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World Linking 9/25/2020

Cal Cohen.2358

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> also special shoutout to the current guilds on the Millers+AM matchup... i hope we get u again in a matchup with a link , for this keepcamping our 20 ppl groups with full blobsize of 40-60 hell.


> @"Leaa.2943" the steam release is announced for november tho, there is still october inbetween?


> most of deso population was lost acutally way earlier, but we been also unlinked 1-2month after that happend. that was when we lost pretty precisely 100 guild players, since like 4-5 guilds left.

> lately we had not much more, one more guild gone due to the bad situation of the population "lately" (some months ago).


> recently we lose one more guild with ~15 ppl, roamerguild but at least one big killcount amongst those.


> @"Jilora.9524" just don't comment if u have no clue. desolation has kinda fake full status. in no world we are really full. we had even with a link always like 2000 population less than the servers we could wreck. about all the servers of the last matchups, we had neither ppt nor best kd/r. besides, we have been unlinked yet one time this kitten year.

> so there is absolutely no reason to unlink us. we don't even have big nightcrews, like 20-25 people across the maps at 2am~


> then this absurd millers s***server runs with freaking 40-50 man blobs during this same time, the 3rd day in a row now.


> even at prime we have at best one queue, with about 30q stand. which is nothing, and those 30 ppl are also nowhere to find funnily then. its likely the newbies who see a queue and just queue up for fun. if it was players, they'd just group up on another map, that doesn't happen tho. kinda expect that many just are from servers that got farmed by overstack desolation in the last years before the big exodus, and then mass joined up whenever it got open. bc it never was open for long, and we never noticed many new players. which is kinda bad sign.


> @"aspirine.6852" that just does not work alike. WSR can use the system to just transfar back whenever they feel like, unless they been are unlinked. and even then, they could just transfer all to FR+RoF etc... the problem is the system.


It's not a perfect system, but it seems to be abused by one group of people from one server. So much so that this is match manipulation. So what would you suggest Anet would do, because they should do something about this asap.

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> It's not a perfect system, but it seems to be abused by one group of people from one server. So much so that this is match manipulation. So what would you suggest Anet would do, because they should do something about this asap.


It's not just one set of players though, is it?

Stop villainising one group without mentioning the rest.


Two links ago we had the FSP and UW bandwagon. Both went full.

Last link, Dzago went to Millers. Both went full.

This link, FoW went from very high to medium and RoS went medium to very high.


These are classic 'bandwagons', yet the only thing people talk about is WSR...



The linking system is flawed because players can do whatever they want with it. There is nothing stopping us since the day it was implemented.

Maybe we should stop blaming each other and look back to ANET and ask what they are doing to address this issue?

We clearly aren't getting alliances anytime soon, so alternative methods need to be explored.


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@"Jilora.9524" pre-first: learn to read and get your propaganda elsewhere.


first, that was one some people who said that. highbrought, obviously. and everyone who said it later than ~1 year ago, was just silly. we were basically unable to stay unlinked then. it would have worked while we had all guilds. this old Desolation doesn't exist anymore anyways. the guilds and players have migrated, some years ago, to for example: WSR, SFR, GH, Piken and some probably just stopped playing or joined smaller servers. so your crybaby argumentation of "deso deservers it" is kinda going onto 10% of original players, the rest moved.


we are - as tons of time stated - full because 90% of leftover population is kittens that camp on with their rangers and thiefs 16 hours a day somewhere, where u never see them. the cannot 1v1 3v3. 3v2 or even 5v3 often, and are fully useless in any larger scale, nor even there.


or explain me, how can we have a queue, but not even 50 people on a tag? map caps should be far more. just those 20ish ppl are nowhere to be found. ok 5 afk spawn 5 do some unnecessary roaming fails, 2-3 are small green dots that die from fighting a moa on their kitten ranger, still over 10 missing.

monday prime our main groups was about 40 people. and we had only one zerg, while millers had two blobs of 50-60 or even more, plus roamers on the other maps (otherwise our kittens there would have flipped stuff i guess)


this MIMIMI full thing is kinda crappy, since the system is just flawed in so many cases.


the old bandwagon thing wasn't our fault, since people constantly bandwagoned to our link acutally, the main server stayed mostly full.


besides, notsure how the k/d counts work, but after gw2mists our top 11 players have summed up like 14-15k of our 17k overall kills, and surely barely any of the 20k deaths lol. my own is 1090kills this week and if even 40-50 deaths, likely way less (notsure how i can track my deaths)


@"phreeak.1023" @"Helicity.3416" actually that's not that rare, people are known to use micros and potentially worse. nobody can blame on server about that, tons of people across the servers use that.

