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Scourge in high fractals

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@"silent killer.5732"

Take a look at: https://redd.it/780lzi


I haven't looked at any of the builds myself. I do trust the poster (_Lady Elyssa_); they are typically reliable in terms of offering quality.

These are "open world" builds; they should be an okay starting place for you, looking to try something else. There's "Power Tank" (reaper) and a power scourge.

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I personally think you need to get used to shroud not acting like a second lifebar anymore. But i personally like that. Gives the scourge more room to provide utility while you can still dish out damage with your weapon skills. I have been running [this build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAr/YnE9Cl9iV9CW3As9iFjBTvtOXzrR/sAwBgaJEFqVA-jBiHQBBZ5BCq8jeq/UrHAAAOJAObHANqEkc6FIFwiKrA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAr/YnE9Cl9iV9CW3As9iFjBTvtOXzrR/sAwBgaJEFqVA-jBiHQBBZ5BCq8jeq/UrHAAAOJAObHANqEkc6FIFwiKrA-e"), maybe you might like that. (yes bleed duration is way over extended. But given scourge does a lot of other condi's too. I wanted to max out base duration). Be careful about your own and shades positioning tho. Given you have a scepter you can stay mid range to give yourself some breathing room. With barrier as an defensive mechanic you should have no issues playing scourge. You can also take a staff in addition for some extra condi cleanse and cc. (consider Soul Marks trait in Soul Reaping line if you do)


As far as getting kicked goes. I never had trouble running with pugs. They may not always perform nicely (skilled/smooth), but getting kicked rarely happens. I guess that is just your own unfortunate luck.

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> @"silent killer.5732" said:

> > @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > I did lots of t4 with scourge and it looks fine to me, you just need to learn how to play because scourge can survive in t4 easily


> Can you share your build please


I use a slightly modified version of the build that qt had on their site. Granted, that is a pure glass build, and I typically have a chrono and druid with me. A lot of it was just getting used to being like other classes, when they don't socket defensive utilites or traits.

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I do agree Scourge is more reliant on heals and since your main burst is melee it's kind of a problem, but it should still be getting enough DPS if you're using condi and have to know the fractals well. If you still have problems with Scourge it's probably better to use chillomancer Reaper. That thing is unkillable.

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> @zealex.9410 said:

> > @"silent killer.5732" said:

> > I want one of the devolopers to play as scourge in high fractals and tell me how you will survive without the death shroud we used to have as reaper and with the recent nerf you gave us by the cds you increase

> > And if we didn't spam the sand shades fs to save some for f5 barrior other players will kick us for low dps and if we spam all we can do is 10 or 20 sec of using for the life force before we run out of it.

> >

> > I swear to god they kick if you don't spam

> > ( dont anyone say its bull5hit because its real)

> >

> >

> >

> > Arenanet tell us whats your plan for the necro and when you will stop kitten this class?

> >

> > I believe we all pay equally

> > We all bought all of your stories and expansions

> > We all buy the outfits and finishers we are playing this game just like other player's classes

> >

> > So treat us fair and do something about us being able to play in higher fractals.

> >

> > Dont say anything about the reaper tho because we already know he is unwelcome spac


> How do eles survive?


Down state's in our rotation.

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I really need someone to record his run as scourge

Because its not as easy as you'll said


We need to generate with only few life force generate skills and weapon's bottoms


And if i have to burst i have to be in melee rang which is the opposite of being the aoe support Class they create .


Yea there is a lot of mistakes i did before i write this threat but now i find a lot of experience scourges and i learned a lot from them and the same problem didint solved

We need more life force generate and one power aoe damage if we been honest


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> @"Rising Dusk.2408" said:

> Bring Corrosive Poison Cloud over Shadow Fiend. Nearly everything in Fractals is neutered by Weakness, and the projectile management enables you to solo entire encounters (seriously). If you run this alongside Parasitic Contagion you basically can't die unless you jump off a cliff or something.


Bring both and drop BiP for Desicate and you shouldn't need epi because of shades anyway.

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> @"silent killer.5732" said:

> I really need someone to record his run as scourge

> Because its not as easy as you'll said


> We need to generate with only few life force generate skills and weapon's bottoms


> And if i have to burst i have to be in melee rang which is the opposite of being the aoe support Class they create .


