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Bring back Edge of the Mists exp!

Rahzel Hollowheart.7142

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6 years ago I used to play a lot of Guild Wars 2 and had to stop due to moving and playing another games with the friends that played GW2 with me back then. But back then, a few days before I had to first quit the game, I had discovered WvW and I used to play a lot of Edge of the Mists to get the hang of it before I moved into actual WvW maps. I was amazed that you could level alts while zerging for objectives on a PvP map, and that made me fall in love with the game.


Well, last week I got back into the game and to relearn the game mechanics I've started an Elementalist. So I've got into 6x and I was avid to go into EotM to level it and prepare myself for true WvW matches, which I saw in a lot of videos and made me itch for play GW2 again, only to discover that EotM is empty and there are no zergs running. So I did my research reading the forums and then I found out that exp by objectives in EotM has been removed, only leaving the WExp.


Now, I understand that leveling is fairly easy and basically everything you do in this game levels you. But for some players, leveling in the Mists is way more appealing than doing map completion and PvE. And I feel that this option was taken out with no apparent reason. Is it possible to bring Edge of the Mists leveling back again? It's a way for newer players (like me, since I am basically a new player since I'm discovering all the nice features of this game again) to get into this game mode without bothering the more hardcore WvW players and hindering their matches completely. But since EotM is basically dead, players who want to get into WvW have to wait like way longer until they're properly equipped and have to get to a guild willing to educate them into the game mode.

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First up, your english is fine and even better than alot of people's posting here.


Secondly, I'd say the reason WXP was taken away from EotM at the time was that EotM then had grown more valuable than the standard WvW game mode and that represented a number of problems. The EotM map was (and still is) widely regarded as poor and that had created a rather odd situation where players and groups who were looking to PvP were avoiding the map while it got populated with players who were happy just running in circles and backcapping objectives. That's also what made it so valuable: objectives were traded cooperatively rather than competetively.


It underlined an important problem with it being more personally valuable to play WvW in unintended ways than intended ways. As such, at the time, taking the rewards away made sense. Since then a number of other rewards have been introduced that makes EotM less of a problem.


So, today some things really can and should be done with EotM. However, EotM still has that underlying problem with a map that isn't conducive to WvW (or PvP) gameplay and I'm not sure if the developer should spend time to re-enable playergroups who mostly only enjoy that map/submode for the reason that other players do not play there and let them play in unintended ways alone. So while I agree that something should really be done with EotM and rewards could be reintroduced, I think it is important to underline that said "something" is not necessarily to re-enable the PvE musical chairs that existed in EotM after all the PvP left the map and gave those players more levels, gold and WXP than those fighting in the standard mode.


There was a recent discussion on these forums where people discussed changes in relation to the forever delayed Alliance project. In that thread I responded to a guy named Trevor and suggested that they could use EotM and its systems more as a development sandbox ground where they could play around with reintroducing some rewards but also try to find more overlap with standard WvW by reskinning it to EBG maps etc.


So, again, depending on what you're asking for I either agree with you or disagree with you. They should do something with EotM and that can include letting players who play there use it as the overflow it is intended as and to keep their personal rewards ticking, but that shouldn't be recreating a PvE context that is a haven from PvP and more rewarding than the PvP. It should rather use the map and system as a testing bed to try out things for future improvements to the mode and let players use it better as an overflow/lobby. EotM the system still has alot to give, EotM the map and farm, not so much.

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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> First up, your english is fine and even better than alot of people's posting here.


> Secondly, I'd say the reason WXP was taken away from EotM at the time was that EotM then had grown more valuable than the standard WvW game mode and that represented a number of problems. The EotM map was (and still is) widely regarded as poor and that had created a rather odd situation where players and groups who were looking to PvP were avoiding the map while it got populated with players who were happy just running in circles and backcapping objectives. That's also what made it so valuable: objectives were traded cooperatively rather than competetively.


> It underlined an important problem with it being more personally valuable to play WvW in unintended ways than intended ways. As such, at the time, taking the rewards away made sense. Since then a number of other rewards have been introduced that makes EotM less of a problem.


> So, today some things really can and should be done with EotM. However, EotM still has that underlying problem with a map that isn't conducive to WvW (or PvP) gameplay and I'm not sure if the developer should spend time to re-enable playergroups who mostly only enjoy that map/submode for the reason that other players do not play there and let them play in unintended ways alone. So while I agree that something should really be done with EotM and rewards could be reintroduced, I think it is important to underline that said "something" is not necessarily to re-enable the PvE musical chairs that existed in EotM after all the PvP left the map and gave those players more levels, gold and WXP than those fighting in the standard mode.