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> @"Jilora.9524" pre-first: learn to read and get your propaganda elsewhere.

> first, that was one some people who said that. highbrought, obviously. and everyone who said it later than ~1 year ago, was just silly. we were basically unable to stay unlinked then. it would have worked while we had all guilds.


> we are - as tons of time stated - full because 90% of leftover population is kittens that camp on with their rangers and thiefs 16 hours a day somewhere, where u never see them. the cannot 1v1 3v3. 3v2 or even 5v3 often, and are fully useless in any larger scale, nor even there.


> or explain me, how can we have a queue, but not even 50 people on a tag? map caps should be far more. just those 20ish ppl are nowhere to be found. ok 5 afk spawn 5 do some unnecessary roaming fails, 2-3 are small green dots that die from fighting a moa on their kitten ranger, still over 10 missing.

> monday prime our main groups was about 40 people. and we had only one zerg, while millers had two blobs of 50-60 or even more, plus roamers on the other maps (otherwise our kittens there would have flipped stuff i guess)


> this MIMIMI full thing is kinda crappy, since the system is just flawed in so many cases.


> the old bandwagon thing wasn't our fault, since people constantly bandwagoned to our link acutally, the main server stayed mostly full.


> @"phreeak.1023" @"Helicity.3416" actually that's not that rare, people are known to use micros and potentially worse. nobody can blame on server about that, tons of people across the servers use that.


What are you talking about? WSR had always had blobs left and right on every bloody map!

Hold up are you telling me that in 2 months if you end up in T5 you will PPT your way out of it?

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the only way to leave t5 is to ppt your way out of it or to transfer. WSR would probably have managed to do that anyways.


idk why u address me here, i'm not from WSR. maybe rather blame Anet for positioning WSR with a not trashy server like SFR and having it open, plus additionally putting WSR-guilds into t5 - which is kinda the hardest to get out (same as t1 is the easiest to stay)


this just is another proof of how bad the linking and tier system is. since anet wants Wvw supercasual, they should just randomize matchups etc far more and wildly switch links through. or full unlink, would be probs better.


no idea what they tried to fix with links, but it's a fail.


edit: @ last post, concerning "what Desolation 2020 is"

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> @"Cal Cohen.2358" said:

> Here are the worlds for EU:


Here are the changes in server population calculation from yesterday that (kind of) show the transfers since relink of the EU worlds.


> * Aurora Glade (EN), Ruins of Surmia (EN)

(unchanged), (medium-> very high)


> * Baruch Bay (SP)



> * Desolation (EN)



> * Drakkar Lake (DE), Fissure of Woe (EN)

(unchanged), (very high -> medium)


> * Elona Reach (DE), Underworld (EN)

(unchanged), (unchanged)


> * Far Shiverpeaks (EN), Vabbi (EN)

(unchanged), (medium -> high)


> * Fort Ranik (FR), Ring of Fire (EN)

(full -> medium), (unchanged)


> * Gandara (EN)



> * Gunnar's Hold (EN), Kodash (DE)

(unchanged), (medium -> high)


> * Jade Sea (FR), Arborstone (FR)

(unchanged), (unchanged)


> * Miller's Sound (DE), Abaddon's Mouth (DE)

(unchanged), (high -> very high)


> * Piken Square (EN), Blacktide (EN)

(unchanged), (unchanged)


> * Riverside (DE), Dzagonur (DE)

(unchanged), (unchanged)


> * Seafarer's Rest (EN), Whiteside Ridge (EN)

(unchanged), (medium -> full)


> * Vizunah Square (FR), Augury Rock (FR)

(unchanged), (unchanged)



So, the biggest winners of players would be Whiteside Ridge (medium -> full) followed by Ruins of Surmia (medium -> very high).

And the biggest loosers of players would be Fort Ranik (full -> medium) followed by Fissure of Woe (very high -> medium).


And some surprise: The unlinked Desolation has not changed its population status yet.


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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> @"Jilora.9524" pre-first: learn to read and get your propaganda elsewhere.