> Yea there is a lot of mistakes i did before i write this threat but now i find a lot of experience scourges and i learned a lot from them and the same problem didint solved

> We need more life force generate and one power aoe damage if we been honest




Here's a video of a condi scourge soloing MAMA in 99 challenge.

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> @UnbentMars.9126 said:

> > @"silent killer.5732" said:

> > I really need someone to record his run as scourge

> > Because its not as easy as you'll said

> >

> > We need to generate with only few life force generate skills and weapon's bottoms

> >

> > And if i have to burst i have to be in melee rang which is the opposite of being the aoe support Class they create .

> >

> > Yea there is a lot of mistakes i did before i write this threat but now i find a lot of experience scourges and i learned a lot from them and the same problem didint solved

> > We need more life force generate and one power aoe damage if we been honest

> >




> Here's a video of a condi scourge soloing MAMA in 99 challenge.


I'm sure MAMA can still be soloed by Scourge or anything else, but is this not from before the bugfix? Back then OP could have taken parasitic contagion instead of the scepter trait from the build in that video, and facetank MAMA himself with dagger+shroud 5. I'm curious how longer that video would be nowadays.

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> @maxwelgm.4315 said:

> > @UnbentMars.9126 said:

> > > @"silent killer.5732" said:

> > > I really need someone to record his run as scourge

> > > Because its not as easy as you'll said

> > >

> > > We need to generate with only few life force generate skills and weapon's bottoms

> > >

> > > And if i have to burst i have to be in melee rang which is the opposite of being the aoe support Class they create .

> > >

> > > Yea there is a lot of mistakes i did before i write this threat but now i find a lot of experience scourges and i learned a lot from them and the same problem didint solved

> > > We need more life force generate and one power aoe damage if we been honest

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> > Here's a video of a condi scourge soloing MAMA in 99 challenge.


> I'm sure MAMA can still be soloed by Scourge or anything else, but is this not from before the bugfix? Back then OP could have taken parasitic contagion instead of the scepter trait from the build in that video, and facetank MAMA himself with dagger+shroud 5. I'm curious how longer that video would be nowadays.


it is indeed

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> @UnbentMars.9126 said:

> > @"silent killer.5732" said:

> > I really need someone to record his run as scourge

> > Because its not as easy as you'll said

> >

> > We need to generate with only few life force generate skills and weapon's bottoms

> >

> > And if i have to burst i have to be in melee rang which is the opposite of being the aoe support Class they create .

> >

> > Yea there is a lot of mistakes i did before i write this threat but now i find a lot of experience scourges and i learned a lot from them and the same problem didint solved

> > We need more life force generate and one power aoe damage if we been honest

> >




> Here's a video of a condi scourge soloing MAMA in 99 challenge.


I saw that video on YouTube and i asked the guy to upload up to date version of it and i still waiting him to respond


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> @"silent killer.5732" said:

> > @UnbentMars.9126 said:

> > > @"silent killer.5732" said:

> > > I really need someone to record his run as scourge

> > > Because its not as easy as you'll said

> > >

> > > We need to generate with only few life force generate skills and weapon's bottoms

> > >

> > > And if i have to burst i have to be in melee rang which is the opposite of being the aoe support Class they create .

> > >

> > > Yea there is a lot of mistakes i did before i write this threat but now i find a lot of experience scourges and i learned a lot from them and the same problem didint solved

> > > We need more life force generate and one power aoe damage if we been honest

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> > Here's a video of a condi scourge soloing MAMA in 99 challenge.


> I saw that video on YouTube and i asked the guy to upload up to date version of it and i still waiting him to respond



The only difference between pre and post bug fix is how long this would take since that bug fix only affected sand shade damage output. It had no overall effect on Scourge ability in high level fractals except for pure damage output.

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>silent killer.5732" said:

> I saw that video on YouTube and i asked the guy to upload up to date version of it and i still waiting him to respond


Keep in mind that the video wont proof you anything. There are different tactics used in soloing contents and doing it with groups. Even tho doing it with groups is easier, you have a higher chance of getting downed by social awkwardness instability. However given you use scepter as an scourge, you can remain midranged which gives you some more breathing room. Meaning you can also play more aggressively / offensively (more damage).

