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About Deadeye, deal with it


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> @choovanski.5462 said:

> > @Sobx.1758 said:

> > > @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > > What? Thief got some more skills that one shots people out of the blue in GW2? Meh, just another day in GW2. Nothing to see or hear here, just move along.

> > >

> > > That's exactly what ANet wanted for that class. To be able to kill people without offering them the chance to fight back. Come on guys, I thought yall was much smarter than this? Way to let me down again. :trollface:

> >

> > You literally learn to dodge skills with similar cast time at around level 8. I mean... regular players learn, apparently you don't.

> > Stick to pve.


> this is such a silly argument. you can hit 20-35k in PvP gear with DJ, much higher on WvW.


Sure, go make a thief and tell me how often you'll hit those 35k dmg shots.

And what's silly is arguing that it's irrelevant how telegraphed the skill is in the game with easly accessible dodges/blocks like gw2.

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> @Odokuro.5049 said:

> Thief has been and will always be the target for hate and complaints. We stealth too much, we deal too much damage, we have too much mobility, ect. Thiefs are glass cannons, we need mobility to disengage because getting caught = death, we need to do a lot of damage because again, or damage is all we have. No group support/utility, no real defensive skillset outside of our mobility/evades, ect.


> See OP, people don't see a class as a class, they see it as a line of 1's and 0's, and if that class has more 1's then it's OP and broken as heck. This is all the while condi classes can spam the entirety of every condition under the sun, and call it fair play because we have condi-clear that removes maybe 1 to 3 conditions max, that in turn will be right back on you moments later, because "Balance".


> Maybe people should exercise their situational awareness and be aware of what or who is around them, utilize that skill they have to avoid being killed, because as I see it, a lot of people just don't want to try and would rather ANet just bust apart a spec just because they don't feel like trying to counter it.


This is also another reason why I suggested that people should play with deadeye for a few weeks to get the ups & downs of it - fight every opponent you can (not just weakly low ranks) and it'll become soon apparent that it's not all rainbows. Record/archive a stream with no cuts so we can check it out. Fight in all kinds of situations. Try different specializations with DE. Doing this will at least give a different perspective from a DE's side of view so that we can better figure how to make everyone happy.

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> @DemonSeed.3528 said:

> > @Odokuro.5049 said:

> > Thief has been and will always be the target for hate and complaints. We stealth too much, we deal too much damage, we have too much mobility, ect. Thiefs are glass cannons, we need mobility to disengage because getting caught = death, we need to do a lot of damage because again, or damage is all we have. No group support/utility, no real defensive skillset outside of our mobility/evades, ect.

> >

> > See OP, people don't see a class as a class, they see it as a line of 1's and 0's, and if that class has more 1's then it's OP and broken as heck. This is all the while condi classes can spam the entirety of every condition under the sun, and call it fair play because we have condi-clear that removes maybe 1 to 3 conditions max, that in turn will be right back on you moments later, because "Balance".

> >

> > Maybe people should exercise their situational awareness and be aware of what or who is around them, utilize that skill they have to avoid being killed, because as I see it, a lot of people just don't want to try and would rather ANet just bust apart a spec just because they don't feel like trying to counter it.


> Try different specializations with DE. Doing this will at least give a different perspective from a DE's side of view so that we can better figure how to make everyone happy.


Many will not do so because they rage about the class and would not "lower themselves" to play a thief, thinking of it as the next low, while contrary is true. What is truly low are broken specs like Dragonhunters that allow for mindless button spam similar to Scourge and Spellbreaker currently; classes like thief require a lot of strategy but on the outside it looks like we just stealth > backstab, while positioning, timing, environment and many other factors play a crucial role, but you cannot explain this to narrow minded people.


Playing a class is the only way to truly understand it and form an opinion. Then perhaps there would be less rage knowing it requires more effort to land a killshot than people think.

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> @Inoki.6048 said:

> > @Vova.2640 said:

> > What is this supposed to mean? People are complaining about a BUG that lets you do unreasonable amounts of damage.

> > You're telling people to "deal with it" because you and other dead eyes are enjoying abusing a bug.

> > How pathetic.

> >


> really? so that is a bug, but spellbreakers blocking everything, having insane regen, damage, mobility, toughness and just about everything in the game along with scourges with a trillion condis on touch is perfectly fine.


> stop taking those meds.


How can you respond to people in this tone, when you have taken the time to create a signature that encourages people to be understanding and not hateful?