> first, that was one some people who said that. highbrought, obviously. and everyone who said it later than ~1 year ago, was just silly. we were basically unable to stay unlinked then. it would have worked while we had all guilds. this old Desolation doesn't exist anymore anyways. the guilds and players have migrated, some years ago, to for example: WSR, SFR, GH, Piken and some probably just stopped playing or joined smaller servers. so your crybaby argumentation of "deso deservers it" is kinda going onto 10% of original players, the rest moved.


> we are - as tons of time stated - full because 90% of leftover population is kittens that camp on with their rangers and thiefs 16 hours a day somewhere, where u never see them. the cannot 1v1 3v3. 3v2 or even 5v3 often, and are fully useless in any larger scale, nor even there.


> or explain me, how can we have a queue, but not even 50 people on a tag? map caps should be far more. just those 20ish ppl are nowhere to be found. ok 5 afk spawn 5 do some unnecessary roaming fails, 2-3 are small green dots that die from fighting a moa on their kitten ranger, still over 10 missing.

> monday prime our main groups was about 40 people. and we had only one zerg, while millers had two blobs of 50-60 or even more, plus roamers on the other maps (otherwise our kittens there would have flipped stuff i guess)


> this MIMIMI full thing is kinda crappy, since the system is just flawed in so many cases.


> the old bandwagon thing wasn't our fault, since people constantly bandwagoned to our link acutally, the main server stayed mostly full.


> besides, notsure how the k/d counts work, but after gw2mists our top 11 players have summed up like 14-15k of our 17k overall kills, and surely barely any of the 20k deaths lol. my own is 1090kills this week and if even 40-50 deaths, likely way less (notsure how i can track my deaths)


> @"phreeak.1023" @"Helicity.3416" actually that's not that rare, people are known to use micros and potentially worse. nobody can blame on server about that, tons of people across the servers use that.


I can't explain to you why players don't always follow the tag. I can't explain why some players take a camp every 10 min and that's it. I can't explain when players sit and rep smc walls all night. I can explain the simple anet full threshold system.

It is total play hours. If you top 2 in play hours you get no link. BB always gets no link but stays VH because only Spanish server

There is no difference in value to the rep of smc all night and the commander who takes 50 objectives and kills 1000 opponents.

You can't use we aren't full because you don't know what every player is doing or if they sit afk at spawn take a camp rinse repeat. We all got those.

I know the link bandwagon wasn't your fault but now they go elsewhere even when you get a link.

K/d adds ws unless they got that lil outnumbered buff then you get zero so if your 50 roll over 20 all night sure your personal k/d looks great but you aren't helping overall.

I'm not even saying deso deserves it. Like what are you talking about. You act like you are VH but anet just to eff w you disregards the system and goes lets keep them full. Worst they do that and give you no link. That's some conspiracy level delusion. Why was wsr and Dzag not linked or Jade sea before or Piken when they littered these forums w we arent full. Does anet chose out of a hat? Like come on.

Total play hours. Simple.

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ok last post about this bc u don't get it Jilora...

i don't play real night hours, latest till 2am. often it makes no sense earlier there bc we have not more than 25 at that point left. we're in this matchup surely the last possible server that has the option to gank. it's just beeing effective in zergfights, there is no other way to get high kill counts.


also read what u wrote before? and several people wrote yet that we know the population system, and that it is undeniably not working. maybe yes, maybe we have a billion of players logging in at 5am and playing till 2-3pm... but our normal prime time as EU server should and was usually 7pm-11pm~ +/-2


even linked, we had the last two links rarely to never the bigger numbers, we just wiped them more effectively. the overall quite good battle system makes that possible. just the linking system is garbage. Arenanet DOES know that, otherwise they'd have never made the attempt to create the, meanwhile a running gag, Alliance System.


for reasons they still talk about "world restructuring", just all that happened in like 2-3 years has been some wall changing and some less important class balancing.


like the problem has always been to equality of server population, yet they refuse to reform that and rather work on the anyways not broken issue?


so tl;dr: the population system = not working


and if u'd be stuck without a link or on a server which recently got a transfered out 1,5 blobsize group, you'd be realizing that too. u cannot blame a trashy system on the players, you're just making a fool out of yourself for trying that.

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> @"Vardy.3592" said:

> > @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > It's not a perfect system, but it seems to be abused by one group of people from one server. So much so that this is match manipulation. So what would you suggest Anet would do, because they should do something about this asap.