> There was a recent discussion on these forums where people discussed changes in relation to the forever delayed Alliance project. In that thread I responded to a guy named Trevor and suggested that they could use EotM and its systems more as a development sandbox ground where they could play around with reintroducing some rewards but also try to find more overlap with standard WvW by reskinning it to EBG maps etc.


> So, again, depending on what you're asking for I either agree with you or disagree with you. They should do something with EotM and that can include letting players who play there use it as the overflow it is intended as and to keep their personal rewards ticking, but that shouldn't be recreating a PvE context that is a haven from PvP and more rewarding than the PvP. It should rather use the map and system as a testing bed to try out things for future improvements to the mode and let players use it better as an overflow/lobby. EotM the system still has alot to give, EotM the map and farm, not so much.


I agree with you, after reading your post. SInce I'm coming back from a long-time hiatus, I still have a lot of catching up to do on what has been changed on the game.


I agree that EotM should be just an overflow map for EBG, and the REAL WvW should be played on EBG, but now for players like myself and the newer players, which could be willing to learn how to WvW, we're left without a 'training grounds' for it.


As such, after I get my toon leveled, what would you think it would be a good starting point on learning how to WvW? MetaBattle - ok, I already follow it for meta builds (played another MMO on where I was a guild leader and I understand the tradeoffs that have to be made in order to have a best shot on winning), but should I find a guild that's willing to teach? Is there material on strats and objectives I should read? Are there friendly pugs on EBG willing to take on new WvW blood? Those questions need answers, because I won't keep invested on a game just to play PvE - as good as it is. I have HoT, but I didn't buy PoF yet and I'm a bit scared to do so, because one of the things that was really fun for me back on when I was playing constantly was EotM, but since it's dead, I'm a bit worried on investing on the game again.

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> @"Rahzel Hollowheart.7142" said:

> As such, after I get my toon leveled, what would you think it would be a good starting point on learning how to WvW? /.../ Is there material on strats and objectives I should read? Are there friendly pugs on EBG willing to take on new WvW blood? Those questions need answers, because I won't keep invested on a game just to play PvE - as good as it is. I have HoT, but I didn't buy PoF yet and I'm a bit scared to do so, because one of the things that was really fun for me back on when I was playing constantly was EotM, but since it's dead, I'm a bit worried on investing on the game again.


The starting point is just to play, join pickup groups if you want to or a guild if you want that. If anyone gives you grief for being new (or new-old) even though you are trying to be useful, that is on them and not you, ignore them, ignore chats etc. Show interest in learning and admit that you are looking to learn, most people are still helpful. The rest depends a bit on your server and how healthy its community still is, these days that is going to vary quite heftily. Join your server's Discord or TS if they have one, they likely do. If your server has a healthy community, finding nice and helpful pickups (including server-community guilds to join) and/or guilds is going to be easier and if your server is battling to stay alive, during these trying times of delayed Alliances and general neglect, it may be more difficult to find healthy and positive experiences.


I wouldn't recommend giving ArenaNet your money these days, that decision is up to you, but moving to a more healthy server could be an option - just look out for the fact that if you transfer to a link server you will put yourself into a situation where you then may have to keep moving every 2 months or so. At the same time, community and friendship is A and O in a game like this, so it isn't really worth playing it if you are on a server that has no community left or has devolved into a negative community. There will be less content then and more animosity that isn't worth your time anyway. Thus, transfering may be an option even if it comes with taxation. Once you have levelled up, geared up with acc-bound items and get enough extra tomes or gold you can always transfer with gold-conversion or by banking items, deleting characters and instantly releveling with your stock of tomes.


I spent quite alot of time on an alt account that only had HoT. If you are willing to adapt and play the margins there are ways to make it work decently enough. For example, you could main Engineer, play Scrapper, travel by rotating superspeed on yourself or by flipping traits for eg., swiftness on kits and run speed runes. Once you connect with a group Anet have finally added a buff to the mount that lets players without mount gain the mount's speed (without the leaps though). So something like Scrapper works decently enough on HoT alone and fits into the meta that most groups will take in and appreciate. So with HoT you will have fewer options but you still have options and things may not be ideal but they are functional or can be made to work okay.


If you find that you enjoy the game enough you can always invest more into it later. Happy travels.



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> @"Rahzel Hollowheart.7142" said:

> On that regard, what do you think that are the healthiest servers? I play on Anvil Rock nowadays


I am on AR, and it's a solid server, population isn't the best however and a heavy bias to NA prime time. If you play that, you should have ZERO issue finding a zerg to run with in WvW, they use discord often etc as well. Another point for AR is that a number of the more skill oriented commanders run tagless, over time you will learn who they are and be able to target them and follow.


I don't get to play all that often anymore due to work, however if you want to add me in game I can show you around WvW so you don't feel so lost.


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