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> @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > @ZyniX.3589 said:

> > Meanwhile in PvE rifle damage is trash and will probably get nerfed even more thanks to all the PvP whiners.


> Boohoo, it takes an additional 1.5s to kill the mindless pixels.


Only an additional 1.5s to kill raid bosses? Damn you must be pretty good huh?

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> @Ezrael.6859 said:

> > @Inoki.6048 said:

> > > @Vova.2640 said:

> > > What is this supposed to mean? People are complaining about a BUG that lets you do unreasonable amounts of damage.

> > > You're telling people to "deal with it" because you and other dead eyes are enjoying abusing a bug.

> > > How pathetic.

> > >

> >

> > really? so that is a bug, but spellbreakers blocking everything, having insane regen, damage, mobility, toughness and just about everything in the game along with scourges with a trillion condis on touch is perfectly fine.

> >

> > stop taking those meds.


> How can you respond to people in this tone, when you have taken the time to create a signature that encourages people to be understanding and not hateful?


And you came here to be sensitive instead of posting something relevant on the topic? This is the internet. Grow thicker skin, move on.


When some respond with nonsense (calling something a bug that isn't a bug, definitely not defined as one since ambience is used by other classes to their advantage as well, like Necros), they receive a response in the manner they responded in the first place + being annoyed as I was at the time that's the result. We're all human, but maybe you're an alien.

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> @ZyniX.3589 said:

> > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > > @ZyniX.3589 said:

> > > Meanwhile in PvE rifle damage is trash and will probably get nerfed even more thanks to all the PvP whiners.

> >

> > Boohoo, it takes an additional 1.5s to kill the mindless pixels.


> Only an additional 1.5s to kill raid bosses? kitten you must be pretty good huh?


Why would you be using ranged damage against a raid boss?

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> @ZyniX.3589 said:

> > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > > @ZyniX.3589 said:

> > > Meanwhile in PvE rifle damage is trash and will probably get nerfed even more thanks to all the PvP whiners.

> >

> > Boohoo, it takes an additional 1.5s to kill the mindless pixels.


> Only an additional 1.5s to kill raid bosses? kitten you must be pretty good huh?


> @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > @ZyniX.3589 said:

> > > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > > > @ZyniX.3589 said:

> > > > Meanwhile in PvE rifle damage is trash and will probably get nerfed even more thanks to all the PvP whiners.

> > >

> > > Boohoo, it takes an additional 1.5s to kill the mindless pixels.

> >

> > Only an additional 1.5s to kill raid bosses? kitten you must be pretty good huh?


> Why would you be using ranged damage against a raid boss?


Because playing every class the same way is boring as shit. Minus alacrity and quickness deadeye can keep up every other buff it needs and it still has a lot of access to quickness.

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> @"hanabal lecter.2495" said:

> don't have much of a problem with their damage it's just how all theives only run like wussies that'sa annoying i either ignore them and let them chase me and they usually die running after me lol...

> let them have fun in the only thing thief can excell at, which i trolling because they really cannot do much else.


That is a pretty weak mindset, tbh. It reminds me of how sometimes Warriors will /laugh when I disengage (not even reset, just back off and avoid their attacks) when they have Endure Pain active. Like, seriously? Is it being a wussie to not be in range of them during a time my attacks will do 0 damage to them?

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> @"hanabal lecter.2495" said:

> don't have much of a problem with their damage it's just how all theives only run like wussies that'sa annoying i either ignore them and let them chase me and they usually die running after me lol...

> let them have fun in the only thing thief can excell at, which i trolling because they really cannot do much else.


dont know a class that can just run and not die when i play a thief..


only 1 class is fucking annoying is thief vs thief

then ele/engi cus of massive healing for the rest i dunno who else can keep running and give me troubles.

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> @reddie.5861 said:

> > @"hanabal lecter.2495" said:

> > don't have much of a problem with their damage it's just how all theives only run like wussies that'sa annoying i either ignore them and let them chase me and they usually die running after me lol...

> > let them have fun in the only thing thief can excell at, which i trolling because they really cannot do much else.


> dont know a class that can just run and not die when i play a thief..


> only 1 class is kitten annoying is thief vs thief

> then ele/engi cus of massive healing for the rest i dunno who else can keep running and give me troubles.


spellbreaker and the new sonic the mirage/barry allen class.

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> @"hanabal lecter.2495" said:

> don't have much of a problem with their damage it's just how all theives only run like wussies that'sa annoying i either ignore them and let them chase me and they usually die running after me lol...