> It's not just one set of players though, is it?

> Stop villainising one group without mentioning the rest.


> Two links ago we had the FSP and UW bandwagon. Both went full.

> Last link, Dzago went to Millers. Both went full.

> This link, FoW went from very high to medium and RoS went medium to very high.


> These are classic 'bandwagons', yet the only thing people talk about is WSR...



> The linking system is flawed because players can do whatever they want with it. There is nothing stopping us since the day it was implemented.

> Maybe we should stop blaming each other and look back to ANET and ask what they are doing to address this issue?

> We clearly aren't getting alliances anytime soon, so alternative methods need to be explored.


I am not villainising wsr, not hating them either. I follow Bez's stream all the time and he is probably one of my favs in WvW streaming.

But you know yourself why people see/notice the WSR players movement more than other servers...


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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> ok last post about this bc u don't get it Jilora...

> i don't play real night hours, latest till 2am. often it makes no sense earlier there bc we have not more than 25 at that point left. we're in this matchup surely the last possible server that has the option to gank. it's just beeing effective in zergfights, there is no other way to get high kill counts.


> also read what u wrote before? and several people wrote yet that we know the population system, and that it is undeniably not working. maybe yes, maybe we have a billion of players logging in at 5am and playing till 2-3pm... but our normal prime time as EU server should and was usually 7pm-11pm~ +/-2


> even linked, we had the last two links rarely to never the bigger numbers, we just wiped them more effectively. the overall quite good battle system makes that possible. just the linking system is garbage. Arenanet DOES know that, otherwise they'd have never made the attempt to create the, meanwhile a running gag, Alliance System.


> for reasons they still talk about "world restructuring", just all that happened in like 2-3 years has been some wall changing and some less important class balancing.


> like the problem has always been to equality of server population, yet they refuse to reform that and rather work on the anyways not broken issue?


> so tl;dr: the population system = not working


> and if u'd be stuck without a link or on a server which recently got a transfered out 1,5 blobsize group, you'd be realizing that too. u cannot blame a trashy system on the players, you're just making a fool out of yourself for trying that.


There's a difference between saying the population system is not working or has flaws then just saying we aren't full because reasons that make no sense like the 30 standing que don't group up or they get killed at camps or aren't on tag. You were the one making the fool of yourself when it's just add up play hours. You pass a certain amount and you are full.

Could they improve the system and adjust what counts as hours instead of letting some pack hours on a server doing the bare minimum sure. But until then Deso is full no matter how loud you scream and insult me and not listen or learn.

Watch next week if you stay in t5 how you absolutely destroy 2 servers with a link and get back to me how you aren't full.

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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> Dear ANet, i have a question.

> How, how the hell it is possible that you set unlinked servers such as deso or gandara as full? In 2020. HOW?

> People are leaving this game in massive numbers, especially when it comes to sPvP and WvW, and youre clearly not helping. What is this kitten quarantine? Theres no freaking way that those servers are full, and you keep doing same kitten over and over, basing on your stupid statistics you close server, unlink it, and leave for god knows how long to let it possibly die. Great idea, 10/10, would play this clownshow again.


> You want me to go there and code this system by myself? Lack of people or competency? Maybe both?



Full was supposed to be used as an incentive for guilds to move to smaller servers, because there is very limited recruiting on a full server. So in this case, full actually means full, how it was originally intended. Where if they have a server link, full actually means (pssst hey, you could also pay 500 gems and get in the back door for 2 months). The system is just broken, and they have acknowledged that. That's why they're working on alliances. The problem is that they are just taking way too long, and people keep taking advantage of the back door, and the game bleeds players.

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> @"FalconRN.6219" said:

> at least ET has some players and guild, and what about kng ? they have 50 players at most and 2 or 3 small guilds, i really don't know how the hell kng is veryhigh, but lets continue, this link between YB and kng is a joke, just look our activit this week, it is the worst of all servers we are even worse in activit then SoS that run a ghost timezone like ocx/sea.


Yeah, it's bad this week. I'm not seeing much of a shot to do much of anything this cycle (until Dragonbrand falls back down to the basement, as is tradition).

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > @"phreeak.1023" said:

> > seems Aurora Glade (EN), Ruins of Surmia (EN) is a great Combo. From what i heared, they are using bugs/exploits to cap towers and keeps on the red border all the time ^^


> What happen there? xD its weekend tho.. so the activity might slow down during weekdays. A few fow fighter guilds moved to RoS.. and they are nice people btw.


