be a good support class, because right now, they are looked down upon by most groups. If we had quickness or alacrity, or even larger might stacks, we might be looked at more favorably. I personally have a full set of ascended harrier on my engineer, and have tried out support engineer, with a similar build to the one here, but without useful boons, if your team doesn't desperately need a healer, you're pretty much dead weight for majority of the dungeon/fractal. I'm praying this next update looks at what engineer is missing in terms of ability to support, since we have a good DPS (holo), a good tank (scrapper), we just now need a viable support.

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Scrapper is a viable support for 5 man pve tho, pop is almost op combined with cleansing field, fumigation and cleanse gyro.

I'd say that it's a lot harder to play than most other supports tho, as you're pretty much playing pvp with your targeting circles but instead of killing people you're healing em.


Some fractals also spam so much chilled condi that you can provide perma alacrity for the party during those encounters, and We Bleed Fire instability is a nice source for aegis.

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