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The World Summit Challenge Mote

Delita Silverburg.8632

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I decided to go do some old achieves and I have 2 questions regarding this one.


First, why do i have to go through all the dialog a billion times if I make even one little mistake. They added instance points for newer content, but didn't go back and do it for Season 2? A shame to me.

Second, can anyone explain why i can't damage the mordrem pods at all? They are invulnerable to damage and the dragon isn't up long enough to dps down to any sort of phase past 75% then he heals himself back to full life. I don't understand what I am supposed to do to complete this achieve.

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> @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

> I decided to go do some old achieves and I have 2 questions regarding this one.


> First, why do i have to go through all the dialog a billion times if I make even one little mistake. They added instance points for newer content, but didn't go back and do it for Season 2? A shame to me.


Anet design choice at the time and I don’t think it’s necessarily easy to go in and add checkpoints after the fact. Anet also tends to not touch old content.


> Second, can anyone explain why i can't damage the mordrem pods at all? They are invulnerable to damage and the dragon isn't up long enough to dps down to any sort of phase past 75% then he heals himself back to full life. I don't understand what I am supposed to do to complete this achieve.


I think you’re suppose to get hit by the attacks of the pods, break free, and then you can destroy them. I haven’t done that instance since like 2014 so I could not remember something or Anet did something to make it bug out.

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Well where i understand it's a shame aenet didn't ptu checkpoint, it's really boring to do everythign again and it's really long.


But honestly it's easy to do, i did all the achievement as a weaver, like the most carpet class of the game with the less survivability and is in melee all the achiviement in two try.


And that only because i forget to put on the challenge mote in the first time, overwise it's will be in one try.


They should probably do it, but they wouln't as it's don't give any money to spend time fixing a thing that can only be done one time by people that do the achivement and haven't go it yet care.

Shame but it's really a minor thing honestly.

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