Maybe they are nice. Doesn't change the fact that some people on this link using exploits to flip a complete t3 red border im no time.

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we have apparently ppters early and during the day - during the week, where normally people in our timezone are supposed to work, idk what is going on there. no idea who those are or why they don't listen to stop the ppt crap. also our night-opentag (starts now at 2100-2200ish due to lack of real leads) often do the same crap. leading their 20-30 pug parties, mostly filled with complete newbies and half ranger/thiefs, into their doom, for hours.


funny that millers link even got a migration towards them. they're still really weak in fights. we had a 35~ ppl group during prime today and got at least 100 kills per hour, only few wipes... against guild groups. still, com tagged down like 21:30 and everything's dead. home border lost straight t3 bay, 30min later SM t3 ebg gone, because u cannot bring more then 15 people anywhere without having a tag up, it seems.


we probs also got some pve casuals in, who just farm for their acchievement stuff... nobody says anything against newbies, but if it makes the majority of server it gets problematic.


desolation was shown constantly as "full", but after gw2mists we have 2in - 7out, however that worked. one of the last old roamer guilds acutally moved on tuesday from the server, notsure about their numbers but should have been more than 7.

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by the way, can anyone explain this support message? (it was another player from our server asking btw, he shared anets answer in discord)

![](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/748259182066663544/761283500375801896/GM_Message.png?width=1442&height=407 "")


anet support apparently writes "a full designation requires players on the server NOT TO BE ACTIVE"... so fake-fullness is acutally a thing?

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Lol to sending tickets about a full server when the support tends to struggle and give wrong info about everything and then use that one ticket as some kind of proof. It does make no sense the only thing is it might take a few weeks to adjust if say a guild of 20 decides to take a break to try and fool the system so they don't remove their hours when they are inactive right away. But yeah that GM response doesn't help anyone figure anything out. Just causes more confusion

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the question is, did support mess up or did they make another ninja change. so get your lols back in your pocket of unfunniness. on not trashy links you feel this not at all, but the system is in dire need of a workover.


you're on the lucky end, but apparently not capable of understanding the issue, so your opinion is of no use here. therefore, please just stop responding if u have nothing to say, i sadly cannot find a block button here.

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> the question is, did support mess up or did they make another ninja change. so get your lols back in your pocket of unfunniness. on not trashy links you feel this not at all, but the system is in dire need of a workover.


> you're on the lucky end, but apparently not capable of understanding the issue, so your opinion is of no use here. therefore, please just stop responding if u have nothing to say, i sadly cannot find a block button here.


You make up this issue tho with nothing but a guess. There is no block button. It is a forum. If you post something random anyone can respond esp if it is baseless guesses.

Total play hours. Add um up pass a certain threshold you are full.

I'm full too and usually we get a weak link and get crushed and are outnumbered in prime as well but I'm not on here with the we aren't full and except for Gandara none of the other 19 fulls are either.

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And Wvw stats were late this week and that's is the only possible way to look. Is it accurate idk but your hours are about the same as Piken with a link. You out hour Gandara by quite a bit and crush Fr and rof combined.

I just don't know what more info you need so you get it instead of saying others don't

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I have 3 requests, you stated that servers would not be linked according to their languages, but that has not changed, why not remove all naming conventions, and just allow people of all languages to play on the servers of their choice, people will find their own niche, and their own guilds, you dont have to have some elitist thinking their language and ideas are superior, especially when you see the same patterns that have been entrenched from the beginning.

The linking was a temporary solution, and if you look at any guild on any server, the number of inactive players, is 7 or 8 times higher than active players, lost to other games out their, imo, linking has destroyed the game, as the number of server hopping players changes the stats for that MU, so it is not a fair system, just unlink, or link permanently, .

Last request is to make downed state permanent, it adds to the game, and gives the defending side a better chance, especially the lower tier servers.

(so far since December, our server has lost 7 Guilds, not in tier 1, but unlinked for this round) If you are serious about the future of the game, please look at the WvW community, they have really good ideas that are both practical, and will save a game that needs an overhaul sooner than later, it's been too long without any meaningful changes to the WvW structure, otherwise it seems to be following gigo principles, and not beneficial to both parties, the loss of players is real.

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