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“I always played support”

“I was ‘forced’ to play glass DPS, because meta”

“I die more now and fail fractals more now”


First, meta builds assume meta support. In this case, your team should start with Chrono, PS Warrior, and Druid. If you don’t have all three running meta builds and rotations, you’re going to have a bad time. In GW2, the boon meta carries whatever DPS they choose to bring along.


Second, you’re absolutely right in thinking that both your contribution and overall team quality is worse for the change. Scourge isn’t a pure DPS spec. It offers support and DPS. By ignoring the support, you hurt your potential contribution. GW2 loves support. You’ll succeed more often as a full support team than as a meta team in fractals, but you will be a little slower. I’d rather win consistently than save a minute or two on whatever successful attempts I have, but YMMV.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> Drop malicious scepter, select parasitic contagion trait with the minion heal, and you're virtually immortal unless you eat one shot mechanics.


> You're gaining about 1k health or more per second just by grabbing parasitic contagion and the healing minion if you want the training wheels.


> Otherwise you can just use the healing minion and still be fine since unlike the other necro specs, no shroud is stopping the minion from healing you up.


Completely agree with this. This is what I do in PUGs to keep myself alive. Yes it is a personal DPS drop, but it keeps me alive and sometimes even carrying the group through certain fractal sections.

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The cPS warrior can be replaced by a scourge btw. It's a damage loss in short fights, but we were still at permanent 25 might between my frost spirit might pulses plus quickdraw warhorn 5 and the scourge's might stacks+ mesmer signet.


Granted the problem is cPS and all burning centric condi specs are far superior for fractals than other condi specs because burning is an OP condition that lets condi warrior and guardian to burst just like any power spec while the other condi specs have ramp up.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> The cPS warrior can be replaced by a scourge btw. It's a damage loss in short fights, but we were still at permanent 25 might between my frost spirit might pulses plus quickdraw warhorn 5 and the scourge's might stacks+ mesmer signet.


> Granted the problem is cPS and all burning centric condi specs are far superior for fractals than other condi specs because burning is an OP condition that lets condi warrior and guardian to burst just like any power spec while the other condi specs have ramp up.


You also lose 2 Banners + empower allies which are just too much on 4 Players.

Prefer reaper over scourge in fractals but anything played well can carry a pug and scourge is still quite tanky compared to weaver.

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> @Nephalem.8921 said:

> > @Zenith.7301 said:

> > The cPS warrior can be replaced by a scourge btw. It's a damage loss in short fights, but we were still at permanent 25 might between my frost spirit might pulses plus quickdraw warhorn 5 and the scourge's might stacks+ mesmer signet.

> >

> > Granted the problem is cPS and all burning centric condi specs are far superior for fractals than other condi specs because burning is an OP condition that lets condi warrior and guardian to burst just like any power spec while the other condi specs have ramp up.


> You also lose 2 Banners + empower allies which are just too much on 4 Players.

> Prefer reaper over scourge in fractals but anything played well can carry a pug and scourge is still quite tanky compared to weaver.


It's not that much. We cleared 99+100 cm in 27 minutes. For a PuG, that is not bad at all. They wanted to kick the scourge because of no cPS warrior and the guardian and I told them to waste less time kicking a scourge and then waiting on LFG than just going in without a cPS. We were done with 100+99 cm's+T4 in less than 40 minutes as a pug.

You really only need the chrono, and for cm's of course a healer is fine but it's still doable without one. For the rest you'll be more than fine as long as you can stack might and you got a chrono.

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> @UnbentMars.9126 said:

> > @"silent killer.5732" said:

> > > @UnbentMars.9126 said:

> > > > @"silent killer.5732" said:

> > > > I really need someone to record his run as scourge

> > > > Because its not as easy as you'll said

> > > >

> > > > We need to generate with only few life force generate skills and weapon's bottoms

> > > >

> > > > And if i have to burst i have to be in melee rang which is the opposite of being the aoe support Class they create .

