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Daily Rewards - [suggestion]

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I like to suggest that

1) 2 gold be given for each individual Daily reward track completed by player(s)

2) Daily Reward track for WvW to be changed to any 3 activities.


2 gold completing any 3 WvW daily reward track

2 gold completing any 3 PvP daily reward track

2 gold completing any 3 PvE daily reward track


thank you.

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Personally I like the current system. I can complete the daily by mixing-and-matching. For example, 2 WvW and 1 PvE. Some days one or two of the activities in a reward track are not very appealing.


Also, I think 6 gold per day from dailies is quite a lot, no? Maybe add an achievement (Daily Doer, etc.) with gives an additional 3 gold for completing ALL daily activities beyond the current daily 3 activity system, making it possible for a max of 5 gold per day from "dailies". It probably wouldn't be very popular because people don't like all of the game modes, but it may incentivize people to dabble in other modes. It also isn't a huge money making thing, you could just as likely make 3 gold doing something else, so it doesn't give a huge disadvantage to players that hate PvP, PvE or whatever.

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> @"firedragon.8953" said:

> Personally I like the current system. I can complete the daily by mixing-and-matching. For example, 2 WvW and 1 PvE. Some days one or two of the activities in a reward track are not very appealing.


> Also, I think 6 gold per day from dailies is quite a lot, no? Maybe add an achievement (Daily Doer, etc.) with gives an additional 3 gold for completing ALL daily activities beyond the current daily 3 activity system, making it possible for a max of 5 gold per day from "dailies". It probably wouldn't be very popular because people don't like all of the game modes, but it may incentivize people to dabble in other modes. It also isn't a huge money making thing, you could just as likely make 3 gold doing something else, so it doesn't give a huge disadvantage to players that hate PvP, PvE or whatever.


I agree with all of this. I really like being able to mix-and-match dailies from different game modes so I can pick the ones I prefer. Sometimes if I'm doing a lot of WvW that day I'll get 3 WvW dailies without going out of my way to do them, but sometimes we don't happen to hit the right objectives, and if I want to finish off the daily achievements it's nice to be able to pick an easy PvE daily for the 3rd one. Or on days when I don't have much time but still want to do them I'll literally pick whichever are the fastest of the 3. If I had to stick to only WvW or only PvE dailies (I never do PvP) I'd be much less likely to do them at all.


I also agree that 6 gold total is too much just from daily achievements. The point of the current system was to try to ensure that players didn't feel pressured to spend too much time on dailies - it's something quick to get you started and then you can move on to other goals. If you want to do more than 3 they already give individual rewards.

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Definitely agree that 6 gold is too much. It would also create the same issue legendary weapons have where people resent having to spend time in a gamemode they don't like. Some people would be fine with playing three gamemodes ot maximize their daily rewards but a lot of people wouldn't be happy that they're "forced" into modes they don't like because they miss out on rewards if they don't. 2g-4g on their own aren't much both over the span of a month that would be ~60g-120g. Over a year: ~720g-1440g. Just from doing all the dailies.


What we have now puts all players on equal footing and lets them choose which dailies they want. Sure you miss out on the chest rewards of the ones you don't do, but if you have limited time or zero interest in a gamemode, that's not a big deal and you'll still get the maximum amount of gold and AP anyway.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> I would like to see the end of PVER's coming to WvW to kill the veteran warg for their daily... so I agree with the OP, the daily's should be separated.


I first came to WvW as a PvEer to get my Warclaw. Then I started to come back to do simple dailies like Land Claimer. Depending on which time I joined, I could pop in to the map and slowly learned more about WvW by joining a random blob or trying to take out a camp with another player since I was already there, I found out I like WvW and sometimes go just to have fun now. But basically the dailies were the extra nudge to make me come back and inadvertently learn more about WvW. I doubt I am the only player like this. I think this is good for WvW, since without PvEers caring a bit about WvW...well things will probably just keep going they have been for the last few years.


Anyway, I like that we have more choices. More choices usually means more fun for more people. If you don't like PvEers coming to WvW to get the veteran, make their life harder then. You get fights, and they don't see it as an "easy" daily. lol

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I had a similar experience with WvW. I spent the first year telling myself maybe I'd try it one day, but never actually doing it because it seemed complicated and I don't normally enjoy PvP. Then the first Season started and they introduced the mini dolyak, so I went in purely to do the bare minimum necessary to get that one reward and then leave again.


By the end of the season I'd actually learned a lot about how WvW works and how to play it and it became something I do regularly. Arguably I still don't like the PvP aspect: I get far more of a sense of achievement from running with a small group where the first the enemy knows about us being there is when their keep is flipped, than being part of a huge zerg steamrolling everything in the map. If I find myself on one of those maps where everyone is just running in circles killing each other and ignoring the objectives I'll leave. But when people are actually fighting over the objectives it can be fun.


Without that mini I might still be telling myself maybe one day I'll see what WvW is about but it's probably not my thing. I imagine it's the same with lots of other people and the warclaw, dailies and other benefits which appeal to people who don't currently play WvW.


(Also, don't forget no matter why someone starts playing WvW they can't instantly know how it works and what to do - everyone has to learn somehow. If WvW players want more people to play that game mode they have to accept that means more newbies who don't know what to do and maybe fixate on simple objectives because it's something they know how to do.)

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> @"firedragon.8953" said:

> Personally I like the current system. I can complete the daily by mixing-and-matching. For example, 2 WvW and 1 PvE. Some days one or two of the activities in a reward track are not very appealing.


> Also, I think 6 gold per day from dailies is quite a lot, no? Maybe add an achievement (Daily Doer, etc.) with gives an additional 3 gold for completing ALL daily activities beyond the current daily 3 activity system, making it possible for a max of 5 gold per day from "dailies". It probably wouldn't be very popular because people don't like all of the game modes, but it may incentivize people to dabble in other modes. It also isn't a huge money making thing, you could just as likely make 3 gold doing something else, so it doesn't give a huge disadvantage to players that hate PvP, PvE or whatever.


I'm pretty sure they aren't going to give extra incentives to do all the dailies each day. One factor in their moving to the current system of any three mix/match was that some players felt compelled to grind out every daily without fail, though back then it was due to trying to maintain standing on the leaderboards. ANet decided this wasn't healthy for the players or the game, iirc, and deliberately *removed* any benefit from doing more than three in a day beyond the small-value bonus items each daily gives. They moved the bigger rewards to just logging in, capped AP at 15K max from dailies/monthlies combined, and have kept it that way for all the years since.

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