> let them have fun in the only thing thief can excell at, which i trolling because they really cannot do much else.


and that is why gw2 will Never be competitive. Get out of the jail card> @"hanabal lecter.2495" said:

> don't have much of a problem with their damage it's just how all theives only run like wussies that'sa annoying i either ignore them and let them chase me and they usually die running after me lol...

> **let them have fun in the only thing thief can excell at, which i trolling because they really cannot do much else**


the game isn't about thief. If it is, than Anet should make this game a single player game and be done with it. Excelling at something doesn't mean to be prone of risks. One can excel at driving at top speed. it doesn't prone one from having accidents. O


Sure thief excel at somethings, but being prone from risks is just outright Bad Design. Exceling is not excuse from immunity of from having risks whatsoever.


Risk+Rewards are the roots of competition: No Excuse!!


Remove any risks+ rewards: competition is non existent.


Lastly having, fun is like water that nourishes the roots of competition.


Adding any factors to it: or replacing it: completely removes any chance of competition.


As i already stated: thief should not be giving any excuses nor any remorse whatsoever for its bad design.


-Remove this toxic class alongside with its toxic accomplice: mesmer once and all. Redesign these 2 classes with competitiveness minds for the well being of pvp+wvw.


If pvp+wvw are to be taken seriously, toxicity must be eliminated and competition must be enforced: No classes must not be exempted.




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Can thieves break the casting of deadeye?

if not.. I have no problem with it..


If so.

There is no counter when you are in range for certain classes.


PS: Scourge only has 2 damaging conditions on utility. Burning & Torment.

The rest of the conditions come mostly from boon stripping at close range..

They barely stack these conditions because they depend on expertise over damage.

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> @"Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046" said:

> Can thieves break the casting of deadeye?

> if not.. I have no problem with it..


> If so.

> There is no counter when you are in range for certain classes.


not sure if i understand you correctly, but ;

you can cancel your DJ while casting with ESC not even losing iniative yes. if you cancel with weapon swap you will lose kneeling (havent tested with 2 rifles yet, but why would you run 2 rifles?)


another thief can port to you with steal(traited only and not deadeyes mark as that is too slow.) or use headshot to interrupt you, this will also cancel kneeling.


another thief is very risky for a deadeye, so while on mine i mostly wait for them using heartseeker to stealth to shoot DJ.

a daredevil is the counter of a deadeye unless the daredevil fails to interrupt or dogge a DJ. cause once they interrupt you, you only have 1 instant stealth if you run blinding powder, after that they can interrupt everything you do while killing you with autohits. but ofc both can choose to avoid the encounter.


a mesmer should also be able to gap close if DJ used over 1,2k range and interrupt with mantra followed by a shatter as most deadeyes are glassy they should drop. mostly i can escape this situaton with shadowstep and then stealth again out of interrupt range. if shadow step is on cd cause of my greed => i am dead.

ranger is pretty much same as with mesmers, if i have shadow step on cd they are in advantage.

so just force me to chase you, to waste my shadow step and then turn around and kill me :D




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> @Fipmip.7219 said:

> I disagree that deadeye sacrifices everything to deal big damage. they still have plenty of invis and a modicum of teleportation.


That heavily depends on your play style. I've seen folks going with less stealth in favour of dmg, me on my build won't reach above 15k, on average just around 8 - 10k dmg with DJ = far from a one-hit kill and I don't even rely on that to do the killing, but then again you'll never see me coming as I am perma-stealthed since I play as an infiltration unit and scout enemy movement.

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I came across the best sniper I've seen doing the ol' "mark the mosquito" thing on BG today. He used cover and stealth well to the point that it was hard to even know he was there, and I also didn't get the audio tell for some reason either. When he missed, he just stealthed up until he could try again. Nice guy though.


Anyway, I still don't think the elite is especially powerful, but I do think Anet will probably kill this particular thing based on previous nerfing decisions.

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> @Inoki.6048 said:

> > @Fipmip.7219 said:

> > I disagree that deadeye sacrifices everything to deal big damage. they still have plenty of invis and a modicum of teleportation.


> That heavily depends on your play style. I've seen folks going with less stealth in favour of dmg, me on my build won't reach above 15k, on average just around 8 - 10k dmg with DJ = far from a one-hit kill and I don't even rely on that to do the killing, but then again you'll never see me coming as I am perma-stealthed since I play as an infiltration unit and scout enemy movement.


thats strange i also do permastealth and i do hit on really tanky players 15-18k(with protection ontop of tons of thoughness) , on average 26-27k and on squishy i did hit up to over 43k.

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