> > > >

> > > > Yea there is a lot of mistakes i did before i write this threat but now i find a lot of experience scourges and i learned a lot from them and the same problem didint solved

> > > > We need more life force generate and one power aoe damage if we been honest

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Here's a video of a condi scourge soloing MAMA in 99 challenge.

> >

> > I saw that video on YouTube and i asked the guy to upload up to date version of it and i still waiting him to respond

> >


> The only difference between pre and post bug fix is how long this would take since that bug fix only affected sand shade damage output. It had no overall effect on Scourge ability in high level fractals except for pure damage output.


Parasitic contagion...


you nerf our dmg you nerf our selfsustain.....

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hmm. i main necro and engi, aka now scourge and holosmith ;x but take out my engi infusions to switch to chrono for CM.

and scourge > reaper in every way, especially in higher tiers and CM with aoe condi cleanse, and grant barriers to allies. the only thing i'm missing is my GS pull. now i can't position mobs the way i wanted anymore.


you don't need to spam anything. it's wrong to play a profession and have a mindset spamming is winning.

your desert shroud f5 gives you a huge barrier just like when you enter shroud in reaper. and if you want extra protection, there's f3. while f2 is an aoe condi cleanse every 4s.

i was gonna run double torch cuz it actually has about the same dps with dagger, with a much easier time counting the cd. but as a condi scourge, i run scepter/torch, and the other set is warhorn instead, for cc. since most pugs lack cc. it's better to equip more cc rather than wait for luck. your f4 is also another hard cc.


i see you mention kicking. i'm not sure what the reasons. they may kick you if your dps is real low, or you spam everything and can't stay alive. i don't know, i try not to assume cuz it's not constructive at all. let me know what's wrong and i'll try to help out.

scourge needed a nerf, we all know this since they came out very OP and highly condi oriented elite spec. despite the nerf, it's still in a good spot. regarding to the meta, they just want to wait it out till the balance patch before spending golds and time into testing different build sets and what not. i understand them completely since it costs a lot to do it on your own. 50g ish could fly out the windows just for 2 mins testing, i don't think i'd do that again. lol.

and on my scourge, i could easily out dps weavers and tempests. you don't have anything that could easily cancel-cast like eles. if they accidentally cancel cast their skills, it's a huge dps drop for them. and if they run the meta build, they're even squishier than before and have a hard time keep up their rune bonus without a healer. necro base health is already double what of their ele friend. still not sure what was your case, need to elaborate more pls.


i'd say look at your traits, they may need some tweaking and changing for more dps. take it i run on my wvw gears with antitoxin runes, and already trade off a lot of power and condi damage for more survivability, so totally off meta there. i just don't have the heart to build another condi set just for fractals. lol.

power scourge is just having a hard time in pvp and wvw compare to condi scourge. they're harder to play and don't leave much room for mistakes. but they're very fun.


use your class mechanics to your advantage and watch out for important animations so you could dodge instead of eating unnecessary attacks.

thieves, they have dodges and evades, mesmers have clones to body block, eles can switch to water attunement for heal, or earth for a lil more defense, etc. you got fear, soft cc all over the place to slow down mobs before they even get to you. it shouldn't be hard to stay alive, even without a real shroud.

hence a lot of people tried to barge on a reaper (before the expac) and roll on the class for easy mode. they put a bad rep for necros in general. but what can i say? i'm just another one in the pool. there's no such thing about the class, it's just the players who play it.

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I don't understand why play the weakest condi and power in fractals or raids. I don't understand why people use scourge in power favor bosses like in 99 and 100 CMs.

I don't understand why anet are so silent about necros in general and let that imbalance happen. Why they let weaver be the strongest in power and condi builds.....

people paid for this game to enjoy their class. how come 1 class is half of the damage of another. competitive don't recommend any builds anymore since it became a garbage class and have no good damage nor support build of any kind. barriers don't do anything useful in PvE.

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> @Deadvillager.1956 said:

> i didnt know barrier was reduced by agony


That part, needs to be addressed. There should be zero reason for it to be reduced by agony. It's not direct healing so it should never be hit with the -healing reduction. Doing that would go a long, long way for fixing barrier. Same for poison since im going to guess the interaction is the same.

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